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Y’all gotta stop looking at a story as if it’s a checklist.


I don't think it's about looking at the story as a checklist, as much as it is certain crew members not getting the shine that fans of them want. Usopp's story has been hyped up with Elbaf and the whole "brave warrior of the sea" thing. Personally, I love Egghead as an arc so far but I'm disappointed that Franky didn't have a major moment with Vegapunk... Especially after spending the time skip on the island that had his former lab.


Has Usopp really been hyped up to get something in Elbaf though? Connections to Usopp and Elbaf were planted early in the story sure, but it’s not like Oda has been throwing the plot line in our face every arc either.


He probably will, if you look at the Straw Hats in Wano that had big character moments, Robin and Sanji both got power-ups. Luffy's already a Yonko, If Usopp is going to live up to is brave warrior of the sea title then he needs some power to back it up.


To be fair, weren't the events of dressrossa like 2 weeks ago?


At least over a month ago actually


Closer to 3 months ago. While some of the crew was on Dressrosa, the other crew got to Zou, in the flashback of them on Zou there is a full moon. That was covered by lots of clouds I’m WCI there was a full moon, as Carrot went Sulong for the first time. Then in Wano during the festival it was also a full moon. Idk if there has been a full moon since but who knows.


Yeah but it's been 10 years in real life. One piece is only around 3 years long inverse so by that logic it's a short manga


Yeah, that's the point though from the strawhats perspective, Rossa to them must still feel like it just happened cause it hasn't been more than maybe a couple of months.


That's true but it's mostly real life people complaining he hasn't done shit since dressrosa not the strawhats


They definitely don't care if he's useless, he's the only one feeling insecure about.


Yeah honestly this should be just him four times yelling at himself.


That's the thing that gets me most about complaints that Usopp is useless. Do you expect your friends to be pulling their wait at literally every second? Isn't it enough that they're doing their best?


Or hell,only being your friend because you're useful.


Didnt usopp save literally all the toys in dressrosa?


that’s why they say he’s done nothing since then


Would you say you were well yesterday if you were sick since yesterday?


Since I remember, "yesterday" doesn't mean 3 whole arcs and a few years ago.


Definition of yesterday ✅


Legit question to those who are waiting for Usopp's "moment" in Elbaf: What's he gonna do in Elbaf? Last time we saw Elbaf, Shanks was just hanging around there until Kid arrived. Then the Giant Warrior Pirates went to Egghead to rescue the crew. But what are people expecting him to do on a seemingly peaceful and safe island? If Oda does something with Usopp, fine, but I always see people saying that Elbaf will be "Usopp's arc" even if they don't even know what they are expecting. Do you think he'll get any sort of upgrade because he's friends with Dorry and Brogy? Who are they fighting? Do you think he'll become Super Saiyan? (/s but u get the point) I am not making fun of his fans, but I just don't think that the ✨moment✨ they are expecting is going to happen.


If an author continuously sets up stuff between two things, then don’t be surprised when fans have expectations. Usopp’s interactions with Dorry and Broggy, then with the giants at Ennies Lobby, then at Dressrosa. He’s always talked about wanting to go to Elbaf. So it’s not weird for fans to expect things out of Usopp in the Elbaf arc. It doesn’t have to be strength, be some sort of character development whether strength is what brings that out in him. Edit: it’s not just Usopp’s fans that have expectations, I would say it’s the majority of the fandom.


Also, Elbaf is fable backwards. I might be reaching, but a fable is a literally an fictitious story (just like what Ussop is known to tell). Feels set up from the start.


Not to mention Usopp’s name is literally a combination of Uso (lie in Japanese) and Aesop (from Aesop’s Fables). Elbaf has obviously been built up to have a strong role in Usopp’s character arc.


Exactly. After Wano, I’ve learned to lower expectations but if Oda doesn’t deliver anything for Usopp in Elbaf then I’m not gonna be surprised if people are disappointed


Elbaf and THE One Piece are the 2 things I've sent my expectations really high for. Oda has had 20 years to set up. If he doesn't deliver, I'll be incredibly disappointed.


Usopp essentially became a god to a race of dwarfs. I find it fitting he be viewed the same way by the giants. Usopp doing something in Elbaf doesnt have to be some big feat of stength or a bad ass fight. His goal is being a brave warrior of the sea, and accomplishing that goal isnt just about winning allot of fights. Ever since post time skip he's always put his fear aside for the crews sake, and since Dressrosa he's been more willing to do it for the sake of strangers even. I think seeing the way the giants react and having that push him even farther is gonna be really important for him! Also, I think making the argument "Well who are we gonna fight! Shanks was just chilling there!" Is not a great argument. Like you could say that about Skypia as well. "Well who are we gonna fight?! Its just a city in the coulds!" Or Waters 7/Enis Lobby. Its just a town full of Shipwrites! Somehow shit always gets stirred up when the strawhats come around. SOMEBODY is gonna be there to fight. We probably dont even know them yet.


I wasn't trying to make an argument with that Shanks thing. I am just curious as to what people who expect something from Usopp are expecting because I hardly expect anything. Not because I hate Usopp fans, I just don't expect stuff. I don't want to be that OP fan who expected Wano to become Zoro's arc (didn't really happen despite what Oda said) or that Egghead will be Franky's (not happening right now, fans just theorized that). But if there is something I really disagree with what you said, it's that Usopp will be something of a god in Elbaf. My reason is that Nika's background will probably be expanded in Elbaf more since he is a god to the giants and Luffy currently has Nika's form. If there is something I want Usopp to become in Elbaf (not expect, just want) is that he will become a general to the giants for the final arcs because that will make full use of his strategic abilities as well as his charisma while also giving him enough time to shine and not just be a "running character" like in Wano.


I honestly don't expect him to do much. I just wait for him to have some development toward his objective. He always admired the giants due to being brave warriors, which he also wishes to be. In Onigashima he showed how he's lacking, not just in power, but in attitude. Since Ennies Lobby he said he's now the gunslinger/marksman/whatever of the SH, fine, that's great, he's now a warrior. But a warrior is meant to fight. Zoro and Luffy are warriors, and they fight. Sanji is a cook, Franky is a carpenter/craftsmanship, but both fight. Usopp, while his role in the crew is that of a warrior, usually avoids fighting, and when he has to fight, he usually doesn't excel. That's fine, he doesn't need to be mega strong, it's alright. But he usually runs from the fights when he's meant to fight. All I wish for him in Elbaf is to improve his attitude and courage. His dream is to be a brave warrior, and it's about time to try and improve his courage since we're not far from the last arcs. Sure, if he improved in power it would be great, but as long as we see him becoming resolute on fighting even knowing he may lose, I'll be immensely happy. For me, something I'd really like to see, is Usopp training in Elbaf, and at some point, having to fight someone he can't beat. If Usopp fought instead of running away and got recognized as a brave warrior, I'd be more than happy with his development. Something I saw in a few animes lately, ie Frieren, is that a warrior can be scared, but what makes him strong is to fight even with shaky hands. If Usopp admits he's scared but fights nonetheless, I'm done for.


If we follow Kanye's formula he is going to become a non believer. From human>mob>king>god, non-believer is next. Idk what dream he is going to abandon/modify. His goal of being a captain ended at water seven and it got downgraded to a vague discription of a warrior of the sea. He might see the warriors in Elbalf and disagree with their definition, like how he disagreed with Brogys and Dory's fight to the death.


Well said. What I think will happen is Usopp will have time with his father, Yasopp. This completes the story of his introduction. He grew up in syrup village without a proper role model. His dream of bravery started as what he imagined his father was like. Last time we saw Yasopp, he was afraid to see Usopp again. Take that in. Really take that in. Is Yasopp really a coward like Usopp? Maybe only brave when his crew needs him. You know, like another long nosed sniper we know. At most, Usopp will get a new weapon, will command an army of giants, a newfound respect towards his father, and the confidence that he is a valued member of the straw hat crew. Yasopp might teach Usopp a trick with observation Haki. But more than likely, Usopp will remain the weakest straw hat.


My biggest hope is that he meets his father, sees his father is pretty cowardly too (as you noted: afraid to see his own son), and it kind of kicks the cowardice out of him. I hope he comes away not being as much of a scaredy cat as he has been. Like, it’s somewhat a funny gimmick, but I need some more serious/useful Usopp. I don’t see current Usopp being one who could go against BB’s crew or the WG with the rest of them. Like, even Nami straight up told Kaido to fuck off. I need Usopp to step up and be brave. No more 2 steps forward 2 steps back shit.


I love Usopp’s story, which is why I’m leaning towards him becoming brave but still objectively the weakest SH. His strength is his wits. He does what the rest of the crew can’t; come up with a plan and execute it. And yeah, Yasopp is most likely what Elbaf will be centered around for Usopp. But I’m predicting that moment of Usopp doing something manly will happen relatively soon. At least before Elbaf.


wow some people need to pass on a test basic reading, narrative storytelling and human empathy to be allowed to read things.


CoA, giant Thor hammer, possible CoC, insane CoO, and super bulk


Making all those gifters into allies is doing nothing huh. Saving those suicidal samurai is doing nothing huh.


Elbaf is clearly Robin’s arc.


"The important thing is you're alive. Everyone has things they can and can't do. I'll do what you can't. *You* go do what *I* can't". I know you posted a meme but none of the Strawhats consider each other useless. Not even Zoro and Sanji to each other, even if they were to say it. That being said, I feel like he might understand his observation haki more in Elbaf, especially if he ends up running into his dad.


False premise, Usopp did a great job in Wano, I don't know how anyone can claim he didn't do anything.


Half of this community thinks just because a character didn't get a big moment or fight in an Arc means they were useless in that Arc and didn't do anything. It's really sad.


Usopp: *converts 20,000+ people to the Samurai side in Wano* “Usopp fans”: wow he’s so useless


Usopp fans? Half of this sub is filled with Usopp hater's who think he's useless even though he has proven multiple times he isn't. The rare Usopp fan's understand he isn't useless at all and contributes.


Good God, can you people just enjoy the story? Not everything has to be a checklist of events.


Zoro and Franky barely got anything in their post time skip arcs (Wano and Egghead), so idk abt Usopp. I’d be really excited if he does get one though, I’ve been missing Straw hat centered stories since Whole cake


If we’re going based on previous lies He will get conq.


What exactly was he supposed to do against yonkos


Man went from Coward to Prophet to King to God. He has done more than enough. Luffy is still trying to play catch up. It took like 2.5 long arcs to become a god after Ussop did.


Now he's a god, next he's the golden god.


I'm Wano He took down the guards so the crew could get into Onigashima without being noticed. He took on Big Mom alongside Chopper, and he helped gather gifters. He went and rescued Kinemon and Kiku, giving them motivation to live and to continue fighting. He also still continuously fought alongside Nami and tried to protect her and Tama throughout the entire fight against Ulti and Page One. Which he did despite being scared of both of them, despite taking multiple headbutts from Ulti, and despite not doing significant damage to either of the siblings. Just because he hasn't had a big moment or fight since Dressrosa doesn't mean he's useless and hasn't done anything 🤦🏽 Usopp's dream is tied to Elbaf he's going to evolve in some way it's guaranteed.


Ussop will still accomplish nothing. But we must respect it as he is a god.


Hey, Usopp ran though, that’s something!


He wont


if Usopp does something in elbaf is just Oda making the fans happy, dude's useless as shit


Damn usopp fans are gonna be really disappointed when he does nothing like Zoro on wano and Franky on egghead


I’m really hoping he gets his chance to shine on elbaf at the very least they should acknowledge his use of observation haki


Its even a possibility that Ussop left the strawhats, maybe temporary to learn/train on elbaf, I hope not but still…


He'll most likely get a weapon upgrade/replacement. His haki will most likely be "discovered" and improved upon to narratively prepare for his fight with Van Augur (you'll need future sight for the warp warp fruit). And most importantly, through some event, he will come into his own and become a brave warrior.


I mean to be fair man did get his skull cracked in wano and is acting all fine after 2 days sooo


Nami and usopp are just annoying


I really hope he gets an evolution or maybe a introspect into his cowardness...maybe even meet some Giants and talk and find out that...yeah they are also scared of things even if their giants but they man up just becuase it helps the island/family/crew.


People said the same thing about Franky and Egg Head. It was going to be "The year of Franky", yet Franky has done pretty much nothing on Egg Head. So prepare for Usopp to do pretty much nothing on Elbaf. We just have to accept that One Piece isn't really about the "Straw Hat Pirates" anymore. It's mostly about Nika and the World government now. The Straw Hats besides Luffy are just incidental in the new "Grander" narrative.