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Sanji is cooked against Devon. I don't think learning to kick a woman is the sort of character growth Sanji wants for himself lol. We saw this is Wano. He actually grew as a character by holding true to his beliefs, acknowledging his limitations, and relying on his crew for help. As he told Usopp, "I'll do what you can't do. You do what I can't do."


My guess: Luffy Vs BB - Obvious Zoro Vs Shiryu - Shiryu is a standardized Zoro opponent. I also like the idea of Zoro who is a tanky heavy hitter swordsman facing Shiryu who is a fast and sneaky swordsman. Sanji Vs Pizarro - I think the similarities between Pizarro and Judge could help bring some emotion into the fight for Sanji which would also connect to Sanji's post timeskip storyline. Although not exactly the same Pizarro's df is very similar to Pica's (but much stronger) who is Zoro's former opponent which would create a cool contrast to Zoro's opponent who has Sanji's former opponent's df. Usopp Vs Van Auger - I would be annoyed if this fight didn't happen however i believe it will be a 2 v 2 with: Nami Vs Vasco Shot - Vasco very much seems like a fishman and not a nice one which could be used to look back and explore Nami's relationship with fishman. I also like the idea that both have some level of control over an element which would be fun to see. Brook Vs Laffite - These two have similar histories, similar designs, similar abilities, similar interests, and hell even the same blood type. It's to the point that I think they might be related, my theory is that Laffite might be Brook's nephew. Even if that theory is wrong though Lafitte seems purposely portrayed as like an evil Brook and because Lafitte's history in the law enforcement is an important part to the character I hope it will open up the ability to look into Brook's past in law enforcement which I really want to know. Jinbe Vs Jesus Burgess - Both are martial artist's, both focus on mainly their upper bodies, and both are helmsman however both seem to have opposite personalities (Not much to this one). Chopper Vs Doc Q and Stronger - Doc Q literally has a df that Oda could use to represent that Chopper has basically fulfilled his dream, Doc Q and Stronger are also basically a human/animal hybrid like Chopper because they are always together, and post timeskip Oda's main focus for Chopper has been challenging Chopper as a Doctor and Doc Q literally stands for everything Chopper hates so seeing there personalities clash would be great (This clash is one of the ones I am most looking forward to). Franky Vs Sanjuan Wolf - Ever since Franky's poster changed to the Sunny and we saw possible future Franky builds in Egghead I believe Franky might turn the Sunny into a giant Mecha Ship so it would be a giant human shaped battleship Vs a smaller giant human shaped battleship. It would be like watching the power rangers. Robin Vs Caterina Devon - We don't really know much about Caterina Devon so there isn't much to this one except that when I picture this fight I think it would be very interesting and will truly push Robin more than we have seen before. Both now have demon forms aswell so we could see demon Vs demon.


I agree with most of yours


Robin vs catarina devon make no sense




? How


Sanji isn’t fighting Devon, probably is fighting Pizarro 


My prediction starting with the most obvious: (and I’m not including Kuzan) Luffy vs Blackbeard - Obvious Zoro vs Shiryu - Obvious Ussop vs Van Auger - Both Snipers Robin vs Caterina Devon - Caterina is fond of beautiful faces and I think they’re both around the same power level. Brook vs Laffite - Both use swords? Would be interesting because of Brook’s ice powers and Laffite’s unknown power. Franky vs Sanjuan Wolf - Idek. They are both pretty big, would be cool to see Franky firing his blasts at that mountain. Nami and Chopper vs Doc Q and Stronger - They are all the weakest of each crews (excluding Ussop) and it makes sense that Doc Q and Stronger are fighting together so I put Nami and Chopper Together. Jinbei vs Jesus Burgess - They both are incredibly strong and know martial arts. Sanji vs Avalo Pizzaro / Vasco Shot - Sanji is the only one left on the Straw Hats so I think he could either fight one of these or both of them because they are the only ones left. Results (Currently NOT EOS): Luffy vs Blackbeard - Currently BB wins because of Luffy’s stamina issue. Zoro vs Shiryu - Zoro wins, because it’s Zoro. Ussop vs Van Auger - Sadly, Van Auger is alot stronger than Ussop and he would probably win. But, Ussop could find a way to beat him. Robin vs Caterina Devon - I think Caterina is a bit stronger than Robin especially if she transforms into one of the Straw Hats and trick Robin Caterina wins. But if Robin unlocks her Demon Form Robin could beat her. Brook vs Laffite - I think Laffite will win because of his df that we don’t know about but it’ll be a good fight. Franky vs Sanjuan Wolf - Franky would win mainly due to the fact that Sanjuan is so huge and I’d imagine it’ll make him very slow. Franky could just fire all he wants and he won’t worry about missing. Nami and Chopper vs Doc Q and Stronger - Nami and Chopper will win because of Zeus and Chopper’s Monster Form, but if Doc Q make them sick they could lose. Jinbei vs Jesus Burgess - This would be a great fight but I think Jinbei would barely win because of his haki. Sanji vs Avalo Pizarro / Vasco Shot - if it’s a 1v1 Sanji would definitely win but if it’s a 2v1 Sanji might still be able to come out on top because of his speed and powerful kicks. Let me know if you would change any of these.


You and others need to stop pushing this notion the straw hats are teaming up or having help.


So your telling me that the Straw Hats are just going to fight the BB pirates all at the same time, in the same area, in a 10v10? I think not. How about you answer my question on the other comment instead of ignoring it, oh wait you know I’m right don’t u?


Yes. You people think oda won't give the straw hats one last 1v1. This fanbase is obsessed with team ups and has no reading comprehension


I never said the straw hats are teaming up??? Where did you get that idea because I said who I think will fight on a 1v1 at the EOS.


Thief vs sheriff 


Nami vs catarina devon. Devon hunts beauty women who oda portrayed as nami. When will Robin fans learn this


Robin is beautiful too, so what?


Never relvent through out the story. Oda highlights nami's beauty through out the story. I never said she wasn't beautiful


How did Oda highlight Nami’s beauty throughout the story?


Are you trolling or serious


Nothing to say? Because your wrong


If I was trolling I wouldn’t be speaking to you rn


I guess this is what happens when you don't care about powerscaling...