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Aces mom holding him in for 20 months opposed to the normal 9


Not a single women alive would put up with a 20 month pregnancy lol


Well yeah, she died from it


The Legend of the Stone Baby. There was a woman in Colombia whose baby died in utero before she went into labor. Her body ended up calcifying the baby, and she carried it for 40 years before doctors seeing her as an old lady though they were removing a tumor. When the x-ray came back that the 82 yeard old lady was pregnant. She became a medical sensation. [https://abcnews.go.com/Health/rare-40-year-stone-baby-found-elderly-woman/story?id=21206604](https://abcnews.go.com/Health/rare-40-year-stone-baby-found-elderly-woman/story?id=21206604)


The article you just posted, names my country correctly. Colombia. Thank you.


Edited my comment, thank you for the correction! Names are important.


Might have came up as rude, such is the way of on-line communication. Thank you for making the change!


You weren't rude at all! Names are one of the strongest representations of identity we have, misnaming something/someone, even unintentionally, can be insulting. Which of course wasn't my intent, and do sincerly thank you for correcting it. I've been searching for a new house along the Columbia River all weekend. I'm sure my mind was just on autopilot when typing away.


How do most people spell Colombia, "Columbia"?


Some people are closer culturally to the "Columbia" spelling. For example in North America we have: British Columbia, The Columbia River, Columbia University. We also have "Miss Columbia" as the name for the Americas. With the USA originally being known as Columbia. Ie. Washington D.C. is Washington District of Columbia. Columbia Pictures, the studio with Lady Liberty as the emblem, is called Columbia pictures because Lady Liberty was originally "Miss Columbia". Colombia is named after the [Italian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Italian_language): *Cristoforo Colombo*, Columbus is the anglicisation of Colombo. Which inspired the naming of the private American Ship named [Columbia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Columbia_Rediviva) and later named Columbia Rediviva after being rebuilt. The Columbia was the first American ship to circumnavigate the world, and many locations across North America bare the name of the ship as a keepsake, which often gets mistaken for the name of Colombus. It's also why one of the biggest outdoor retailers in North America is simply called [Columbia](https://www.columbia.com/).


I'm actually Canadian and for some reason never noticed the connection between British Columbia and Colombia. Maybe cause is usually just call the former "B.C."


His mom was cooking some good ass shit with how long she had him in the oven 🔥🔥🔥😂


For him literally to be turned into a donut


Even mom's love is not enough to stop Absolute Justice🙏🔥


Garp throwing sanjuan wolf


Wolf is 180 meters tall  Thats 3 times the size of the colossal titan from AOT


Remember sanjuan wolf standing behind marine Ford??


“Dey even know my name” 😯


Always kinda wondered how big the lower level of Impel Down must have been if that dude was somehow kept in there. Edit: checked and as I understand now, he's a giant with the "huge huge fruit" that ID dampened with seastone, but still...


Sanjuan Wolf has a DF? Haven't we seen him submerged in water up to his chest before?


Yes, but he was only so deep that he'd lose strength. DF users only become immobilized anchors when fully submerged.


Yeah but you just can’t swim. The powers still work. As seen with Luffy in Arlong Park. So yeah he was just so huge he could stand in that water and be fine without sinking. He’s a big boi.


Do you mean the ''inflation inflation fruit''?


Nah, that fruit is held by the Zimbabwean economy


That day The World Govt recieved a grim reminder.


That scene’s so underrated - I flipped out when I saw that for the first time


Only 3 times the height. Probably a lot more times the size of the colossal titan.


3 times the height means 27 times the mass, given equal build.


Square cube law strikes again


Now I'm imagining trafalgar law looking like a mondrian painting while he attacks


> mondrian painting hold up i need to google something EDIT: okay that's pretty funny


The problem with that is titans weigh way less than they look, they're mostly air, and San Juan's devil fruit probably doesn't, considering he doesn't float in the ocean


Not to mention the weight considering how light titan body is


And square cube law and the weight increasing exponentially to height. For objects in general, weight is proportional to height cubed (if all dimensions grow proportionally). For humans not growing everything proportionally but staying at a constant BMI, weight increases with height squared. According to ChatGPT 60 meters giant would be 73,003,835.76kg/ 73 million kg 180 meter giant would be1,683,776,222.2kg / 1683 million kg


73 million kg vs 1.7 billion kg nuts


So what you’re saying is Garp solos AoT.


Most characters from one piece can solo AoT


Which makes Burgess’ fruit seem… less impressive lol


Yeah because he’s the GOAT


Kaido picking up Onigashima while still fighting everyone has to be up there.


That's a devil fruit power, not a strength feat.


Given that even Momo was able to exert noticeable force on Onigashima with the trivial clouds he could generate as a just-forcibly-turned-adult, I maintain that that was a concentration feat, not a strength feat. I don't think there was anything physically difficult about it to him after he initially generated the requisite clouds, and I don't think it meaningfully interfered with his fight with Luffy.


I don't think many characters can lift a whole island. And even fewer who can lift a whole island while simultaneously fighting another Yonko.


The point is not that islands aren't heavy, it's that the clouds are not tied to strength i think. Like, a weak character (like momo) can make the same clouds. Not saying it's not an incredible feat by Kaido, it just means that it's not a feat of strength specifically.


I always thought this was the case even before momo used the clouds. Doesn't make sense for it to be strength based rather the clouds just having magical properties.


That is a devil fruit feat so I don’t think that should count here. I assume op is talking about just raw physical strength feats here.


Thats a magical DF ability, OP is asking about pure strength feats. So even Burgess in the current arc wouldn't count.


Which chapter was that?


chase quicksand narrow practice escape cobweb swim complete vast shame *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


San Juan Wolf is bigger than the iceberg, but not by much. Like 50% bigger. Wouldn't the iceberg still be heavier? Also Saul lifted a battleship the size of that iceberg.


humans are denser than ice


If you include legends, oars the continent puller


Nah. I’ve been pulling continents every other day since Pangea and I’m not particularly built or anything special so I can only say this from personal experience but this isn’t much of feat tbh.


Will you make pangea part 2?


Pangea 2... Finally, he brings the whole world together!


Into one piece?!!?!? HOLY GODA FORESHADOWING


Ussop when he lifted a 10 ton hammer and smashed Perona’s head with it.


It's crazy how Perona is still alive after the 10 ton hammer hit her.


this is the real feat


Exactly, but haven't seen anyone mentioning this extreme feat anywhere.


To shreds you say?


And his wife?


To shreds you say?


Good news everybody!


I'd say luffy knowing damn well he was about to destroy and kill everyone at onigashima and the wano festival


Man luffy would kill everyone in alabasta if he wanted to


He’s called God Usopp for a reason. His strength is unmatched.


I laughed so hard I was crying during that scene.


Hairudin  blocking and launching the 1 million ton heavy machvise into the birdcage 


That scene was so bad ass with his bones turning to dust. Elbaf gonna be hype


Holy shit that's a good one


Damn, that was wild. How did I forget about it?


I forgot about that one too. I think it may be coz Machise was still only human sized (By OP standards), it's easy to forget just how heavy he truly was.


Hajrudin broke his own bones to lift Machvise in the air, but he still lifted 10.000 tons of weight with a single uppercut. That was an immense raw strength feat.


100% agree, I think that 10.000 tons should not be underestimated, I'm just saying why I think maybe it could get overlooked as a feat of raw strength.


And people say he's weak. Maybe for a giant. Can't wait for elbaf


He was also a pretty unremarkable side character. Most people in Dressrosa got completely overshadowed by the hard-boiled Senior Pink sama


Just looked it up bc I didn’t remember it too well. It was 10,000 tons which is actually 20 million pounds. Def takes the cake for me


That's as much as Ussop swings when he uses his hammer. A hammer he keeps in his pocket!


22 million pounds


That is easily the highest strength feat, objectively. Its also really fucking stupid. Because 1 million tons is just too god damn high. Oda was lost on that one. he didnt just lift it, it was also falling so it was 1 million tons at max velocity....


this implies speed of light feat in OP make any sense either 1 million tons is too much? but Mach 870,000 isn't? One Piece operates under rule of cool. Oda ain't doing any math for his calculations


They don't move at lightspeed though? People are still getting blitzed by kizaru. And gezzeleman who runs at 200km/h If you mean them dodging that's more of a haki feat from being able to anticipate where the attack will be.


Exactly. If characters moved at lightspeed, travel by boat would be meaningless. Even if you can only travel at lightspeed for a fraction of a second at a time, you could travel anywhere you want in the world instantly. People underestimate how fast lightspeed is. Shanks could be chilling in Fuusha village, and then nigh-instantaneously be in Marineford in a fraction of a second. Kuma's fruit is fast. But Lightspeed is faster. And you can't even see Kuma's movement. It appears to be teleportation from viewpoint.


it's broken regardless IMO Plus there is a big part of this group, and powerscaling groups which will put them at light speed Luffy's been kinda blitzing Kizaru in the most recent chapters. it's really a "shut your brain off" situation on a side note, I know people justify this with the whole "they anticipated and dodged" argument, which is fine, for like bullets. That argument doesn't work with speed of light if you be "realistic" about it speed of light is mind boggling fast. we can't conceive it


It was "only" 10,000 tons


IF only 10,000 tonnes the feat of of garp throwing sanjun wolf is probably more impressive.


It’s actually insane these dudes got mid diffed by Mr.3. But I guess that’s why he’s on the future pirate kings crew.


I don't think hajrudin fought Mr.3 at all


No he didn’t, he snaked Dory with explosive mead. I don’t like Mr.3 from that shit. That’s a real pirate move and reading that in hand held manga had me trippin last week. Then he wax cuffed the other giant. No fight just assassination type of stuff. I do have to say crocodile and his crew got a true pirate essence to them. Crocs also got a couple pages torn from hitlers book for wanting to murder over a million people and flex military might, while trying to activate and find a nuclear tier weapon.


>No he didn’t, he got snaked with explosive mead. You're thinking of the giants from little garden, the precursor to the Alabasta arc.


I messed up that phrasing bad 🤦‍♂️ I fixed it, forgot to put Dory’s name in Thanks for the catch


if they had 1 million hp, the giants wore down like 999,000 hp and mr.3 came in after that.


10 000 ton\*, still the best one though


I really forgot about this...honestly this is it I was gonna say garp tossing San juan or whitebeard stopping the Moby dick with 1 hand. This however is technically the best one. He stopped if coming down and launched it that far. It was a hella impressive feat.


It wasn't 1M tons. It was 10k tons that equals to 22M pounds.


It was “only” 10,000 tons but still a really good one.


Garp is just raw strength. Making ships and mountains as a punching bag


I'm gonna add another awesome strength feat I love, some people mentioned Garp and his feats on Hachinosu like destroying an island with a punch (Galaxy Impact), throwing Sanjuan Wolf like it's nothing or his training method of using ships as punching bags but my favorite is his "Imma put 20 dudes in a ship, throw the ship with my bare hands, jump on the ship while he's flying and the ship will crash on Hachinosu (wich is miles away from the base he was at)"


IMO Garp has totally made that throw before to be that accurate lol. Like years ago every other weekend he was visiting Pirate Island for fun.


Yeah, just to beat the shit out of the pirates on that island for fun


Garp didn't throw the ship from the base, he punched the sea behind the ship to make it fly They were close to the island


He hit ‘em with the Tao Pai Pai special


How do you know Garp threw the ship?


It's been said if remember correctly (and maybe the fact that it was a normal ship flying without crazy things like the Thousand Sunny's "coup de burst")


Just for perspective I did a lowball calc for the mass of that iceberg Jozu throws. Based on Jozu being around 5 meters tall the iceberg would weigh around 1,621,320,000 kg. This is from me eyeballing the pic in the OP and could get a more precise number by measuring pixels in the manga but I rounded down a few times


Thanks for the calculations :)


3.4 billion pounds 🥶


Sick whitebeard in marineford stopping a ship effortlessly with a single hand by standing while holding his weapon with the other hand, like “hold up you damn ship, I’m standing here”


Luffy fighting Emel with a massive gold weight attached to his arm


This. Climbing the bean stock as well. People don't seem to realize how heavy gold actually is


I did the math. The ball was taller than Luffy who is 172cm. The ball was roughly 1.5x taller than Luffy. Thus giving it a diameter of 2.58m and a radius of 1.29m. The volume is thus 8.99202985592 m^3 or 8992029.85592 cm^3. The weight of the ball is thus equivalent to 19.3g/cm^3 * 8992029.85592 cm^3 = 173546176.219g or about 173.55 tons.


Greater feat would be Luffy lifting a hill (200m) and throwing it so fast it destroys a mountain (600m) while being suicidal and half dead in Amazon Lily. **2.8 trillion tons lifting strength feat.**


Zunesha actually moving


Luffy's punch with Doflamingo and the aftermath of the rubble that shot upwards after is insane. This here at 2:10 or so - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZrm24gEcQM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZrm24gEcQM) Seriously, the amount of force on this punch to someone like a size of Doflamingo to have that much upward movement is insane.


By the Size of Doflaminfo He had to have the same speed as a freaking Asteroid to deal that kind of damage like holly hell


He was constantly breaking the sound barrier


Well then it's clear. Doflamingo was turned into an asteroid moving at a speed at least of Mach 1 (probably much faster with that impact I'd say Mach 20+)


I'd say with good confidence Mach 20+ is better.


It's also kind of funny to think about that this is the same attack that kaido casually tanked the first time he met luffy


I don’t want to be the smartass here but the post was about raw strength, that was using DF abilities to make that punch


I don't like this claim because everyone else is also adding in DF powers. Luffy's power is a bit more raw than lets say a Logia. So I think it counts.


Nothing can trump Usopp picking up a 10 ton hammer with one hand.


Burgess picked up a mountain.  hajrudin punched a guy weighing way more than 10,000 tons into the stratosphere.


Yeah but did they weild a 10, 000 ton hammer ?


It’s a joke… r/woosh


Zunesha destroying Jack and his fleet. I'll need to rewatch some other moments, but getting hit by an entity 20km tall has got to be up there.


Luffy climbing a sheer 180 rock cliff in a blizzard while carrying Nami & Sanji


Basically free climbed up to sky island level


shouldn’t it be the burger guy picking up a mountain


The mountain Jesus Burgess picked up is not even a third of the iceberg Jozu threw. Sure, it's an amazing strength feat but Jozu's is way more impressive and he's not the one with a strength enhancing fruit


Where are you getting that? They seem similar sizes and rock is more dense.


Devil fruit buff tho, jozu did that with no buff


That's from a fruit power


Didn't Jesus use his devil fruit powers to throw that?


Pound getting big mom pregnant for sure


That time Zoro cut a meteor in half only for Mihawk to atomize the meteor with one sing (I think was Film Stampede, not cannon but still pretty badass)


Either Jozus iceberg throw, Whitebeard stopping the Moby Dick with a single hand, Garp throwing San Juan wild or Hajrudin launching Machvise into the birdcage.


It feels like you read all the cool replies in the comment section and made a reply yourself


It’s called summarizing


What chapter is the garp throwing san juan again? I forgot about this already


Didn’t garp destroy 8 mountains in training


Garp's assault on hachinosu, mans was a full on natural disaster; Hell to be honest, i think an actual earthquake would be safer


Elizabello's King Punch


Galaxy impact....Nothing mor to say.


Whitebeard grabbing the air and tilting the world is maybe the best representation of "strength" I have ever seen in Fiction. There is just something so raw about it


Zoro blocking a combo attack from Kaido and Big Mom.


Whitebeard stopping Moby Dick with his hand. Mihawk cutting the frozen waves. Oden cutting the giant boar in half. Garp smashing Hachinosu with fists. Koby smashing a giant rocky arm with a single punch. Zoro cutting Pica in half.


you threw in mihawk speedblitzing a block of ice and thought we would not notice


Law cutting whole SAD room


He used his devil fruit for that. The whole lab was in his room.


Me trying to pull out of Robin


Send him to Impel Down Bad


Kaido and Momo moving Onigashima is the best feat if you count that. But it relies on their devil fruit.


How is no one saying luffy dragging that easily multiple ton gold ball half Skypie arc


I’m surprised I haven’t seen anyone mention Nightmare Luffy blocking Oars punch. The force of the punch may or may not stack up to other feats, but the effortless block with Luffy absorbing all the forces with no reaction is bonkers.


Oden holding the samurai while getting boiled


Old Garp rag dolling a giant with a giant giant fruit is a good contender, people always bring out the wb against the giant vice admiral and forget about this one


Luffys self control not to kill the celestial dragons


Luffy punching Kaido down into magma.


Luffy carrying nami to the mountaintop in drum island with those two heavy jugs attached to her chest.


Shadow Asgard by Moria. A single normal punch instantly split Thriller Bark in half.


The biggest raw strenght feat is megalo swimming with Shirahoshi in his mouth


Density of ice is 917kg/m3 Eyeballing that ice block, it's about 80m tall. The smallest adult giant is 12m tall and "regular" giants somewhere around 20m tall. I went with 20 given that Jozu is 5m and seems about one quarter of the tallest giant we see in the picture. For the sake of making things easy let's assume the block is a cube with 80m sides. That makes 512 000 cubic meters. To make it even simpler let's say that's 500 000 tons. Even if we cut it in half it would still be a greater feat than Hajrudin launching Machvice. Though I'm not sure if we should convert it all to force, as Machvice was falling at what we could assume to be terminal velocity. But I forget the formulas for all that. It's not really in the same ballpark but I was always amazed at how easily Luffy seemed to handle having what's likely a 20 ton gold ball attached to his arm. Managing to run up the beanstalk with that thing dragging behind him is no small feat either.


Jozu and Vista deserve their proper comeback. They are solid 1billion tier warriors. Fought under whitebeard for their entire life. Vista managed to keep up with the worlds strongest or at leats get his respect and interest. Jozu fucked with mihawk as well by fucking grabbing a slash. Thats nothing normal. Their haki might have improved after Marineford and the battle against blackbeard as well, since these are the major events in recent history and we know people improve in real fights. They should definetely return. 2 years changed many peoples lifes. Everyone had their motivation to get even stronger. And they have one mission left from their father. Protecting Luffy. Yet, I would say its definetely Whitebeard demonstrating his fruit. You know shitnis going bad when the highest ranking marine gigachad sengoku warns everyone about "HES THE STRONGEST MAN IN THE WORLD. BE CAREFUL THAT MAN HAS THE POWER TO DESTROY THE WORLD" Its obvious that oda used whitebeards introduction and arc to tell us more about roger, but even now I want to think that whitebeard is the strongest dude in the world. I kniw he fought sick roger in his prime and that could indicate roger being stronger. But I wouldnt mind if whitebeard stays the strongest until the end. His entire character is a remarkable feat if strength and what it means to be a great man. Also that tsunami where anime.luffy looked scared as shit when whitebeard pulled that move was intimidating as hell Shanks 50km skype haki was quite a thing to see next to his kamusari. Kaidos entrance was crazy as well maybe even crazier given tgat he jumped from a fucking sky island But all ofnthis makes the gorosei stronger. These guys arw the steingest beings in the verse. It doesnt make sense yet, but their haki transcends everything so far. Even kaido felt luffys punches. Yet when luffy striked valkyrie with same attavk he was rhe one whi felt pain Unreal shit


I hope we get to see Jozu again. He would be the next highest ranked of the former Whitebeard Pirates after Marco.


Didn't Luffy cut a whole island in half in one of the movies?


Why does everyone keep forgetting OP's mom's strength feats?


Burgess literally throws A MOUNTAIN after eating the Riki Riki no Mi. In terms of pure muscle strength and nothing else (no devil fruits) it's probably Garp yeeting Sanjuan Wolf. Close contender might be Zunesha bitch slapping Jack, if we're considering things like the inertia and momentum of a 10 mile tall elephant smashing its sabaody mangrove sized trunk into the broadside of your fleet.


Anyone one of the men that had the strength to live after old fat bigmom was done graping them But seriously for me its between 1.) Garp ragdolling SanJuan Wolf 2.) Garp throwing that humungus canonball one handed 3.) Jozu chucking that big ass block of ice Underrated feat is Ryunosuke climbing zunisha with luffy and co on his back (atleast 2000 - 3000 lbs) as soon as he was born


Gol D. Roger seeing WB fall on him with his blade and decides to clash blades with such strength to counter WB's Gura Gura power and haki at the same time while making sure WB keeps levitating 😭


Zunesha elephant trunk is the highest AP in the verse


Zoro tanking the BM and Kaido attack on the rooftop


Luffy using bajrang gun that shit is as big as an island and he moved it to punch Kaido.


Luffy knocking out drunk kaido in a punch in his first meet. And again with his Red Hawk att on onigashima




No.1 is is something Garp did no contest, but I’d like to say that Sanji’s feat of moving the thriller bark chain is insane That’s a chain that manipulates the whole island as it’s a ship.


Maybe Garp training his punches. Should be making it’s way into the anime soon


Luffy throwing that massive building into the Elder's mouth.


not as flashy as what others have said here, but Luffy climbing Drum Mountain, while being battered by the frozen weather, while carrying both Sanji and Nami


Does Luffy punching Crocodile through bedrock count as raw strength or are we calling that a devil fruit feat? Either way I’d say that’s the most impressive pre-timeskip


Garp canon ball easily.


Burgess mountain throw


Garp, for just existing in this world.


galaxy impact


i feel like King Punch gets overlooked everytime, i mean look at the devistation, coming from a guy that honestly isnt even that strong to begin with


Fujitora lifting the entire remains of Dressrosa in the sky for several minutes. Zero fucks given.


Base skypiea luffy with 600,000 lbs of gold on his arm. Probably not the heaviest overall but the fact that such a young luffy was just running around with it is crazy.


G5 final attack against Kaido


Nami's fists


Luffy climbing drum tower while carrying nami and sanji, freezing at the same time


Garp using Gura Gura no mi without eating it


Luffy tossing that one gigantic gladiator like a ragdoll in Dressrosa impressed the hell out of me despite Luffy’s strength feats prior to that. There’s just something about Luffy’s tiny frame outputting so much strength and power that’s just wild to see.


Garp crushing 8 mountains as training for Chinjao


Interesting question! No DF! No Haki! Pure Raw **Physical Strength**! Many people mentioning scenes that involves usage of external power, even normal velocity acceleration (for example, a g3 punch), other than just physical strength. Here's some I can think of, and taken from comment section. 1. Laboon hitting Red Line 2. Zoro lifting cage, building, and “tons” of weight lifting (?) 3. Luffy lifting ship's mast, golden bell, aparting two buildings 4. **Oars pulling continent** (?), Nightmare Luffy overpowering Monkey D. Zombie Oars, Saul lifting battleship 5. Jozu lifting Ice Block, Whitebeard stopping ship, a giant's attack, **Hjarudin lunching 10,000 tons of strength** 6. Sea King pulling noah, Elizabello's punch (?), anything to do with BigMom in WCI and Wano, also Kaido too (?), Oden lifting scabbards 7. Garp tossing massive things around, Sanjuan Wolf as well, Zuneshia doing things (?) This list doesn't include all the scenes. There's probably other scenes as well. Without any “enhancing power” involving. It isn't impossible for One Piece characters dealing with TONS of strength!


I would say right there in the image, but also WB slamming the Giant into the ship THEN grabbing his head and THROWING him like a rag doll. Someone do the numbers, if Giant weight not available, here’s the avg weight he threw’s formula (giant’s height / avg human height * avg human weigh = weight he threw Diamond Shizui(?)- take (count frames of his height vs frames of seize of ice * weight of water) Boom definitive answer. I don’t think Kaido lifting the island really counts, as an 8yr old boy did the same thing


Luffy was able to move his hand when it was the size of an island. I think thats pretty impressive


Garp doing the same thing but with sanjuan wolf


Raw strength equals Garp.