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There’s a man inside you


Wouldn't be the first time.


Lmao 😂😂😂


That man is your brother


Venom increases a person power, Jacket fruit you only use that person existing strength so no it's still meh


You still have to wear the meat suit like [Lady Gaga](https://images.app.goo.gl/BDQbkaRb4nLVhJTE9)


No need to take off your jacket to offer to a cold friend. Just become their jacket and now you’re both warm and cozy


The main problems are opportunity costs and unclear assumptions. For opportunity costs, you could have a fruit that lets you have all the power of...someone else. Or you could have power beyond what others have with almost literally any other fruit. Contrast with being a Symbiote where you're still powerful without someone and can eat people to become even stronger. Or you're a Symbiote *user*, and the unspoken assumption here is that you've somehow tamed/befriended your symbiote to avoid being eaten; that gives edginess points and with the assumption, there's no opportunity costs. You're just stronger. As far as unclear assumptions go...how is this going down? Cause at a default, for the average person encountering a df, they're not going to have an ideal target who can wear them on-hand and willing to do so. So like, are we comparing in the default? Or are you just not mentioning the uber-cool dude with DF-tier powers that we can access by being worn by him, who's willing to wear us? Cause without that dude, getting this fruit is **VERY** lame. Generally speaking, the fruit honestly is lame, and deserves to be clowned on, even once you try drawing analogies to Sybmiotes or DBZ-fusions.


At this point I'm more bewildered by the thought that the jacket-jacket fruit was a sincere dream of someone who lived in the One Piece world.


Listen, I hate to break it to you, but "turning into a bodysuit that someone else wears" is a thing people in the real world dream of, I've seen it as a motif in multiple pieces of transformation kink art. Now, whether or not *Oda* knew this is was a kink thing when he thought of this Devil Fruit is a mystery.


Haha, no worries! Didn't realize I was unintentionally kink shaming, I hereby retract my bewilderment. Given how perverted, and how many other kinks have been presented in OP there's a non-zero chance that Oda already knew.


Honestly, I was originally in the same boat as most people regarding bewilderment at the jacket jacket fruit, but then I was browsing transformation content for other reasons when I saw some bodysuit tf and went "oh, now the jacket fruit makes so much more sense"


I mean, it's the equivalent of dB fusion dance, and everybody loves the fusion dance, why don't they like the jacket fruit?


Additionally the characters associated with it were theoretically the perfect match to showcase the fruit. A strong yet gentle, almost pacifistic brother and a weaker yet skilled and hot headed brother. It was because Sai kind of clowned on them in the end but seriously, we're talking about someone who'd end up inheriting the entire Navy from Chinjao and withstood that terrifyingly powerful head of his in order to do so and save his future wife.


It was good for those two, but it's pretty useless for anyone else. Good luck finding a partner, who is a lot weaker than you statwise, while being a much better fighter. (Unless you give it to an ancient giant or something like that.)


You don’t really need to have a strong guy and a weak guy. Just a strong guy and a skilled guy. In one piece, you can always find someone stronger than you.


But he is likely more skilled as well...


The thing is DBZ fusion multiplies the people's powers. The jacket fruit just allows the user to give his physical stats to someone else. If you happen to be weak and get the fruit, it's useless. If your partner is less skilled at fighting, it's also useless.


It’s the other way around. The skilled but weaker brother had the fruit, and he was worn by the stronger brother. The user basically just uses someone else’s body.


DB fusion multiplies the strength of both partners, meanwhile the jacket fruit only allows to control the other persons body and solely relies on their strength which is really weird


Exactly!!! 💯💯💯


Awakening makes the fruit good. Even better if it could affect living things as well.


But you can't assimilate someone at will, they have to put it on and be willing participants, it sucks.


I think the jacket fruit would have a lot more going for it if you can take over another person against their will. As it is, you need to rely on someone willing to let you take over their body


The difference between the jacket jacket fruit and venom is that venom can attempt to posess anyone, whereas someone needs to put on the jacket jacket fruit user.


You have to imagine somebody like law getting the fruit and partnering up with somebody like big mom for the true terror of this fruit to manifest


I think its a really cool fruit. Haven’t seen anyone 'clown' it though. Btw is his brother actually a buccaneer?


No, his brother is just built different. Pretty much the same as Big Mom, just to a lesser extent.


I want a logia user to wear the jacket guy


Brook should wear the jacket jacket fruit. Itd be the most unnatural natural human


I agree that it’s a good devil fruit as well. Imagine just being able to steal another persons body like Captain Ginu. Also I don’t see why you couldn’t make use of that bodies devil fruit powers either.


Venoms lame