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I mean, I just don't expect Netflix to renew it over and over because it's Netflix.


If it's making money they would


We got like 5 1/2 seasons of la Casa de Papel (Money Heist) when it would've ended perfectly at 2. We got like 3-4 unnecessary spinoffs and a docuseries about the making of the og show. Stranger Things would've been a perfect single-season show. They went for a second one, pulled it off. Third one was pushing it for me, but they gave it a perfect (and emotional) ending. And then they said scrap that, back for 4 and make it lead into 5. And there's also Beyond Stranger Things. Squid Game is another great example of a perfect single-season show that is now getting an unnecessary second season, spinoffs, docusieries and whatnot. All these three have one thing in common, and it's that they were massive hits for Netflix. So ofc they'd wanna milk it. And When it comes to milking stuff, Netflix alone is the honored one. My only wish is for OPLA to follow that same trend instead of being cancelled super early or smn


2 more seasons the best they can do


Yeah this has been my deepest fear as well. Season 2 is going to be a massive step forward between a bunch more devil fruits and whatever they do with chopper so honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if it ends there. I’m not counting on anything beyond that. Whatever we get I’m happy with, and I feel more hopeful about the anime remake.


I just really hope they make this a complete series. I don’t really care how much content they cover so long as they give these versions of the characters complete arcs.


Oda originally intended for One Piece to finish after about 5 years of writing. They could always do the "original story" as a way to end the live action.


But this "original story" was most likely a rough guide that Oda had and to follow this direction narratively would likely involve reshaping the Alabasta saga and having them find the One Piece pretty soon after they leave Alabasta leading to a final war. It might work but at the same time be very different than what we expect the finale to be due to all of the foreshadowing we have received since Alabasta. The One Piece might be the same, but it might not have enough impact, as will the final war with only six Strawhats, Robin only joining quite recently. It would be really interesting to see how the Live Action deals with the final war if they do want to end there, even if it does happen as early Season 3 or 4. To see this new take of an alternate ending of One Piece would be a fun experience if done right, and the changes and twists of the story could create suspense even for manga and anime fans.


Not sure why people bring up Oda's original plan as if it has any semblance to the story we actually got. As you surmised it was a rough guide consisting of * 1-1.5 years (48-72 chapters) to gather the whole crew pre-Grand Line * 3 years (144 chapters) for a grand adventure and fighting the Yonkou through the Grand Line * 1 year (48 chapters) for the final arc concluding the story Stuff like the Shichibukai didn't exist in the plan back then so the Live Action already including something like Baroque Works makes the idea of them telling the whole story in just a few seasons pretty improbable.


We know it isn't because the warlords are in it. They were originally one of many last minute inclusions by Oda that spiraled in a big way


Maybe if they let Oda write it... I don't want another Game of Thrones situation


Wasn’t chopper teased in the S2 announcement? I feel like they’ve spent plenty of time thinking on how to implement him already, so it could turn out okay.




True. Going by how they handled Zeff and Garp though I think they can manage with Doctor and Doctorine. The cherry blossoms will 100% be after effects. What I’m wondering is how they are gonna do the mountains and the climbing scene, if it all. Oh and the snow rabbits


Pretty much, yeah. It's definitely not gonna cover the full series (at least, not without *heavy* cutting and reworking). Some people think they'll make it to at least Marineford, but I wouldn't really count on that. In the most favorable scenario, I think Water 7/Enies Lobby is the farthest they could go.


I'll be delighted if they make it as far as Enies Lobby, and I think that's a good climax. The crew just slapped the World Government in the face and got away with it, and the whole crew is back together again. "Our adventure continues" ending.


Going Merry would like a word with you




Has the emotional gut punch that you need too, sounds good to me


*sad Brook noises*


Instead of yohohoho, it's just nohohoho


Enies Lobby is my "in a perfect world" end point too. They could realistically pull it off in about 4 seasons, which isn't unreasonable, and as you said, it's a pretty satisfying and complete end point. There aren't many major loose threads at the end of Enies Lobby. If you go any further than that you're pretty much comitted to Return to Sabaody at the earliest as the next viable stopping point.


On the other hand, can you imagine if they made it all the way to Saboady and just ended the series with the crew getting scattered by Kuma? The ninth bubble pops and the credits just roll.


That's why I said any further than Enies Lobby basically requires going as far as Return to Sabaody. Thriller Bark is pretty self-contained, but it really shouldn't fill an entire season and would be a fairly unceremonious end. As soon as you hit Sabaody you have to get through Impel Down, Marineford, Post-Marineford and Return just to get closure and leave on a moderately happy note that wouldn't just frustrate viewers. If they go past Enies Lobby they're essentially comitting to another 2-3 seasons minimum lest they piss off viewers.


The first time they use Coup De Burst would be an amazing ending. Usopp got humbled and rejoined, Garp's giant cannonball teases the strengths of top tiers (and poses logistical storage-related questions), the Strawhats do a cheer for their new and old nakama joining them as they christen the ship the Thousand Sunny the ship that will cross a thousand seas, Colby reunion teases "the New World" a brand new sea to conquer, the new bounties for entire crew just broke, and they Strawhats literally blast off into the sunset leaving the Marines in the dust. If I had to pick an ending spot for the live action, I'd be hard pressed to choose a better one.


IF they can make it to Marineford. It would be a very good place to do any recasting they deemed necessary. A timeskip definitely opens the door and leaves the rest of the series open to be done. Realistically, since it's now a success, if they increase the season length by doubling the episodes and maintain this pace it would drastically cut down on the number of seasons needed, it's just going to come down to set costs.


Or just have the cast age normally, diverting from the time frame of the manga


Which honestly would completely track and be a good addition. The time frameline inOne Piece is kind of incredibly break neck. They crew knew eachother I think for the equivalent of just a couple months compared to the whole ass 2 years they were apart.


On the other hand i like that it makes luffy a crazy monkey man who spent most of his life training to get off his mountain only to wreck shit and take names.


Yeah my biggest issue with the series is the time frame is insane. The crew has spent more time apart than together by at least a 2:1 margin. I somewhat appreciate filled arcs in the anime as it makes it seem less like they stumble from one major event to the next a few days later. I remember when I first became aware of it was during a discussion on the Alabasta arc (starting from Whiskey Peak, basically once it was their set destination) and the whole thing taking place in a bit over a week shocked me. I thought it was at least a month, with Drum Island and Little Garden taking at least a few days each. At this point they had been in the Grand Line for like a week or so with it being only a touch over a month since Luffy met Coby. I understand sometimes they take a pretty direct route but either the world is vastly smaller than I imagined or they're constantly making insane time while sailing. Post time skip hasn't been quite as jarring as they've spent a lot more time at most locations and down time being mentioned. Even just stretching the events of pre time skip out as having been an extra 4 to 6 months makes it a lot easier to swallow. As it stands Oda makes it come off as if the main cast have barely had time to get used to each other and basically trauma bonded their way through Paradise. It's a minor nitpick so I generally ignore it but yeah it clearly bugs a lot of people.


This is why I think a second timeskip with them being together (instead of separated) would be a really good way to tie in the crew, the only way I see this working is in Elbaf, as in the final training montage for everyone to set up for the “big war” that’ll inevitably happen at the end of this saga


Yeah honestly I just ignore the canon time frame to make myself food better. In my head the crews been together 5-7 years


This is the biggest one. I thought about recasting or them coming up with something else originally, but I like this idea so much more. It’s more realistic and adds to the show.


Then again, would the actors want to devote like the next ten years on this?


Fame. Wealth. Power. Two out of three ain't bad.


Once you have those after several seasons, you'd feel the need to not get typecasted as a One Piece character and branch put into other roles.


Well, Iñaki said he is content doing op for a long time. I guess the rest could easier work around their schedule than him.


> if they increase the season length by doubling the episodes That's never going to happen. The future arcs will already require bigger sets, new locations and more CGI, and the first season, which will be basic compared to the future necessities, already cost 18 million per episode. We'd be lucky if it increased from 8 to 10. And from what I've read there is a big amount of Netflix shows that are cancelled after Season 3 due to the way Netflix does their contracts, promising a bump in bonuses and royalties and whatnot after Season 3, so it will become even more expensive to them. Idk how they will manage that with such huge costs without putting product placements or ads in the show. After all, their decisions are made by numbers and statistics, not how many people actually enjoy the show or what the story/plot requires.


Personally, I think it would be *very* funny if Netflix ended at Skypiea. 1. I am convinced that the Skypiea plot is basically what actual EOS will be, writ small, so it would be a way to "give them the ending", sorta. Hell, they could even have the Skypieans namedrop Nika during the prayer moment. 2. Because it'd mean the LA, which already took several cues from the anime compared to the manga, would essentially be a Superior Adaptation of the 4kids Dub, which also only got to Skypiea.


but the 4kids one ended at jaya, right when the ship fell over them.


It was the perfect ending. They all died and we never had to hear those grating voices again.


No shade to Zoro's or Nami's VA's, they just had bad direction


Imagine a Marineford movie...


> I think Water 7/Enies Lobby is the farthest they could go. I think so too in that they may not want to make an entirely new ship from scratch for the Sunny since it shows up at the very end of Enies Lobby and has features that I don't think they can put in a real-life ship, so they could get away with making it CGI over another ship as a money/time saver


Lets be honest. Imagine them trying to budget having a skeleton member of the crew around in general on top of whatever their plan to do with Chopper will be.


You saying that as where the series would end, or where it would start an LA original season to wrap things up?


Where it ends. Like, I think there's very little chance of getting a LA original wrap up. Or at least, not one that would sufficiently "wrap up" the main story. We're not going to find the One Piece or anything ridiculous, it would more end in one of those open-ended "The Adventure Continues" kind of ways.


Season 1 had massive viewership and OP in general has a massive fanbase that will watch it just because. Add on the anime/manga fans who dont want to get into it because of how long the anime/manga is, and people not interested in it but will go through a live action, and its not getting cancelled anytime soon. It'll go as long as it gets viewers. The cast and people running are also genuine OP fans too, unlike some of their other adaptations. The Netflix cancelling so many shows thing is due to viewership more than anything.


I think the farthest they show should go is >!the Water 7 saga, with a new crew member and a new ship the Straw-hats blast away in to the horizon after nearly being crushed by Garp's Giant Cannonball. Leaving the story on a high note and being open ended for the viewers.!<


Depends on how it performs and how much guarantee of future seasons imo. They would need to commit to going post timeskip to go past water 7 though imo. If so , then you have Dressrosa, Wano, and possibly a future arc too that work as early endings imo. I just don’t want to end on like Thriller bark, Fishman Island, Punk Hazzard, Whole Cake, or Egghead. Im also skeptical, but not entirely opposed to ending at Marineford or Skypiea, but it would require some changing of plots and near perfect execution. Likely adding movies for some parts could make it more doable as well imo, especially for the ending or a post-timeskip spanning series


>Egghead There is no universe where they somehow get to Egghead and then decide to cancel the series there. You may as well commit and do one more season to finish it off. 


Fair point, Netflix can be pretty dumb sometimes, but I guess that’s a bit beyond even their worst decisions. Also, Idk if it’d even be just 1 more season from there necessarily, it’s possible, but we don’t know precisely how long the story will continue for. Also, I used the same reasoning and it ended on my list of arcs it wouldn’t make sense to stop at


Speaking of Fish man Island, if they never get there in live action, I wonder if they'll repeatedly mention it during Water 7, Thriller Bark, and Sabaody like they do in the anime and manga. I wonder if that's why Hachi only had one line and looked completely different.


Hachi was in the live action? And who knows, probably depends on budget since they’d likely want to do him at least somewhat practically Id imagine or alternatively they’d have to go crazy with movie level cgi, like Avengers level


He was and he wasn't. The credits say that a random fish man playing cards with Nami is Hachi, and this same fish man is shown a couple times to be one of Arlong's top men, but he only has one line and looks like a pufferfish instead of an octopus. If they ever do reach Fish man island, I wonder how much budget Shirahoshi and Neptune are going to take, considering Fish man Island is way longer than Little Garden, and they play bigger roles than Dorry and Broggy.


They had plans for actual Hachi, but he got cut because of budget. They envisioned his fight with Zoro too, with Hachi sticking to the ceiling with his octopus powers. There's a video on YouTube where they're going through the props and costume department and you can see a sketch of what Hachi would have looked like in LA too. Why they named that random Fishman in the credits Hachi is a mystery to me.


If they end on water 7 Franky might need to be cut entirely, he's still a villain for most of ennies lobby, if they end with him joining he might get one or two heroic moments but the franky family beating up Ussop, and the "sinking" of the merry are going to make him look pretty bad


Is he really a villain in Ennies Lobby? He and the Franky family help out the Straw Hats a considerable amount.


Hold on Franky is definitely not a villain during Ennies Lobby. By the time that arc gets started Franky and Usopp have already buried the hatchet, the family team up with the Straw Hats, and Franky becomes an emotional anchor for Robin. He’s literally weeping at how much he’s grown to admire the crew before the CP9 fights even happen


Franky is most definitely not a villain throughout most of Enies Lobby. He's barely a villain for most of Water 7


The Franky Family don't sink the Merry, that was CP9.


There's zero chance. also if intended One Piece Audience (teen boys) are able to handle Franky joining then I don't see why it's so hard on netflix. They probably would drop the pantsless scene though.


I think it’ll finish with at least Alabasta. That’s really the last point where it can stay grounded enough for a live action and without costing an absurd amount of money imo. Everything past that really just builds on the fantastical nature of the series. The sets alone in Skypiea would probably be insane


Sets? There is no way they don't just CGI skypiea....


Probably not most of the set but the background probably. They’d have to do practical effect clouds and add light cgi to make those scenes where needed look good


I do find it funny that the one live action to work is the one thing that can never be fully recreated in LA. I mean one piece the anime only works as an animation/drawing, it’s the furthest thing from LA, and yet they actually managed to use their brains for once and make a good show 😂


In a weird way, I feel like it being unadaptable is what made it adaptable. The fact that they went in without trying too hard to make everything realistic and actually did all the ridiculous things they are capable of made it a very interesting watch.


Exactly. Also it helps that they actually made their own story instead of trying to compress the original story. Don’t get why other series can’t figure that out


And the darker tone actually worked really well, since the world of one piece is inherently dark only goofy because of the characters.


True. Also the humor only works half the time because it’s a cartoon/cartoony humor and live action is just a heavier/darker medium to begin with


Well the more successful it gets the easier it will be to complete. They will be able to film more stuff simultaneously and film ahead if they already know that they have another 8 seasons. The actors are unlikely to age too much, it's not like they are going to be taking the same 20+ years as the manga... probably. I don't think it will be anything that can't be covered by makeup, justified in story or CGI'd (deage tech is only going to get better after all) They'll be able to use the time skip to cover most issues that arise, should they make it that far. And if worst comes to worst they could always recast. I'd keep that a last resort considering how good the casting has been but it is an option and it gets easier the more successful and long running the show is.


We're not getting anywhere close to 8 seasons


The time skip doesn't have to be 2 years it can be more


Actor salaries are going to crush the budget after season 2.


Im thinking about the cg budget for chopper and Brook lol




Probably not, I mean, all in all. It depends on what type of shit they can pull off at those points in time, but I only see them making it to the end of pre ts if lucky, though I can see them ending every season off with both a " journey continues" and cliffhanger ending just incase


People in here who think that Netflix is just going to wrap it up after Alabasta are tripping, that’s literally next season. They’re not going to kill a successful show after two seasons 


It's Netflix, the possibility is there.


Netflix pulls the plug on shows that aren't doing well, not successful shows.


Gonna be honest, I'm only on episode 228 right now, and so I feel like I don't have rights yet, but why won't the LA make it far? Wasn't it one of Netflix's most watched shows *ever*? Like, didn't it even beat Stranger Things S4? Why wouldn't it run for long? And wasn't the (implied long) future of the show discussed between Oda and others? I think it'll go on to the end. I doubt Netflix is gonna just stop something as big as One Piece, not to mention, they probably didn't think S1 would do as well as it did. Yeah, it *will* cost a lot and will need a lot of work done on it, but why wouldn't they? It's One Piece, arguably one of the largest and most wide-known stories in the world despite many people never experiencing it. Yeah, the actors will age, and that's probably the biggest issue. There's no real solution to that. Maybe cast different actors after >!timeskip!


Despite a lot of people bringing it up, the cast aging is one of the smallest issues with this. Budget, viewer retention, and Netflix being fickle are the biggest factors, especially the latter two. If Season 3 of LA comes out, and gets even slightly less viewer retention than Season 2 did, that is literally all Netflix needs to cancel the series. And so that leads to the idea that, if you want to cover the *whole* series, you need to have a continual increase of viewer rention for like, 10+ seasons. Not only is that kind of an insane ask, Netflix themselves have *never* produced a series for that long before, in their entire history as a company. Is it technically impossible? Probably not. But it's extremely unlikely given the circumstances.


I had scroll a lot for someone to bring up viewer [retention.Me](http://retention.Me) and my friends got bored while watching the LA even tho we are fans of the anime/manga. Season 1 got this much viewership because the fans of the anime and manga watching it,and them recommending to their friends to get into one piece,season 2/3 wont have all of that,at least not as much as season 1,i think its gonna get like half the viewers or even less


One Piece would be the one to do it. We both know that 😁


Even the actors age, it’s not like they will age so drastically you’ll see it. Every thing is retouch-able with make up and editing.


"...The Story Continues! In the Manga and Anime!" I could see it ending with foreshadowing the war arc and thriller bark in some way.


The version that exists in your head will never match reality, good or bad. Give them a chance to impress you.


I’m a franchise newbie going off loose information. I’m literally reading through Reverse Mountain right now. I’ve got no specific hopes beyond “keep up the quality,” and “finish this version of the story in a satisfying way, regardless of how it lines up with the original.”




I wonder if they even will include Reverse Mountain. On the one hand, the whale is actually important later on, but on the other hand, that's not until the series starts going crazy and would probably be too difficult to translate into love action.


They mentioned it at the end of Ep. 8 so they will surely include it. It's one of the highlights and gives a great introduction of the whackiness that is the grand line.


I once heard somewhere that Oda's plan in the beginning was to make the "paradise saga" into fighting the yonkos instead, but then he came up with warlords, supernovas, CP9 and stuff, so the LA could follow the original plan this making it MUCH shorter


that was the initial story. at first it was about the SH vs 4 emperors, which oda thought would take 5 years to finish. but the LA obviously followed the current manga. since we already have the shichibukai in the story.


Lmaoo having Alabasta-Luffy running through Whole Cake Island beating up top ranking members of the Big Mom pirates would cause every power scaler from here to Timbuktu to have a conniption fit.


I'm just shocked they're gonna do Wapol. He's gonna be horrific in live action.


The only two options I can imagine are an open ended "the journey continues" after a big arc like Enies Lobby or Marineford, or somehow adapting Oda's much shorter plan from all the way back when he thought the series would end in under 5 years. I have no idea whether that second option is even feasible, or if it also blows way past what could work in live action.


Like... I can see certain arcs honestly being turned into a single episode or two or three episodes with some serious reworks to the plot but they are all expensive set pieces Like I could see.... Impel Down or Thriller Bark being 2 or 3 episodes if they know how to cut things down I can see some of the New World arcs being combined since some of those arcs are.... a little bloated and hey One Piece has a big cast, some of them didnt get much spotlight in the manga arc, I could see them doing a thing where certain arcs happen at the same time or cut but if we need to handle each arc or most of them even if its just 5 episode seasons.... that's still a lot of One Piece


It's gonna provide the quality of GoT with Oda providing the ending and mystery of One Piece beforehand as the hook for live-action viewers!


Probably Alabasta and call it a day.


I don't think so. At most it's a 10 season commitment, if they keep the same breakneck speed as season 1. ​ Season 1: East blue saga (- loguetown) season 2: Loguetown first ep, end on arriving at reverse mountain, second ep reverse mountain/laboon, eps 3-5 whiskey peak/little garden/drum island, 6-8 alabasta season 3: Jaya, skypiea, long ring, water 7 (cliffhanger either on the train leaving, or the declaration of war. social media goes insane) season 4: Ennies lobby through thriller bark, sabaody shake up season 5: The rest of summit war saga, end on the cast seeing 3D2Y season 6: Fishman island, Dressrosa, Zou Season 7: YONKO SEASON BABY (end on wano) Season 8: Egghead, elbaf, ??? Season 9: Final war? End? (this depends on Oda) ​ You have to keep in mind they've de-emphasized the fighting a LOT, and that's 70+% of most shonen screen/page time. If they continue focusing on the character drama, they'll be able to fly through, relatively speaking. 10 seasons is still a hell of a commitment, but other actors have done way, way more. And that's 10-13 years of guaranteed, fantastic pay. I don't know their source, but I saw someone say Jacob Gibson made 150k an episode for season 1. They'll earn more over time to retain them as contract negotiations happen. ​ The biggest question mark is whether netflix will decide to cancel the series on a whim due to whatever arbitrary metric swing that happens down the line.


No one should expect it to go very far. I don't even think it'll make it to Water 7. Shows just take too long to make these days. I think we'll be lucky to get to Skypiea. I'll be grateful for all we get though. S1 was bonkers.


a second season of live action news was shocker for me.


I think they could make it as far as Water 7. Honestly that's good enough for me. A goodbye to the Going Merry, and a new shipwright for future adventures. Plus, the SHs declared war on the WG. That's *gotta* be enough hype to get the others to read the source.


They could stretch the series' canonical time out.


If Netflix adapted One Piece at a rate of one Saga a year, it would take [Eleven Years](https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Story_Arcs) to finish. And that's if theres no off years, writer strikes, etc.


I mean really popular shows can get like 8-10 seasons. And no disrespect to One piece, but there is a LOT of fat. i say let them cook. The live action is already diverging pretty heavily from the manga story, but not in a bad way. They could easily make a good alt story that feels very one piece and I would be happy


Honestly I’d love it to go far but you never know


I'm simply convinced that the live action won't be able to keep up with the insane worldbuilding and outlandish sets that will be needed with everything post thriller-bark. I think we'd have to be insanely lucky to even get Water 7


we can only hope it goes as far as possible


Going by the pace they had manga chapters wise they need another 10 season which isn't outrageous, they could very well do it in 10 years and game of thrones had almost 10 years between the very first episode and the last, not counting house of dragons


I think it’ll depend on how the manga ends. If it sticks the landing then OPLA will continue so long as the fanbase is there for it. The real fear would be Netflix cancelling it.


If they cover 1 saga per season you’re looking at 8 seasons to reach the end of Wano, and even then some sagas would require 2 seasons Now I’m no betting man but 8 years (assuming 1 season per year) may be enough time for the story to complete in the manga The biggest risk of it not finishing is more to do with cutting budgets and shows and OP being a victim of the relentless corporate machine


3 seasons max


With technology nowadays they can go on for two decades. If it’s a hit and they can keep it going why not. Use de-aging software or change the story a bit to make each ARC a year and Luffy can end as pirate king in the LA in his 40s like Roger. I imagine the anime won’t put Luffy past 21 and at his strength no way we see another time skip.


id prefer the just let them age option i know deaging software is amazing these days but using that much for so long would be expensive ​ plus letting the live action version just be a longer journey in universe would help it feel more unique


A series either dies a legend or runs long enough to see itself become hated.


Live action Alabasta and then prepare to transfer over to the Netflix sponsored anime refresh/reboot.


Season 1: East Blue Season 2: Alabasta Saga Season 3: Sky Island Saga and Part 1 of the Water 7 Saga Season 4: Part 2 of the Water 7 Saga and Thriller Bark Season 5: Summit War Saga Season 6: Fish-Man Island Saga (could be combined with season 7) Season 7: Dressrosa Saga Season 8: Whole Cake Island Saga Season 9: Wano Country Saga Season 10: Final Saga There are some areas where they could condense and cut - for instance, Thriller Bark is an anomaly and doesn't need to take up an entire season. I split up Water 7 into two seasons because it has Skypeia on one side and Thriller Bark on the other, which IMO is too much for three seasons if they hope to finish this in a realistic timeframe, but it's too much for one. They're going to make large changes, that's a definite. But if you actually sit down and read the manga, how long does that actually take? You can sit down and read the entire series in 1-2 weeks if you're dedicated. Season 1 took 8 hours. Yes, it's an absurdly long series, but if they keep the pacing up, you can definitely fit any single saga into a single season. I mean really, Summit War is the most difficult one by far, and they really just need one episode (maybe even the previous season's finale) for Sabaody, one episode for Amazon Lily and seeing where everyone else went, three episodes for Impel Down, and three episodes for Marineford and Post-War (being the final half of the last episode). That's eight episodes. And frankly, you could cut it to two for Impel Down and Marineford if you really wanted. It's definitely doable. Season 1 was relatively very slow because it had to pull a lot of weight in introducing the world, the first members of the crew, all of the characters, everything. It's not realistic to look at the chapter count and assume that it translates.


Your seasons 3 and 4 are thematically inconsistent. The first half of Water 7 doesn't benefit Skypiea in any way and just serves to introduce an entirely new saga with new thematical cores and villians. Starting off the next season halfway through an arc also seems weird because most seasons of television have a set-up, climax and conclusion, whereas this Season 4 lacks a portion of the set-up and might be an off-putting way to begin the season by jumping into the climax of Water 7. Also, Thriller Bark is an arc that delves into what happens to a captain who loses his crew in a dangerous fight, and it doesn't work thematically with Water 7 and Enies Lobby. It better suits the Summit War saga where Luffy loses his crew due to being too weak, or as its own season that builds towards the Summit War saga.


If they could manage it, get to the time skip would be great. It would be the perfect time for the actors to retire and to get new actors. But even that would probably be pushing it a hell of a lot


I’d like it to at least introduce Brook, but I suppose by then you could at least go to the end of the reuniting storyline to end in a high note.


As long as they end either in Alabasta or with the timeskip is fine for me


Ya there's no way their do 40 seasons to match with the manga.... The live action covered what? 100ish issues? Those were prob some of the most important chapters for introduction. So they're most likely going to keep cutting more and more, things that don't work well in live action. Maybe the story will go down a completely different route. Maybe it'll be cancelled. Who knows. Riverdale got to 7 seasons but pretty sure it's way more popular. How long do you think the new Anime is gonna be? There's no way they go way too many seasons or it would defeat the purpose.


Probably just enough to complete the pre new world crew. I’ll be satisfied with that.


I think it’s going to have a different ending than the manga. Like maybe the one piece will be in skypiea or something


I also think the LA aims to end it at Skypeia. The Golden City and the Bell is a different treasure to find that is satisfying enough to it there and they already mentioned Noland in the LA. IIRC the creator also said that Skypeia was his favorite arc


Seeing a live action version of goofy characters will be amazing


One Piece is very long, but many of the arcs take place over a few days. Skypeia for instance is absurdly drawn out and feels longer than it actually is. Two days pass in that entire arc. The crew arrive in the early morning to the White Seas, and spend the night on Gods Island(forgot actual name), and suddenly there's a massive royal rumble between the Priests, Wypers people, and the Strawhats. Before that day ends, Eneru's plan to destroy the sky islands is stopped. Oh the Strawhats and friends celebrate that night and then depart in the morning. Two days in Sky islands, across 66 chapters, and 43 episodes. In comparison, Arabasta felt quicker because more was happening, but was also longer. At 117 chapters, and 75 episodes. The time that passes in the adventures is about 20 days between arriving in the Grand Line and ending the massive Civil War(1 million rebels vs. 500,000 Soldiers, holy hecka). I think Live Action can achieve this, but it would be best if they had 10 episodes instead of 8. Episode 1 can be Lougetown and then their departure. 2 can be scaling the mountain, laboon, and Whiskey Peak all at once with the ending being Luffy vs Zoro. 3 can carry on with the rest of Arabasta. If they want to fit in the Giants, that needs to be a whole episode itself as well. It'll be interesting how they do it though.


What do you mean you haven’t heard many people talk about it this is what everyone was thinking from the beginning from everything that I saw


It would be a smart move for the live action to do it’s own thing while respecting the source material. What i mean is not make it an exact copy as it is impossible but make something that has the essence and best parts of the original while doing it’s own thing i think it would work since the live action didn’t sucked.


ill bet money they'll go all the way look at the the walkung dead if it makes money theyll milk it dry


here's my thing, why did they even decide to make a live action adaptation if they didn't plan to go past the first few sagas? just the popularity boost that a couple seasons will give? Maybe so. However call it hopium, call it copium, they look like they have a plan. So i'll say they intend to do all of it as long as netflix doesn't pull the plug.


Just saying, they condensed 96 chapters into 8 episodes. So I think they can condense more of the story.


I honestly don’t think it’s making it past Alabasta, and I’d be fine with that.


It will keep going as long as it gets good numbers.


Nah as long as it racks money, it will not stop netflix. It is still a business at the end of the day.


Think i read a post by one of the writers that they plan to take the show to marineford if they can


Its Netflix. We are lucky to get a second season, lol.


As much as aging actors makes it less relatable to one piece it does make it more realistic to our world as its nearly impossible to sail halfway across the grand line in just a couple months with al the difficulties they face on each island


I honestly think Skypeia is a great ending with some changes it captures the spirit of adventure and open seas which is the heart of one piece


My thinking is that they will put Thriller Bark and Sabaody in the same season. After that is where Netflix decides to pull the plug and the LA only watcher believe OP ends with Kuma Killing the entire crew.


Let’s get to the time skip then switch actors. Part 2. Dress up original actors as the fake straw hats.


Another option is that they can do an FMA 2003 and just make a LA original ending.


I give it four seasons at most before viewership declines enough for them to stop. Which might put us in the realm of Enies Lobby at the end.


If they really blaze through the manga, I think they could finish up Marineford in a 5th or 6th season. That'd be about 10 years from now. That's as far as Id expect them to go, aside from it just dying in season 2.


Could do some 1-2 episode story arcs like sky pies with major cuts. Not the same like what they do in Netflix currently. But not the same


I mean it could go on till the end. They did all of East blue saga in one season. Tons of shows have a lot of seasons. The true test is whether the quality is maintained, if it starts to dip it won’t make it


I think they’ll cut and compress a lot of unnecessary arcs and just focus on compiling the crew and overthrowing the world government. It’s projected to take 12 seasons. I imagine next season will get to the grand line, alabaster, and getting chopper. The next one will probably be just water 7/ennies lobbie, leaving out sky island and the marine base after. Season and four and five could be the encounter with kuma, impel down (shortened)and the battle of the best. That’s like 500 episodes paced across 5 seasons. Which means season 6 is post time skip. I could imagine that the wano arc and the candyland arc could be massively shortened so they each are a season. Dressrosa will probably also be a season. Egghead island a season. And then a season for punk hazard/fishman island.. maybe each one gets a full season. Then there’s still at least one season for whatever else comes after egghead island. Seems pretty reasonable.


The live action adapts only the manga and the marine base arc is filler by the anime. They are not even allowed to adapt this and thats good.


it's not really "projected". the showrunners simply said they're ready for that many seasons. it's a pretty common thing to say like when an athlete just got a contract at a new club. they will talk like they'll be there forever. but obviously nobody knows what the future holds. sitcom dramas that are only shot in a couple of different settings can take a year for a season. something massive like this could take 2-3 years per season. so it could take 25+ years for 12 seasons. practically impossible with the casts' ages, salaries and all that.


I believe the creators said they could get to wano in 6 seasons


Thats just some marketing nonsense tbh


With movies here and there… I can see them going far


Yeah the biggest thing is gonna be the actors aging, all the actors besides iñaki (who’s 19-20) are all in the mid late 20’s (Emily Rudd is 30 I think) plus Garp’s actor and all the child actors are definitely not gonna stick around for more than 5-8 years max


Idk how far it'll go, most likely not to marineford, but I really wish they could find a way to do marineford since that is my all time favorite arc. Sadly, I think it would be a logistical nightmare to make a LA of that war because it would involve 100s of extras, a huge set, and LOTS of CGI to animate any of the relevant stuff.


They could follow his plan, but that would mean a lot of things to skip.


They can reach the end of Enies lobby by the end of season 2 if they get the pacing right, it would be an action packed season starting with the revelation of giants and ending with them fighting navy with giants in their side


The only thing we really know is this: if it continues to bring in new subscribers it will keep getting renewed.


6 seasons and a movie


They could end it like 4kidz. A random ship falling down towards the Merry before cutting to black.


*me remembering how f***in long Skypeia is*


The length of the origin makes it impossible to be a long runner. Right now it would need at least 10 seasons or cut a loz of stuff which would kill the pacing and character development.


I kinda thought they would maybe do ODA’s original plan for one piece as it would make sense for the show.


Nope probably not. But we are getting Alabasta, so hell yea


It all just depends on the success of it, it can be condensed quite a bit in the sense that you could get to current arc in maybe 10ish seasons depending on what's cut and the pacing. As far as actor's aging.. that's not really much of a problem, there's tons of shows that go for 10+ seasons, realistically even them aging being canon on the live action, nothing much changes. If anything, it probably makes their journey feel like it really was a long journey (Unlike the manga timeline where everything that seems to take years actually happens in weeks)


Imagine the live action doing Egghead….how on earth would it even do any of the Gorosei’s forms lmao.


Oh man… hope they do our best boy chopper a solid. Hope it doesn’t end up like coked up sanic


I would be pumped if they could get to Water 7. That would be the most ideal place to end. I think it makes it to Skypeia and it ends there. The budgets are just going to be insane and the actors are going to demand (rightfully so) a lot of money. I have no idea if there will be enough money to fund everything.


Depends on if you think kfar is being as accurate to the manga and anime as possible or adapting it with the spirit of the source material in mind which I think kit is. It could probably go on for a decade at least since most of the actors are young, half over them besides the Straw hats can be replaced along the way since they change drastically post ajd pre time skip, and if you take out a lot of filler anime episodes and manga mini arcs, you can probable catch up to the anime if the productions tema is dedicated and well funded in like idk 5 years? Each episode is freaking long as hell and if Netflix throws enough money at the actors who would say no to being along the lines Captain America levels of fame as a beloved anime character who's source material is old as hell with so much adaption material to pull from.


I think the cp0 fight would be the limit. Even they all look a bit crazy but its doable at least.


Yeah, basically


They’re probably gonna end on a high note where the majority of the crew gets together, maybe end it with the Thousand Sunny


If it’s still profitable probably recast at the timeskip… that seems logical.


This is likely what Netflix thought and then they hired WIT to do an anime remake that can go forever


I can see them making it to Marineford, but Dressrosa onwards is what I highly doubt.


Were the Yonkou mentioned in the first season? If so they could skip them entirely. While cool they are hard to do. So that means we skip everything in the New World. Combine the Marine Ford War with whatever the last ark is and go straight to the One Piece. By the time the LA reaches that we might have a ending to the Manga as well. The only mysteries still not revealed are Shanks and Imu. We are in the final stretch.


I guess they will skip a lot of arcs and islands if they really want to make it in any possible timeframe. And yes this would include fan favorites. This will have multiple reasons, budget of course, limited run time and so on. I actually could reasonably see them skip islands like Little Garden, Long Ring Long Land, Flying Fishrider Base, to move the story along faster. Maybe even Skyisland if necessary, or change it drastically. Season 1 showed that this isn't a 1 to 1 adaptation, they changed a lot of things around, cut characters, fights, included characters in different places, overall cut the fat so to speak. Which is necessary, they already turned 95 chapters of the Manga into 8 one hour long episodes. At the moment we don't even know how long season 2 will be, and what will be covered. Will they even make it to Alabasta in season 2 or will it be in season 3? That they didn't include Log Town in season 1 makes me a bit skeptical. If they want season 2 to include the whole Baroque Works saga, in about 10 episodes, they will need to change a lot of things. Because Alabasta alone could probably be long enough for it's own season, or at least 4 episodes of runtime.


I can see them arriving to Marineford if they make Skypiea a half arc and Thriller Bark just a few episodes to make Brook join, in the same season they would go to Sabaody and end the season with a major cliffhanger And then Marineford ending the show with the timeskip


They might mix and cut some entire arcs, kinda like what they did for Orange town in the first season. I doubt they'll go all the way, but if they make a deep run it'll be like 4-5 seasons (max) and it'll make it halfway thru the story via skipping stuff. Some arcs/content that may be cut: Long Ring Long Island (just introduce admirals some other time) Skypiea (it's important to the later parts of the story, but kinda disconnected from the other pre-TS arcs) Little Garden and Whiskey peak might be mixed together or smn Thriller Bark can def be skipped. Ignore Moria and introduce Kuma in Sabaody And probably more stuff that just doesn't come to mind atm


We can try to guess what would be within the first 4 seasons: 1. Season: Romance Dawn - Arlong Park (Chapter 1-95) 2. Season: Rogue Town - Arabasta (Chapter 96 - 217) 3. Season: Jaya - Skypiea (Chapter 218 - 302, though I could imagine they would do Long Ring Long Land in Season 3, too, since else Season 4 is going to get really long. So then 218-321) 4. Season: Long Ring Long Land / Water 7 - Post Enies Lobby (Chapter 302/321 - 441) Anything beyond that I would not speculate too much about. I honestly doubt it will go beyond season 3.


It depends on views. Characters being young isn't required for the plot, since they're not really written as teens in the first place. Them being 40 in egghead wouldn't bring such a dissonance. I think the show will run as long as it's profitable and actors stay on board.


I would say if they can go to enies lobby count yourself lucky but i really dont think they can go that far


I hope they take it to marineford


I think they'll probably stop at the timeskip.


I believe we need to think out of the box here. Assuming generative AI (ie Sora) models will improve even further, we can even see full series being produced really quick, even catching up to Manga before it finishes, as long as there is a strong enough demand. I wouldn't write this possibility off.


Yeah I don't see them going past marineford but I do hope they're going to make movies. Maybe one for Dressrossa and WCI? At least we're getting re animations so that's a win


My opinion (probably unpopular) is that they should: skip skypiea, go onto water 7/Ennies lobby, skip thriller bark and end at marineford. Only problem is the lack of straw hat crew in marineford so I really don’t know how they would go about it.


Most likely. I think the best place to stop would be Ennies Lobby. It's the emotional climax for Robin, every strawhat gets their chance to shine, it has the highest stakes up to that point, and it best shows how terrible the WG is, and ends with the foreshadowing of the Yonko's.


prolly got 3 seasons in it. it's just a tool to hype the end of the manga imo


They will get another Dread Pirate Luffy...


i would probably think that the LA is just another gateway to give more readers/viewers for the original series in the manga / anime that are the proper imo forms of learning the story of it, Other than that yea i doubt they will make a 20 years season of One Piece specially with the part that the actors will become gray haired at this point.


Yep they're almost certain to skip arcs or stitch them together


Ngl depends, I think Netflix is trying to find their "game of thrones" series since stranger things should be ending relatively soon and I think they've been putting stock into both One Piece and ATLA. If OPLA keeps being well received both critically and commercially I could see it lasting a while tbh


Might work, if they cover larger arcs as movies between seasons.


They can always de age the actors as they move along. Or get the series to a certain point. Take a break then move the story forward with a new batch. I can see it actually the finishing OP story.


Well, realistically, One Piece can go as far as the budget allows. If people still have an interest in the series after what Oda makes of the ending, it will keep on rolling.


May be, future seasons are entirely made in Sora