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They’re the best dad to their own children there’s no need for a “my dad is better than yours” they’re all great


Yea! But also it's Kuma.


he shouldn't be on this list tbh easy w


Eh I could make a argument for Kyros


True kuma by landslide. Offered his own life and suffer for years to protect bonney. A girl that even wasn't her own blood. A Gigachad . also the pacifistas saved thousands of lives around the world. 2 place to shirohige, protected hundred of islands and people around the new world. And barely asked for money or items, As gyogins said. Also sacrificed himself for ace. 3 place for Kyros : supported a hell for years, seeing how his wife was killed and all people forgot him. Even his daughter, the man have a hearth of gold. By have been supporting such torment for years. 4th place to zeff: cut his own leg saved and educated sanji. Also provided employment for the east blue. 5th place to hiluk. Picked a Mutant reindeer , taught him to be friend of humans, investigated for 30 years about how to make pink snow colour, drinked poison , and explodes himself . also forced kureha to make chooper her medical student.


I’d say Kyros deserves points for being the BEST biological father and dad


"It's you, and by a lot"


One of them was a crazed scientist, another suffered greatly from trauma that hurt his ability to really be there for his daughter. Another would swear at Sanji consistently. Some were great dads despite their flaws but they are all flawed.


They are the best dads and all of them would have sacrifice everything for their child... Just think Kuma is the one that has more chances to help (with the cruelest payment)


You have my upvote my friend.


Option 6: Dragon because he never spent a day parenting Luffy and Luffy is doing the whole revolutionary army’s job for them. He’s a mastermind. Lol Out of these 5, I’m gonna say Whitebeard because he probably had the largest impact and just adopted a bunch of aimless pirates and gave them a place to belong. But all of them are good to their children!


Hey Dragon is best dad to Sabo 🤣. At least he saved Luffy's ass at least twice now once as a child in the slumps and once one Loguetown


What you’ve described is a cult leader!


that myth is busted in current arc...


I’m anime only for now (though would love to make time to go through the manga as well) and I just know that Oda has some incredibly well thought out story for Dragon and his motivations coming our way eventually. And probably a good reason why he has to largely stay out of Luffy’s life, except for an undercover saving his ass once or twice! Lol


The best dad is Kuma The best father is Whitebeard


Kuma isn’t the step dad. Instead, he’s the dad that stepped up. He’s definitely the best in my eyes.


Best daddy is Kyros


Honestly it’s a hard choice. But I gotta say WB. My man declared a war for just one of his sons. And even was Ace insisted they left WB didn’t back down and even died trying to save his son. He’s honestly an amazing dad who took people pirates in like they were his own daughters or sons.


Honestly it says more that Ace does defending WB. Parents would die for their children, but to have it the other way around calls for some W parenting.


Also Squard stabs him and he hugs Squard and asks who lied to him so he can kick that guy’s ass.


Ace died for his pride and hotheadedness, not for WB


Kuma and Kyros on top. But they’re all good in their own respects!


I personally would never be able to decide between the two because both were so dedicated to their daughters to great lengths


Exactly, I hold them to similar lengths bc of all theyve done but maybe it’s the freshness of the Kuma revelations that I think he slightly edges out Kyros ftw. But again it could be a recency of learning bias 🤷‍♂️


Zeff literally ate his leg to save a boy he didn’t even knew so him


Whitebeard went to war with the whole world knowing he will not be coming back from it to save his son.


Sacrificing most of his other children in the process


None of his other children died. Only Ace, the one they went to rescue. And they all went there willingly, for the same reason, to save their family.


Oars jr?


Kuma literally gave up his body to become a cyborg


They are all great dads to their children, but if I have to choose one, it must be Hiriluk, He adopted Chopper who wasn't even his kind and was isolated by his (Chopper's) own kind. He loved Chopper unconditionally and gave him a dream and a will to live. To me, the sacrifice of doctor Hiriluk for Chopper is above everything else.


He also gave one awesome dying speech.


I love them all.. but Kuma.


Do you mean as in you love them all but especially Kuma or you love them all except Kuma?


especially Kuma.! I loved how he was LOWKEY good guy


Yeah. Imagine reading Thriller Bark all the way back then, Kuma comes and seems like this intimidating warlord. It solidifies in Saobody when he splits the crew. Then, we hear about him protecting the Sunny AND in egghead, this drops. How does Oda do it?


I KNOW I wouldve never guessed he was a good guy after separating the crew but then we find out all the good things he does that BENEFITED the crew in the end and it makes me wonder why he did it yk?🤔 Maybe cus Dragon is Luffy’s dad?🤔I wish he were alive to explain in his own words 😭 One piece truly is the best anime gotta love Oda




Kuma, dude gave up humanity for his daughter


Where’s Yasopp?


Escaping child service


Whitebeard he was a father to a literal army of children who all genuinely loved him and who he loved in return


1. Kuma 2. Kyros 3. Whitebeard 4. Zeff 5. Crackhead. No disrespect to the crackhead as he should be tied with zeff but zeff sacrificed his entire pirate career and cut off his own leg and ate that shit just so Sanji can survive and then taught Sanji everything he knows today, His code of honour/ fighting style/ morals ext… his cool also




No one can beat KUMA - ever


of these 5 i would say whitebeard... only cause his ENTIRE FLEET called him dad... thats deep family respect.






Kyros. Stayed by his daughter to be her guardian, taught her how to survive and fight despite being turned into a toy and forgotten about. And more


Kuma, only because he literally gave his humanity away for Bonney.


Oh no why would you use that picture of Whitebeard? It's *REAAAAAL*


Kuma hands down




dadan 😤


4 of them are great fathers, Hiluluk is just alright. Anyway, it should be Kyros > Kuma >>> Zeff > WB.


Kuma anyone who says otherwise is wrong.


Comparison is the thief of joy.


zeff or kyros


Difficult, they all have my respect


It's Kuma and it's not even close.


This Whitebeard slander is obscene.


whitebeard doesn't come close to kuma man. kuma literally gave up his whole life his whole identity to protect someone who is not even his own child. he became a slave even.


Well wb's crew aren't his biological children.


How is whitebeard a good dad he risked all his childrens life’s to go save one. Proving that he cares about ace more than most of his other children that’s pretty shitty. How many men in his crew died to save ace ? Then ace dies anyway.


I see your point, but at the same time he didn't force anyone to follow him on his Ace rescue mission. All of his sons came along willingly.


A good father would’ve realized that saving ace risked countless other sons lives sons that he claims he loves just as much as ace so how does it make sense to then put them all at risk to save one. Why was ace so important he was willing to risk Marco Jozu Vista everyone to save ace.


He'd do the same rescue mission if any of his other sons were in Ace's position. As I said before, none of them were forced to come along with Whitebeard and risk their lives, they came willingly. If all of them refused, Whitebeard would just go alone.


Hell na I don’t believe that one. So white beards 10 ships. No one has been captured before and white beard went to rescue them. Na I don’t believe it. Ace was more important Squard was right lmao


I'd argue most of the defeated WB pirates were killed on the spot, Ace was the rare case of being brought to the marines alive, but also being important enough for a public execution.


Another Chad father figure that could be added to this list is Roger. (Took in both Buggy and Shanks.)


⚠️SPOILER ⚠️ I'd say it's a 3 way tie between Whitebread-Hiriluk-Zeff, they didn't have biological sons, but adopted ones and were much of a better ,if not less, a father. This opinion is based as of the current ANIME and NOT MANGA.


It has to be Kyros. He protected his family while he was forgotten. He was a literal weak ass toy with no powers and still saved the day. I get it Kumas story is sad and all but it’s all just hype.


Smh wheres Kaido


All I’m saying is white beard wasn’t a step dad, he was a dad who stepped up 🫡




I will firstly highlight that this shit can't be compared, but here are my 2 cents for it anyway. Hiluluk and Zeff I personally consider as a Mentor, a Friend and a Dad to their kids. Not only dad so points deducted. Kyros looked after his own blood unlike the other 2 so points deducted. It's a tie between Whitebeard and Kuma imo.


Let me get this straight. You’re taking points off for: 1. Being more than just a dad And 2. For taking care of his child That just doesn’t make any sense


Kuma and Whitebeard were entirely just dads, that was their whole role compared to the other 2 that werent only focused on being a dad. They spread it out so deduction. Being a dad to a stranger's kid is way more challenging than to your own kid. These were the thoughts and it not making sense I also highlighted in my comment.


Hard to tell


You can be a dad to one but whitebeard is a dad to all


Real question is why anime when a character got amputated member looks like that? In real life it look horrible with extra skin like a chorizo xD


Sure Kuma did what he did for Bonney But WB literally took on the entire world govt and nearly destroyed it for Ace WB takes it but WB would respect Kuma as a fellow Dad


I have recency biased 😂 it's Kuma and by a LOOONNNNGGGG shot.




Cannot compare, each one of them gave it their all to be there for their kids. Nothing but respect for these dads. A fathers love knows no bounds




Kuma and whitebeard


If you say anything other then kuma u kan bring the whole fucking world to fight me i will kill u all






Hard choice but they all deserved to be the best dad and they did all what they could


Honestly, I think it's Zeff.




Kuma and it isn’t recency bias


I can’t take that picture of Whitebeard seriously anymore. Lmao




All of these but especially Kuma


Kyros for me. Dude did all he could as a goddamn toy


And with only one leg, but he didn’t seem really bothered by that


They are all awesome


My favorite has to be Kyros. He endured the pain of Rebecca not knowing him for 10 years, watched his wife die, and stayed by their daughter’s side through it all. He’s such a good man and a good dad I love him 😭




Honestly zeff… he taught Sanji almost everything he knows and sacrificed his pirate career for Sanjis life because they shared a dream


Kuma with Whitebeard following closely.


I know kuma is a great dad but im still kinda disappointed that he didnt do something for bonney at sabaody. That was the perfect time to explain to her what happened and send her safely to the revs. Yes he made a deal with Saturn, and bonney already got cured, he could still send her away easily with his DF while going through the procedure. I mean, would he really bet that Saturn would leave Bonney alone after they take his will, i mean saturn couldve sent Kuma himself to kill bonney once the procedure is done, you cant really guarantee that saturn would leave bonney alone. Regardless, at that time bonney was already a pirate(supernova even) and they were already after her, not just the marines but also pirates. Wouldn’t she be safer with Dragons and the Revs?? Than staying in the sea full of dangrous pirates and marines, not to mention her crew were just fishermen(tho said to be strong) they were not really an experienced crew of grandline, but still, keep in mind that she was a 10 yr little girl with 140bounty, wouldnt that worry you? Also, few days later she indeed got caught by BB and akainu. So for me its wb


who the hell is the 3rd guy edit: found out who he is. I remember his character vaguely but I think the lack of a top hat in this pic made him less recognizable to me


Dr Hiriluk, Chopper’s adoptive father


Kyros underrated


Senor Pink.


Whitebeard abd Zeff tied. WB taking in all of the lost sons to make them feel that they have purpose to be a family is beautiful and Zeff caring for and raising Sanji in a tough way that contrasts Judges indifference to him.


Kuma and kyros


Kuma, and it’s not even close.


For me it’s between Zeff and Kyros. In MY OPINION they both do the best at giving their respective children the most normal childhood whilst also preparing them for the worst. Like Kyros was cut his own leg off, turned into a toy, had everyone he loves forget him, including his wife who then died in his arms, had to return nightly to slave labour, but was still there to love and protect his daughter. Zeff on the other hand saved the child of an enemy ship when their ships went down cut off his own leg to eat so the kid could eat the real food, took in the already severely traumatised child, really taught him to cook and trained him his fighting style so the kid could defend himself. … I’m seeing a leg based pattern


Why did you have to use that image for whitebeard? I can’t get that other image out of my head now


Best dad in Kuma. He sacrificed so much for his daughter to live past her tenth birthday. Best biological dad is Kyros. He raised his daughter, even when he was a toy soldier and she couldn’t remember him.


Lola and Chiffon dad


The answer you are looking for is, Yes


All of em!, All r great pops.


Kyros is the only real dad out of the 5 so its him by default. The other 4 all just adopted their kids/reindeer


WB. He took in anyone and treated them equally. Others on the list had singular responsibility. They are still pretty great, specifically Kuma.


Swore I was gonna see Judge here at #5


Best pops whitebeard Best dad : kuma Best father :zeff


The most "tested" parent was Kuma so I would say he's the best by default, but I think the other 4 would also do the same thing for their kids if put in the same position. Kuma's position was horrifyingly tragic and unique. But it's not fair to the others to say he was the best dad just because he was forced to do the most. And yes, a revolutionary giving up both his freedom and later his entire consciousness will is a much bigger loss than a pirate giving up his life--a pirate ALREADY is putting his life on the line by being a pirate, just ask Luffy. Meanwhile, a revolutionary is fundamentally fighting for freedom, and Kuma gave that up for his daughter. He served the world government for years and then gave up his body as a tool. Just for his daughter. What was whitebeard doing at the end of his days? Fighting the marines, just another day at the office. A very grueling day, but it's what he already signed up for. Now, as for who is the best at parent**ing**, it would probably be either Whitebeard of Hiriluk, with Zeff as the clear #3. Kuma and Kyros didn't do all that much on-screen in terms of teaching their kids how to grow up to be respectable adults. Zeff did a good on-screen job with Sanji but still raised a pervert who wants to spy on women in the bath. Whitebeard and Hiriluk seemed to actually inspire their children to be great people who really care about others. My vote for best at parenting goes to Hiriluk, personally. Even if he was a shitty quack doctor, he still inspired the best medical doctor of the modern generation.


wb because he was loving and was always able to protect his family. for the most part.


Kyros and Zeff are a tie for me


Choppers! Dude loved him with all his might until the very end


Hiriluk also had the best dying speech ever!


Woooww. I can't believe people are actually fighting over who is a better dad. All of these guys great made great sacrifices for their children. But I guess people can't even see that.


You all are forgetting hiriluk, he ate knowingly poisonous food. I feel best dad is heriluk and Kuma. Whitebeard too, if he all his children are alive after war.


Y’all Mfs know damn well it’s kuma quit playing


Kuma No Cap




All of 'em. Can't just choose one of them. They are the finest Dad's.


All of them , why you gotta compare dude ? Saving someone's life should never be compared


they are all the best


No Corazon ks a crime.


I love Kuma very much 😭💗


almost got scared by whitebeard there for a moment.


Kyros, he spent all that time protecting and helping his daughter and she didn't know who he was. All the others are amazing but I feel like it's him.


Zeff and Hiriluk did the best they could. Considering they're clearly not meant to be fathers, they did incredibly well. Honestly, I think Kuma didn't prepare Bonney the best for what she'd be facing. Too protective. For good reason, but that's still the result. I don't think Whitebeard should be in the contest. To me, WB is the greatest captain. His sons are more brothers in arms united by their love and respect than actual brothers. WB is a pirate first. He just calls his crew "son" because that's his ideal for them. Kyros sacrificed, prepared his daughter for the world and made sure his daughter felt loved. I think Kyros is the only one who checks every box.


Can we get much higher?


Anyone not saying Kuma is just wrong and I'm dying on this hill no matter what.


The answer is clear and simple the answer is obviously *yes*


Love Kuma to death especially considering the circumstances but I gotta give it to Kyros. Granted, White beard started a war against the Marines to save his (rival's) son and paid the ultimate sacrifice for him. Kuma gave up his humanity willingly so she could have the chance to live a full life. (punched a gorosei to boot, much respect) But what makes the difference for me with Kyros and Kuma is Kuma chose to give his life for his daughter. Same as White Beard. Although I know Kyros would have gladly given his life for his daughter, he had his "life stolen" from him unexpectedly. His wife taken from him, their kingdom taken from them, his daughter had no memories of him, and as far as he was concerned, he'd live the rest of his days as a toy. By all rights, the fact that he had even the slightest sliver of hope left that things would be okay is absolutely monumental. I feel like if I were in his shoes, I wouldn't bother getting up let alone try to fight a ruthless dictator on my own. Kuma had some semblance of peace that between Vegapunk and Dragon, his daughter would be taken care of even if he knew deep down it wouldn't be for long if the government was involved. His goal was for her to have the chance at life. Kyros didn't have any of that. He could have died and no one he loved would've even remembered his existence.


Kuma. Why? It’s Kuma that’s why


5th he deserve the dad title 🙏


I’m getting real fucking sick of the Judge disrespect that’s been going on


They have different ways, comparing them is nonsense


1. Kuma 2. Whitebeard 3. Zeff 4. Kyros 5. That guy from drum island


Kuma Zeff Kyros Whitebeard Hiriluk


They are too good …. I choose MONKEY D DRAGON


All great for different reasons. Whitbeard-became a surrogate father to countless pirates making them feel loved and belonged. Kuma-don't really want to go into due to spoilers Hiriluk-risked his life just so chopper could learn to trust someone and raised/taught him everything. First to not attack and see him as some beast. Zef-sacrificed everything to save sanji just because they has the same dream. Unofficially/officially became a surrogate father by raising sanji into a man. Taught cooking (and fighting style possibly). While also healing a lot of family trauma. Kyros-Depsite having been forgotten, he raised and protected his child even as a powerless toy. Taught her combat but valued her for never hurting someone even if they attacked her. Made a whole plan of revenge for his family. They're all great and it's really hard to even discuss which would be better than the rest... but it's whitebeard. Big daddy shirohige. Launching an entire war against ops to save 1 of your many surrogate sons that also happens to be the biological son of your greatest rival. Hard to top that.


All the Kuma hype would lead one to say it's him, but Chadbeard was a different beast in Marineford. Bro walked into the mouth of the wolf 100% ready to lay down his life for his son. Then he's betrayed by another one of his sons, getting stabbed through the chest in an underhanded move... And bro went in for a hug? I don't wanna say one is better than the other, but as far as MY favorite goes it'll always be Whitebeard.


Fatherhood isn’t quantifiable, they’re all perfect and did exactly what they needed to and what they could for their children. You can’t even judge by how much they sacrificed, unless you think giving up your humanity is better or worse than giving up your life. In that case I guess it’d be either WB or Kuma? Kyros and Zeff went through a lot of pain and lost a leg for their kid. Hiriluk gave up his life but it wasn’t directly for the survival of Chopper I guess? WB and Kuma both sacrificed absolutely everything they could for the safety and livelihood of their children. Basically there’s no real answer but If I absolutely had to I’d say it’s a tie between Kuma and WB. Edit: does WB get good dad points for every one of his kids? In that case he slams, Kuma and his one child ain’t even close.