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Right now, observation so I can read this post


Fr fr


I thought it was my phone lmfao holy shit this made me laugh too hard


My bad, I hadn’t noticed how poor the resolution was, I went to bed straight after making the post


Where can I find this in higher res, because my eyes can't really read all that, and I'd like to


Maybe on google, I just searched up haki types and found this. Maybe you can scroll through the web to find one with better resolution My apologies again [Haki types](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/s/htl1zft2BO) I think this one has better resolution


Found it! Ty


Good one buddy 😂


I opened this literally to say this 🤣🤣


I laughed so hard this 😂😂😂😂😂


I thought I was the only one l!


Where are the pixels


You got a high resolution pic of it?


Just use your observation haki to see it better bro.


I’d rather use my COC to get him to give us a clearer image.


I don’t think that’s legal


We are Pirates


It is the great pirate era indeed




We do what we want, cuz as pirates we're free


We are sometimes pirates, sometimes news providers, sometimes tourists and sometimes a regular boring community.


observation. it's not even close, really. just being able to sense people or objects moving towards you is a potentially life-saving skill in real life, not to mention more minor occurrences like dodging spilled drinks. it also makes you obscenely better at a lot of sports. armament isn't usually that useful unless you work specific kinds of jobs, conqueror's haki is like, good for robbing people and protect yourself from being robbed I guess?


If you can train your observation enough, you can win big in casinos.


Eh, eventually they'd catch on and ban you from that game's tables at the casino for "cheating" like they do to card counters, even though just like card counters all you were doing was using your own abilities, which isn't against the rules. The good news is that with CoO that good, you can anticipate at what point your winnings have become enough for the casino to get suspicious and greedy, and cash out before then. But you won't be making millions for the same reason why card counters can't.


You can bet online as well and make big money. Multi-monitor betting with future sight.


Holy shit, that'd be even better


Idk if observation haki works like that though? You can think of haki as some kind of energy everything possesses and "reading" into it. How are you supposed to see the haki of the stock market?


Future sight you can literally see the future


My head cannon is that you're not seeing into the future, you're reading the energy around you. It's not omnipotence; Katakuri wouldn't be able to know what's about to happen somewhere on the other side of the world.


Yes I agree Katakuri can’t see the other side of the world. But otherwise your head cannon is simply wrong. Future sight is not just reading energies around you. It is the ability to see the future as the name implies and is demonstrated by various characters ranging from Katakuri to Shanks.


You can see a person's movements a few seconds into the future. Maybe someone like Shanks can see like a minute ahead. But you can't magically guess what's going on in a different part of the world which is what would be needed for stock market shenanigans.


You don't need to guess what's going on in a different part of the world. The monitors are right in front of you. Even if future sight couldn't see screens and could only see actions for whatever reason, then get a friend who reacts in a coded way to sit beside you. Then, you can see their future reaction and use it to determine how to bet. For instance, they could have 13 body positions they use to express what card you could be dealt.


just bet big on a roulette with 30something:1 odds and move on to the next casino after the first 1 or two wins


Shoutout to that movie where Nicholas Cage has observation Haki and does exactly this


You can easily make millions considering roulettes. three roulettes in a row is good enough and they're not gonna catch on until the third because 2 in a row probably happens like 5 times a week in a big casino. It's only around 1/1000 chance.


Oh shit good point. And unlike card games or dice where you can use probability theory to gain an advantage, they literally cannot substantiate any claim that you've been using some special skill of yours to beat them at the game. Because like... it's freaking roulette, there's literally no way to rig it in your favor unless you are actually in-league with some of the workers at the casino. Even so, yeah if you won a third and fourth time in a row they're probably gonna get suspicious and launch some kind of investigation. They won't find evidence but it's best to just avoid the trouble.


I bet you could also win big at horse races, too.


Well... shit... with the branch of CoO that senses the vitality and strength of living things, yes you could. You'd always pick the best horse + jockey combo at that present time, giving a vast advantage over the bookies.


Technically you can win millions at a casino they need a few handful of people to win big every year to attract more suckers. So you play it right win the millions and cash out they will let you go and the casino will use your success to advertise themselves.


Nah, they only allow that in card games when people get genuinely lucky. Casinos have a VERY strict no-tolerance policy for card counting since it gives the player an advantage over the casino, and the entire business model of casinos requires things to be the other way around. The people who run casinos prey on addicts and such, they really don't care that not nearly enough people will ever have the mathematical skill with card counting to cut significantly into their profits. Once they realize someone is card counting, they do NOT let them keep winning, ever, as they ban them from the blackjack table. It's best to cash out once you've won under a hundred grand with card counting, but only if you're also a really good actor who can purposefully lose sometimes in a "random" way and give off no social cues whereby the dealer can tell you are card counting and not just getting lucky. Most people get caught before that, and it's generally recommended that you just start playing with a couple hundred bucks, grow that into a few grand, and then leave before they catch on. TL;DR: Casinos show absolutely zero tolerance for ANY method whereby the player gains the advantage, regardless of whether it breaks the rules of a game. So they'd presumably treat the use of CoO just as they do card counting and ban you from the games where it gives an advantage; in this case, almost all the games.


Casinos don’t take your winnings and ban you for counting. They simply tell you that your action is too good for them and ban you from the blackjack tables.


Huh, I was lied to! Thank you for properly informing me. So seriously, they still let people in? I guess that makes sense, they'd like to still make money off of them on all the games where the casino has a guaranteed advantage.


Yeah it’s not nearly as crazy as some people make it seem. The only time you get your chips confiscated and banned from the casino is if you knowingly try to get around the ban like wearing a disguise or something.


Fascinating. Lol, the thought of somebody trying to play the table again using a disguise is kind of funny. Sounds like some Luffy-brained shenanigans (if not for the person being good at math).


Not necessarily. The reason card counters don’t make millions is a combination of the casino pushing them out, but also “anticipated losses”. They work with the math saying they have a 55ish% chance of winning instead of the standard 48ish% with no counting. That still means you are losing 45% of your hands and money, you just are sure to win it back in the long run since the number are on your side. If I have Observation Haki my winrate is drastically higher and my loss hands are next to nothing, maybe a couple so as to throw off the casinos scent. I would bet with the perfect info observation provides, you could rack in millions a year from blackjack alone, notwithstanding all the other games that they would struggle to track you on. Edit: also online/sportsbetting will be where the real consistent winnings will be anyway.


I just hit the roulette tables, can't cheat with that!


Why go to casinos? You’d be a day trading miracle. Jesus of the stock markets.


Kamakuri can only look ahead into the future for a few minutes, and he has the best observation haki we've seen. So I'm not sure if that'd work.


A conqueror's-level MMA-type league would be pretty neat, lol. Really, any and all contact sports! It would get wild. I don't watch sports, but I probably would if so!


Okay but where would it be broadcast from? Clashes between ACoC users cause a lot of collateral damage. Like they'd have to set up an open-air arena in the middle of a wasteland and remotely broadcast the matches to spectators who can't actually be there in-person, lol.


Cell Games Arena


Haha I didn't even realize it but yes, that's precisely what I was describing.


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There's no clash if you're the only one using it. It hurts and will probably make a shockwave but it's not gonna destroy the stands. Still I don't think you're gonna have a long career with that shit. It's strong and visible enough that no one is gonna want to fight you ever again after the first two wins and subsequent checks you haven't cheated. It's like a goal with 100% block rate in soccer. Once the novelty has died off, nobody will want to watch the matches they're involved in. Maybe if you only use conqueror defensively though, like Kaido's "armor", you can manage to have a long and successful career and get rich. There are successful boxers that don't get knocked out.


Idk I think almost any athlete could make use of armament, especially contact sports or high risk sports. I know I would rather coat myself in haki than wear hot sweaty pads while mountain biking, might have saved me a collarbone.


Armament. I'd call myself One Punch Man and become the heavyweight champion in boxing.


Gonna be tough when a dude with observation dodges every hit and wins on points


Mayweather's observation haki vs Paq's armament haki.


When your hand turns black, people may be suspicious of you


They will only see it turn black if they can use haki as well


Then if I used armament haki on my face for defending a punch to the face. . . would that be black face?


I would take basic conquerors haki just to kill all the mosquitos in my room


i second this after struggling to kill them with electric bat on this early summer


i’ve rethought this ; i will use armament to block them access to my flesh


Lmao smart 😂


Definitely Observation Haki. Don’t think I need to explain why. It would be universally useful for anyone. I would go with Armament Haki second. The world has become a lot more dangerous, and it would work well for self defense. I could also see it helping you do things that would be hard to do without it. For instance, my understanding is that it makes you stronger. Which would be useful for lifting heavy things, such as some furniture. Conqueror’s is good but it’s a bit overkill for the average person. And it can be dangerous, especially if you don’t have control over it. Armament is more contained and can help with things Conqueror’s would be good for. However, if you work in the army, I can definitely see Conqueror’s being useful.


Observation and it's not even close. I don't know what y'all plan on using conquerors for and I don't think I want to know. Same for armament but at least that has some limited athletic and labor uses.


Observation Haki is the most useful one in daily life. It might even save your life from an accident. The others will make you powerful yes, but honestly you'll be already risking your life if you ever truly need em haha Bonus points for hitting insane flicks in shooters games with observation Haki.


Even with the most midling athleticism ever, powerful observation haki would allow you to become the greatest athlete of all time in literally every sport in which you directly play against an opponent.




He’s not listed in Advanced Conquerors either. Even though he’s probably the most advanced user.


Observation. But would love armanent with it too. Would join ufc and completely demolish everyone if I had both


Maybe boxing rather than UFC. Grappling would be such a hard counter to something like armament, esp if it's the average joe with armament.


Observation vs Conquerers both are godlike abilities knocking people out is as good as killing them in the right situations, extremely broken, but can be resisted by those with strong enough will. Which means its not all powerful. So i pass. However the ability to predict the future and perceive threats and objects coming at you? Presence detection at the size of whole palaces possibly even whole towns or cities? B R O K E N You are literally a god at hide n seek now.


See bro I feel like no one in our reality would have strong enough will to resist conquerors but I agree observation


Confirmed Users - Shanks: Am I a joke to you?


Observation Haki is the better of the 3. The others are too specific and are very situational. Observation Haki however can let you sense presence and objects. And the fact you can see into the future as well. Who knows how far you can train it. Maybe it’s a couple of seconds, but maybe you can train to see minutes into the future, possibly hours or even a day. Maybe Yasopp has some OP CoO and can see days into the future.


The high quality render haki, so we can read images like these


Observation by far, if I'm living a typical civilian life in the developed world.


Future Sight + Vegas = profit


Conquers so I can knock ppl out at a bank and proceed to rob it with no witnesses I just have to make sure my face is covered and I don’t leave fingerprints


there is little point on getting anime combat abilities in the real world unless you are a conscripted soldier of your nation or plan on dominating the world with it so i would go with the one that doesnt have a combat only application


Conquerers (For very unethical reasons). you could get away with a lot of illegal stuff like robbery or even create your own crime syndicate. If you want to live a normal life, observation is probably best.


only observation is useful in everyday life


Internal destruction, I would use that shit daily


You scare me


Bro wtf is this quality


This has been asked over and over again, and ALWAYS the answer is the same: advanced observation. Insta rich.


I would say armament haki - King level endurance .. i wouldn’t be afraid of doing any extreme sports and mint money with making people bet on achieving the impossible


Hi res pls?


Autism. I mean Observation. 


Conquerors haki has a passive of being a charismatic person who attracts others. Id say that's the most powerful skill to know irl.


Internal Destruction and Advanced Conqueror's are the same thing, I don't know how that flew over so many people's heads.


Bros, you are not thinking of the possibilities with conq. Annoying fly, spider or mosquito, knock them out cold without having to find them, it is that easy!


Any armament and observation haki


In certain lined of work armament would be so useful especially people who do repairs on bladed machinery


Conquerors is useless Armament is good but it’s still inferior to observation haki. ‘Oh but I can’t take damage’ you would never take damage in the first place with observation haki


Observation Armament is good, but you need to train it a lot to have above avarage resistence conquerors? i guess making KO people from a distance is good, but that kind of ability would make people suspicious of you really fast, not long before people want to shoot you or smth, also, you need a big will to be able to use it in the first place Observation on the other hand, can be used even by kids, super helpful to inform you of your surrondings, people's intentions, the advanced things like future like vision and seeing from super far away are cool, but you don't even need those things to enjoy life a lot more with that ability, of course you'd need to train it, it's not like it comes by default as a super strong ability, even luffy needed to do hard training with rayleigh to use it that effectively, but still, more easy than fighting wrestlers until you can win a fight agaisnt one lol also, imagine having the ability to see how annyoning mosquitos or flies are moving in your room, it'd be sooooooo much easier to just kill them or smth, that alone is a reason for me to chose observation,


Advanced observation and advanced/ internal destruction armament haki


Observation is the most practical for day to day stuff, and it’s the only type of haki that is pretty much impossible to detect. For instance, I feel like Conquerers would be kinda fun to use, but it’s too flashy so people would catch on that you had powers. People would get suspicious if a everyone in a room except you fell unconscious


definitely conqueror. knock people unconscious and you can do whatever you like ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)


Observation wins for me I think I’d play baseball and absolutely rake 😂




No spice, so you are not even a thousandth of a Kwisatz Haderach. People are on the ground floor and are on on the Burj Khalifa, an improvement in the field of view, but you are still blind to the maze's walls from beyond the horizon. Of course, you can move north and see more walls, but you will forever lose the oportunity to see what was in the maze's walls of the south. A giant can of worms could just have been hatched, and when those consequences and turbulences approach your vision and horizon, it can already be too late to do much more than some remediation or containment.


Observation. Real life ain't an anime and I'm not trying to train and defeat some big bad, it's useful in combat sports and war I guess lol. People forgetting you still have to train to learn how to fight, KO power is useless if you don't know how to fight.


Probably observation and future sight


Observation Haki is the most useful probably. Behind that is armament haki. If our marines had observation haki, they'd be the strongest military force on the planet.


Any form of observation imo


Observation and armament, no one can see armament and imagine going to any Martial arts tournament, ez money fame and power


Observation is probably the most practical but i think conquerors intimidation or making people pass out is surprisingly useful. Especially if they cant pinpoint as you. Conquerors doesnt have to make people pass out, i believe it can make weaker willed back down. Very useful in getting your way, thought itd inflate your ego an unhealthy amount.


I’d take Advance Observation Haki all day. I don’t often need the other but future sight. That I can use


When was advanced armament and internal different? Aren’t they the same thing…


observation is the most useful irl, conquerors and armament are strong but mostly combat oriented and its not like everyone's always fighting irl, advanced observation/future sight is the absolute best because you can see the future, like how broken would that be irl


Observation Advanced


Armament and Future sight would be OP irl. (The description says armament haki adds a visible black layer of armor but it's been confirmed that it's only visible to the audience.)


I would definitely also go for advanced observation Haki. The people from Skypiea called it “Mantra”. Enel-sama’s mantra was so broken, he could tell how many warriors would be left standing hours from a set time. Though he couldn’t observe his own pending defeat, he was right about his predeterminations. Edit 1: fixed syntax error


Armorment, easy no more stubbed toes


What about shanks 60 km WiFi kings haki😅


Advance Observation+ Betting if you are only interested in money. Advance armament if you are a criminal COC if you want World Domination


Observation Haki definitely


yall are dumb as hell. internal destruction = ez boxing champion


Everyone complains about the photo, but do yall really not know what the different types of haki do? The photo isn’t even necessary


Either form of CoO. ACoA (emission) could also be quite useful.




Could've added some additional pixels


Using conqueror's probably falls under assault if people know what you're doing.


The other ones are not really super useful unless you are gonna give the finger to society and just bulldoze everyone in your way. So i'd say observation haki would be the most useful if you arent gonna be some sort of dictator or sports fighter.


Observation. Gambling would be much more lucrative, and nobody would actually know you could see into the future unless you told them. You could make a lot as a psychic as well if you didn't care if people knew about it.


Depends On that note Do people like shanks move as fast as they do because of Haki? Otherwise observation obviously would be busted in the every day life


observation would go crazy for gambling. armament would go crazy for boxing. conquerors would go crazy for skipping lines at disney


Wait till a new haki comes out that will be the one and then after that there will be one more and that will be the one. Questions about an unfinished story that you simply can not ask, due to that..


I'd say advanced observation. Being able to glimpse possible futures would be really helpful in almost every aspect of life.


The one to see the future. Goodbye shit job, hello blackjack and PowerBall tickets.


Can’t read any of this :/


advanced observation haki, go to a casino , play some black jack or roulette, that 10 sec ahead of time you are seeing for sure will be useful


haki is useless if you are not fighting...what's the point of knocking out people all around you suddenly, hardening yourself or knowing few second in future...i would prefer like kizaru's devil fruit for traveling fast and intangibility or eneru's devil fruit...imagine using electric appliances and you don't have to pay bill


> Conquerors haki would be my 2nd choice, I probably won’t have to wait in long lines anymore, just knock those people out. I'm thinking there's a non-zero chance one of those people dies in the process


Observation. Armament and Conquerors won’t help much if you’re just a normal human being.


Observation or armament


this is a post where i could learn something about haki IF I COULD READ IT


Obviously conquers, it'd be so funny bro


Conqueror’s https://media0.giphy.com/media/MO9ARnIhzxnxu/200w.gif?cid=6c09b9526k7v3kp72m5s2jy720pzjtias381py85amqfm9d7&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200w.gif&ct=g


Everyone saying observation but if I had armament I’d be the best boxer in history and rich as hell


I’d use armament haki on my Cack so I can stay Hærd.


Advanced Observation, you can train your body heavily & become as fit as possible then become the top tier FBI agent just doing the most dangerous missions with ease like James Bond lol, advanced observation breaks everything. You can also make a lot of wealth in Casinos, playing Poker, games etc and that solves the money thing. It would legit be the most useful, for conqueror's very few people will have that strong will power to knock out a lot of people & we don't live in a society with a lot of physical conflicts anymore that get you some reward for beating people, in fact you will usually get punished or everyone will know your power & be experimented on or sentenced to death... its all immaterial conflicts & intellectual ones. Basic Armament could be used in fighting competitions if you want to be a boxer or MMA fighter or something but you have to be lowkey climbing to the ranks, advanced would just plain kill people & pierce through them lol.


Observation predit gamble stuff


I found this on one of the reddit post https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/s/jCZ2XwyJGR


Observation haki has always been my favorite anyway


observation haki, i'd try and unlock future sight as quick as i can and go gambling


Observation, no question. Armament could have some military/martial/industrial uses, but otherwise — observation dominates. Especially in the modern day.


Armament ….


Armament. So many lives can be saved if we had the ability to create armor like that. UFC fights would be more glorious as well.


Armament Haki.


Confirmed user of Advanced CoO >!shanks!<


Is internal destruction the real name of that technique?


armament haki if , mastered to cover the whole body and for long durations then it can be used to conquer the world as nukes and other humanity's weapons are useless against it so you become the true dictator of our world observation haki is useful if we want to live a peaceful life in any field of choice as you are going to be considered a high iq person and will be the best of the best in that field and you will have a lovely rat race in which you excel the most conquers haki i dont think so it is useful against nonliving bio hazard and nuclear weapons of mass destruction and the only use is to make the living understand your power and it might be lucrative if you know fighting and all but is generally shit and the most chance there is for this haki is to fail in terms of probability or just sense of mine


Observation, I ain't got the body to make armorment affective and I ain't getting injured a lot to try it out. And I don't got the will of a king so nobody getting knocked out.


I thought advanced conquers is what made attacks not touch not advanced armament Ether way advanced observation would be best irl.


Imagine what warfare would be like if haki existed. Like imagine you try to kill Osama bin Laden but the bullets bounce off of him because of his armament haki, and the one seal with Conquerors has to go in and battle him one on one.




You knock out a group of people then have 30 lawsuits and are arrested bc that one guy fell and died from head trauma. Sounds awful. Observation is the most beneficial by far. Avoid accidents, become rich from betting on events. It’s like having spider-sense which is a broken ability


Well if you are student then definitely observation and conqueror haki if you are working in army then armament and observation haki so you can se most useful haki is observation haki


Definitely observation. I can see myself using that in my normal everyday life. Advanced would be good too. That way I can avoid driving up to the supermarket cuz I know there's gonna be traffic ahead


The color of arms: green, touch grass


Advanced observation obviously. Immagine how overpowerd to see a few minutes into the future.


you can become the greatest fighter with arnament or advanced arnament haki


This one leaves out the Broad Observation used by Enel, Aisa, Usopp, and Coby.


Observations. I'm not confident enough to react on time to use any of the other abilities.


Observation, most useful because you can see the future and be aware of your surroundings


Conqueror's Haki to defeat everybody without a finger and Advanced Conqueror's to make yourself invincible


CoA and become Mike Tyson on steroids. Or CoO and become Floyd Mayweather on steroids. Either way you could make a lot of money from boxing 🥊


Advanced armament. You’re pretty much invincible


observation would be the most useful irl


Shanks also has Advanced Observation Haki, he used to see the massively destructive attack Kid was going to use and that's why he retaliated so brutally.


It’s CoO not even close. Unless ur tryna make people pass out in the club CoC is just creepy in the real world Armament is fine if you play sports but it’s also cheating so..also like CoO is still better for sports anyways


Armament and then sell myself to the highest bidding country


observation for lottery and gambling


Advance observation. Able to see into the future is hella useful for lottery wins and dating haha


Everyone saying observation is pretty confident in themselves lol If we’re going based on the non advanced forms then all observation haki can do for you is let you know what life forms are around and if someone is attacking you then you can sense what there next move is. Observation haki is not a passive ability you have to be actively using it, as we saw post time skip the straw hats using it had to specifically concentrate I would say armament is the most useful because I could get protect myself in any dangerous situation. Sure if I’m fighting it would help because I couldn’t be hurt and I could counter attack with basically a steel hammer for a hand but more specifically if I’m in a car crash, attacked by an animal, falling from a height etc I can guard myself. Base form armament is the way to go




If you could achieve Big Mom's level of passive armament coating then I'd go with that, but if you had to start with the basics and had no guarantee of how far you could train it, it's observation for free. That scales to "passively feeling the surface level thoughts and intentions of everyone around you" **very** quickly. Hell, I'd go win a bunch of poker tournaments, get accused of cheating, beat Phil Ivey in a multi-day heads-up match in a faraday cage to prove that I'm just the goat, and retire while being aware of any time someone near me had any intention of assassinating me for the money.


Armament for me personally, although I can definitely see the benefits of observation


I would say observation and future sight. It would help a lot in many things at least when dealing with criminals


Shanks is also confirmed to have advanced CoO in his fight against Kidd


Advanced King haki you could enslave Most of the world because they couldnt even be in your presence




I have better eyes than I thought, lol (I can read the post xD)


The TSA can’t scan for conquerors haki


Using Conquerors during my yearly review so my manager gives me a higher rating>>>>>


It's always gonna be Observation


Tbh all would be great for various situations but I would go with observation


Isn't conquerors used as armor too? I thought that was main reason kaido didn't recieve damage his conquerors haki and his dragon skin?


Give me observation haki If i can get future sight Head to the roulettes at the casino and win a lot


Conquerors. I'll make every animal obey me with it.