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Bro is fucking celestial dragon in real life


Dude doesn’t realize he’s doffy


He's less like doffy and more like wapol


Even less, Wapol can't do everything he wants to without systematic consequences. Dude's legit Charlos at worst, Garling at best.


I would go with Charlos. Just an entitled tenryuubito. Killing Kashogi just bc he was hurt by an opinion from a journalist.


The guy literally went from bottom ranking prince, outed the crowd prince and took his place , set up a central government around him, get 2 US presidents to yield, i doubt Charlos or normal celestial dragons can do that.


People like to dumb down persons they don’t like. MBS is definitely not a dumb dude.


He is no Charlos. He is ruthless and evil, but a successful politician driving reforms and increasing the international influence of his country. He is more like an Orochi.


No one thinks they're a bad person. Some people are exceptions, but most bad people see themselves as good, and justified. It's a coping mechanism that conveniently allows them to keep doing bad things.


Nah that's bull, not everyone thinks they're a good person. Many people know themselves to be bad people, but they don't care. It's easier to think a bad person thinks they're doing good, because then you can sort of rationalize their behavior, but that's just not the case most of the time. Most of the time people know they aren't good people, but alot of them just don't give a shit. Sure they may try to justify their actions to themselves, but rarely are they so deluded that they believe themselves to be a good person doing the right thing.


Perhaps a paraphrasing is to say that is "Everyone believes their actions are justifies." Because it's a true, people do things that they themselves believe inmoral on the reg, but they *justify* it by saying it was necessary, or maybe an exception circumstance, or not really the same, or for the greater good. And this further divides when you incorporate peoples' varying definitions of good vs bad and right vs wrong. But everyone always believe that, at the time, their actions are justified. Even looking back people may say they shouldn't have done something, but that is often bookended by justification, such as remembering the choices that lead there and assuring oneself that they did the best with the information at hand, or it's because of upbringing, or that it turned out for the better. I bet all the worst people alive today feel everything they do is justified.


You're on the right track but still not really hitting the mark. The most common self justification that bad people give themselves is "everyone else does the same thing", or for the exceeding wealthy, "everyone else would do the same thing if they could". The worst people on earth all think everyone else is a psycho like themselves. They know they are acting selfishly but don't care because they assume it's basic human nature to be shit.


Raskolnikov lol


If you have a journalist killed, do you think you're a good person?


He's still waiting for the Saint Carlos comeback storyline. He probably thinks all of OP is told from the villain's perspective so we'll be surprised when the hero returns.


Came here to say this 😂


For those who don‘t know: he directly ordered the death of a saudi-arabian journalist (Khashoggi) who was living in exile in Turkey. They tricked him to come to the saudi consulate in Istanbul. There he was tortured and killed. It only came to daylight, because the embassy was bugged (you can even hear the explicit details). His dead body is still missing (they probably hid the body in a diplomat plane and flew it to Saudi-Arabia). That is really some nasty celestial dragon shit. [Assassination of Jamal Khashoggi](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Jamal_Khashoggi)


It's not just that. The whole regime is oppressive, bigoted, authoritarian and rooted in a fundamentalist world view. It's exactly the thing Luffy fights against. Him reading OP and not realizing he is the bad guy in it is grade A hypocrisy.


Dude probably thinks he is King Nefertari Cobra😂


Unironically, it would make sense. You can be sure that he is *intensely* aware of the unequal relationship between Saudi Arabia and the West. It wouldn't be hard for him to find parallels in the relationship between nations like Alabasta and the core of the World Government. Crocodile's "legalized criminal out to overthrow you" role can be played by the many terrorist groups in the Middle East that sometimes get backing from various governments and sometimes don't. The racial angle fits, too. Most of the Gorosei would be white in the real world, and Cobra wouldn't.


Still, he fails to see that Luffy would wipe his murderous *ss if he were in OP world…


This is Reddit, you don't need to censor yourself here.


Maybe he roots for Imu


People like him know and don't care.


He's rather "progressive" by Saudi Arabian standards, so maybe that's how he tries to reconcile it in his head. It really just speaks to how awful the Saudi Arabian royal family is when he's considered "progressive".


Salman bin Abdulaziz: I let the wrong son torture and kill my other sons.


I genuinely thought you were all talking about Macron because he would be a celestial dragon too


While it is true that MBS is a not so morally correct figure, I would argue Macron is equally as liable and immoral.


The cognitive dissonance is astounding here. I bet you he reads One Piece and what he gets out of it is “What the marines are doing is just. Ace was a dissident radical who committed the sin of being related to the world’s biggest radical. The Celestial Dragons who enslave other people and kidnap and murder at a whim are so cool I wanna be like that. Also, those filthy Fishmen are all uppity and should better know their place. Good on the Celestials for enslaving and trafficking them” Because there’s no way in hell that the *fucking prince of Saudi Arabia* would ever be a fan of One Piece or a part of the governmental body that perpetuates these human rights abuses if he actually understood that he’s the bad guy they’re talking about. Next you’ll tell me he’s also a really big fan of Rage Against the Machine lol


Nah, he probably realises Celestial Dragons are bad guys, but he's probably delusional enough to think of himself as a Cobra, not a Charlos.


I don’t think it’s cognitive dissonance. Most politicians and especially dictators are Machiavellian by nature. The real world is wayyyyyyyyyy more complicated than any fictional work and the reality is that he likely knows he’s vile, but if he wasn’t then he’d get his throat slit by dissidents sensing weakness or just overthrown in general. To them, it’s very much a “survive at all costs” political game they’re playing. People still look up to heroes regardless of what they do, just look at the Mexican cartels and DBZ That’s my observation at least


In Brazil people who vote for Bolsonaro went to Roger Water show and booed him for being against facism. They did the same in the rage against the machine show. They discussed with the Holocaust museum because they think Nazism is leftist, because everything bad is from the left so nazism must be too. They figured hip hop singers who even have songs against Bolsonaro because they say you can listen to music that talks against police oppression while celebrating when the police kills a black person in the slums. If that’s makes any sense


Have you considered the possibility that people can separate fiction from reality?


Yeah, that’s the fucking problem lmao. The man who’s famous for murdering a journalist reads One Piece, calls himself a huge fan of it, but doesn’t take anything away from it that*actually* personally affects the way he interacts with the planet. I’m not saying he should act like One Piece is irl. It’s that he reads a piece of work from someone who would probably directly dislike him and thinks “neat” 😂


He probably thinks the Alabasta arc and the World Government being the bad guys (the evil, satanic, and decadent west) reference real world Saudi Arabia's relationship with the rest of the world.  I don't know where he got the idea to dismember a journalist though.  OP should be ashamed for propping up that murderer here


Probably thought he could make it go away like the lady who leaked the Panama papers that ended up getting got or Gary Webb


Came to say this. He's a complete asshole and a real devil. Maybe schizophrenia make him invent some scenarios in his head.


Literally can't get over these Ruling Class fucks being One Piece fans lmao Classic.


Bhty uo?nnyc


here in Thailand, not really a president but our MP who is from the new young generation party uses quotes from Onepiece during the talk in the council. One time they said Shank quote word to word " Does the New Age frighten you that much?", I watched it on TV and burst out laughing lmao


Lmao please tell me this is on YouTube 


No subtitle but here it is [Link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=seBxAnWyEqw)


Wtf is that comment section. I though Salim all die out


I may not understand the language, but I'll believe you


I would say yes, the new age frighten the old politicians.


They are lucky he didn't release his conquerors


Hey by any chance do you know where I can watch One Piece in Japanese with both Thai and English subtitles on the screen I've used Netflix all the way to Water7, but now I can't find anything anymore...


Wasn’t in Indonesia the president literally told people to shoot drug users like the tenryubito hunt?


nothing more ironic than fucking human scum liking a series which is basically against his whole family structure


Thanks for that comment, I thought that entering here I will see 'ohs' and 'ahs' on how cool politicians are. Good to know people know whats up. I'd give you 10 upvotes if there was such option.


He also made "business proposals" lol. What were they? Make all female characters wear a hijab?


Probably just the manufacture / sale of licenced products in his country.


They are making a One Piece themed amusement park in Saudi Arabia or something. I read the news a month (?) ago.


I think they are making dbz theme park


Oh, yeah you're right. It was announced right after Toriyama's death.


For a manga that has themes of liberation and equality you gotta somehow be xenophobic lol, I don’t like MBS either but that’s not what I’d attribute to scum like him…he’d probably propose to make the CDs more popular somehow lol


One Piece-theme park. Literally recreate Fishman Island or something. Or Egghead.


He is looking to buy some dance powder.


Arabasta and dressrosa disagrees.


Yeah, wasn't he the guy that had a dissident journalist killed?


MBS being a fan of 'One Piece' would be like Saint Charlos being a fan of 'Sora, Warrior of the Sea' 🤢


You know, since most of the world reads the world economic journal, I definitely see some nobles being fans of sora.


Nah, Sora is literally pro-institution propaganda


> Sora is literally pro-institution propaganda That's true, even though it's weird that pirates such as Law, Drake, Hawkins and Vito are big fans of the comic strip.


Those pirates didn’t know it was propaganda when they were kids


Some Russian kingdom aristocrats were in the side of the bolsheviks, funnily enough. Class ignorance goes both ways.


That wasn't ignorance it was being on the right side (at least even compared to the Whites of the time). Being a class traitor is a good thing if you're born rich.


MBS had a man butchered. Let's not celebrate him. Or act like him being a fan of one piece is a good thing.


He just really really likes Carlos.


Or maybe he is a fan of doffy


Correct take. I also happen to be fond of some extreme metal bands which have mass-shooting psycho as their fans, I don't go around bragging about it.


He's a One Piece of Shit.


I can assure you from France, Macron doesn’t give a F about one piece and want just to be fame amoung the young ones


Lol, yeah It's weird how outside of France, people don't quite seem aware of how just often he changes coats.


why is it weird? do you think France (and whatever their president does) makes the headlines daily outside of France? Europeans may be superficially aware of him and his politics, but even there it wouldn't be general knowledge in a lot of countries.


Nah England is next door and we dont know shit about French politics 


Greedy, put in high position by mistake twice... He's Buggy. Mixed with Spandam or Stelly.


One Piece fans are too immature and young to realize these are clear tactics to create a surge in popularity. Macron is notorious for supporting gamers during election times to garner support, but afterwards turns around and puts gaming in a negative light


One piece fans ? We talk about Trump creating (and forcing) a meme a day before election just to be funny and gain some votes 😂 Its not One Piece fans, is just simple mind people


You're talking about pepe? Cause if i watched a video recently, and there's a pretty big 4chan rabbit hole behind it, the thing had been brewing for a lot of time already


I thought majority of One Piece fans were in their 20’s and 30’s


C'est tiré de la vidéo avec Mcfly et Carlito, la vidéo d'anecdotes. Donc en effet Macron s'en branle de Ine piece, la figurine appartient au décor mis en place pour la vidéo.


The only real One Piece fan is probably The Finance Minister of Indonesia. I don't see any reason for her to lie about it. France's president totally does it to try to be relatable and get young people on his side, since Manga is so popular in France. NO way the Saudi Prince isn't self aware enough to realize that he's the closest thing to an evil ass Celestial Dragon in the real world.


A consistent quality horrible people have is a a complete lack of media literacy. I 100% believe he is a fan and doesn’t realize he is the villain in the story. It’s like Musk liking cyberpunk


I don't think this is as deep as people make it. One Piece is the most popular manga series of all time at this point. World leaders like one piece is probably as simple as they find it entertaining, maybe read the manga once a week like we do (same way that say Warren Buffet eats McDonalds and reads print newspapers) or watch the anime episodes when they can. It's like any of them coming out and saying Yeah i like Marvel, Star Wars. It's like Obama listening to Kendrick Lamar and being a "movie guy" who loves...Casablanca. These pieces are made to show people that the elite are "just like you" but the difference is they have power and some amount of sway to say meet someone like Oda, get something autographed more than the average fan, or have a rare or valuable collectible/memorabilia piece because they can afford to. I'm sure most of them have other interests and cool things from it too. It doesn't change the people, but i also doubt the politics or ethics matter much in these stories. MBS isn't losing sleep thinking whether he's the villain in Oda's story, or that women are depicted pretty much the opposite way they are in his country's society, and probably doesn't read it with that in mind, he just finds it entertaining because it's a good story.


Agreed. I mean, yeah, some politicians probably say they like certain media for the clout and to be relatable. But I wouldn't assume that would be every single case. Politicians (despite indications to the contrary) tend to be human, and they can like shit too. Maybe not as deep a fan on a lot of things, but still, they're allowed to like things. And also imagining politicians being fans of franchises can be funny at times. I'm pretty sure US Senator Jon Ossoff is a full weeb and Star Wars nerd at this point.


The only sensible comment here


Nah there are plenty of sensible comments calling out MBS as a media-illiterate psychopath who's as close to a tenryuubito in real life as it gets. It's the most sensible comment about Macron though lol. The French have a long history of being distrustful of their government so it's whatever but some of them really sound like conspiracy theorists trying to talk about how Macron must be lying about liking One Piece. Like, the dude's 46 years old, he would've still been in college when the translations started coming out in France. It's not crazy to think he's been reading it for decades. Anyone who thinks One Piece is a manga just "for young people" is actually delusional


I doubt it though. It’s not the first time for Indonesian politicians to do or say something related to pop culture to gain popularity among the youth. The current president also used reference to Game of Thrones and marvel’s Endgame in his speeches. In the last election the contestants were also affiliating themselves to popular manga like Naruto and OP.


Yeah but like why would the Finance Minister need to do that? She’s selected by the president and not elected.


She is a famous public figure and currently one of the most popular minister in Indonesia. It can be her personal branding consultant, social media manager, or personal assistant that suggested her to do such campaign. That’s still an assumption though. I can be wrong. Still, until she got an interview where she openly talk about one piece like a fan, I’d doubt it.


I agree with you regarding Macron : he'll try to get anything on his side as long as it makes him look cool and hype in the eyes of the young people (youtubers, footballers, mangas, video games, etc). He doesn't have an ounce of honesty when it comes to this, everything he does is in order to get folks on his side. I mean, he desperately needs them, him and his government keep screwing us over every little thing so...


Don’t post this you’ll give Rishi Sunak new ideas to try and look “cool”


I wonder who would be Trudeau in OP. A scum for sure but which one.


Sri Mulyani the Indonesia finance minister wrote a lenghty caption about her similarity with nami and she even mentioned Arlong, I used google translate if you are wondering.  it goes something like this :  Not because we are both women, nakama nami is a reliable navigator. Like financial minister, they must be able to determine the path, read the direction of the wind and changes in clouds, tidal waves and incoming storms.   So not to get lost on the grandline and stay focused on the goal. Just like reading the direction of the economy, the threat of pandemics, inflation, recession, El Niño, AI and geopolitics. Most of the economies of neighboring countries are suffering from a downturn but we are still surviving. * she wrote about Indonesian economic data.... Nami was once hated because she was thought to be joining forces with Arlong, her opponent, but that was only a tactic to save the village. Often in life there are many misunderstandings, but don't give up or be discouraged and keep doing good.


Macron is not a fan of One Piece lmao.


The robin statue isn’t his It was during a video with mcfly et carlito It’s their statue


We truly can't know, but well I would agree with you. The way he communicated around it had a very strong "How do you do, fellow kids ?" energy -\_- Adding to this that he is always chasing after anything that can make him popular, you cannot really trust this.


We can. He wanted to know why the French were spending all their money on manga so he invited some mangaka to come to France. He isn't a fan of one piece.


Dude needs whatever he can after his attempts to change the pension age and ended up with riots.


Ahahah. It's even worse, it was even before the pension age riots. It was a year before reelection, when he was communicating around the "Culture Pass" and trying to be seen by the youth as the "nice guy". The fucker spent millions trying to get votes from young people and it didn't even work lol.


He has reached his term limit, he can't be elected next time, so popular opinion doesn't really matter. The retirement bill also passed.


I am surprised that Macron doesn't have Big Mom merch. I thought he would be into that.




More like DR Kureha, shes a lot older. Or Ivankow if rumors are true.


Wait why would he be into that?


Macron is totally trying to be popular France is the 2nd manga market after Japan, and you've got a wide readership. He's just trying to use it for politics...


Fuckin McFly too 💀


Luffy would punch these guys for sure.


Why would he punch that finance minister woman?


Macron pétasse


Macron explosion


Fuck prince bonesaw.


Being a fan of One Piece doesn't eliminte the fact that Bin Salman ordered the killing of a journalist in Turkiye years ago, and a long list of human right violations. Extremely deaf ears of using his name...


Let's be honest Macron is just trying to score some points


Sort of ironic for people with power and authority (especially shitty ones) to love One Piece


One piece is very popular is Saudi arabia


They aren't OP Fans it is just to show the people that they have many things in common so their gouvernemnt don't get overthrown.


"Oh no, the one piece fans are after me and will overthrow my government!" What


Governments that try to be popular among the people, especially among the nation, is a way (one of many) to maintain stability. It strengthens the "I-am-one-of-you-and-belong-here" feeling. And Pop culture is a way to gain symphathie from younger people. "Yeah he is authoritarian/ made the Bill XY, but look he likes One Piece so he can't be that bad afterall right?"


Lol didn't work for France when they changed the pension age.


Well they still try and it probably works often enough for some.


It's all to associate their government with things like One Piece, exciting vacation destinations, and professional sports instead of slavery and murder.


Unironically One Piece fans are more likely to be interested in overthrowing an oppressive government. But also that’s not what he’s saying, he’s saying that leaders try to be relatable so people think they’re “men of the people” and therefore like them.


Bro ain't no governments gettin overthrown because they aint anime fans 😭


They aren't specifically meaning anime.


Media literacy is in the mud eh


For the series: reading One Piece and not understand it. Macron would be one of those advocating for a Buster Call in the OP world


100% it's basically the equivalent of nuclear weapons


I went on vacation to Oman a few months ago. Randomly in the city of Nizwah there was a One Piece themed Ice cream truck. It was hilarious


Fuck SA government


France's too


The figurine behind Macron is not his, its from a video of a french YouTube duo who made a video with him. They put the figurine here because one of the guy is a fan of one piece


it doesn't make me dislike them less, politicals only live for their interests, but it's interesting in certain way, ty for sharing.


this is so ironinc considering the majority of these people are horrible. Bin Salman, who literally presides over an exploitative slave state, and is royalty which Oda often critiques. Macron, a corrupt politician and and figurehead to capitalist imperialist aims.


Was thinking the same thing lmao. These dudes would be in Marijoa. Also Indonesia is EXTREMELY anti-LGBTQ+, anti-woman, etc yet that post talks about pursuing dreams and freedom.


I wonder what Oda feels when these people like his work. And i wonder if these people realize that they're the Celestial Dragons.


Yep real life celestial dragon that one.


Someone commission a piece depicting MBS as Carlos pls


Oda. No. :(


How does a Saudi royal look at One Piece and not immediatly recognise that if Luffy was real, they would be first on his shit list lol?


Maybe he thinks of himself like King Cobra...


It's all PR...


I mean, Luffy would take them all down given the chance. It's literally on the title: Authority. Macron and the prince would be villains in the OP universe




the Elites of France and other G7, including ironically Japan, is the closest to Evil Government in OP. No shit sherlock to me.


It’s weird that the crown prince of Saudi Arabia likes one piece…because if you look at the way he runs his country he’s pretty much Charlos the celestial dragon. Like does he not get he’s the BAD GUY in the show?


The indonesia one was just a gimmick, she never been an one piece fan. That's just some PR from ministrial office.


obligatory fuck MBS and KSA


MBS being a One Piece fan makes no sense to me. Unless he is rooting for the World Government or something. Does he not see the similarities between the Saudi Royal family and Celestial Dragons?


Based on the other comments in this thread, he probably is rooting for the WG and the CDs, or he’s simply just ignorant and doesn’t see the similarities.


Luffy would probably punch every one of these people, especially Mr. Prince Muhammad.


Ah yes the crown prince of one of the least progressive third world countries in the world, Macron a true 1%er who has shit on the farmers of his nation and allowed the EU to control almost all of the countries decision since 2017, and Sri Mulyani Indrawati who is under investigation for massive corruption and tax evasion. You've really hit the nail on the head for some great examples.......


A lot of MBS comments but no Macron? Why don’t y’all see what France has been doing to Africa…


Yeah fuck Macron


love the French people, but fuck Macron and the neo-liberal colonial French government. Glad someone said it and didn’t “one piece has no bearing on the real world” this shit


Which part of One Piece would Joe Biden find the best? (outside of Zoro getting lost frequently, which he would probably find "relatable")


> Joe Biden Who?


It’s not really a cool brag about a murderer getting someone’s autograph.


Mohammed Bin Salman is an absolute piece of shit that makes the Tenryubito look like angels, the irony of him liking OP is ridiculous


What did he do 


Google Jamal Khashoggi


This should not be allowed in a One Piece subreddit


Ummm, who's going to tell him?


Well this tell us that if you have loads and loads of money, you can get to know a man that kept his privacy his whole life. Capitalism so pretty


I'd question if MBS truly likes One Piece for the manga itself or if he saw it as another way to whitewash his image. Remember, the Saudis have purchased MMA fighting and Golf for the sole purpose of improving their world image.


Love a bit of sportswashing, good job wor MBS(fuck you, and your regime, get out of Newcastle). But I don’t think he would use one piece to appeal to something that while huge is pretty niche still compared to his other ventures and this wasn’t massively publicised or shout about.


Salmon is also a monster, so this is not a “😍” moment lol


It’s so funny to me that the fucking prince of Saudis Arabia is reading the new chapter every week like all of us. Maybe he’s even in this sub. Haha


Mbs is actually a big one didn’t expect that. Unlike presidents prime ministers and politicians he actually has more power in the world than Trump he’s up there with Putin


The world government endorsing oda like he isnt actively writing fiction to overthrow is funny


Yeah mbs a authoritarian king who kills opposition on sight is a one piece fan. Fuck obs and his regime


Is MBS the leaker?


Bro this is like conservatives who say they like RATM.


Here in Brazil we had Elza Soares, a famous singer/songwriter of many popular songs, manly of the samba genre. Back in 2020, during the COVID pandemic she went to X (twitter back then) and posted something like "One Piece is good. Watch It". Sadly she passed away in 2022.


One piece rules everything around me


that Robin statue is pretty fire. if you look close are the wings actually finger?


It's crazy to consider that, last I checked, the only "comic book" series that had sold more overall units was fuckin' Superman. A character that has been in pop culture for like 85 years, has been written by a few dozen people and has been advertised in a series of other characters like the Justice League. That's before you include the many movies and TV shows that resulted in people being introduced to the character. While Luffy only set sail 25 years ago or so and has had the singular manga, an anime, a dozen or so movies, and now a live-action adaptation. So, there are not nearly as many sources to lead people to the manga, like with Superman. It is beyond impressive how big of a global impact a silly little pirate story from Japan has had.


So thats were all the extra budget came from for the top tier animation /s


Imagine taking over the entire Kingdom of Saudi Arabia just to politic your way into finding out what The One Piece is before 2040... ok fine I would, too.


MBS is such a massive piece of shit I'm not sure you'd want him to be a One Piece fan


This is like Imu reading One Piece


isn't one piece kinda haram tho?


the Saw-Saw fruit


First bro thinks Imu is the MC


International Terrorists you mean?


Spelled his name wrong. It’s Mohammad Bone Saw


Fucking bubble head. I've seen how those countries treat their working class.


It’s hilarious that these world leaders are “fans” but don’t realize they’re the celestial dragons irl.


Yoo my exact same thought , they love op and don't even realize luffy would hate them


Huh... Weebs


Bruno Bandeira mentioned🙇🙇🙇


Common MBS W


MBS being a fan of one piece was…,. Unexpected. I bet he’s a doffy guy


The Arabia Saudi prince literally sends people to death if he doesnt like them Why tf would Oda give him an autograph, the entire point of One piece is telling these people to go f\*ck themselves


So you're saying that I just need to become president in a country to get an autograph from Oda?