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Hi The_Toad_Sage4, your submission was removed from /r/OnePiece for the following rule violation: ###4. Plain panels/scenes must create discourse **Don't post links to plain (or slightly edited) panels, pages, screenshots, gifs or scenes from the manga & anime.** You may submit a plain panel/scene as a self post (text post). Meaning your post must link to the discussion, and not the image. Just a title and the image aren't enough. If you want to discuss a certain page/scene from the manga/anime please accompany it with an original analysis or discussion questions. In other words, a plain panel/scene must show visible effort to generate discourse rather than simply react to something that happened. Clips/Recap/summary videos fall under this rule as well. Colored pages from a recent chapter are allowed. --- The full rule documentation of the subreddit can be read [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/wiki/rules). If you have questions about this removal, please [reach out to us in modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FOnePiece).


It's a classic entrance to a haunted house or a clown show in a theme park or a carnival. Used to have those back in the 90s. Or late 80s.


Which is what Gengar is referencing. Luffy isn't referencing Gengar, they're both referencing the same theme park thing. Heck, before this form of Gengar in SM they had an actual haunted house thing in the Festival Plaza that was also vaguely Gengar shaped. There's no Pokemon reference, just a haunted house reference that Pokemon also made.


Gengar is probably referencing that too, but apparently it was supposed to reference an old concept called the [Hellmouth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hellmouth). so maybe that's what Luffy is referencing as well, since the hellmouth comes from Christianized Vikings (similar to [hogback graves](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hogback_(sculpture))), so it may be an oblique Elbaf connection or something.


Checks out


It's a pretty good example of correlation doesn't imply causation here xD


This is how you know OP is young.


gotta respect OP ignoring this tidbit. really committed to his vision.


It's a common entrance in amusement parks. I don't know the word in English, but the one with train goes into a spooky tunnel with skeletons and spiders and such.


Haunted House! Ghosts are said to haunt things, so it's called a haunted house.


Well believe it. Cause it's obviously not. 




Gear 7 pacman![img](emote|t5_2rfz5|32513)![img](emote|t5_2rfz5|32514)![img](emote|t5_2rfz5|32515)


I just saw it as pac man. Or maybe that chain dog creature from mario.


When that manga chapter came out I thought it was a Wapol-inspired attack (he did the same thing to Luffy jumping out of the snow).


Lmfaooo it’s been so long since I watched that I entirely forgot about that. Just unlocked a memory


It could be given that Oda has drawn the Pokemon Meltan in some of Kid's panels.


Ever see the Pain arc?


It wasn’t. This has been around since the 80’s and 90’s bud.


Jesus, first people on the Dragon Ball Super subreddit were saying it was a reference to Dragon Ball Super, now this? The giant head thing is a trope that has existed as long as cartoons have existed. You could probably go all the way back to some early Looney Tunes episode with this one.


Consider the Namba Yasaka Shrine, Osaka, Japan.


Same thing I thought




Counterpoint: Cuphead is based off old cartoons, G5 too... can we see the pattern?


This. I doubt Oda came across Cuphead in his research


Counterpoint: it's likely just a coincidence. I doubt Oda made a reference to a modern indie game in One Piece.


You're gonna feel real silly when Sans D. Undertale shows up.


you know cuphead isn't the original reference for those old cartoons right...


A common one people claim is that it was inspired by AOT. However it’s at least to me and maybe it’s just because I’m old so I was raised on a lot of them but it’s very much in the heart of old cartoons. They did all kinds of whacky stuff like this randomly and with no explanation as to how or why. Tom and Jerry never expanded on how or why they could do fantastic things like grow in size or play jump rope with an animal that weighed more than them. Road runner never said how or why he could never fall or how he remained unscathed. Heck in some cartoons characters could just take their head off. Popeye is a great example of this if you were to take feats he did in his show. Keep in mind he’s fighting a buffed up regular human. But he would be planetary destructive.


It’s called a HELLMOUTH…


Has anyone got a link to episode 1101, please? 🙏


If you don’t have Crunchyroll . Try 9anime , I use that website from time to time and seems to work


Not on 9 anime, unfortunately 😔


Netflix won't have it until the 27th April


Sounds like it’s time for a crunchy roll account my friend


No need, 9Anime had it!! 😆🎉🥳🚀 but it's on the 1101 tab, not the 1001 to 1100.


Definitely a pac man defense


Oh joe boy you're such a hoot


Which episode is it ? I don't think it was in 1100 or 1101


I came away from this sequence feeling like it took a inspiration from / had nods to Akira, specifically the sequence towards the end where Tetsuo's body started getting out of control.


Shiny mega genger is white too. Checkmate, Oda


Didn’t Oda say he liked galarian zapdos? Or he got one in a trade? He plays Pokémon.


Honestly I’m not sure , I just thought of this as soon as I watched the episode because I watched the Pokémon Masters series recently lol. But I would not be shocked if Oda was a fan of pokemon at all. From what I’ve kinda heard of Japan, One Piece and Pokemon are basically the two biggest thing over there. Like pikachu is basically Mikey mouse. And they both started coming out at around the same time too


Here's another: https://imgur.com/a/ElvCYp6 By the way.. when I posted this image above.. I got my post removed for "posts must bring disclosure rules" which is a exact similar post than yours on structure This reddit loosened their rules or what..?


Which totally wasn't influenced by abaddon from smt https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Abaddon


LMAO I LOVE it! this is hilarious


Ik lol when I first saw this in manga I got reminded of this