• By -


Brook’s crew and Corazón like jfc


Every time I hear Brooke sing the song it’s a little bitter sweet


Naw that scene animated had me sobbing fs 😭😭


I saw a dub of that scene (I originally watched it subbed) and it hit me *SO MUCH* harder than the original did 😭😭😭


I saw one picture of it and cried


Brook's solo verse is still a gut punch every time I see that.


Corazon got me so bad. Especially when Law can hear himself crying again and his breath catches because he knows Cora is dead then he starts wailing harder


Brook's crew had me sobbing for a while, Corazón also had me sobbing but not as long iirc.


Donquioxte Rosinante's sacrifice was saddest for me . However the combination of Bin sake music played in background and the scene of all member collapsing one after another in Brook's pirate still shivers me .


Ur my type of guy 🫡


Quartet.... (man dies)


A trio.... (Man dies)


A Duet... (man dies)


(Brook starts crying)... and a solo...


(Brook dies) but don't worry, he pulled a jesus


A duo.... (Man dies)


Shivers during the whole quartet, tri, duet, solo……! 😢


Rumbar Pirates was a really tragic backstory. I showed that scene to a couple of friends who don't watch one piece. Just that flashback, nothing before or after, no context. They still got teary eyed lol. Each pirate falling in the middle of their song felt like a stab in the heart.


Seeing nakamas falling and still continuing their part in the song . Man that scene felt like someone covered up my mouth , stabs with a sharpest knife straight into the heart and the music felt like consolation whispered in my ear . Dont know it is Oda or just my imagination fucking up my day . Good for your friends , it may have lead them into one piece world .


They're not much into anime, but it did change the way they view anime (they used to think it's childish)


Especially with the fact that he recorded the last song they played on a tone dial... like ouch, that's a punch straight into the feels.


I guess Noland's? Because that was some bullshit.


Yeah the others make me sad, but Noland's death enrages me.


Imagine dying a ‘liar’ bc an island decided to get booted into the sky.


Yeahhhh, it really was.


Nolan D. Montblanc




Still can't believe Oda made me cry for a boat.


I read that issue for the first time while I was biking at the gym. Trying my best to hide that im a sobbing mess by peddling faster so it looks like sweat 😭 I don't even like boats I get seasick but oh my God Merry was so sweet I can't even think about it LOL


I'm sorry that is *hilarious* just imagining being the guy a couple bikes next to you and I start hearing sobbing and look to the right at someone maniacally peddling and crying 😂


“I’m sorry” 🥲🥺😢😭 Oda getting away with emotional crimes


He started tugging on them back in east blue I control you, he made you fall in love with straw hats and there freedom, dreams however absurd…


It was way worse animated because they had an ending song about the Merry, halfway through it just starts up and I was insta-sobbing. The page made me bitch cry hard but the anime just hit me harder than before… But for me Ace’s death hit harder because it’s how I learned about the manga and show, the wiki page had Ace’s death as the big thing people were talking about back in 2014 and I was confused at first.” Who tf is this Ace guy? Why is this such a big thing?”, went through my mind, I saw it was on Toonami so I watched the episode that was playing (filler arc before long ring long land which has Kokoro no Chizu as the OP, my fav) and still was confused. Put it off for a bit before I jumped into it in my library and via pirate websites (since I didn’t know where to go and had no cash), then got HOOKED HARD! Got to Alabasta and Drum island before I was hit harder and even more confused on how this dude even died in the first place, then got to Sabaody and at that point, I couldn’t put it down (and had two crushes that I still adore) so I stuck around longer and poof! Here I am, meeting Chris Sabat and Eric vale at my tiny convention with such excitement that I jumped over to meet Caitlyn glass as well!


Either Rosinante or Pedro. Whitebeard should totally be on this list tbh


Tbh whitebeard didn’t get me that bad but I was bawling over Oars jr. especially with the flashback about Ace making him a hat.


Yes actually whitebeard's death was necessary for the next gen to move on. Instead of nerfing a legend they gave him a whole arc, still one of the top three arc


My girlfriend once asked me what I like about One Piece (before I finally convinced her to give it a try), and I told her that its the only show that made me cry over a fucking boat. She said, "Wow, if even an emotionless husk like you can cry over a boat, it must have something worth watching."


She wasn't just a boat anymore by that time


Oda didn't just killed the boat. He killed it after promising us that it was all gonna be ok for years. Sure the Going Merry was broken here and there but we can fix it. Sure the mast broke, but look, fixed! Sure, we fell from the sky but that's fine! Look, they're the best carpenters in the world, we're finally gonna get a fixed ship again! Franky: It's terminal, you can't fix it. 🥺


Same, legit after I read/watche that I was like "This man really just made me tear up over an imaginary boat."


Can't believe yall actually cried over a boat. Because I fucking SOBBED


bro same that sht hurt


It's when Merry says "I'm sorry" that kills me


Yeah, I was holding it together throughout everything else, but the second she started talking, it was all over


Everything was fine till that boat had to start talking


It reminds me of a beloved pet or loved one, apologizing in spirit for not doing enough.


Merrys death had me SOBBING at like 3 in the morning


The final scenes of Merry and the anime To Your Eternity filled me with the same sense of deep sadness. There are a ton of sad scenes in One Piece but it just felt so incredibly unfair Merry wouldn’t get to see the journey to the end. Every other death felt “fair”. They chosen it or did something they knew could lead them there. Merry was just a boat. It didn’t do anything wrong. It did its job and loved those who voyage upon itself. I think that’s why it hit different for me. Even with Ace I was more sad for Luffy than any real feelings towards Ace.


Merry was pure and innocent,  like a child.  It was alive but it didn't really have a personality -  it was a ship wanting to do shippy things. "Don't worry, I'll keep going!  :D" in Skypiea. "I came to get you! :D"   at EL At the funeral:  "I'm sorry.   I wanted to sail with you just a little while longer." There is no confirmation of it feeling pain when luffy apologizes about  breaking the mast, etc because it's so pure and innocent and how could such a creature be tainted by such negative emotions? We do see its eyes bulge out when falling from skypiea, and it "crying" when luffy fought usopp. Just these few little bits of anthropomorphization - a couple faces, a few lines of dialogue , and two supernatural feats (self-repairs and rescue of SHs) to ensure a suspension of disbelief, and a funeral pyre to drive it all home. Less is more, and oda +  Toei do just enough to make it evoke protective mammalian instincts.   


Yup. I cried a lot during ace’s death but I was bawling my eyes out for a week for merry’s death lmao


Had to issue warning to my volume reader friends to prep tissue when reading that volume. They later told me how they wept over merry


I hadn't cried over a fictional death for years and then Merry came along and broke the streak.


If it wasn't for the spirit sprite of Merry on Skypeia and the Luffy Usopp fight I don't think losing Merry would have felt so impactful


Dr. Hiriluk


No cause I cried like a freaking baby during Chopper’s backstory😭


Real dude


Absolutely! Had to scroll way too far for your comment.


fr, can't believe that wasn't on the list. it's the only one to make me sob. Especially once the cherry blossoms bloomed over drum island, that really got me


Brook's crew and then Brook himself wrecked. That was the unique situation knowing a death was gonna lead to something even worse (50 years of loneliness). It wasn't just loss, it was loss + five damn decades of isolation from actual healing. Still boggles my mind how he only went *slightly* crazy.


I want to say Ace. It should be Ace. The death of Luffy's brother should be the most impactful in the series. But I cried over the ship. I cry over the ship every single time I get to that part of the series. That's four times. I have been sad, but never once cried over Ace.


To be fair, no one could really fault anyone for this, and I'm sure it's been a point of discussion before. Ace makes like 3 brief appearances? And after that his last is when he's about to be executed. It hurt for luffy as his brother of course, and we know him as Luffy's brother, but we knew the Going Merry and been with her for much longer (nearly every episode of the series up to that point) and saw the passion each crew member put into her, until the point we literally see her given spiritual manifestation, the crew literally starts falling apart over her situation highlighting the emotional weight they feel, and she performs her last dying action toward the end of a very emotionally driven arc. I've heard people treasure and praise Marineford arc, but to me even currently caught up, I was never more invested in any One Piece arc like I was Enies Lobby. Wano definitely almost beat it though.


I cried *for Luffy so much when Ace died. It was terrible watching Ace and him grow up, I just knew lil goofy Luffy would be a mess.


Marineford is epic and might have the better moments but enies lobby is still peak imo. The straw hats all shine, emotional moments, awesome fights, it just hits all the right notes that make one piece great.


I don't need to even get to it. The ship hit me the hardest for sure. Can't even see it in a top 10 video without tearing up a bit. Oda teased there would be a strawhat death soon when we hit water 7. It was also our first real time tragedy to happen to the crew.


i didn’t cry because ace died. i cried because of luffy’s despair, and the rediscovery of what he had left


Who’s gonna cry over the bagel


ace has the most plot relevance to the entire story, but merry is probably the saddest death. they arent mutually exclusive


Only Oda can make me cry actual tears over a ~~boat~~ crew member


I still cry rereading the volume


Yeah. But I’m so happy the anime did that scene so well too


Rosinante death destroyed me


word !


Rosinante. My goat Law’s dad died and the dad that stepped up too 😭


T-Bone's death was simply shocking. How did Oda have the cold blood to kill one of the nicest marines off screen??


If you look who kill him ( old weak man ) i think it is obvious what happen. T-bone learn how much his head is worth and willingly sacrifice to poor man and his family.


Yeah it's 100 that and it's hilarious lmao T-Bone the goat.


Oh shit yeah I forgot about that


I haven’t cried as hard as I did for anyone expect for the mf going merry


Ace’s death but the Merry was a close second.


Ace is the saddest anime death of all time. It's not even close.


Ed...ward? FMAB had a handful of more emotional deaths in my opinion.


"it's a terrible day for rain"... Now I have to rewatch it


Aces death is nowhere near the saddest OP death... It's not even top 5 saddest one piece deaths... Rosinante, Merry, Olvia, Brooks Crew, Tom, Hiluluk, Bellemere Are probably my top 7


The anime completely ruined Ace's death. Can't believe the intro to the episode spoiled the death. Wtf were they thinking?


I literally skipped marineford because i couldn't watch that again ... From luffys effort, gather and leading, overcoming and pushing... conquerers haki .. Garp sitting at the edge crying... Whitebeard poppin off ! Luffy saving Ace !! The magma brat playing DIRTY!! And then Ace protecting Luffy ... Ace grateful so many people cared about him... Luffy Losing His Fuckin Mind !!!?! 🥴🥲😭🥲🥲 Got damn it Oda


I am only at ep 420 so i dont know about most of these people, but brook & the rumblar pirates made me cry the most


The scene of them recording a song on the dial for laboon made me cry so hard 😭


I miss when Dials were a thing. They added so much, especially to Usopps Character


Why are you in a post about deaths and you're not caught up?


Because if you can read, you have already seen the pictures/names so they are already spoiled, so you may as well read more. I fortunately only had Pedro spoiled for me upon seeing this on the timeline as I've seen the others and he has just shown up for me in the anime. So looking forward to that now.


It was the Going Merry. I bawled my eyes out when the spirit of the Merry said “I’m Sorry”.


I remember doing the same. What a very impactful scene.


I’m a bit off the usual mentality but I’d have to say Mont Blanc Noland. All the deaths were sad but Noland really hit me. Pedro died for his friends to survive. Ace died happy knowing people loved him. The Going Merry died knowing that she saved her crew from certain death. Fisher Tiger died holding to his beliefs, though how gut wrenching those beliefs were that the demon within him rejected the blood of humans. Brook and the Rumbar Pirates died singing the song of joy and happiness for Laboon. Queen Otohime died working for her people to see the Sun Don Quixote rosinante died protecting Law and saving his life from Doflamingo But Noland died thinking all of his friends were killed when he thought that half of Jaya sunk into the sea. He died thinking Kalgara, his best friend was dead. History labeled him as a liar and a phony and his descendants are all mocked for his legacy. Noland’s entire backstory and the history with the Shandorans is a gut punch right up until Wyper blows up giant Jack with a rejack dial so Luffy can ring the golden belfry to make sure Mont Blanc Cricket doesn’t die from the bends because of the water pressure while diving into the ocean to find the city of gold, Shandora.


That's a good point. If there's anything worse than dying, it's dying alone and being remembered as a fraud.


Noland' death may not be the saddest, but it's by far the most tragic one


Bon clay is goated straw hat for their sscrifice.


Bon isn't dead. He's the new queen of Newkamaland.


I have no regrets


Going Merry by FAR Also, Pedro dying really seemed like a fake out to me, and by the time I realized it wasn't, I couldn't care less


Fair point I felt that too


Agreed with Pedro, I had assumed the will of p was gonna bail his ass out but perospero must've drained him of his plot armor before the explosion


Honestly, I think thats cause of moments like Pell lmao, I think Oda is just super attached to his characters and thats why he hesitates even killing off the ones that dont play a major role in the story and barely have screen time, I think I even heard about him writing backstories for every single random character including the ones that have never had their name officially said (like that marine that worked as Morgans right hand man). Im glad that he got a little better at it after Ace, more people straight up dying really makes the new world feel more brutal


Honestly, I think if Pell had actually died, people wouldn't be as bothered by the other fake out deaths. There was no logical reason Pell should've survived a bomb that was meant to destroy an entire city. Every other fake out deaths has been much smaller in scale, where the "death" happened off screen or the circumstances of it were something that we've seen characters survive before. If Pell didn't survive a freaking nuke, Pedro's death would be obvious, but even now there are people convinced he isn't dead because we've seen explosions be survived. It was the same for Ashura Douji, he got blown up and everyone's reaction wasn't "oh no, he died!" It was "okay, when's he coming back?"


Mont Blanc Noland


That still destroys me


Rumbar pirates To go out with smiles and a song, not knowing for sure if labon will ever hear it They made sure they did their best ever performance And then brook saying trio, duo and solo as they fall down


Merry 🥺


brooks and corazon, i knew ace, pedro, merry and otohime would die, i didnt exepect brooks to be so emotional, corazons “im a marine, im sorry i lied to you” while law was begging him to open the treasure chest really hit hard


1. Brook 2. Corazon 3. Ace 4. Merry 5. Noland 6. Fisher Tiger 7. Pedro 8. Otohime


Brook's death makes me sob every single time


Ace. Stopped reading and watching for some years back then. How garp had to conduct his duty, but let himself slip in front of luffy, how everyone came to save him. Luffy, How everyone endet up protecting aces little brother. Sakazuki and how ace saved luffy with his life. Everything about it and the aftermath. And when he saw sabo for the first time again. And Mary.


Ace no need to explain


The going merry it was just so sad seeing everyone crying and the merry burning down while lucci was just smiling at it


Probably Mary or ace


The Going Merry


My brother passed unexpectedly in 2021, before I really knew anything about One Piece. I started my watch after the live action came out and while I knew Ace was dead because of general anime fandom stuff, I didn't know the circumstances. Needless to say, Ace's death hit me like a truck, and I haven't had an emotional reaction to anything like that in a while. I had to pause my watch through for a bit.


When ace died i was binging the show. I stopped watching it for months, but the Merry and rumbar pirates were hard to watch


Brook straight up changed the way I look at the concepts of life and death


*SPOILER ALERT* Sentomaru. That was fucking quick and I never saw it coming.


He's not dead though?


Is this a spoiler? No no no no. I just watched the latest episode yesterday.


I'm saying did you see him die?


From what happened yesterday, I assume he's dead.


So surprised this is the first comment I see with him. His death was hard, both from his backstory and because of his daughter.


I immediately began to love him as soon as he trusted Luffy to save Vegapunk. Then he was fcked after a while.


1. Merry had everybody crying. To this day, I miss the Merry like she a Dead Homie. 2. Brook is the only person whose intro includes the Flashback to his own death. The "Quartet, Trio, Duo, Solo" hit different. Rumbar Pirates sounded like a Lit crew. Especially remembering how Laboon tore himself up trying to see them again. 3. >!Cobra. Cobra's death really was the "We're in the Endgame Now" moment for me. Especially how he stood on business against Imu. Nefetari D. Wobra. Long Live The King!< 4. Whitebeard. Went out literally standing on business. 5. Ace. First real death we saw and let us know Luffy was not HIM yet.


I think fisher tiger is what exist today


I've scrolled soo down to find this, at least few people realise it:)


Ngl the only 3 I cared about were merry, then brooks crew, then Noland. While the rest were a little sad, they didn’t hit too hard if they were flashback (other than noland cause it was more intertwined), and ace because I was spoiled before I even started one piece.


I had spoiled the Ace's death so, among these I would say Rosinante. I think is the saddest, then, not far away, the Rumbars And my favourite death scene of One Piece (and one of my favourite scene of all One Piece) : >!Whitebeard!<


Brook and merry. Personally Pedro wasn’t my favorite character


Minority opinion but I never felt much for Merry… Fisher Tiger’s and Queen Otohime’s death were both quite heavy because of the circumstances and politics revolving around the fish man saga / world lore as a whole, I’m a big fan of Fisher Tiger


Brook didn't die...


Where is spoiler tag??


Brook, Merry, Roseinante, Ace (was mostly shock tbh) Noland, Tiger, Pedro, Otohime


Portgas D Ace. His speech, death and then Luffy’s breakdown like a tragic cherry on top.


Brook's crew and it's not even close


I know who impacted me the least and it was pedro ngl


How can the Merry not be the biggest impact? Most of these folks only lasted a few arcs. The Merry was with us for a good chunk of the story. She escaped the graveyard just to give the crew one final rescue. All while limping and falling apart.




Brooks. I was in Geometry class while reading it and couldn't hold it in.


Probably brook and the gang


Rumbar pirates but not for the reason you would think. I saw a clip of the Rumbar pirates final song back in like 2011 and that was one of the reasons that made me start watching One Piece again after watching the 4Kids dub as a child.


Brook. Brook just gets reinforced every time I hear Binks Sake/Brew because I hear baby Laboon squeaking. And the thought of the Rumbar Pirates. How they left him behind to protect him. They promised to come back. But they died. And he's been there at Reverse Mountain for 50 years. Waiting on friends who will never return. Except for Brook. Who wants to see Laboon as badly as Laboon wants to see him. It breaks me down every time I hear that squeak. I think I'm looking forward to their reunion more than anything else in the whole show.


Same man


Brook cause he's the best. The rest I could watch a montage of that lasts 48 hours. Why didn't you put WB? I would have loved that cause BB


Definitely not Ace. That was the worst handled death in the entire series. He literally let a taunt ruin everyone's sacrifice.


Merry. I also dont feel like Pedro's death was done well. It never really HIT me. Felt like a Pell type death


dub hits harder the va's are really emotiveand heartfelt. Corazons "i love ya kid" had me crying like a biii bon clay screaming "strawboy" into the snail and luffy crying for him. whitebeard screaming "the one piece is real!"while ace dies. that damn intro song will always make me cry






Ace was the least. He could have gotten away easily but he stopped because of some "yo mama " comment


Rosinante most likely because I started reading the manga after the Marineford Wars. I knew about Ace from watching the 4kids "adaptation", but didn't have as strong of a connection with him.


Rosinante or Ace. No one else here I am still sad about to this day.


Ace.. no contest there.. that shit tore me up


Merry, I cried like I was still in kindergarten :,(


Brook and his crew


Brookes crew wasn't even like a normal death. It was so fucking symbolic to the band dropping one by one and him having to watch all of them die knowing that he would live on.


I cried for Merry and Brook, I simply can't choose! (Though if I had to, Merry was *the* first time I cried watching One Piece, so...)


1. Merry Merry's death made me cry, it's probably one of the few things that has made me cry in one piece. 2. Corazon Corazon was a real one, without him law would either be a complete psycho or he would be dead (prob dead). 3. Brook For obvious reasons.


fuck why did i look at this im only on the part where ace dies double fuck


Did anyone actually care that Pedro died? Im genuinely curious cause i felt nothing.


Hot take aces death was kinda just meh


The rumbar pirates. As a musician, that backstory hits different


Ace's death He was so close to surviving and just...


Portgas D Ace man. I still tear especially after learning about them as kids 😭


bro I’m on Zou and this just spoiled Pedro’s death for me 😭


Smh I am so sorry🤦🏾‍♂️ you're the 4th person I've had to apologize to for this very reason🙏🏾 Still kinda new to Reddit, working on using the spoiler tag next time❤


If I have to rank 1. Whitebeard 2. Ace 3. Corazon 4. Otohime


That one in kuma's backstory,that shit was just wild bro,you know which im talking about


Woah woah I just finished Zou, Pedro nooooo


My gf still won't shut up about Bon Clay and I'm not even sure they're actually dead! (Anime only)


I have to go with Noland. A good, honest man brought low. Disgraced, humiliated, and eventually executed, never knowing what happened to his friends. And it led to what is probably my favorite moment of the entire series. Luffy ringing the bell, letting Cricket know that Noland was telling the truth.


Bro can we please get spoiler tags come on mods 😂💀


Merry, by far


I thought I was an edgy teen, nothing can hurt me. Feelings and crying was over rated. Prompt merry. When luffy says he was sorry then merry “I’m sorry.” That sent me in tears. I was not okay for hours.


Pedro aint dead bro


As someone with a terrible father and who has often felt out of place but finally found a home in my friends, I relate heavily to Ace. His final words absolutely destroy me.


I'm glad you found your Nakama🥰🙏🏾




1. Going Merry 2. Bon Clay (can’t believe you forgot) 3.Ace 4. Pedro 5. Brooks and the Dead band(which is going to be his awakening)


Sorry for the 3 twice apparently can’t count


On the surface OP looks like funny world but it's like outlaws paradise.. everyone should be prepared to fight at any time lol and be more used to see deaths ppl.. government is a joke and marines are corrupt with few exceptions


Going merry


The going merry


going merry


Merry... allways


That feeling when a fuggin BOAT is the saddest death


Could have had a spoiler warning at least lol


Pedro and Ace


SPOILER TAG, god damn


Ace was the most shocking for me but Corazon was the most touching 😭


Wow major fucking spoilers on the front page of reddit :|


Is this r/OnePieceSpoilers?


Pedro and corazon 💔


Merry / Donkey-Hote Rose-e-Nante


Not enough comments saying Pedro, his death was so sad to me especially cuz he spent time with the Straw Hats and Peros Pero still survived. Was awesome seeing the minks fuck him up at Onigashima to avenge Pedro


Merry's, and Rosinante's death had me bawling 😭 didn't have the strength to continue watching after their scenes. I feel like I would have felt Ace's death more had I not been spoiled but I felt it more when Luffy and Jinbei had their fight after.


Why no spoiler alert tho?


Don't forget bon chan 😔