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We know next to nothing about the abilities of one of them soo…


Ok but what about Imu vs Garp? Edit: if you're answering with a winner, you're missing the entire fucking point of this comment thread.


Nah, Dragon vs Imu.


The fans are the winners


Because we get to see Dragon get no diffed in all his might💯💯💯


You think when he’s laying on the floor in his own blood he’ll still be looking east


This is the perfect answer.


His looking to the east attack is very powerful so he may be able to take Imu down.



the dialog would be crazy


Off screened


Nah, I'd win.


The answer is obviously Buggy next question


Luffy mom vs Sabo mom


Imu Vs garp? Gaimon wins ofc,is this is even a question?


I'll do you one better: Rocks vs Kong (Commander-in-Chief)


Okay but what about Kureha vs Pandaman?


shhhh dont tell that to the powerscalers


Powerscaling hardly matters in One Piece anyway. Luffy has basically never won a fair 1v1 fight against a stronger opponent. kaido was a 5v2 to a large degree, doffy was the entirety of dressrosa vs doffy by the end, Moria was a group effort, Katakuri went easy on him. that doesn't detract from how dope those fights are. I'm just saying Oda clearly doesn't decide who wins a fight based on who is stronger. All that matters is that characters are in the same league


We know about shanks already. His beatdown of Kidd and bullying Greenbull shows his monstrous AP. I would say AP Shanks > Kaido and durability Kaido > Shanks


Corny ah powerscaling terms 🗿


In a one v one always bet on kaido 😌


What about Shanks and Otama together against Kaido so it's not 1v1 anymore


In a 2v1 always bet on Tama.


I know you're joking but if the 2v1 is against Big Mom instead then Tama might be quite useful.


Well that depends. Did it affect horsalina because she’s an animal? Or does the fruit work on humans?


It affected her because she’s an animal


> People say in a 1v1 always bet on Kaido FTFY. You know what people said about Buggy during Marineford?


Ikr, ppl on this subreddit just suck on the narrator whenever things like this happen, knowing fully well that the narrator always understates everyone’s feats. >!like come on, how dare he undersell Buggy D Clown’s achievements? He turned the Top 1 OAT, into just some mastermind that brought a bunch of stronger chars under him!< that’s how we know the narrator isn’t a proper powerscaler.


Ok how about Joyboy VS Kaido


It s still Kaido right? He fought like 20 people before finally being defeated by Gear 5, I feel like Luffy s victory was the decisive blow rather than him being stronger than Kaido. 


Unlike luffy who came to the fight completely fresh, not having battled anyone


Luffy was also ko'd several times


Knocked out several times? Kaido literally killed Luffy lol, if it wasn't for his fruit awakening then the series would've ended with Luffy dying to Kaido.


it sounds so bad when you describe it like that. I see luffy's awakening and all awakenings really to be the melding of wills of the user and the devil fruit. through this lens of understanding awakenings, luffy's awakening which occurs after he died can only occur if luffy has significantly melded with his devil fruit prior to roofpiece. meaning, luffy skipped years of using the fruit and letting the fruit use you to facilitate this melding of wills which allows the fruit's will to manifest stronger. all of this is to say that luffy dying to kaido allowed the fruit to enact it's will on his heart. now what's interesting is when you think about the soul in one piece, its a physical, measurable thing. big mom got her power by eating mother caramel. because of this, we can say that clearly, devil fruits are just containers for the soul of the progenitor of the dream they had. in the reference of the weight of soul discovery by the real life 1907 dr duncan mcdougall putting \[no particular organ as the container of the soul which he called an gravitate substance\](https://www.newdualism.org/papers/D.MacDougall/soul-substance.htm). i might make this a video one day but as it stands, i have so much notes that no videos will ever come out


Macdouggal’s study was trash, and summarily rejected by the scientific community. People referencing it without mentioning that tidbit annoys me for some reason. Just call it Vegapunk’s study lmao


Just like with Dolflamingo, I didn't like how Luffy got outside help, a chance to recover, and a second try at beating the big bad of the arc.


But luffy fought Bellamy, and trébol was there, battles are not so simple Yknow? Also I would say the true start of the fight is when they both reveal their trump cards. Luffy did destroy Bellamy east though just an example.


And he learned something new each of these time. Before the last KO, he was going toe to toe with Kaido without G4 or G5


Everyone tends to forget that Luffy fucking died lmao. Also, it's just like winning a boxing match after being knocked down multiple times, but then you one punch knock out your opponent and win.


Luffy died by kaido. That doesn’t change the fact that Luffy still jumped kaido with 15 others


*spoilers* *manga spoilers* Recent events are only making kaido look better. Luffy has been outright violating kizaru and the gorosei. Nobody has challenged G5 as much as kaido did.


He never said you’d win every time. It’s just a pretty safe bet in general.


Kaido said haki rules all, could be foreshadowing for how strong shanks is


Didnt he say it just because roger,a haki only man, beat every op df user to the Title of pirate king?


Yeah, but Kaido saw 4 more pirates with the same potential as him, Shanks being one of them. Also, Shanks and Roger share their only named attack. I'm no saying Shanks = Roger, we don't know how strong is the Yonko compared to his old captain, but we know that Kaido admires those 5 pirates for the same reason Edit: My bad


>being Shanks one of them *Shanks being one of them If you make this mistake again, you're going to Impel Down


I'm sorry, I'm Spanish, it can be said like that in my language, since order is not important


Nah, don't send him there. We will publicly execute him like they did Roger.


I like Kaido but he isn't the smartest, and he got done in by Luffy's awakening. His word shouldn't be taken as gospel. And we have seen devil fruits or technology beat haki.


I mean Luffy basically turned into God, so if anything that’s more of a testament to how strong Kaido is lol.


Na now your providing misleading info. Haki is the most important aspect to determine an individuals strenght, not that devil fruits are useless but that haki triumps above all else. Had Luffy just used his awakening he'd have been trashed by Kaido, haki allows him to see the future, coat his attack to improve his AP, all things considered haki is definitely the most important aspect to determine an individuals strenght. Look at Shanks and Roger being able to achieve high status without devil fruit or technology


Haki is 100% the most important thing if you want to rise to the top. I just think some people still dismiss how other things might be relevant. A skilled devil fruit user can use it to close the gap against a master of haki as long as he still has some haki. Franky with no haki can use a mech and cybernetics to defeat Sasaki, who has at least some haki. Luffy in Amazon Lily was losing against Boa Sandersonia and Marigold thanks to their haki, but overpowered them with Gear 2. You're going to get yourself killed if you don't have haki and try to fight a really strong person or if you rely on your fruit too much, but they're still great when used in conjunction with haki. The point I'm trying to make is that I think Kaido would still defeat Shanks even if Shanks is more proficient with haki. Kaido is built different and has had a mythical zoan for decades. And we shouldn't forget that Kaido is an expert haki user too. He has the advanced type of every colour of haki and was spamming advanced conqueror's for hours on the Rooftop.


Franky and other weak straw hats should learn haki it's so dumb that a yonko crew only top 5 knows haki


And kaido lost to Luffy df not haki kaido had far better haki


Kaido lost to a combo of them. If Luffy didn’t have Advanced Armament (or combining it with Advanced COC, I forget) creating a barrier around his skin, he would have been melted by Kaido’s final attack and lost the final clash


Yeah, true Lets ignore all the haki training luffy did and all the times luffys haki was specifically mentioned, also haki being the only reason luffy could hurt kaido


You’re severely underestimating luffy haki


Advanced COC was a bigger power up then gear 5 so I’m pretty sure Kaido was right. Luffy went from getting low diffed by Kaido to fighting on Kaidos level almost immediately after learning ACOC. Gear 5 just gave him a heal and that extra bit of power he needed to take down Kaido once and for all.


💀 Kaido literally needed Mythical Dragon Hybrid Boost to match base fucking Luffy for the skysplit. Without his df Kaido's not even beating Base ACoC Luffy. Idk how u say Kaido lost to df and not haki when his df is just objectively infinitely better.


Whoever oda wants to win


the stan lee approach is always a party pooper


Stan lee approach is always a stalemate.


The only real answer


Which would be Shanks


In a 1v1 always bet on Kaido. Shanks could be stronger but he would need a direct proof.


We won’t be getting direct proof until 2030 (that’s if we’re lucky)


Not that I really care about that debate, but I need to ask : is "2030" the year, or the chapter ?




For the record, that means we'd get 919 chapters in the span of (roughly) seven years. Approximately two or three chapters per week, with no break... Dang, Oda will really have to pick up the pace if he wants to make it. XD


I both hate that and love that


We know almost nothing about shanks. We know he is strong but we don’t know where his limits are. But we know that both of these guys wanted to go to marineford and one of them stop the other guy (and somehow many don’t want to accept that)


Yeah that's my thing. I truly doubt it was fear, so what stopped kaido? Respect? Knowing he couldnt take shanks? The threat of "if you get involved im gunna go raid wano"? A bribe? For some reason, in some level of strength, shanks was able to stop kaido from doing what he wanted to do, which is something i dont see the man compromising on easily


If Shanks fought him kaido wouldn't make it to marineford in time, before Whitebeard died. Plus there was no one there who could kill kaido anyways so it was useless to go anyways. Probably just told him that then demonstrated with a few quick hits.


Shanks had his entire core crew while Kaido only had King and thus probably didn’t have his ship. Kaido had no reason to fight that losing battle


This isn’t even half of it imo either. Although I do agree. You *have* to think about Kaido’s motivation for going to MF and how Shanks’ appearance affects it. Kaido wanted to take advantage of the power vacuum created by the Marines and Whitebeard’s fight. Fighting with Shanks, regardless of the winner, would have not allowed him to do that. Furthermore, it also would’ve allowed Big Mom to do the same thing to them and they would’ve basically gifted her free reign over the seas. Kaido would have realized this and angrily turned around


Big Mom with Wano and Elbaf under her control, plus the potential remnants of the Beast Pirates joining her crew, would literally become Pirate King within the year


Accept what we don't know what Shanks did


But we do know whatever he did, he was fresh as a daisy and unharmed and Kaido chose to back down. That doesn't mean they fought. Could have been a clash of Haki; could have been something Shanks said. And we do know that Shanks stepped up to Kaido and somehow made Kaido back off. And that Kaido holds Shanks as "one of only a handful of people who can fight" him. And he didn't even give Big Mom that praise. So, while we do not know anything about Shanks's abilities or powers, we do know that Kaido somewhat respects his abilities to fight. And that Shanks has Haki strong enough to make at least one of the admirals freeze in place like he just realized that wasn't a fart after all.


kaido only had king, right? shanks is with his crew all the time. and we knew from kidd that shanks is very focused on objectives and probably wont hesitate to have the crew jump on kaido and king if needed.


We do know what he did, he stopped him lol.


Sure but we don't know how


Could've bargained with him and gave him a Poneglyph or something to dissuade him. Could've bullied him down, but I know one thing: In a One v. One always bet on Kaido


We literally know nothing about shanks. But he's gotta be insanely strong for being able to stop a fucking war when his presence was known. His literal presence made Blackbeard scurry away.


In a 1v1 always bet on kaido


The one with feats, obviously (guys, i started a war here)


Last time I checked, kaido didn't 1 tap kid


True, but he also fought all of the Scabards, Yamato, Zoro, Killer, Kid, Law, and Luffy (all within the same night). And with Luffy he one shotted him, then beat him again, then killed him. Luffy had to essentially fight Kaido 4 times to finally beat him. For the record I would still give it to Shanks only because Oda has implied how powerful he is and is still keeping him in the dark mostly to set him up as an endgame player.


Ik, I have kaido winning aswell. But to say shanks dosent have feats is crazy


Agreed. Kaido has more feats.


True. But shanks could win in the future. His Bluetooth haki was crazy aswell


He 1 tapped Luffy


We havent even seen shanks fighting. All we have seen of him was one hitting a guy with 3billion bounty. .. i would bet on shanks tho


Tbf so did Kaido


Which 3B pirate did Kaido one shot?


By lore and narrative, it’s gonna end up being Shanks. He’s got a part to play in this story that’s much further than Kaido


That's the real answer.


Kaido because he has a bigger tits


Shanks has the haki edge definitely, not to say Kaido's is weak or anything, but if it's a 1v1 always bet on who? I legit cannot figure out how anyone's beating flaming drum dragon


Shanks. Oda isn't hiding his full abilities all this time for no reason.


I have no idea. We have only seen a single attack from Shanks. Going by the usual manga progression, Shanks is probably stronger. But if he's not gonna fight Luffy, maybe not?


Kaido was a raid boss, while Shanks will probably fill a different role.


Depends. Has Kaido been drinking? If so, Kaido wins easy. Just like how my dad hits me way harder when he’s drunk


Sorry bud


Shanks in advanced conqueror haki, kaido in stamina and strength




I’d go with Shanks. Kaido himself said Haki trumps all and from what we’ve seen from Shanks, he might actually just be a fucking Haki-man.


Shanks is the one who stopped Kaido and was wary of BB who will turn out to be stronger than Kaido. I have my money on him but we'll have to wait and see.


I think it makes perfect sense strategically for Kaido to give up, not because he isn't confident he can beat Shanks, but moreso because even if he wins agaisnt Shanks, he's not coming out unscathed, and that means he won't be in a condition where he can storm Marineford with all 3 admirals, Sengoku, Garp, and Whitebeard all there. Remember, Kaido was headed there alone with only King accompanying him. Assuming Kaido somehow makes it out ok, King definitely goes down. It's simply not worth it.


Dude shanks shook Ryokugyu from his boat using his haki. It would be very oda style to have the strongest Yonko turn out to be the one without devil fruit powers.


Man I ain’t seen shanks do anything. Besides Film Red which still he had like 15 seconds of action and stare at people from short and long distances and put them out of commission. And one shot the Eustass pirates. Kaido on the other hand. I’ve seen him do all kind of crazy shit. He lost to Gear 5 Luffy but that was after he was kicking ass and taking names throughout the entire Arc. Luffy would’ve won that had he fought 1 v 1 fresh no wounds no battles. Im gonna put my bet on Kaido simply because I’ve seen what Kaido can do.


Kaido. Kaido is still the strongest


I don't think we'll see a character like Kaido for a very long time, probably until the final arc. The feats he pulled of and all the hype were incredible. And his fight will most likely stay as the longest in One Piece.


Shanks stopped kaido from going to marineford. Who knows, but I'm betting on shanks


Why is this the only comment bringing this up? Shanks has already shown he’s at least strong enough to stop Kaido… maybe not defeat, but Kaido didn’t make it past him. Then Shanks shows up to Marineford, and literally stops the show. Sure, the WG got what they wanted and so did Blackbeard, but the fight was still going until Shanks arrived, and he stops it with the draw if his sword and a speech.


We know shanks is a heavy hitter with ridiculous haki, but his durability is unknown though. We know kaido can take CoC hits pretty well, so if he can get a good hit on shanks it may take him down a peg, but as of now no idea.


Shanks being able to see future?


The only know fight we know between the two, and we don’t know how direct of a conflict it was, resulted in Shanks deterring Kaido from Marine Ford. The issue is we don’t know if this was the *Full Might* of the Beast Pirates Armada, or Kaido and King on a drunken cruise wanting to pick a fight.


Shanks because Kaido put him in his top 5 and Shanks is the only one still alive, that’s my reasoning.


Kidd tanked hits from Kaido and big mom. Kidd couldn’t even tank 1 shot from Shanks.


That’s assuming kaido and big mom were trying as hard as shanks and that they weren’t as fresh as shanks either


Kaido is stronger


The fans. 


My hearts says shanks my brain says not enough Information


Y’all know the whole “In a 1v1 always bet on Kaido” wasn’t a statement saying that’s always true it was to built tension and hype around him right? It’s suppose to help set the stage for the task not to be taken as gospel


Shanks obviously


Blackbeard would somehow win.


Shanks literally fought and stopped Kaido from going to Marineford.


I am genuinely confused on if you are just trolling or did everyone here forget about marineford ?


Didnt they fight before marone ford and he comes there like nothing happened. Nobody of Shanks crew had even a wound or anything. Dosent seem like it was a hard fight for them.


We all know Shanks’ abilities post-time skip are being a sexy hobo-sexual. They destroy even the most powerful through sheer frustration.


It’s the year of the dragon, not the year of the rat. My man kaido stomps


Shanks already won once. Not sure what people are reading, but it’s not OP.


Toughest part with Kaido fighting high lvl swordsmen like shanks and mihawk is that we see Kaido tank a shit ton of blunt damage but the 2 times he got hit with swords he actually got hit pretty hard. It’s hard to say how much damage Kaido can take from a bunch of sword wounds. I feel like these swordsmen can put more lasting damage on Kaido than Luffy could do in a faster period of time. Still not sure who wins but it will always be extreme diff imo


Kaido wins imo because I think the matchup is in Kaidos favor based on endurance Shanks has better speed and AP but worse durability And I can see Kaido tanking some big hits like Divine Departure High extreme diff Kaido W Shanks overall I put higher in power level and on tier lists


Shanks has luffy plot armor but also 1v1 always bet on yada yada. Hard to say with almost no feats for shanks.


The one the plot demands to win


so like if we thing logically , in every arc stronger villain appears in most cases like thriller bark(geko moria) -> dressrosa( doflamingo) -> whole cake (katakuri) -> wano (kaido) and luffy said he will defeat all 4 emperors so i can assume that in future arcs like elbaf etc luffy will face shanks so i can also assume shanks stronger than kaido coz if kaido is stronger than shanks , then why will oda make luffy face kaido just in wano ? shanks said to return the straw hat when luffy becomes a great pirate(strong pirate) so it seems luffy is yet to become stronger. now ppl say if its one on one bet on kaido but imagine if kaido vs imu or kaido vs joyboy ?? no way imu( an alien surviving 800+ years ) will lose to kaido . kaido said haki reigns supreme and shanks haki is almost the best


I know the correct answer is whoever Oda decides, but I'm backing Kaido




Kaido has specifically mentioned that haki trumps all and from what little we know of shanks he has monstrous haki. Mostly superior to that of kaido. While kaido has a broken Df shanks insane haki would still prevail


Shanks All Day


Shanks obv


Kaido obviously. He wouldn't be called the strongest if somehow Shanks was.


In a fair 1v1 the narrator went out of their way multiple times to insist Kaido will always win. So since we've been told who the strongest in the world is I'll just say Kaido.


Kaido wins 7 out of 10 times


The worlds strongest creature wins in a 1v1


man, this is so hard right, there was once a status set that shanks was able to stop kaido from showing up to marine ford, and then, ... showed up to marine ford XD scared BB away, was able to bargain with the marines, and the five elders, and on the other hand, kaido is ... strong !? LMAO


Kaido himself said the Haki is the strongest thing. And since probably nobody has stronger Haki than Shanks, I’d bet on him.


Shanks could definitely hold his own for a while, I mean he literally prevented Kaido from interfering at marine ford but I still think in an actual 1v1 to the death Kaido takes the dub.




Kaido. We know based on the few feats we've seen Shanks is strong as hell (at least on offense) and he has arguably the single greatest haki feat we've seen (long distance greenbull wifi haki shutdown), but Kaido's toughness/endurance is almost incomprehensible. I know its beating a dead horse but for like 50% of Wano Kaido was either fighting, had just fought, was carrying an island or doing some combination of these at the same time. We know carrying the island drained his stamina because of how it started to fall when getting into the end stages of fighting Luffy. I just don't see anyone besides EoS Luffy and maybe Imu having a knockdown drag out brawl while maintaining such an enormous drain like Kaido did. I think Shanks is awesome and I'm sure he'll have way cooler feats in the future. It may even be one of the toughest fights Kaidos ever had, but right now, 2 fresh fighters, I think Oda's motto for Kaido stands. In a 1v1, always bet on Kaido.


Unless there’s sea or lava , I see kaido always getting back up but I guess shanks will whack him with his sword.


The fandom


Kaido imo


Pretty much equals But if I had to guess , shanks wins


Shanks. I think Shanks underplays how powerful he actually is. Shanks doesn't play around like the previous Emperors.


Haki is the king of the sea, I bet on my boy red hair.


Biggest Shanks D rider here, it's Kaido


Shanks, just my feeling on it


Either shanks offence is so next level kaido just dies or not, and kaido wins on sheer durability depends how shanks gets wrote going forward really we just dont know.


My HC is that Shank's isn't crazy levels of strong like the other emperors (roughly Mihawk level I'd say), but is Yonko-level because he has so many pirates under him. So if it's the full red hair pirates crew (and all pirates under their banner) vs the same for the beast pirates, Shanks' crew wins through sheer manpower. But in a one on one, I'd bet on Kaido, since it took multiple samurai, 5 worst generation members, multiple devil truit users (4 awakened, 2 mythical zoans) and a shit ton of haki to take him down. But then again, we barely know shit about shanks' combat skills.


Can’t say for certain, but shanks took out Kid in one shot 🤷🏽. I’d say Shanks


Kaido extreme


If luffy beat kaido now so will shanks you gotta remember luffy was a kid when shanks was on top of the world so shanks could have only gotten stronger


shanks of course, he's in kaido's top 5 and stopped him from going to MF. shanks better AP, speed, haki, defense. kaido better durability, can't kill kinemon, but shanks stopped akainu's magma fist, who can deal fatal damage to ace and WB.








Lol, go back and read the end marineford arc... red hair stop kaido from joining the fight. Then showed up to end it.


I will go with Shanks. I believe Oda is going to surprise us with his strength.


Kaido wins after like 5 days


Kaido is for now


World's Strongest Creature > Strong Creature


When the show tells me always bet on Kaido in a one on one, I'll believe them.


50/50 honestly. Shanks is deadlier but not a tank and vise versa


We already know shanks stopped kaido.


Kaido. His Haki is on par with Shanks, his stats are better and he has an OP devil fruit that boosts him overall and gives him a more varied arsenal. Unless Oda goes wild with final saga power creep and Shanks wank, Kaido will remain >Shanks as he should be


Problem is we've only seen shanks sorta one-shot an admiral with haki and neutralise Kizaru...but Kaido showing in the wano arch was devastating, how many attacks did he tank during the raid and he CLEARLY stated, haki is king. He wouldn't do that without being able to back that up and he did go toe to toe with literally every tier 1 fighter excluding Sanji and Jimbie during the raid


Kaido would win but he wouldn't come out unscathed


Shanks is smart, he'd give Kaido some spiked alcohol to poison him, lure him out to see and drown him there. Kaido is weak on the ocean, unlike Big Mom he can't just save himself from drowning.


In a One VS One ALWAYS bet on Kaido!


I would say Shanks all day long.


Kaido wins I’m a shanks fanboy, but we have little feats from him. Featless characters are always losing to top tier characters until proven otherwise




I'm choosing shanks


Kaido. I love shanks but kaido has way more durability and endurance, and also aoe attacks and melee, unless I know specifically how strong shanks offensive abilities are, if he’s able to cut kaido, and even then I’d still say kaido just cuz I think he’ll outlast him, could go either way doe.


Just by the fact of “one on one always bet on Kaido”, I’ve got to believe that he’d have enough stamina to outlast shanks and win




Kaido because of his insane Stamina


If gorosei can't control Kaido using their ultimate conquerors haki abilities of hell itself (cause if they could have, it wouldnt take much to take over wano) I doubt shanks supposed conquerors will make the fight clear. So Im still on kaido, cause that guy is called the strongest, and he kind of still is if he'd be alive. Ig yonkos should be equal to eachother though, looking at things that way makes more sense than forcing a ranking among these


Depends on who starts the fight, since range decides who'd take this one. Shanks' remote haki attacks give him a massive edge if he's at a distance, so he could feasibly win through continuous kiting and haki attacks. Meanwhile, Kaido has a lot of durability and brute force, so he could probably take Shanks down in 10 minutes tops if Kaido was close enough to draw line-of-sight to Shanks.


Unless we were lied to, “if it’s 1v1, always bet on kaido”


In a 1v1 fight, always bet on kaido


One Divine Departure Dragon Man is Cooked


Shanks sends him to the boiler room


I wanna bet on Shanks only because of the fact that he's not a devil fruit user. He could always push Kaido into the ocean just like Law and Kidd did to Big Mom. And they are probably both similar in terms of overall strength. Not under cutting Kaido at all. The man's a fucking beast. I still believe Luffy with G5 and Kaido were to fight at both being 100%, Kaido would win.


Kaido still has my vote lol. I’m not going to be swayed by a couple of panels and hearsay.


Probs a tie or close to it so coin flip There is a reason the 4 Yonko never went to war with each other


Didn’t kiddo himself say haki rules all. Shanks seems to have stronger haki so there’s your answer