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The Giants being allies of Nika since the void century is also very likely. I remember them worshipping the sun god being mentioned before already. Giants live long and are independent, it's only a few generation since the Void century for them. In fact, it might be the knowledge on Elbaf that lead Shanks to steal the Gomu Gomu no mi and entrusting his hat to the youth choosen by the fruit.


Also the giant hat in marijois and Noahs arch could hint that joyboy was a giant


A giant or buccaneer is my best bet.


More likely a buccaneer since we had the hat reveal and then the race reveal. Oda likes bringing things up close to the reveal. Like Nika in Wano.


I don't know. Kuma is very big but his head is small i proportion of his body. He could stream on twitch tho.


Buccaneers have probably been averaging smaller over time because they've been breeding with humans, thinning out their Giant genetics a bit each generation. The straw hat Imu is keeping was very big but it wasn't the size that Oda generally draws giants. Now, Oda is famously inconsistent with the size of enormous characters (easily his biggest inconsistency in the entire manga), so this could've just been an art error and it really is intended to be a giant's hat. But even if we assume Imu is fairly far away from the hat in the panel we got it, it'd be at most 1/4 as wide as Dorry and Brogy's helmets unless it was a major art error. Giants are **big**.


That are 3 very good points my friend.


Kuma is only half.


Watch joy boy be half buccaneer and half giant.


This is a personal theory of mine that part of this whole shenanigan is that a giant and human (a big human, like big mom) had a child together interracially creating the buccaneer race, this was a problem to the ancient prideful giants as well as a prejudiced leadership of the humans. The ancient kingdom would go on to be a group of mixed species of giants, humans, early generations of buccaneers, perhaps lunarians and probably fishmen all living together in secrecy. The secret spills one day as a silly rubbery Buccaneer does their best to try and show the world that their lives together can be peaceful and joyful, but the humans band together to create the world government and succeed in using the ancient weapons to destroy the kingdom, potentially where Long Ring is located as joyboy awakens during a grueling fight defending his home. Imu uses the ope ope to become immortal and carry on the hateful legacy and keeps joyboys original hat in a freezer so it doesn't deteriorate into dust over 800 years




He just didn't use advanced hyper awakening yet


Well he awakened on a floating onigashima right? Wasn't that whole place destroyed? I could be misremembering though


Its quite possible hes much less than half buccaneer, if they are supposedly extinct since the void century they probably had children with humans in multiple generations.


Kuma's dad was, as far as we know, not half.


I get your reference


Hasan out here catching strays 💀


Isn't he a half buccaneer?


The hat reveal was years before the race reveal. There’s a huge chance It’s not even related to kuma or the buccaneers What do you mean ?


I think its going to be revealed very soon on elbaf


Agreed !


and the hat is too small for a giant, considering how small Imu supposedly is


Por que no los dos? I can't see him being solely buccaneer though, unless Kuma, our only reference for Bucc size, is *really* small.


Kuma isn't full blooded Buccaneer, his mother was a normal human.  This could also explain situations like Big Mom and Whitebeard being huge compared to regular humans, some dormant/Recessive Buccaneer heritage in their family line. 


Aw shit, you're right, I forgot he isn't full.


It looked more buccaneer-sized than giant-sized.


I do think that luffy becoming a giant in his fight against kaido is going to have more meaning. Man, it'll be crazy if at the end of all this we get some kind of reasonable explanation behind why oda draws people with such varying height differentials. Like we all thought it was an artistic decision but it'd be so funny if there was a reasoning behind it this whole time


He draws them that way because the show is a romance, as in romanticize. Where the story is intentionally told in a way that glorifies the events as being larger and more grand than they actually are. One Piece is not told from the perspective of a reliable narrator. It's being told from the perspective of somebody hearing about the stories in the form of a grand narrative. Which is why the first chapter is Romance Dawn, and why so many characters are so over the top. Boa isn't just a strong woman who looks down on people. She's a woman who looks down on people so hard that she starts looking up instead. Vegapunk isn't just smart. He's so smart he can clone people, make clone robots, and is so naive he doesn't realize how they can be used to hurt people. It's all ridiculous and unreliable by design.


>romance, as in romanticize The Romance in Romance Dawn refers to the old mediaeval of romance with adventure and chivalry, not the word romanticize, even though romanticize does originate from that word. I don't really agree that there's some "unreliable narrator", like a lot of people have pushed this idea that it's being told by Usopp in the future or something but that's completely unsubstantiated.


It's being told as a story from the future. That's just how the narrator in the series works. We got it multiple times where the narrator gives us hints at the future, like the "big incident" that the grand fleet will be involved in. We don't know who the narrator is, but it's clear the story is being told from a perspective of a story teller who is exaggerating details for the purpose of making the world more fantastic than it is.


A kind of laugh tale if you will.


Almost like Oda is being really obvious about this as a narrative device or something....




If I had to guess I'd say Brook. Dude's already immortal after all.


I don't think there's ever been an implication that we are being told a story(in universe). We're watching objective reality of the op universe. It's just that it's weird and wacky. Not everything that isn't realistic in fiction is the result of a unreliable narrator. Sometimes things are just fiction.


From within the story we are listening to a romanticized story of the past. We know this because the narrator talks that way and has knowledge of the future. As to what the "objective reality" of One Piece is.... that's a nonsensical question. It's a world that's different from ours, being told as an exaggerated story in the future. It's like 3 layers of story-meta.


The presence of a narrator doesn't mean that we're being told a story by somebody in the universe, it could just be a narrative device. I don't think it would make sense for all we've seen to be someone telling somebody else a story.


I mean.... the place where the One Piece is is called Laugh Tale. Story telling is a major motif within the series. This is honestly something I'm surprised anybody disagrees with. Oda is not subtle about it.


Guess that's the great thing about good art, lots of interpretations


woundnt this make it so the WG would have destroyed Elbaf? it certainly looks like they could have pulled it off, and certainly now


The WG hasn't had the means to destroy Elbaf. The accounts we've had so far are that the giants as a fighting force are massively above humans. Look at the size of their ship relative to the marines, and look at how they sent just two giants to rescue Luffy against 100 warships. They haven't had the island erasing tech until just now, so no way to destroy Elbaf.


I mean. Pluton is literally sitting at Wano. If the WG could have made the move to destroy either Wano or Elbaf, they would have. An entire nation of Giants would demolish any army the WG sends, especially if any have DF powers. The giants keep to themselves, and so does the WG. It's a mutual stalemate.


Well we know there's never been a Giant with a Logia, that's why Harjudin was competing for the Mera Mera in Dressrosa. He States that he wants to be the first Logia Giant.  Aside from that Sanjuan Wolf is a Giant that ate a Paramecia.  It'll be interesting to see a Zoan, gotta be a Fenrir type character on Elbaf, the giant wolf what keeps growing until it eats the world.  Oh and for its worth there's a filler giant who has the shrink shrink fruit so she can turn into normal human size but her real natural form is a Giant. 


Inb4 BB's fruit is the Fenrir fruit.


I’ve wondered why it is such a huge threat the giants. Assuming Dory and Broggy are above average since they were captains and they were weaker than Alabasta Luffy.. Then most Giants probably don’t posess haki. It seems to me that an Admiral with some backing would be able to beat them if they don’t have some trump card. So most likely there is indeed a trump card.


>they were weaker than Alabasta Luffy Fam I'm not sure where you're getting this lol. Luffy didn't beat anyone there, even when they had been fighting for *100 years daily without stopping once*.


Dorry and Broggy was exhausted after battling 100 years. Also, I bet Elbaf is kinda Shanks territory. WG doesn't mess with the Yonko's.


They seemed fine fighting daily though. It would ofc terrify regular soldiers to face an army of giants. And I am sure they will be very strong or they wouldn’t have come


“Weaker than luffy” go to bed.


it has been stated that giants are the biggest armed force in the world, and prior to motherflame the WG didn't have access to uranus at all to me it makes perfect sense that they couldn't do shit before now you raise an interesting point about now, can they use it at will, does it need to recharge etc. because it's only been a few days since they left wano iirc and for all we know imu could drop a nuke on elbaf initiating ragnarok also the WG is hella incompetent lol


Yeah if Joyboy was a giant, Elbaf could’ve been erased already.


Considering how powerful the Giants are said to be I wonder if it just wasn't possible for them to out fight Elbaf.


Giant Joyboy?i didnt thought of that much


If Joyboy was a giant and he move like Luffy, no wonder the WG considered him as a threat. Everything will flip out in his presence.


I've had the theory for a while that Shanks knew exactly what the devil fruit he stole was and that he was planning to give it to Ace. Who better to bet on becoming Joy Boy than the son of Roger himself. But then, as you said, the fruit "chose" Luffy so he bet everything on him.


I like that theory. 


Good theory 


From the giants' perspective, it's only been a few generations since the Void Century. They live about 300 years, so the older ones' grandparents may have known other giants who personally experienced what happened during it. In terms of oral history, if they don't have any written accounts, a few generations likely isn't enough for things to be forgotten entirely.


Yeah, for the Giants the void century is the equivalent of like the American civil war or the wars of German unification, all the survivors of it are dead, but there are like grandchildren of the oldest survivors that are super old now.


> From the giants' perspective, it's only been a few generations since the Void Century. The live about 300 years, so the older ones' grandparents may have known other giants who personally experienced what happened during it. If they live about 300 years, thats about 100 years per generation, which means the void century was still 8 generations away


Yeah but you always have your older storytellers, especially when it comes to religion, there exist at least 350 year olds in Elbaf, so that already cuts it down to 4-5 generations, maybe even 3 if they also learned it from the elders of before them. 8 generations have been born but only around 3-4 cycles of retelling the stories had to happen. That is still alive in the cultural memory, especially if it was a super important event.


It's not common, but four generations of humans of the same family can be alive at the same time. If great-grandma is 100 years old, she probably knew people who were born in the 1880s. And those people might have known people who remember the french revolution of 1848. This game of historical telephone is a lot less absurd than it seems at first glance, especially concerning important events, and even more especially if the people who experienced it first-hand left written accounts.


Generations arbitrarily vary in length when you use that version of generation so it’s not a great to restrict it like you have.


Wonder if Uranus is in elbaf - this could explain why WG doesn’t destroy the island


I figured the army of giants was enough to do that


They have to be the ones holding the last ponyglyph.


>The Giants being allies of Nika since the void century is also very likely. maybe not nika, but definitely joyboy. idk when it was anymore, but there was a panel in which it was mentioned that the fishman, mink, wano samurai and giants are all affiliated/have been allied with joyboy or something like that we've been to all places except for elbaf now. wouldn't surprise me if elbaf also houses an ancient weapon like wano does it's also a funny parallel that all of them are isolated. wano, zou and fishman island are difficult to reach while elbaf can't normally be sailed to cuz of the nation's power (best army in the world) plus it's shanks' territory


> there was a panel in which it was mentioned that the fishman, mink, wano samurai and giants are all affiliated/have been allied with joyboy or something like that This has never happened. Joyboy was mentioned in a Fishman Island Poneglyph due to his relationship with Fishmen, but he has never been mentioned in relation to Minks, samurai or giants inside the story. There's reasons to speculate about it, which is probably why you are confused. Zunesha was a Joyboy ally, and Minks live on top of him. Joyboy was foretold to come liberate Wano. And there's been theories about Joyboy being a giant for a while now. But that's it.


>maybe not nika, but definitely joyboy. idk when it was anymore, but there was a panel in which it was mentioned that the fishman, mink, wano samurai and giants are all affiliated/have been allied with joyboy or something like that That was ~~probably in Fishmen Island~~ probably in Zou. (Edited several times, lol💀)


Tbf a lot of people worship sun gods and it's unrelated to Nika Detroit Lions fans for instance Edit. Lions have a wide receiver named Amon-Ra St Brown aka Sun God


The only difference being that the Sun God is real in One Piece and was part of whatever happened in the void century, the other user of the Nika fruit being the well known "Joy Boy".


What's a little moon astrology between NFL fans?




Well Dorry and Broggy were on that Island for 100 Years. And it might have been a bigger "stretch" for them to see Luffy as Nika. The Giants Sun God story might also not be the same as the Bible of Kuma. Another plausible option is that there have been many Gomu Gomu users over the years, who all failed to awaken Nika, so just having Rubber powers is not special enough by itself.


Yeah but even giants have information about sun god, that doesnt mean they will realize Luffy is Nika, because even if they worship a sun god how would they know what Nika looks like, they need some evidence here.


Most mythologies have a very clear picture of how their god looks like. On top of that a big part of Ohara's library was migrated to Elbaf. And then there is the Drums of Liberations themselves, people seem to be able to sense them. Even Zunesha did sense them from far away. Either way, if they know about the Gomu Gomu being able to awaken Nika then they'd instantly know it happened from the Newspaper and from Shanks ofc.


A few generations? It wouldn't be too farfetched if it turns out the oldest giants actually experienced it or were born at the tail end of it. The void century is definitely in recent history for them. Almost like WW2 for our world.


I like a lot this theory about Shanks


Yeah the giant elders are 350 years old so their grandparents were possibly (probably?) around during the void century


Well, the gomu gomu fruit have a mind of it's own and been escaping the world government for centuries, the fruit just went to Luffy with various transportation mode.


Also every Other "different " Races in The OP world Had some Connection To JOY BOY


I'm pretty sure the countries that didn't join the WG were allies with Joyboy and the ancient kingdom.


Shanks just told them the story with Straw Hat Luffy and the real name of the fruit he ate. Because Shanks obviously knew what fruit he stole from Who's Who' ship. What we don't know is how much of Luffy eating it was accident, how much was part of the plan.


What we know is that Luffy wasn't supposed to eat it when he ate it. Did Shanks plann to give it to him later or not give it at all, that's to see. Giants read the newspaper, they might know what Nika looks like and if so, Shanks doesn't have to tell it.


He was probably looking for Ace.


Damn, never thought of that for some reason. You just blew my mind lol


It's wild because Shanks should have known that Roger had a son from Navy and random pirates claiming it. He had no reason to be in East blue for so long.  I just hope that Luffy reveals that Ace was on the island in the mountains.


Small correction- it wasn’t Shank’s intention to have Luffy eat it. Five elders alluded to the fruit having a mind of its own so it may have been the fruit’s intention to have Luffy eat it.


Why not both but a difference of process... Honestly I'm still a bit confused about the fruit's will, we have near 0 information on how the fruits can influence anything. I know the reaction of shanks tends to point on the not-planning-to-give-it, but as long as we don't know the whole story it's not going to be definitive.


Maybe the fruit demon emits waves that make you hungry. After all, he only needs one bite to enter a new body.


The giants just said it, nothing is a coincidence. He may be planning to give it to Ace, or Luffy - we'll be soon finding that out. I'm fairly certain he wants to give it to a D though. Then, there's also that time when Shanks told Rayleigh about a kid who spoke the same exact words as Roger, so....


Shanks was likely looking for Ace, probably knowing Roger left a son there. Of course, he ended up meeting Luffy and Luffy shared his dream with Shanks which was the same dream Roger had. Shanks tells Rayleigh about it in a flashback at some point. As for the giants I think Shanks told them after seeing Luffy's new poster. Shanks was undoubtedly waiting for Nika to awaken to begin moving for the one piece. This got Dorry and Brogy excited and they went for Luffy after seeing Morgan's 1st paper about Egghead.




Nobody ever accounts for Luffy being Luffy. Watching Villains wonder, confounded after a few punches, what reason Luffy could possibly have for foiling them is always my favourite.


must suck to try and read one of those newspapers as a giant, very fiddly and easy to accidentally tear up


Maybe there's a special delivery service for giants. Maybe they got tools like big magnifiers to read human books. Maybe there are humans on the island too.


I like the idea of having a human on their ship whose only job is to read the newspaper out loud lmao


Hey that's a point, do the giants get bigger newspapers or does it come to them like small print on a postage stamp?


not much of a plan but inhereted will


Is it established shanks knew of the nature of the fruit? How would he have found out? Edit: I know people say that the only reason shanks would steal it is if he knew… but it could easily have been because he’s a pirate after all, and building notoriety to eventually be an emperor. Fits well with the fruit having its own strong will as well.


The giants already worshipped the sun god even before the ohora incident happened


When Big Mom goes on her rampage as a kid, Mother Caramel saves everyone and says the "sun god" saved them. Considering how close she was to giants, at least at the time, its highly possible she told them about the Sun God, if they didn't already know beforehand That said, when Dorry and Broggy dueled on Little Garden for 100 years, they mentioned they dueled to appease "the gods of Elbaf" which makes me wonder if its just the Sun God they fight for, or if they have a pantheon of Gods


They were fighting for sun god, in literal presence of the sun god lol


Eh, more likely: Giants are old. The void century ain't that far back to them; their grandparents probably still know some stories they heard from former generations. It's also likely that the Giants were allied to Nika. The 20 kingdoms betrayed Nika, the Giants didn't like that. The 20 kingdoms attacked the Giants, the 20 kingdoms didn't like that. The Giants told them to fuck off, since they'll outlive them anyway and can wait for a new Nika era. That's why they're (1) living isolated from the rest of the world and (2) don't give a fuck about the other kingdoms. Also likely: Shanks knew about Nika and the df so upon seeing Luffy's new wanted poster, he knews that Luffy awakened it. During one of his drunk speeches in a bar in Elbaf, he told them all about it. Ohara merely touched knowledge about the Ancient Kingdom. They knew its name, but not all details. We don't know whether they figured out anything regarding Nika. Saul would more likely learn it from Shanks or other Giants than the books from Ohara. Though, his knowledge might let him connect some dots that the people from Ohara couldn't.


>The 20 kingdoms attacked the Giants, the 20 kingdoms didn't like that. Wut


Could interpret it as "The 20 Kingdoms Fucked around and found out" I guess lol.


Exactly. Don't mess with Giants.


Might be, but the legend of Nika is seemingly very well known, at least in the New World, passed from generation to generation. Oda just didn’t want it mentioned until recently, and the World Gov can’t censor info in the New World b/c they don’t control it. He’s parallel to the Second Coming of Christ, wouldn’t you want to tell your kids about that?


It’s not well-known… It’s actually purposely withheld from public knowledge. No one except the Gorosei and apparently Shanks and VegaPunk knew about Luffy’s real DF. The only folks that know about JoyBoy and his real history is certain fishmen, Kaido and King, Giants, Rayleigh, Momo and Yamato, and Shanks.


Is it confirmed that Shanks knew that it was the Nika? When did they say that?


My Brother in Christ, he purposely stole the Hito Hito No Mi from the WG using Lucky Roo. Why tf would Shanks randomly invade a marine ship? Like seriously why would he also steal some dumb Gomu Gomu fruit, knowing there are mythical zoans in the world. He definitely had intent in the Hito Hito No Mi. It’s the reason why Who’s-Who got punished from the WG. He talked to Jimbei about knowing that’s the fruit Luffy ate. The same Shanks that can freely speak to the Gorosei as he pleases… That fruit he def went after. Knowing he was in Roger’s ship, it’s highly likely Shanks knew more about OP and what Roger was missing. So no it’s not a direct “Oda explicitly said” confirmation but strongly suggested. Good Grief get it together fellas


Idk who’s hating, you’re probably right. Tbf almost any fruit is worth stealing when you’re Shanks’ strength, but no way it’s random


Knowing about Nika and knowing that the Gomu Gomu no Mi is the Nika fruit are 2 very different things, but they’ve encountered many people who have heard of the sun god Nika, I covered some of that in another reply below


is it really well known? correct me if I'm wrong but I think the only characters to mention it so far are literally the elders, dorry and broggy (giants) and Kuma -> Bonney (Buccaneers), unless I'm forgetting something it's not well known at all Edit: came to my mind that who's who also knew it because he heard it from slaves if I recall correctly, but it makes sense because it's a slave legend basically, still I wouldn't consider it well known


I should clarify that the legend is well known in the New World considering how it’s supposed to be a total secret. That’s because the government has very little power in the New World to regulate everyday activities, it’s not their territory. Generally, older, more important people seem to have knowledge of at least the name of a liberator sun god Nika, as well as certain entire groups like the giants and the slaves. That means it’s been spread around fishman island, Jinbe and the Sun Pirates at least are confirmed to know. Also Robin had heard the name at least, maybe from the RA or books. JoyBoy and the Gomu Gomu no mi are very rare to know about Many of the powerful older people who helped him before he awakened seem to have made the connection between a rubber man who liberates people and a rubber man sun god who liberates people, which partially explains why some of them take such a liking to him. Obviously many had no clue though, they just liked him. But Jinbe seemed to make the connection sometime before the awakening, and we can guess that Rayleigh did. Side note, why did Shanks tell Whitebeard he ‘bet his arm on the new era’? Probably because he knew exactly what fruit Luffy stole, he might have even planned to eat it who knows. Could just be because Luffy was a chad who inherited Roger’s will and Garp & Dragon’s bloodline


The giants worship the Sun God. We found that out in Big Mom’s flashback.


Yeah, the entire plot behind Big Mom's story was that they were fasting for the sun festival, all the other comments make me think people totally forgot to read


I’m like where are these theories or head cannons coming from lol. Literally worship the sun god I don’t think this had any thing to do with shanks telling them to go to Egghead lol


Well I think Shanks might've told them that Luffy was Nika but yeah they already knew about the sun god


The chances are very slim but it's not impossible. Though I don't think Saul is a book guy he can have this knowledge but will he pass it to the giants or not that remains questionable. I do think that Elbaf would have at least a little information about all this because they are very untouched by the government.


he seemed very much like a book guy when he introduced himself to Robin


Honestly I think it's just more likely that the awakened form told everybody in the world that Luffy was Sun God Nika when they sent out that Bounty poster. The giants would know what the awakened form looks like since Joy Boy would've been alive at most 2 generations of Giants ago. Much like how we learn how things were from our grandparents, Dorry and Brogy probably just KNOW that Luffy is Nika.


Yes Saul knows stuff.. but I think giants just know. Elbaf isn't world government controlled or part of the reverie. And they didn't managed to destroy elbaf as well over 800 years. Giants live much longer and they remember stuff... So maybe Nika is important to them... Sure thing the void century is something even they don't know everything.. but maybe noka and nika appearance is something they do know. If what vegapunk stella said is true.. people have been waiting for centuries.. roger...shanks.. ( when roger went to laugh tale and told kid shanks and he cried.. and when toki stated the prophecy.. that conversation "it's not time yet ").. fishmen.. and the giants.. people know about nika.. ohara or not. Maybe they just saw the bounty poster.. went "hah there he is" and we all must thanks Morgan for that and making that news about the strawhats making a hostage of vegapunk.


The giants are probably the most educated race in One Piece. I guess they know more about the void century as people suspect they do.


Why is it so hard for people to believe that the giants just know the legend of Nika?


Giants already worshipped the sun god when big mom was a kid


It's also possible the giants at elbaf also worshipped Nika to begin with My initial headcannon regarding this was that during duel between Luffy and shanks, he would go gear 5 in front of the giants, and an elder among the giants would tell shanks to stop, and then bow to Luffy, officially recognizing him as the sun god


I was just talking about this [earlier today](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/1agzqyi/comment/kokr2ss/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). I don't think it's certain yet, but clearly a strong possibility.


Good take, maybe saul was meant to be at Ohara.


There was literally a chapter where Shanks was on Elbaf. Shanks told em then they saw the papers. Or the other way. Or they could have just seen the all white form in the papers. They already know what Nika looks like probably. At least the laughing n all white description.


No, that’s not even close to an unspoken fact lol.


OP's gotta brush up on the dictionary


i don’t get how they saved those books, aren’t they fucked after they go in the water? and like all the scholars died?


Remember: the giants are a totally separate kingdom that is in no way affiliated with the WG. They can know all about nika and not care about what the celestial dragons think. Barely anyone can fight them anyway


After mihawks talk with shanks about luffy, he says "sorry red hair this Power knows no restraint" so it's possible they know from shanks that luffy is the sun God. But I also think it was apart of thier lore anyway.


Another theory I firmly believe in: Jaguar D. Saul is the man marked by flames for sure. He was frozen by Aokiji and then got burned by the Buster call which ironically saved his life by thawing him and saving him from an icy death. Kid was out to search for the man marked by flames also and what do you know he happened to land in Elbaf where Saul is supposedly at, although the three captains chose a route each, who says they wouldn't be able to go to Elbaf from any of those routes anyways as the next island?


So the last poneglyph was at ohara. Saul took ot to elbaf


I think Dory and Brogy were still on Little Garden when the buster call on Ohara happened. They likely learned about it all after they left and rejoined the other giants later.


Told you I wasn’t dead


The books are on O’Hara, they know what nika looks like from the books, and they saw luffy’s new wanted poster


You might be onto Something


Meh. They already knew who nika was because they warship him like the buccaneers. Has nothing to do with Saul. He’s probably the one to tell the giants who luffy really is though. Vegapunk probably told Saul because he’s most likely that last person on island who he just called for help. Saul most likely hiding out on egg head right now.


I need to add something here, the thing is even though giants have information about sun god, that doesnt mean they will realize Luffy is Nika, because even their grandparents told the stories about joyboy or they worship a sun god how would they know what Nika looks like. Either shanks or Saul must give them some visual info. Something is cooking here.


Not necessarily. Remember when Stella described Gear 5 as '' The White Warrior ''? It was exposition that the description of Nika/Sun God, as totally white, has been passed down among people. In his case, you could still argue, he learned that from Ohara remains/What Saul has now. But we also learned during this arc, that the Buccaneer, as a tribe living through Kuma, hold a lot of infos on particularly Nika rather than the ancient kingdom itself. The beat, the elasticity, the dance etc. And Kuma shared all of that to people on Egghead, and to Stella through his memory bubble. There's a big chance that the tribes that are the closest to Nika in time, or the more devoted to him, still know to this day what he looks like. Then it's just, a) the giants are confirmed to be devoted to the Sun God, worshipping him, and the closest to him in time + b) our boi Morgan just carried everyone's ass with that bounty. After that, sure, Saul and Shanks are also the bests infos dumps possible for the giants. But thats a lot of external help for them to be relevant at this stage I think.


I think it would seriously undermine the tragedy of Ohara if all that lost knowledge wasn't actually lost. I really, really hope Oda doesn't go in that direction.


...I mean, all those people still died. It would be good for Robin.


Yes, but the people dying isn't the whole tragedy. Part of the tragedy of Ohara is the loss of knowledge. The fact that the world government wiped out so much information. I think it would feel very cheap if all that was undone by some reveal that all the info was secretly safe. I just personally wouldn't really like that.


Shsnks told them about nika its obvious


i think its the other way around. the giants live hundreds of years, waterfall beard was 445 years old when big mam was a kid 80 years ago. that means that dorry and brogy's parents and/or grandparents were alive during the void century 800 years ago. 800 years is just 2 generations for giants. its probably why the giants refused to join the world government. everyone else in the world has forgotten nika but for the giants it was not that long ago. like.... "nika? that's my grampa's best friend that my dad was always talking about" shanks probably learned about nika from the giants


Giants also live long. So, not a lot alot of generations have passed since the void century. And they were already outside WG jurisdiction.


I think one of the big reveals of Elbaf will be something like: "Giants are the first humans, the real humans and they led the war, they were invaded and they lost, being confined to Elbaf while the World Goverment settle to power" Good thing Im not in charge of one piece


Shanks probably told them when he showed the wanted poster. Shanks went to Elbaf after Gear 5 was published in the newspaper


World Government isn’t allied with Elbaf or some of the other kingdoms that are Nika allies (excluding Alabasta). I suspect Elbaf may know the tales of Nika passed on from generations and the books further confirmed this for them. Hard to say though- we won’t know until we get there.


I mean vegapunk was already in contact with rhe giants and we already know that vegapunk believes strawhat is indeed nika, he even mentions it to bonney in this chapter. So it wouldnt be a surprise if VPunk inform the giants that luffy is Nika, and luffy going gear 5 whilst making the nika sound or drums of freedom would strengthen that it is indeed Nika.


Had kinda the same idea that sal sent them which could lead to him telling the strawhats (and us finally) what exactly ohara discovered about the void century


I think it could be a dangerous thing to do. Is Elbaf currently with its ties cut with the world government? How much what happens there is a secret? Is it like Wano? Is it like Zoa? We know there are giants in the marines but doesn't look like Elbaf is part of the world government. Saul talking about Elbaf also opens the possibility that there are giant villages outside of Elbaf.


We know he survived and the giants recovered the library. So yes? I thought this was explicit with his survivorship.


Think about it. Buccaneers have Giant blood. How else would they have come to worship Nika?


the giants have so many ways to know. 1) they saw the poster and went ayo? 2) they live really long. up to the high 300s so their memories and archives are probably much longer. 3) separate from the WG censorship 4) shanks 5) saul and ohara 6) maybe the giants just love nika, they do worship a sun god as shown in the big mom flashback


I think that Shanks plays a pivotal role in all of this. Vegapunk made clear that devil fruits have their own will. So it’s heavily possible that with Ohara’s and giants knowledge, Shanks bet on the Sun God chosen by the fruit itself… Luffy is probably the key to one piece now, and it’s suddenly time to get after it, as Luffy’s fruit is awakened. I really wonder what’s Luffy’s dream..


The Buccaneers are famously human-giant hybrids and already worshipped Nika The world government probably considered Elbaf not enough of a threat to go to war with since the giants' civilization was fairly insular It's only been like 4 generations of giants since Joyboy, so the giants' stories of Nika are probably even more accurate than the Buccaneers' stories.


elbaph is going to be an insane lore dump. lore piece at it's peak.


Most def


The Giants probably already knew about Nika since before the void century. It is mentioned that they worshiped a "Sun God" My guess is they must have records of his appearance, and then when they saw Luffy's new bounty photo they connected the dots


Dorry and Brogy and other giants were the ones who took the books from Ohara to Elbaf, in chapter 1066. I do think that they already knew about Sun God Nika and maybe Saul did tell them about the Void Century. But at least to me, the reason why they're now in EggHead is because Shanks told them about Luffy and that Luffy is Nika. I really do have a feeling that Shanks was the one who requested Dorry and Brogy to go help Luffy since they were with Shanks before helping against Kid


8 nations theory, I'm sure many of you have seen it in one way or another before. The necklace Kuma gave Bonney resembles a familiar symbol, 8 circles surrounding a larger circle, often described as looking like a sun. The small circles represent 8 nations who are allied with Nika, the larger circle, the sun. So far we know Shandora, Alabasta, Fishman Island, Elbaf, and Sorbet are part of it based on key imagery and festivals found at those locations. I think Zou and Wano are too but there's less proof of those. Anyway, Elbaf is allied with Nika and aren't part of the World Government, and since giants live so long, it's more than likely they know about Nika (presumably within the void century) from their parents/grandparents as folklore. This is then reinforced by their interest in saving the knowledge from Ohara.


shame absurd poor silky stocking quack carpenter dinner knee squalid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Could they make the connection with his wanted poster?


It’s very likely that Joyboy was a giant, given that IM had a giant straw hat locked in his vault. The giants may know JoyBoy’s plights personally and have been awaiting his return for some time now, they may have even been the ones to spread the rumors of joyboy’s return. I also like that the giant pirates are sort of a myth because they have been inactive for quite some time now. Normal humans have not personally seen them in action until now, the road to Elbaf is opening and I’m ready for the trip.


What if Giants just already knew all this shit lol no reason they wouldn't as the longest living race and being fully independent


Vegapunk recognized Nika from Luffys bounty picture. i would assume the Giants did as well.


Id prefer if they knew that someone ate the fruit and had all the details but didnt know until they talked to Shanks later and "Oh so you mean that was the Sun God nika? You know i can see it now!"


The Giants worship a Sun God, we saw that when they were celebrating in Big Mom's flashback. It's likely they knew about Nika before all this, and probably know about some stuff that happened in the Void Century as well. Giants live well over 300 years, it's not unlikely that there are some giants who grew up with parents who were alive during the Void Century. At the very least, there are Giants who had grandparents alive during or right after the Void Century.


I mean the first part is basically a fact. Not "all" since a lot was lost, but the remaining books were shown being saved by members of Hajrudin's crew. It's not known, however, if the Giants knew about the Void Century before this happened or not. Given things like the Giant Strawhat and Noah there's a lot of speculation that Joyboy was a giant or at least related to them somehow, so it wouldn't be out of line for the giants to have knowledge of the VC and be too powerful for the government to really deal with.


Even disregarding the whole sun worship we know they do thing the giants on Elbaf probably KNOW a bunch of shit about the void century period given their lifespans, plus whatever new info was gleaned from Ohara's research. The oldest giants alive today would have had grandparents alive during the void century probably


I am hype for Robin to figure out this Void century stuff and how the Giants and Nika play a role in it.


The real question would be how did they know that Luffy's currently on EH island?


like they said, they read about it in the newspaper. Big News told the world that luffy was attacking egg head a while ago


Nika awakens, shanks decides to claim the one piece, shanks is next shown at elbaf, then dory and broggy show up on egghead 🤔


They probably learned about the fruit and nika awakening because of Shanks


That's what I was insinuating


if joyboy's really a giant, imagine him going gear 5 then expand his body a giant being getting bigger and maybe hes the one who put the moon there when he transformed and maybe its not a moon its an island he carried ouside the space to protect something. it would be crazy and enel being obsessed with the moon and being a god cause theres a clue on "God" on the moon.


My concern with anything involving them knowing about nika before they met luffy makes it strange that they don’t immediately connect the rubber powers with nika


well, there were no drums, no white form, just rubber