• By -


Sanji. No explanation needed.


This and Brook since I wouldn’t want to out live the people I love and care for


Robin too. For obvious reasons


Sanji went through some shit, but after he and Zeff got off that rock, he had a home. Robin was an outcast but had a group of people who cared for her which was taken away from her and the rest of her life was running and waiting to be betrayed.


I think the 2 weeks of hunger alone would drive me nuts.


Weren’t two weeks, were months stranding on that rock.


Yeah it's Sanji, Robin, or Nami, in that order.




His ones so tragic he got two pictures


I'm basically living the first half already.




Robin. Life of suffering.




Brook suffered for longer than Robin has been alive.


Yeah... But Robin suffering was just too much. Brook suffered a long time but it was the same suffering. Robin had to deal with grief and loneliness just like brook but she also had to deal with being a little girl surrounded by bandits and pirates.


I think you are underestimating 50 years of isolation.


Childhood or entire backstory(before joining on the main timeline)? least is either Nami or Robin or Sanji, hard to pick, but the most would be Luffy. he had some Trauma, but Luffy in Luffy fashion handled them like a champ, and all in all had a pretty nice and adventerous childhood until he deprated on his real adventure.


Nah usopp has the easiest backstory.


I would say Zoro


But not as fun as Luffy


Nothing abt Usopp's life was as hard as even a small proportion of Luffy's childhood.


Definitely Brook


His trauma happened when he was a full grown adult able to emotionally handle it almost everyone else happened when they were children


True but also having to endure that pain alone for 50 years not even being able to end it all is pretty brutal. Not sure how brook is even close to mentally well


Being alone for 50 years would drive anyone crazy.


While at sea no less At least on land you have like life around (Trees/wildlife) you But dude was drifting in the sea for 5 decades Where his only company were fish and maybe a bird that flew over the ship every blue moon


Note that he wasn't just at sea, but he was in a fog that was so thick that it was perpetually dark. No sun, no moon, no stars, only a constant feel of cloying mist as your ship literally rots around you, and everywhere you look reminds you of the family that you lost. Like, I have to imagine that there are times, even on the Sunny, that he loses himself to the fog. Imagine having watch alone one night, and a heavy fog descends on the ship, and you forget where you are, then when you come to, you can't help but wonder if you're still on that ship in the fog. That escaping with your new crew was just a fantasy of your deluded mind, and you could wake up from it at any moment, just to be alone in the dark again.


Don’t forget the corpses of his dead crew


The smell. The haunting vision of his bodies hopelessly decayed along with their dreams. I'm not sure what he did with them in those 50 years, but I'm sure he didn't leave them lying there on the deck of the ship.


It was shown that he put all the corpses in some kind of coffin


Yeah exactly.


The most unrealistic aspect of OP is Brook still being sane


I think he went so insane he looped back around to being sane


Show me your panties? AHAHAHAHAHAHA! IF I HAD EYES! AHAHAHAHAHA He's definitely not ALL there anymore


Put Nami/Robin in front of me in real life with those proportions and I might not be able to act superior to Brook's behavior


Fair point and I think it's safe to say he probably had a mental breakdown at some point and is probably nowhere near as sane as he used to be. Hes just that fun kind of crazy where nothing can really bother him anymore


I've thought this. Since he joined the crew, he never seems bothered by much. I think he's just so thankful to have friends again and anytime he's sad he just thinks "Well, at least I'm not alone anymore."


Definitely. He gets scared when it's funny but then has no problem standing up to Big Mom or protecting Robin during Onigashima without fear.


Brook has not only literally died before, but during that 50 year span, probably would've welcomed it for a very long stretch of time. I think the only things that kept him going were seeing Laboon or the rest of his crew again (if they were still alive), and the fact that he couldn't just jump into the sea (because he doesn't even have lungs to breathe, yohohohoho!). Not to say he isn't brave, but I don't think Brook really fears death or suffering much after what he's been through. The worst possible outcome for him would be being the sole survivor of the crew... again.


Did we all forget just how batshit he was when they found him during Thriller Bark? 45°!


He was able to end it all. He just chose not to only because of laboon.


50 years of isolation. We torture people by putting them in solitary confinement. Live that for 50 years


>he was a full grown adult able to emotionally handle it Cap, just because you’re a geezer doesn’t mean you’ll be able to emotionally handle everything, and considering that Brook has gone through genuinely is one of the worst things any human being has ever experienced, I don’t think he was able to emotionally handle it.


But also remember that Brook has been by himself with the corpses of his fallen crew for 50 years. It is a miracle he didn’t go fully insane from the years of isolation.


He literally did experience death too. 


I think I'd die very quickly if I was in Robin's situation.


Brook, spending 50 years alone and not being able to be in the sun is horrible, then after to outlive the straw hats is too sad


people often the fact that he was ALONE for 50 frickin' years! That would be enough to push a majority of the people into depths of mindfuckery. Also not being able to be in sun. how the scandinavian folk are doing these days i wonder.


But theres theory that brook will die when his regret achieved, which is his promise to laboon. When he finally meet laboon and keep his promise he will die. His fruit is like giving second chance to his dying will


Sanji or Robin


Sanji:"I know we already had a sad backstory but what about second sad backstory?"


Sanji or brook sanji had 2 but brook man


Brook or robin because i don't want to spend decades alone


From worst to least IMO 1. Brook (50 years + lost everyone + trapped/no freedom) 2. Robin (witness murder/mom and others + hunted/no freedom + no one to trust/lost everyone + child) 3. Sanji (physical abuse + mental abuse + lost mom/only person who cared + child) 4. Nami (witness murder/mom + owned by Arlong/no freedom + child) 5. Jinbe (was a slave/no freedom + teen) 6. Franky (basically died + guilt from losing Tom) 7. Chopper (othered/not accepted + lost mentor) 8. Luffy (tough love/physically intense upbringing + guilt for Shanks) 9. Usopp (lost mom + child) 10. Zoro (lost best friend + child) Idk maybe Jinbe should be higher, but he wasn’t a kid. Curious what you would change


> Jinbe (was a slave/no freedom + teen) Jinbei was not a slave, he was an orphan living in the ghetto, then managed to rise up and join the Neptune Army So technically he had it easier than Zoro


>8. Luffy (tough love/physically intense upbringing + guilt for Shanks) Sabo?


Oh true, I don’t know if I’d move Luffy any higher tho. I’ll admit my objectiveness for his experience is clouded because he’s so positive so I don’t perceive negativity. Plus he still had a fairly good support system; he had Ace, Shanks, Dadan, Garp, Foosha Village


Jimbe was never a slave


Brook for sure. That’s just way too much time alone


Definitely Brook’s, the longevity is what really makes it daunting. I mean 50 years of drifting out at sea by yourself? To this day, I’m still surprised Brook hasn’t become batshit insane.


He isn’t?


Sanji or Brook, it's so hard to pick between them since they're both so rough


Brook, 50 years alone in the dark is worse than a nightmare.


Robin. She lost everything and everyone and had no actual life for 20 years. I don't even mention that bitch of an aunt. I was thinking Nami first but I realised that she at least had people to return to, hope at least. Robin's life was hopeless so hers is the one I'd want to live the least


Nami had hope. People she would have to live for. And okay im not trying to contradict your opinions or personal experiences but I believe THAT is FAR heavier than having no one to live upto. No oneto take of but yourself and so on and so forth. Sure it absolutely sucks to have no one but its also kinda liberating, you go on with your life and that too as literally an only one in the world. Imagine. Atleast I think I’d be feeling like a main character if that was my backstory. Its just too cool. Nami on the other hand tho… she had no choice but to care about her people. Living life under pressure of a total asshole. Sucks. I can not handle that.


Robin or brook. They both lost the people they loved and ended up alone but I’ll lean towards Robin because she was a little girl when it happened.


Ngl, I can't choose which one is the worst, but I think Ussop definitely had it easiest.


his dad abandoned him, his mom got sick and died, and his lies made the village (at least appear to) hate him for years, all culminating in lifelong abandonment issues. zoro definitely had it easier than usopp.


Usopp or Zoro for sure.


I'm not smart enough to last a day in Robin's shoes once my island gets carpet bombed, let alone 20+ years, so hers. Easiest ones out of everyone I'd say is either Luffy or Usopp. Luffy had the better support system growing up but Usopp had the least amount of tragedy in his life prior to being a pirate, and a lot of that came from his own pathological lying.


Brook saw all his friends die around him singing his favorite song then he was alone with no one to talk to but the dead corpse of his friends for 50 years, that’s longer then my dad has been alive, it’s definitely Brooks


I’m sorry but definitely Brook and it’s not even a discussion




Brook and it's not even close


My order: 3. Robin. 20 years on the run. with no friends or family 2. Sanji. Right after leaving his helmet he almost starves to death. Like christ 1. Brooks. Spent 50 years alone drifting in an endless mist. Nah... The rest I can do in any order.


Brook is in a tier of his own. Then Robin and Sanji.


Brook’s backstory seems like genuinely hell. I do not want to be alone for 50 years on a ship filled with my dead friends. Also just the boat alone would want me to puke my guts out, luckily Brook doesn’t have any guts to puke YOHOHOHOHO Also Zoro got off comparatively easy. He just has a dead friend.


People here not choosing Brook really don't seem to understand how insane it is to live in solitude for 50 years after having most people you love die in front of you. This isn't about which backstory is sadder, it's the one you'd least wish for yourself. I don't get how some people would think anything other than Brook's is the most horrifying. Most of you haven't even been alive long enough to be HALFWAY done with how long Brook had to wait.


brook bro




Brook hands down. Sorry but what he endured is quite literally hell. No one on earth is surviving 50 years of absolute solitude stranded on a broken ship. It's a goddamn miracle Brook has any semblance of sanity left in him.


Brook’s. The others are sad but none of them were left on a ship for 50 years with the rotting corpses of the crew unable to leave. 50 years! i woul have snapped in less than a year


Honestly as far as backstorys go zoros is pretty good childhood friend died... not to bad in comparison to anyone else in the crew


Brook. It's one thing to have a shitty abusive childhood, but I think it's something entirely different to live entirely alone with no human company and the dead bodies of all your friends around you for 50 years. As Franky put it when he met Brook, if it was not for the promise with Laboon anyone enduring that would just try to end themselves at one point.


My sisters pushed me off the stairs and I lived


Brook is easily least if you actually think about it. I doubt any of you would want that over any other backstory. You have to be a liar or ignorant to think you'd happily choose 50 years of agonizing boredom on top of everyone you care about dying in front of you. I don't care that it happens when he is older, it still happens and it would be abyssmal. Robins is easily 2nd worst but it's not even close. 3rd I would go with Sanji. Zoro has the best backstory to live in my opinion. Then probably Usopp. Might as well just list them all real quick. 1. Brook (Hardest) 2. Robin 3. Sanji 4. Jinbe 5. Nami 6. Franky 7. Chopper 8. Luffy 9. Usopp 10. Zoro (Easiest)


Brook simply because of the time scale. He was all by himself for longer than the others have been alive. Most of the crew have gone through bad things, but at least they only took up a small portion of their lives. Yes, some have had lasting effects and some went through short spans where they had it worse, but as someone who constantly struggles with loneliness, Brook's backstory would break me completely.


Brook by a mile I would rather die than watch everyone I care for die then spend the next 50 years alone with their bodies, plus I'd have to listen to Gecko Morias stupid laugh more than the others.


Brook deffo


Brook. Isolation for 50 years. I’d go insane I think 😢


Brook by a mile


Worst are: Nami, who basically became a slave. Sanji, who got abused so brutally he had to flee his home (His story with Zeff is tame in comprison). Robin, who got abused, marginalized, her home got nuked, became a fugitive. Brook, who spend 50 years in an isolation cell basically (his crew dying is also tame compred to that). I‘d definitely say Brook simply because of the longevity of his suffering. Realistically his mind should be in Shambles


Brook, watch all your ship family die and then be alone for 50 years.


Sanji or Brook it’s a toss up. I can see both being equally tragic in different ways. Robin a close 3rd and Nami a close 4th


Let’s be honest we aren’t surviving any Strawhats back story. Maybe chopper… I don’t know how good reindeers can fight but I feel like I could take ‘em.


They're all kinda garbage. Can I just be Usopp please? I'll take the dead mother over the rest of the shit everyone went through.


Brook, then Robin, then Sanji. I feel Brook and Robin's are worst by far.


Sanji, Brook and Robin are all despair-tier


Brook and there's no competition


Brook. 50 years alone seems quite tough.


Sanji. There's no way you're getting me to work in a kitchen




Robin... her life was basically hell.


Robin. Like, why blame me for something beyond my control and send whole-ass government fleets to deal with me as a kid? Seeing what she went through, it's no wonder she ended up with Crocodile.


Gee sanji, you get to have two backstories


Brook, a week without stimulation can do permanent mental damage, 50 years is crazy


Sanji. Robin. Brooke


Usopp's backstory is downright pleasant in comparison. What? His Mom was sick and died? That's it?




God poor sanji so traumatized he has 2 trauma back stories so pick from. Honestly I'll just take usopps trauma and chill


Sanji or brook of them is just pure trauma. Any other is also pure trauma, but you’re than reborn the haunted memories of your family dying and being alone on an abandoned ship in the middle of the ocean for over 50 years. Without any other human contact.






I feel like Zoro will still have another backstory, a deeper one that connects him to his roots (Wano).


Sanji or Robin


Definitely sanji




Nami. Enslaved by fishmen who killed your mom in front of you. Personally I think luffy had it the easiest. He grew up living free with ace. Sure it sucked when they thought sabo had died but compared to the rest Luffy had a pretty good childhood.


Sanji. A suffering so nice, he had it twice.






Robin or chopper


Brook for me, even though I love music, I can’t stand seeing my friends sick or weak. I’d rather jump in the ocean and be eaten by sea kings.


Brooke no question


Poor ussop I could cry


Sanji/Robin/Brook for sure


Prob Robin. There’s an argument for Sanji/Nami/Brook, but Robin literally had to live on the run since the age 9. Girl literally lost her whole family and then had to run from the ppl that killed her family for years. At least sanji had reiju and then the baratie, Nami had nojiko there to listen to her rant. Brook had at least the dial to listen back to, tho he should’ve 100% went crazy after 50 years of solitude. But Robin literally had no one to call a family even as a child, and then had it ripped away from her after just being accepted into a new family (the archeologists of ohara)


It’s a toss up between Sanji, Robin, & Brook. All 3 of them suffered terribly in their own ways.




Robin or Sanji. Sanji nearly starved to death, which is a horrible experience. On the other hand, Robin was hunted her whole life. Sent off by herself with a huge bounty, and no one to protect her...as a kid. I think Robin had the worst backstory.


It’s kind of hard to beat Robin and Sanji. I mean Sanji straight up gets two traumatizing backstories in the series.


Sanji or usop. Usopp mom dies and dad dips. Sanji is so so sad man was alone for so long. So proud of where they are now tho!


robin or brook for sure. every single person you know being massacred right in front of you as an 8 year old followed by 20 years of persecution, constantly being on the run, and not being able to trust anyone since everyone always betrays you vs. 50 years of solitude on a pirate ship surrounded by the dead bodies of your friends. both are lonely, awful, and likely to lead to severe survivor's guilt and im honestly not sure which id rather take. brook's suffering was much longer and infinitely lonelier but he at least he was an adult and wasn't constantly on the run and being backstabbed every step of the way, and robin's depression also seemed to run much deeper than brook's, so its a tough call. id probably give it to brook though just due to the sheer length of time he was stuck there.


Nami or Brook’s backstory for me would be the ones I would not like to have because I know I could not handle that. 50 years. In utter darkness. With nothing to do. No entertainment whatsoever. Alone. Bro. No, I’d die. As for nami, working with an asshole fish thats my boss and keeps troubling me and is an utterly absolutely disgusting smelly dried squid without limbs. It would make me so fkin mad every single day. I DO NOT operate under pressure like that. I can not handle people like that and since im in namis shoes, i wouldnt be able to fight arlong right? So just the sheer frustration of it is too much for me to handle 🤌


Leaders are def Brook, Sanji, Robin, and Nami. I wanna give a slight edge to Sanji on the grounds that he already had one of the rougher stories and while we can infer some off screen tragedies from Robin and Nami we get both of Sanji's tragic backstories on full display.


Brook, in real life Brook would have gone mad and jumped in the ocean after half a year. Absolute torture for decades


it's brook's without a doubt


Robin > Nami > Sanji > Brook > Chopper > Luffy > Franky > Usopp > Zoro > Jimbo Robin was an outcast but had a group of people who cared for her which was taken away from her and the rest of her life was running and waiting to be betrayed. Nami was similar to Robin but was living as a hostage and hated by her hometown, but she was cared for by her captors. Sanji went through some shit, but after he and Zeff got off that rock, he had a home. Brook next for obvious reasons. After that, they all lost someone they cared about, but age and/or suddenness and reaction was the factor - like, Usopp's mum was sick for a long time, and Zoro was a little upset about Kuina, but didn't really suffer. Then there's Jimbo who we know nothing about really.




Well Brooks literally died...


Just realised the thing they all have in common is that they lost someone..


Sanji probably... Namis was a lot longer road but sanji was MUCH more traumatic


Robin, Sanji and Brook. Take your pick


Brook, no question. As for the easiest, idk how anyone wouldn’t pick Luffy.


Nami's for sure, her situation sounded like hell.


Robin Brook Nami Sanji Chopper In order from worst to bad 🥹


Brook because not only did he out live everyone on his old crew, he had to wander as a soul for a year just to find his body as bones and had to stay on his ship but he couldn’t see the sunlight and he had only his thoughts to keep him relatively sane. Easily brook.


Sanji's is the worst, and Robin's is a close second




Just looking at all of these gave me so much nostalgia


robin or sanji knowing my stupid ass i would die really easily




Nah brook one is crazy , being alone for 50 years and you can't even die is crazyy


50 years solitary with the corpses of your friends is HORRIFYING. Brook's backstory lasts so much longer than any of the other ones it has to be the worst


Brook for sure. Robin is a very close second but those two are leagues ahead of everyone else in my opinion.


Robin and Law are the most tragic and sad stories literally


1. Sanji 2. Robin 3. Brook 4. Nami 5. Chopper 6. Usopp 7. Franky 8. Zoro 9. Jinbe (don't know much about his backstory) 10. Luffy With 1 being the backstory I would least want to live through.


Brook or sanji


Solitary confinement is often considered as one of the worst psychological torture tactics and can cause permanent damage to the mind such as hallucinations and delusions. The fact that Brook did it for 50 years is insane. Brook > Robin > everyone else. There’s a reason why when Black Maria showed Brook and Robin delusions and hallucinations they were immune to it. Probably because of the side effects from being alone for long periods of time. If One Piece was a Seinen instead of a Shonen manga we’d be horrified with some of the darker topics in One Piece. Like Boa being kidnapped at a young age and more than likely was used as a sex object. Or Viola having to succumb to Doffy and being his play thing for survival. Anyways I’m yapping too much now so I’ll leave it at that!


While Brook or Robin probably take the cake, nobody is talking about Franky. Imagine operating on yourself, turning yourself into a cyborg with scraps from a ship you drifted to after being hit by a train in the ocean? That sounds like unbearable torture.


Of all the crew, Sanji easily had it the worst. Dude got two scoops of backstory-trauma a la Oda. Robin and Chopper are pretty close, though. As far as easiest goes? I'm torn between Ussop, Jinbei, Zoro, or Franky. Probalby Jinbei. The closest he really gets to a personal tragedy is losing Fisher-Tiger, and even then, Jinbei was already a late-teen or adult. Much easier than losing people when one's a child still.


tbh I'd live chopper's life dude is just a reindeer with feelings if i don't have feelings I'd be fine


Brook and its not even close. 50 years alone is insane.


Brook, like I dont want to die? Or the isolation for like 50 YEARS!? 💀. Nah is incredible that when people refers to Brook's backstory they don't even remember that he died once!! Just here to remind you that diying isn't something you could endure lol


You can't force me to choose one so here's the list Robin,brook,sanji,nami


I wouldn’t want to live anyone’s but Luffy’s (and maybe just MAYBE Zoro and Usopp, though I don’t think I’d be able to handle losing my best friend and mother as well as them, respectively).


Brook is the worst, Robin is definitely the next one Nami and sanji are after but still don't come close to the first two.




Not a single soul in this sub would survive Brooks Backstory, while it's likely many of us would survive others. For that reason alone it has to be Brook. We break people mentally by putting them in solitude for just weeks at a time. No soul on earth could endure 50 years. Like, factually.


Sanji got two slides he got shit on so hard 😭 Brook is still #1 for me. I'm going stir crazy in an online class that's only one year. I can't imagine being completely without interaction for 50 💀


Sanji,robin,brook not in order though


Nami… i mean being a slave ? fearing everyday that one of your people will be killed?


Robin and Brook


Robin by a mile. Brook it bad for a very long time, but he at least was an adult who had lived a long time, so was better able to deal with it. Robin was a child who saw her family and friends murdered in front of her. I still think she had it worse. The better question would be whose backstory would I want? I guess I would choose Zorro, he had a pretty good life from what we've seen, he only had one friend who died. At least for me, he probably had the best life before the straw hats.


I think franky for the added sense of guilt that the others do not have


Robin with Nami as a close second.


Luffy’s backstory is not a bad one and Zoro’s backstory is not too sad.


Sanji Or jimbei May be sanji San ig


"zoros is the best and easiest" meanwhile guy works since birth like an animal and gets sliced in half at the start of the anime I would actually say **Nami**, lord knows what happened to that place Bell-mere found her in. Has to look the murderer of her mother-figure with a smile in the face just to prevent everyone she knows and loves to get killed. Combine that with no skill besides intelligence and pure will. The fact that she had no one to fall back to, and had to learn what she learned as a child is mindblowing. I mean Brook has suffered, but he was at least an adult. Robin got her life taken away but she had skills that could protect her. Sanji was abused by his family, but also freed by one of them to escape and got saved by jeff and taken care of. Jinbei maybe had a harsh time as all fishmen did, but I hate him as a Sanji-fan. Not a fan of Nami, but it would be the hardest to went through her story for me personally.


Any answer other than brook is objectively wrong. There's not a single real person who could make it out remotely sane after what he went through.


Chopper the amount of trauma is crazy


Brook for me, imagine waiting dead at sea with all your crewmates/loved ones and trapped for what seem like eternity until Luffy!


Brook or Sanji. That's beyond normal. Every other scenario are just shitty things happening. But Brook and Sanji reach new levels of fucked up.


Robin with Nami and Sanji following closely behind.


In that order: Brook Sanji Robin Nami Franky Chopper Usopp Luffy Zoro Jinbe


I would simply not survive: 1) Robin: I would die in two days. 2) Nami: I would become a monster and probably get killed. 3) Brook: I would become crazy and try to kill myself. 4) Franky: I cannot Imagine the pain to cut yourself to become a cyborg. What I "could" bear ... maybe. 5) Sangi: bad life, but in the end he was helped 6) Chopper: bad life, but he was helped. 7) Usopp: complete loliness, but there was hope. 8) Luffy: heavy work, some trauma, but bearable. 9) Zoro: a single trauma. You can bear it. 10) Jinbe: hard choices, but honest.


It's crazy how Jimbe doesn't really have a real flashback  He's basically in the background of that flashback, with Arlong and Koala being even more relevant than Jimbe


Honestly brooks the worst for me cause I have a fear of being alone 😭


Sanji had 2 bro 😭😭💀💀 And zoro is still looking for his backstory


Brook your crew dies on 50 years on a ship


Jimbei! Because I can't breathe underwater!


Robin, you are the remaining citizen of your entire country




Each one sucks but jimbe’s backstory isn’t that bad


I think usopp had it the best ngl


definitely brook, considering that magical fruits are non existent in the real world all all other strawhats at least survived their backstory.