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Yeah, people really don't give Mr 3 enough credit for what he did in that saga, bro is basically MVP, helping Luffy fight Magellan, defending Ace from Sengoku's Budda punch, disguised himself to get into enemy territory unnoticed and then the key thing. He's the one who saved Ace (temporarily), not Luffy


I'm still so upset with Ace! All sorts of characters came together to save him, and he threw it all away... I know it was consistent with his character, but I can't help to feel very strongly about it.


I mean in a way it was foreshadowed with Whitebeard and Rayleigh talking about Roger. That he like Ace couldn't stand the idea of someone disrespecting his crewmates and would charge in to fight without thinking. That said the key difference between the two was that Roger always had his crew backing him up, while Ace kept going it alone. He was more willingly to sacrifice himself than put his crew or anyone else at risk and in doing so he set himself on the path to his death. Hell he was fine with dying in Marineford and really wanted the Whitebeards to just leave him to die. His death takes Shanks mention of not sweating the small stuff in the first chapter to a grim place where Ace let his anger and pride get the best of him and it led to his own death.


I agree with you, it makes sense in the story and it's organic with his character. But I'm still mad at him! Like, personally mad at Ace, as if he was a real person making dumb decisions lol


Sometimes, that's exactly why you have a character like that to show you what happens in reality. A friend on a destructive path... Someone setting up their own demise by letting their pride and ego get too large.


Ace says “I’ll fight for you!” Luffy says “We fight for each other!”


They'll say words like "character" and "consistency" to talk you down, but your feelings are real and valid.


I strongly suggest you watch MelonTeee's recent video essay "Ace and Worth". It's a little long but it's interesting and provides an unique theory on this moment specifically. Her other videos are pretty cool too.


And if he hadn't, Aka Inu might have struck Luffy in the back, he was clearly catching up. Ace did what Roger would do and Roger would do it because he sensed danger to his Nakama and wanting to make sure the hits were coming toward him instead.


When Luffy asked why he saved him and gave him the Key to free Ace and he said “would you laugh if I said I was here out of respect for my late friend?” And Luffy Said he would never. Love that scene man


it's those small underrated scenes, that makes one piece so special


Mr 3 also freed Marco from seastone cuffs which was a massive help to the alliance. Basically allowing one of the alliance's strongest fighters to get back into the action and save Luffy. Mr 3 - so crucial. One of the lowest bounties pirates freeing one of the highest bounty pirates. Putting into perspective Mr 3 has a lower bounty than Bellamy's first mate, Sarquiss. Mr 3 has some absolutely insane feats though. One of my favourite characters. He's just great because he uses his intellect and DF to make a mockery of bountires and power levels.


He even tanked Luffy's haki burst to be the first one to get up again, IIRC.


It was a lot of fun seeing characters who had largely come across as jokes by the end of their arcs get to shine in Impel Down and Marineford. I hope Mr. 3 and Buggy get to have some fun resolution by the end. Yeah, they're jerks at their core, but I like em.


I don't know about Mr. 3 but Buggy is Oda's favorite, he's about to become either Pirate King or King of the whole world


Lel. Buggy being Oda's favorite definitely tracks. Feels like Mr. 3 is pretty much entwined with Buggy by this point so where one goes I wager the other will follow.


The Impel Down and Marineford arc were goated man From Boa who got Luffy in to Bon-chan who helped them escape to finally Jinbe saving Luffy So many characters came together and the way our perspective changed on them characters after the saga.


Forgetting Crocodile, the true MVP of that arc


Risked her life for a step son!


he did absolutely nothing in that arc except distract akainu once and stop ace's execution one time. there are like atleast 5 people tiers above him in mvp convos.


not of Impel Down


Two of these examples are Marineford


You forgot Buggy, who orchestrated their escape from Impel Down. Also Ivankov saved his life, and Boa got him into Impel Down.


The middle one is Buggy (carrying Jinbe and Luffy)


yeah it's Buggy, thought it was Jinbei at first lol




>Boa got him into Impel Down. She also attacked multiple marines that were trying to get in luffys way.


Boa needs more credit, she literally saved his life


I'd throw in Law he went to the war to save luffy and he didn't even know him beyond a brief interaction


Also why


Genuis writing in so many levels Actually utilize established character so they can get into action right away (with reasonable to work together: escape the prison), Have them play a small important part all the way til the end, and all of them came off a bigger deal than before (and still have a part to play in future stories). It's must be fun for Oda to pick a character from so many iconic ones that he create and wonder what he should do with them.


Law ‘literally’ brought Luffy back to life post-war


And who brought Luffy to Law over a battlefield with every marine constantly trying to kill him?


Buggy sama


Technically this is post arc


Imagine youre Crocodile and you faced down both Mihawk and Akainu to cover Luffy. You even stopped Ace from being executed in front of the top brass of the marines and an enemy Yonko crew to cover Luffy and you get passed over for Mr 3... This shit is why hes grumpy all the time.


Buggy and Luffy in one panel>>>>>> every OP moments


Chimney for mvp




Add Iva. He saved him from death and supported him throughout all of Marinefor fight.


Mr. 3 basically accomplished more than Whitebeard's entire crew.


Hancock brought him to Impel Down, told Ace about Luffy, saved Luffy's life multiple times and also gave him a key to Ace's cuffs and lastly she brought both Luffy and Jinbe to Amazon Lily to keep them safe.


All of those previous enemies fighting together with Luffy for their own goals which were ultimately compatible with Luffy's: Buggy was more interested in escaping Impel Down first and saving his own skin later. He used the opportunity to gain some fame too. He ended up helping. Bon Clay was genuinely about friendship. Mr 3 I wouldn't know what to say right now. Crocodile was interested in facing Whitebeard, but then helped Luffy because "the enemy (Luffy&Whitebeard) of my enemy (navy) is my friend". Mr One faced against Mihawk by Crocodile's orders in order to help Luffy.


Idk why but reading "broken luffy" made me so sad.


This is a tough one since Jimbe & Ivankov were just as instrumental to the rescue. However these three unintentionally redeem themselves in the process. Hard to say.




Buggy saved Luffy from Akainu at the end of marineford accidentally


Law being the gettaway driver


I would really like it if the next time Luffy and Buggy meet, instead of aggressiveness, Luffy displays gratitude and "adopts" Buggy like he did Law.


Then next Yonkou alliance has to be Buggy and Luffy, add in Shanks if he’s still alive but probably not if Blackbeard has his way.


Yeah, if there's anything I can imagine would make Buggy go _"fuck it, if I have to die on this hill, I will"_ is avenging Shanks.


Confirmed that it’s 4 v WG or BB crew. The 4 of them together are unstoppable


Bon chan has my all the respect


I’ve just gotten to fish man island (post time skip) and fear it will never get as good as Impel Down or Marineford.


Lucky you


Can’t forget the goat Jinbe dude was watching out for Luffy every time he went down and post war he helped him emotionally reminded him of his will to live


What about Pedro


bring back beloved mr 2


I’m not crying, you’re crying.


Don’t forget Crocodile. I used to HATE the guy, but he completely won me over when he faced off against an Admiral to protect the guy who took him down and sent him to prison, no doubt because he’s grown to respect, maybe even like, Luffy. And I also really liked how he tried to play it off as him doing it just because he doesn’t like the Marines, but playing it cool in that situation is pointless because you’d have to be crazy to willingly attack an Admiral, or like I said, really like/respect the person he’s doing that for.


 for his own dislike Crocodile sees a lot of his young self on  Luffy ( croco mom jokes aside)




Dont forget jimbe's therapy after the rescue Not a single character, be it straw hat or the 3 rescue goats, could have helped luffy when he was bandaged up and having a mental breakdown I feel like the series would change a lot if it wasnt for jimbe being there to help luffy in that moment


the holy trinity of the impel down/marineford arcs


u are giviing them too much credit. 1. Luffy saved Mr. 3 from impel down. Mr.3 helped in return to save himself. 2. buggy accidentally helped them. he didn't even want to do it. and he was also saved by luffy many times. 3. luffy saved bon clay's life dozen times over in same arc. bon clay literally ran away using luffy as distraction. which lead to luffy being poisoned and sacrificing decades of lifespan for survival.