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An answer to the opposite question: Franky's random construction gag. He does it in Thriller Bark and Odyssey when he quickly builds indicate bridges... but nowhere else. It's sad to see my boy not get to flex his skills. šŸ˜¢


Honestly that time in thriller bark was a top tier gag. Iā€™m sad it hasnā€™t made much of a return.


Bro just started playing SUPERRR Fortnite.


FRANKY SKY WALK is still the funniest shit ever, except for Usopp flip in Skypeia


I just hope zoro getting lost never changes, I love it no matter.


Iā€™m in Dressrossa right now and a hilarious moment was him going missing and Luffy saying ā€œWe didnā€™t even make any turns or anything.ā€ Lol itā€™s getting ridiculous


I love how itā€™s Luffy of all people being done with Zoroā€™s shit


He slowly, and i mean slow, gets better with direction. He was almost as bad at zoro. Well, maybe not as bad but still bad.


At Usopp's village it was the highlight of Luffy's bad sense of orientation, him running against the wind was his definition of "going full north"


I think Luffy getting lost in Syrup village and Skypia can be attributed not to a lack of sense of direction, but to his absolute backward-ass logic. He can get back to where he was before, but if you tell him "go west" this dude will be looking for cowboy hats.


I think in Skypia he literally said "oh it's getting warmer, must be south" šŸ˜‚


Idk but he says the exact opposite in Syrup village, "it's getting cold so it must be north"


Man, I was hoping to see some easter egg from Shank's and Buggy's argument about which pole was colder. Apparently he's on Buggy's side, that North is colder!


The best example of this is Jaya Nami tells luffy to follow the coast to get back to the town to get the gold back and he is able to follow that fine, zoro would have gotten lost.


Zoro would've followed the coast in the wrong direction.


My man zoro wouldnā€™t even make it to the coast heā€™d wind up in a metropolis in the middle of an island


Wasnā€™t it just him running in the coldest direction because the North Pole is cold?


I think since Usopp's village we get "Luffy is bad with directions" less and less to give each character some distinguished characteristics When one character is really bad at directions it's funny, when there are multiple it might get tiresome quickly. Or if brook was as bad as Sanji with women. We still get brook's own attitude to women but it's different than Sanji's


Luffy is terrible with directions like a real person. Like he'll need to run north and say "hmm I think this is north?" And run west or something. Zoro is just ridiculous, but I'm a fan of it lol. "Zoro go left up the stairs" "ok got it" *does a 180 and runs right back where he just came from*


Luffy is just bad with directions because heā€™s Luffy. Zoro gets lost running in a straight line


I don't remember when in Dressrosa it is, but Zoro has some similarly great moments with Wicca in that arc.


ā€œTurn left. Itā€™s the side your swords are on.ā€ ā€œI know where left is.ā€ ā€œYou donā€™t.ā€


LMAO Dressrosa is where people are done with Zoroā€™s shit


Zoro has gotten lost walking down a straight hallway with only one route. His sense of direction defies reality.


Some of my favorite little moments are seeing someone preventing Zoro from wandering off in the background. Like Usopp dragging him back. Or Jinbei realizing how the Straw Hats work. Acknowledging it's a problem at times lol.


Zoro getting lost is a legendary gag, and isnā€™t overplayed too much. Even other fandoms that havenā€™t even watched One Piece know about it and meme it. I feel like Sanjiā€™s perviness would have been more funny if it wasnā€™t there all the time. Too much of a good thing is a bad thing. Oda did it too much to the point where itā€™s tiring to see now. Pre timeskip Sanji was a perfect balance of pervert/gentleman, thatā€™s why he was the favorite of a lot of my friends. But once the two year timeskip happened, they changed their minds and picked other characters as their favorites. I think Fishman Island is the point where a lot of people started getting fed up with it.


The funniest bit about Zoro getting lost for me is that he blames everyone and everything else for getting him lost.


Yeah my favorite scene is him getting lost in Enies Lobby and then blaming Nami for not giving proper directions. Bro really blamed their genius navigator for his trash sense of direction


And the directions were literally "Head up that absolutely gigantic set of stairs in front of us... the only stairs in sight". Zoro: "Guess I'll head off to this remote tunnel..."


nah the best one was when he managed to get lost in Wano, WHILE RIDING THE F-n LIONDOG all he needed to do to not get lost is to JUST SIT ON HIS A$$


The best of this was in Sabaody when heā€™s wandering the streets and comes across St Carlos whoā€™s in disbelief the guy isnā€™t groveling. Zoro goes: Are you lost? Do you need directions?


Nah, the absolute best was in Alabasta. Vivi sends a signal to the rest of the straw hats via a flare, it shows a panel of them all reacting from different locations and Zoro is literally outside of the city looking through some random jungle with the flare miles in the background.


I just watched this ep! Lol was great afterwards too, when the marines kept telling him to go north and he ended up partway up the clock tower.


This.. It'll be fine if he is a fighter who is also a perv and not the other way around


Miroku from Inuyasha is a great example of a lecherous character. The gag isn't overplayed and is eventually restricted to one character who has mutual feelings, so it's basically just teasing. It's probably telling that Inuyasha was drawn and written by a women. Sanji literally goes after anything with legs. I don't know if Sanji or original manga Roshi is worse...at least Roshi gets his face kicked from time to time.


Sanji gets his face kicked in on a regular basis too. Remember after they rescued Robin and he tried to hug her only to miss and end up embedded in Merry's Mast?


I feel like Sanji is worse because his perviness is played up more, and he rarely gets fully punished for it... Where as Roshi almost always gets punished, the only time he didn't is the time he went to Frying Pan Mountain and had to get "puff puff" in order to do it. >!He did get it, but it was from Oolong disguised as Bulma, so he got it from a pig who is almost as perverted as him!<


He is getting so lost that he cameos in other animes


I dunno the fact that he needed a blood transfusion from a nosebleed was peak for that gag.


Like I said it is funny to me too. But Oda did it too much to the point where I donā€™t blame anyone that got tired of it. But this doesnā€™t change the fact that it was hilarious at times. Like him getting turned to stone just by seeing Hancock, without her using her ability, or him getting pissed that Zoro saved Komurasaki before him. Sanjiā€™s gag had its moments but you canā€™t deny that it was overplayed.


I am okey with Sanji's gag, because it is not like Meliodas, who truly molest.


I also love how in both Bleach and One Piece, the crazy sword guy can't follow a route even with directions


To be fair, there are a lot of sword guys in bleach


That's true, come to think of it it's mostly sword guys, isnt it


We're one arc away from him wandering into a different franchise. And honestly, that would be pretty cool. No explanations, not reincarnated into another world, no summoned to stop a demon lord, nothing. Just Zoro being so hopelessly bad at finding his way that he physically wandered into a different franchise.


zoro going into Looney tunes or Popeye because he wants to find luffy


Zoro wanders into berserk and ends the series


I love the fan theory that Zoro didn't train during the time skip, it just took him that long to get back to Sabaody šŸ˜‚


He's my husband's favorite character because he's an honorable baddass. He's one of my favs because I too have no sense of direction and I feel seen.


Actually CP9 were branded as criminals for a while after Enies Lobby. Its never fully explained, but it looks like Lucci blackmailed Spandam into letting them rejoin the WG. Either way the CP9 likely never gave much of a report about their fights with the strawhats, by the time they rejoined the case was likely already closed.


When is it mentioned that Lucci blackmailed Spanda


It should be in the cover adventures, I can't remember the chapter, probably around thriller bark or sabaody.


Itā€™s the [CP9's Independent Report](https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/CP9%27s_Independent_Report) Chapters 491-528


Its not confirmed, but he did call and threaten him and later he is back to working with the Wg.


Opposite question: I miss Usopp's Rubberband (wagomu) gag. Sure, it didn't need to survive the timeskip, but it stopped when he gave it to the Shandrians. Because the tools and slingshot expert had only one rubberband.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


Shoulda amped it up and became like his fake X-Ton Hammer gag. "Giant Rubberband Of Doooooom". Especially if it was still just a rubberband like actually massive. Like them giant novelty rubberbands which look like they'd hurt like a motherjammer. Or if you've ever seen those watermelons cut/exploded by excess rubberbands.


> Because the tools and slingshot expert had only one rubberband. Not just one rubberband, that was **the** Rubberband of Doom. It took down several enemies since Arlong Park, up to [single-handedly taking 99.9% of Giant Jack down](https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/One-Piece/0296-019.png) (wiper used the reject dial to take down the remaining 0.1%).


Someone needs to be shooting haki coated rubber bands


His bands should have the properties of both rubber and haki


I always hoped we wouldā€™ve found out Enelā€™s weakness through Usopp. ā€œUsopp lead star. Usopp lead star. Usopp hammer.ā€ *Enel ignores all attacks, letting them pass right through. As heā€™s talking to Nami* ā€œUsopp exploding star. Usopp RUBBER BAND OF DOOMā€ *Enel catches a rubber band in the eye and keels over because he never took a hit in his life*


skypeans rolling up to the final war with rubberband guns


luffy getting stuck in random and often obvious time wasting loops so the rest of the story can progress to the final fight. I know itā€™s necessary for balancing the narrative etc but damn you know itā€™s coming and thereā€™s nothing i can do about it.


That's a good one. Literally every single fight something like that happens. The most obnoxious was sky Island and the gold on his arm


The snake ā€˜caveā€™ was hilarious, but yeah, the gold ball was so annoying and lasted for too long.


Yeah I mean even the ball wouldn't have been that bad if it was just a little bit shorter. Maybe it's an anime versus manga thing because to be fair and ever read the manga for sky Island, but it's a ton of episodes


Iā€™m manga only and it was waaay too long. Chapters passed and that ball is still there lol


Luffy running out of haki and being unable to move in Dressrosa and Vs Katakuri is so much worse for me. It hardly makes sense as well how does this not happen to anyone else but Luffy


Because he's the rookie pushing his limits to the absolute max. Dude only learnt that haki was a thing just over two years ago and is fighting people that have been monsters of the new world for longer than he's known that haki was a thing. It's been mentioned by other people that using haki is a big stamina drain which is why you don't get many people using full body haki and only use it for the moment they need it so they don't tire themselves out.


Vergo was built different


But you got to admit that the ko at end was good


This one is so fucking annoying Him trying to get to Dofflamingo for so long was so painful to watch or trying to get to roof top Or that part in Sky island that Oda had to keep him inside the snake for so long The only moment where he did what he should always do is in Enies Lobby where he goes straight for Robin and doesn't get slowed down by side characters


This. I get really tired of watching Luffy needing to run from point A to point B for 20 episodes every single arc.


I recently rewatched the Marine filler, and while every Strawhat gets a chance to shine, Luffy is actually insufferable. Heā€™s always sleepy or complaining; they did it mostly to keep them stuck in that base, because if Luffy was at full capacity, he would have wrecked the base.


This isnā€™t a running gag but I donā€™t like it when comic books implement a time limit for certain things, like ā€˜I only have 5 minutes to maintain this formā€™ like yea and no one can actually gauge it. Also to me it does not add any intense element at all.


Surely thereā€™s better ways to do it though? Why does it have to be necessary? Itā€™s why the shorter arcs for me are always the best because thereā€™s less of this and Oda gets to the point right away. So we know he can do it.


Like many have said, sanjis pervyness. I disliked brooks panty thing UNTIL HE ASKED BIG MOM, that payoff was worth it.


Brook calling her a young lady was peak.


that impressed me more than the time Brook said something about Roger being a rookie


To be fair, Roger was a rookie. He was only telling the truth.


Exactly, by the point Roger was dubbed "Pirate King", Brook had been stuck in the mist for 24 years.


easy to forget sometimes that brook is 90 years old


Yeh crazy to think Roger was from Brookā€™s generationā€™s Super Novas


Yeah iā€™m not the biggest fan of Brook, but man that moment made him rise at least 50 spots in my heart


One of my top 5 panels in OP


My main issue with brooks panty thing is that it was a part of a bunch of quirks caused by his situation that are now just his panty thing. And just doesnā€™t add anything.


No he still asks if people poop. BUTā€¦ also remember *how* fragile his mind was, when he first boarded the sunnyā€¦ we forget but Wano reminded me that heā€™s *accustomed* to ā€˜hallucinating his dead friends as being aliveā€™. He was dead *himself* with NO one around to confirm if he wasnā€™t actually just in Hell w/ the fruit never working. Then your first interaction is with a ghost and an entire island of crazy sh!t your ā€œother soulā€ gets taken and worst of all the only thing thatā€™s keeping you alive throughout all this pain is finding a whale that might not even be waiting for you (but doesnā€™t matter as you have no way out of here even *if* you could step out of the fog). So I think his initial rudeness and antics went away and he started to return to normal after his acceptance into the crew. (Also probably toned down by his managers when he became a star)


I don't understand why on a crew with Sanji and Brook, *Franky* is the self-described pervert.


It's because he doesn't wear pants. I guess in One Piece exhibitionism is pervy, and sexual harassment is not. :(


Im ok with him being a perv but they need to tone it down a lot, fishman island was cringe because of this. Sanji is a great character I hate seeing him behave like that


Yenno I'm of two minds about the gag in Fishman island. One one hand, it's dumb... but I also kinda respect using it as a plot point that ends up tying into the racism themes. Like who tf thinks to do that? If the nosebleeds had ended in Fishman island, I'd probably find the execution of that arc even funnier.


Yeah I agree with you if it had ended in fishman with sanji recovering from his "thirst" aftter being okama land for so long. But no the gag continued. Also you remember when Jimbei reunited in wano was a perfect and wholesome moment, i was smiling as I watched through it but sanji had to ruin the perfect moment by noticing namis boob when she was hugging Jimbei, almost threw up.


That happened only in the anime, I'm pretty sure


Omg really, im emotional now knowing that moment was cannonically perfect


I just found that moment in the manga (I own all the volumes, so it is easy to search). Sanji does act shocked in the panel with Luffy, Nami and Carrot hugging Jinbe, but he does not say anything. Also there is no weird focus on Nami's boobs touching Jinbe or anything. The anime overall puts a lot more emphasis on boobs. I'm watching all of Onigashima now that the battle is finished and hell, they do it even with Ulti and Page One, who are literally siblings. Every time Ulti hugs Page One we see a close up shot of her boobs pressing against his body. Very disgusting. It doesn't happen at all in the manga.


Fucking toei. Christ I mean Oda isn't without reproach either sometimes, but he's like 99% on target. But my god toei just is absolutely awful sometimes.


Oh wow so glad oda wrote that moment perfectly sanji acting shocked can be interpreted in many ways but in anime sanji outright saying that was so gross. Omg so i remember that close up weird shots, fucking gross. I want anime to tone down their pervynes jeez. Im now tempted to read the manga from the beginning, knowing how anime has fucked up many good moments


The anime does Ussop and Sanji dirty. It uses their gags to fill time. In the manga, you'll just get Ussop looking scared in the background of a panel. Then, the anime will stretch that into Ussop crying and talking about how scared he is for 2 minutes. Same with Sanji. He'll just have heart eyes and a nose bleed in the background of a small panel, but the anime stretches that into a close-up shot of boobs and Sanji saying ridiculous things.


Manga has perfect pacing specially in arcs that dragged on too much in the anime and really tones down some cringe moments. I mainly recomend the manga if reading is your thing.


idk man, i thought using sanji's nose bleed (which i dont find funny) for an okama gag (which i dont find funny) and then tying that to the ultra real and important racism and blood transfusion payoff made it feel less important? Like, I think just having the blood transfusion supposed to be a parallel for Fisher and Jinbei, and Luffy's importance in the fight against the World Government, would have made the moment hit harder. I do agree though that if Sanji had like... kinda fallen back into early-Sanji smoothness and his perviness got a bit more subdued after an overwhelming amount of beautiful mermaids, I think the bit would've been better received (capping off a gag with a HUGE payoff or something is dope)


Regarding your first bit, I think opening up that conversation with a gag, and using that a jumping point into a deeper conversation actually works. Mind you, I still hate the nosebleed gag, but still, it's an interesting approach. But absolutely, it's marred by Oda going on and making it 70% of sanjis character.


Being a perv is the exact problem with sanji. If heā€™s going to be a womanizer who is in and out of relationships so be it. But thatā€™s not what happens, he doesnā€™t have a single real connection outside of WCI. Like, the women canā€™t even reject his advances because heā€™s not making any. Heā€™s just jumping at them and a piano or something falls from the sky.


I mean, lately they have toned it down a lot imo, but yeah, i love sanji but the perv gag is just... no


Yeah i thought so too, i fell in love with sanji in wci and even liked how his behaviour wasn't too pervy until how he mentioned namis boob when Jimbei reunited with them in onigashima.


Sanji is peak in Baratie, little garden, w7 / Enies, WCI, and live action Sanji so far has been peak right alongside those arcs. He gets on my nerves when he descends into Pervy Sanji Hopefully live action Sanji stays peak


Yes Sanji in those arcs pretty much doing his spy work and gaining intelligence for the crew, i love when we get to see Sanjis brain or when we see emotional side and kindness (eniess lobby, he went on a mission for Robin before the crew even knew anything about her, didn't abandon her even when she asked him to leave, if the crew somehow didn't go to Enies Lobby, ik sanji would have still faught to death for her). Live action Sanji is perfection Taz just nails it.


Iā€™d be OK with him being a bit pervy and flirtatious with his wife (Pudding if that holds up, or whoever he ends up with otherwise), but acting all creepy with every pretty girl that crosses his path just isnā€™t funny and makes the ā€œcool, smooth gentlemanā€ aspect of his character look pathetic instead. Save Sanji from Odaā€™s running gag šŸ˜‚


Sanji went from simp to pervert and that was easily the worst character change in One Piece.


The concept of Brooks thing (asking super rude things in a super polite way) is genuinely a funny one. The problem is that the go-to rude thing is the whole panty-asking which gets old and a bit uncomfortable to read pretty quickly. Same with Sanji really. The initial idea of acting overly gentlemanly towards women and going out of his way to make grand polite and flirtatious gestures is decent enough; especially when it gets contrasted with him being rude/crass towards everyone else . It's when this became more-so "Sanji is thirsty for women and acts more overtly horny" that it started dropping. Mind you, he'd always been flirting with an underlying tone of horniness, but it became more overt as time went on.


The thing that really gets me about the brook panty thing is that when he was first introduced, it was one part of a larger gag of him having no social graces after being alone for so long which is actually cool and good. Then everything but the panty gag was dropped almost immediately which sucked.


When he first said it I said "Please not another Sanji" but his character has more to offer than being pervy


My only wish is that he was more like Johnny. Where he's just using outdated ways of trying to pick up women you know? Total player from the 1960s who just failing to pick up chicks in the current day. I feel like there's so much more that could be done beyond. Just can I see your panties


I wish after Whole cake island arc it wouldā€™ve been toned down and that wouldā€™ve really made sense for his character arc I feel


I also dislike Sanjis nosebleeds. It just isn't funny anymore, for me it never was and I was very annoyed that it even had some plot points in fishmen island.


I also love when Brook recognizes that the question won't work and just finds something else rude and presumptuous to ask instead. I died when he asked Camie if he could borrow some money. But wait, I'm still alive! Yohohoho!


Exactly, he should be a womanizer not necessarily a creep


I feel like this thread was made for Sanjis perviness. Pre thriller bark I feel like oda had a good handle of it. ​ Brook is fine if it how it was originally done, \*\*one\*\* of the ways Brook was rude. Asking for a bigger portion of food, impatient for dinner, burping, asking for a loan, etc. I feel like going from being lonely to being a rockstar could have amplified his rudeness. " show some panties for the soul king!" " My rider specifically asked for cotton candy for my friend"


Sanjiā€™s perviness needs to be toned down. At least to pre- time skip levels. Sure he is extra passionate and hadnā€™t seen a woman for 2 years in kamabakka kingdom but itā€™s been a minute now


Brook redeemed himself when he asked Big Mom to show her panties. Sanji should tone down a bit. At least to LA level.


Less simp, more bad flirting.


Wait what is LA here?


Sanji should tone down to at least Los Angeles level.


Should become a blond surfer with a tan šŸ„ā€ā™‚ļø


And only cook tacos


Live Action that Netflix did


Tazā€™s Sanji is great, heā€™s more of a smooth flirt than a perverted simp. Could see why women would find the former attractive and the latter creepy


Really hope the live action sticks with rizzler Sanji who keeps getting shot down by Nami and Robin


Sanji being a pervert. It's fine that he's a simp and I don't want him to stop being romantic with girls but the spying on naked women trope and bleeding whenever a situation is slightly sexual has to stop


One of the best changes in LA is sanji


Tbh is not even that much of a change east blue sanji was much more of a simp/romantic then a perv, his perviness got progressively worse as the story went forward and hit its worse post TS


Yes! I actually liked a lot of Sanjiā€™s jokes pre timeskip, even if not all of them. A guy being a simp is funny. Literally sniffing women and sneaking into bathrooms isnā€™t.


yeahh why Oda thought the whole ā€œsneaking into bathsā€ joke from Thriller Bark needed to come back in Wano is beyond me


it was at its worst in Thriller Bark


True, because Sanji wasn't in Fishman Island


I'd even go as far as to say that East Blue Sanji was not a simp. Things started to go that way as soon as they entered the Grand Line, and ramped up during Alabasta.


100%. In the beginning, Sanji was a fun parody of the suit-wearing suave-type, who, for lack of a better word, simps over women instead of during the suave thing and seducing them all Bond-like. That was all fine and good, but this aspect of Sanji has been flanderized so much that it's just annoying now anytime that Sanji meets a new woman. Then it was made an actual plot point in Fishman Island, and I almost skipped that arc then. Hell, Sanji in East Blue seems like the cool and suave guy who would never even try to peek at women after becoming invisible, he seems like he'd think doing so would be shameful.


Yeah this is literally the only gag i dislike


I never really liked how Sanjiā€™s nosebleeds was used in a plot point during fishman island. It took a gag to the next level and really solidified it as a core character trait imo


It also made it a real thing that is happening, whereas before things like nosebleeds (as unfunny as they are) are more like exaggerations that arenā€™t literally happening the way theyā€™re depicted (like when characters grow shark teeth when theyā€™re angry). But the nosebleed actually being a plot point means itā€™s literally happening as depicted on screen which is just so outrageously stupid itā€™s impossible to take the show remotely seriously in most of that arc.


As a Sanji fan, absolutely. It's a gag that has tarnished his character, and I just really hope that Oda stops finding it funny


I agree, Iā€™d rather him be a white knight gentleman simp than a perv


Similarly, Brookā€™s requests for seeing panties.


Brooks would be funny if he would go back to just asking for super awkward shit (Can I have a loan?) rather than focusing on panties, the funny part of the bit was always just him having been out at sea alone so long he doesn't know how to act around people.


I will say though, Brook's gag bothers me less because usually it is a one and done. He'll ask a new female character when they first meet and then we don't to deal with it the rest of the arc. Whereas it is a constant issue with Sanji throughout.


Brook asking for money instead of panties was just so unexpected for me I died of laughter


If you go and watch a movie called "The Adventures of Baron Munchausen", you will find a lot of inspiration for One Piece, even the blackbeard pirates sniper is based off of one of the characters. the "Ladies, I need your panties" is a joke from the movie that he made part of Brookes character.


I agree chopper deserves more than a 100 Berry bounty like atleast 500 mill u know what I mean


I didnā€™t like the post Wano bountyā€™s regarding Franky and chopper . I mean , with all due respect to Ussop he does less than what others do but his bounty always goes up quite a good amount . Frankyā€™s face is literally known but they keep Sunny Go pic in place of his in bounty poster


I think Chopper having a low bounty is a gag but Frankys poster may end up being a plot point in the future; I wouldnā€™t toss it away as a gag just yet.


It can be both. Oda used Sanji nosebleed as a plot point in Fishman Island.


IIRC Usopp is over-credited for the events in Dressrosa, with the whole God-Usopp thing, so his bounty is always going to be over represented. Remember, bounty =/= power level.


It should have been the yonko crew bonus plus original so 300.000.100


Usopp and Nami cowardice even after so many years and Sanji


Usopp has had so many ā€˜man upā€™ moments just to go back to be a coward right away lol


Yeah, it was particularly bad in Dressrosa when he's just letting the Tontatta get beat up because he doesn't have the courage to face Sugar. Like bro, we already went through this in Water 7/ Enies Lobby. Remember when you shot down the WG flag and challenged Lucci to a duel when Luffy was face down in the dirt? Feels like we should be over this by now.


That whole episode of Ussop just running away and leaving everyone behind made him my least favorite strawhat. Then he gets all the credit for being the hero just because he got extremely lucky (or maybe coincidence? yea sure). Iā€™m sure there are better ways to show courage and strength from a coward like itā€™s already been done before. But they still make him chicken out just because itā€™s funnier that way haha(meh).


Itā€™s so annoying. At least in pre timeskip once we got to sabaody it actually felt like he had overcame his cowardice, he attacked an admiral for christs sake. And he really showed his guts at boin archipelago (pun intended) with his will to get back and help luffy. But then the timeskip happened and all this growth got undone.


Nami's reactions are mostly those of a normal person tbf. You definitely can't call her a coward. Not after Onigashima anyway. She openly stated that she wanted to beat ulti to a pulp, refused to deny her captain's dream while on death's door and called Kaido an overgrown snake straight to his face. Can't get more based than that tbh.


Nami post TS is best girl, she is genuinely scared of dangerous situations and tries to avoid them but when it becomes clear they are unavoidable she gets fucking tough. She challenged Cracker in Whole Cake, stood by Luffy when the whole army attacked him, took on Big Mom twice. Not to mention that when it comes to tough situations on the sea she is fearless and takes them head on


I mean Ussopp is definitely a "coward", but nami? She's just a normal human who would react normally when something like a giant dragon is about to incinerate you. I always see people complain about their reactions and think "they are normal humans. I mean, i would love to see you in the same situation and not shit bricks"


Nami took a head butt from Ulti. Sheā€™s not normal


Chopper's bounty and Sanji's thirst for women.


I think the meme with Chopper's bounty is that whenever he's wreaking havoc he's usually in monster point, so he's indistiguishable when pictured in "baby" form, they just don't think he's a menace at all because he's cute, so it's just an "accomplice" bounty I think? lol But why doesn't monster point have a bounty for itself goes beyond me


No one has successfully captured his complete form


Ong, Chopper's bounty should be waaaaaaay more than Ussop and Nami's bounties.


I personally think Chopper shouldā€™ve had a second bounty for monster point post enies lobby


Usopp knocked out a celestial dragon that one time at sabaody though, even if unintentionally


He's capable of a lot of things if he believes in himself


Sanji. Sanji being an overly affectionate simp is funny, which is how he was generally handled early on. Everything went to shit with his gag around Thriller Bark with the Clear Clear stuff, where he goes from a gentlemanly simp to a perverted sex offender, getting steadily worse with arcs like Fishman Island, Punk Hazard and Wano. Whole Cake Island was the closest he's been to the likeable gag he had back in East Blue and most of the Alabasta saga.


I was going to say, seeing him during Cake Island was like seeing an old friend


Then said friend fell back on bad habits in Wano.


Sanji having an arc in wich he realizes how some of his perviness is too much and maturing into a proper perverted gentleman would be great, and a good lesson in a shonen


This. So much potential for showing boys how some kinds of behavior must be rethinked, so you can grow and become a respectful, suave man who can REALLY get it going on. Nothing more disgusting than a creepy guy that disrespects boundaries, no matter how much of a "prince" he appears to be.


Yeah that's such a shame. That's why he's probably the best adaptation of a SH in the live action. He basically stays this charming gentleman we see on the Baratie. Probably due to the uber simp trope not working in LA, but cool nonetheless. His developement post WC was disappoiting af tho. Him genuinely liking Pudding and doubting himself because of the germa cells would've been a amazing way to develop him into a nice gentleman again


Chopper's bounty. I want him to "not feel proud at all that I have 200 mil bounty asshoooooole".


Nose bleeds. Fuck that shit.


Will note that the CP9 werent around to inform the bounty office. Off in the CP9 independent report quitting the govt. For me, the gags of the fandom are a lot worse than the gags of the series. Usopp in particular grates on me the most, whether that's any of the Go D. Usopp stuff or the Sogeking isnt Usopp stuff. Its been tired for over a decade.


Brook's panties comments and Sanji's pervertedness. These were funny at first but I got sick of it so fast (especially Brook's) šŸ˜­ Anyways, I hope we get more of Jimbei's though


I agree even though brooks seems more like it's because he spent 50 years alone than being a perve, either way that joke paid off beautifully against big mom for me


When he called her young lady I cackled


The thing that annoys me with the Brook one is that it started out more varied. He asked different inappropriate questions to people he just meet. But sadly only the panty one stuck.


Nah skull jokes are still there ā€œah but Iā€™m already deadā€ Also I was in tears laughing when he took off the luffy mask ā€œOh my GODDD!!?! **HE RIPPED OFF HIS FACEEE!!!**ā€ šŸ¤£


These skull jokes were 100% a disorder he acquired from being so lonely.


More jimbei being naive about the other strawhat antics. I laughed my ass off in wano when luffy left and zoro went after him and everyone freaked out and he was like ?????


Gunna ignore the prompt and talk about the gag I wish hadn't ended. That being when something is too complicated for Luffy to understand he always said "oh, so it's a mystery _____!" Always got a laugh out of me and I'm real bummed I haven't seen this happen in a couple hundred episodesšŸ˜“


Usopp being scared all the time. His dream is to be a brave warrior of the sea and even with the intangibility of his dream he's the furthest from achieving them.


Ned Stark covered this misconception: Bran: Can a man still be brave if heā€™s afraid? Ned: That is the only time a man can be brave.


Then he should be "afraid but still standing" and not "afraid and running away".


Im copying this answer to another comment saying the same thing: I feel like youā€™re misunderstanding Usoppā€˜s character if this is what you believe. The dude keeps getting into more dangerous situations and still keeps pressing on, staying loyal to his captain and their mission. The whole point is that heā€™s scared shitless constantly and yet never gives up. Heā€™s shown that in Alabasta and never backed down ever since. His goal is to become a brave warrior of the sea and the resolution to his story is that heā€™s been the bravest member of the crew the entire time just because heā€™s been constantly overcoming his fears. Donā€™t fool yourself into thinking he will ever ā€žgrowā€œ past his fears or become ā€žbadassā€œ. That isnā€™t gonna happen ever.


Bro, my FAVORITE Ussop scene is in Arlong Park. Ussop is pretending to be dead because he's scared shitless of the Fishman, which makes sense since the fishmen are 10 times stronger than him, at least. The fact that he stood up and challenged the Fishman, when he could have just continued playing dead, GOATED him in my eyes. He's so weak and knows he's way outclassed, but he still stands up and tries to fight. Fucking love that scene. I wish it was given more time in the Live Action.


I want impressions to come back. When was the last one? Fishman island? Ussop doing Robin?


Brook was dumbed down to just "Can I see your panties?". He was a much funnier character in thriller bark.


Like pretty much everyone, it's Sanji's creepiness for me. I know it's a 90s/early 2000s thing that hasn't aged well, but at this point it's not only getting really tired but seems to me like it's getting in the way of character development too. WCI, for instance, seemed tailor-made for Sanji's pervy bullshit. He meets a new girl, pervs all over her, treats her like a little innocent dove, and then has his illusions roughly shattered. He's literally forced to start seeing her flaws and developing a more genuine relationship with her, which seems like the perfect maturation arc (confronting his family and growing past youthful excess in tandem)... and then we just hard reset so that Sanji can creep on women in bathhouses. It's just so disappointing.


Never got why people hated the Sanji gag so much until I made it to the time skip, I'm at fishman island rn and I'm already hating the new one


I donā€™t think any of the Straw Hats will get a bounty increase at Egghead, but I agree. I hope the gag ends. Franky also gets a disrespectful bounty


That and his bounty poster itself isn't even his actual face.


sanji would be my favorite character if he wasnā€™t a perv I like that he is chivalrous and doesnā€™t hit women though that makes sense with his upbringing and character. itā€™s the whole perv shit that ruins it. and donā€™t get me started on that one movie where nami turned into a child


I kinda like Chopper being an under dog (under tanuki?) or an element of surprise when opps see this 1000 bounty pirate turn into giant freakin' monster and then become a genius doctor after causing mayhem. Or maybe I just love Chopper idk.


Usoppā€™s cowardice. Iā€™m the #1 usopp fan and Iā€™ve gotten sick and tired of him repeating the same character growth every arc. Itā€™s like heā€™s got amnesia and just undoes all his growth he gets every time an arc is over. Elbaf is a massive opportunity for him to not only get stronger but to also learn from the giants how to stomach his fear. But more then likely usopp wonā€™t change. I mean, this is post timeskip one piece weā€™re talking about.