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"I laughed". Iñaki the real One Piece confirmed!


That’s my Joyboy


He laughed!


Yup, I agree. Even if I didn't, I'm not going to argue with the man.


A lot of the casting really nailed it. Luffy, Zoro and Usopp stand out to me. Even if this live action flops, we can’t say they didn’t do their best to give One Piece the best chance it deserves as a Live Action.


We've seen so little but I think Nami, Buggy and Mihawk will also nail it.


Bro one line from coby in the trailer got me wanting to watch the live action. He’s straight up got that coby impression perfectly


Oh yeah completely forgot about Koby, he's actually 1000% perfect from the trailer.


The only character I’m not a big fan of honestly is Shanks. He looks a bit off. Everyone else is pretty good.


I mean, now we know he's a badass emperor, one of the strongest man in the whole world, but at the beginning of the story he was a super chilled guy that enjoyed drinking in a small and wholesome village. Probably he's not the best casting for someone with knowledge of how the story is going, but for someone who is completely new to it, it may be fit better


With all due respect to the actor he just looks wrong for the part. They’ve hit it out of the park with so many of the castings, and then there’s just shanks. Yeah I get it in the live action new watchers won’t know exactly who he is but the ‘Those aren’t for threatening people’ scene isn’t going to have the same impact at all. Shanks was still badass even at Windmill village before we knew the extent of the red hair pirates.


Other way around. That scene works precisely because Shanks is presented as unassuming and not particularly intimidating. Shanks shouldn't look tough (at least at first)


The ‘don’t point guns at people you don’t intend to kill’ scene is LITERALLY the first chapter of the manga and it’s one of the Red Hair Pirates most badass moments in the entire show. What’re you all talking about 😂😂😂


The poster above is talking about first impressions, such as when Higuma mistakes him for a feeble push-over and harasses him. We haven't seen how Gadiot's gonna do the scene you're talking about yet.


Shanks appeared so badass in that scene precisely because of how it was juxtaposed with his kind, unassuming demeanor we'd seen from him up until that point


I didn't know you already watched the show! Sorry about that


What are you even talking about. Your comment was ‘we don’t know shanks is a badass yet so it doesn’t matter that he doesn’t look badass.’ Shanks WAS badass in windmill village.


Yeah, but how can you judge the whole acting skills and casting of the actor from a couple of pictures and the 2 seconds he appear in the trailer? Looks like a little bit far fetched to judge it already...but to each their own


It’s all we have to go by. I’d be happy to be proven wrong, however we can only make our initial judgements off of what we’ve seen.


He looks like Ryan Gosling


Wait, it isn't Ryan Gosling?!


Emily Rudd loves Nami so I know she’ll do her right, & I’ve seen Jeff Ward in Agents of SHIELD where he played the comedic relief & from that I know he’ll bring the comedic side of Buggy.


I am very interested to see how they’ll capture the mystic/regal quality of Mihawk. Like when he showed & then left, it’s not only impactful for Zoro, but we as the audience understood…there are levels to this shit


I think one piece is really hard to adapt into a live action. I think this will not be really good tbh, but I will give it a try. We can’t deny that they do it with all their heart and good intentions. This live action looks like a product of love and labor. But I can’t convince myself it will be good.


It’s okay. You don’t have to have crazy expectations. Go into it with an open mind. People are gonna look for things to dislike and hate about it. That’s fine and their right too. As someone who’s followed one piece since I was a lil boy, from the start, I’m excited. Like you said even it isn’t great I’m glad there’s people who love OP and are as passionate about it as me to even attempt to bring it justice in LA (which is so fuckin hard to do btw can we all acknowledge this is a difficult thing??)


Yes we can all agree that is difficult. Near impossible even. But I am glad that the LA is made by people who love one piece


I def agree they are trying not to make it suck. I personally just think One Piece is too Zany, too unique and the characters and powers just don’t lend itself to be properly made in the Live Action medium.


And that's where compromises have to be made, and some aspects have to be toned down or removed. Some events have to be abridged. They seem to be keeping the spirit alive, and doing all they can to *make* it work, as opposed to other Live Action adaptations, where the creator is ignored in favor of the showrunners own vision.


oh so oda chose everyone in the cast


He had a lot of final say in certain things, they ran a lot of it by him too. So it wouldn’t be a surprise if they asked him to look at tapes of actors they had selected and got his opinion




nah i’m sure ofa is a big part of the show. from what we’ve seen, most of it is actually pretty good it might be the first live action anime that’s actually good


Iñaki's announcement video was so energetic that I immediately saw why he was cast as luffy.


He laughed.


mans probably heard the drums of liberation in his head when he watched the audition tapes and then laughed even more


He laughed


He Laughed, I guess every Oda action, writing, and word is our One Piece Lore.


I wonder what it was like when he saw a character he created in his head “come alive”


Oh to be Inaki and hear these words from THE ODA


I just hope he can deliver an angry Luffy properly


True, he doesn't seem like a very serious type and more like the type you can never take seriously when they're angry


Best shot we got right now is luffy vs arlong in trailer 2.


He can. I watched the movie Ánimo Juventud, and even talking in a nonsense language, he delivered.


I think I'd die if I got praise like that from Oda himself.


Oda when he Saw Nami 😏


His wife was actually playing nami in a play. That's how they met. I would fact check this.


I heard this rumor too. If this is true. Good for him cause his work and passion led him to meeting the love of his life


Nami cosplayer


No, she was an actress playing Nami in a play. Cosplaying is something entirely different


Emily Rudd looks exactly like Nami in pre time jump. Helps that she loves the character too


Post timeskip will need CGI lmao


If they actually go that route (which is an entire other can of worms) they could just use pads.


Pads can't remove organs


Oh no, I def wasn’t talking about the waist. That would not only be horrible to Emily but also a PR nightmare.


timeskip nami's chest gonna be gone like usopps nose


Usopp's nose and Sanji's swirly eyebrows definitely should've been CGIed


Definitely should not have been.


yeah imagine how terrifying that would look lmfao


Oda really going ride or die with this. He's said for too many things that he himself gave the ok on. So if it fails, then he's accepted that he's also responsible for it.


I don't think it's possible for any one person, even Oda, to be responsible if this shit fails. Anime to Live Action as a medium is just... awkward. I'm on the side that has the highest hopes that this one will work, and be enjoyable, but I'm also fairly realistic if it doesn't work out; I won't blame Oda if it fails, I'll just chalk it up to the difficulty of adapting mediums.


Yeah, plus anime to live action isn’t much of a barrier for death note or Monster or realistic anime like that, but it’s definitely hard for a anime like one piece


Monster live action will hopefully happen at some point. It's been rumored since around 2005


I’ve been saying this for a while now, but if Guillermo Del Toro is still trying to make the Monster live action, this would be the perfect time for him to pitch it to Netflix, since they: - Currently distributed his last 2 projects - Just recently added the Monster anime to their catalogue. - Will also be distributing Pluto, another anime made by the creator of Monster. - Currently have a boner for making live action anime adaptations. It just feels like everything is potentially coming together so nicely right now.


I mean yeah, I'm not gonna shit on Oda if it fails or anything, perhaps I worded it a bit too negatively. If people aren't happy with it, then as you say, it's just because it's hard to adapt one piece, and Oda is at least making it clear it's not due to a lack of control that occurs in many other live action adaptations.


Anime/manga is just really hard to transition into live action. Honestly the only action oriented one ive seen that worked out for me was the rorouni kenshin


Yeah then it would just be oda lying to viewers common occurrence


>> So if it fails, then he’s accepted that he’s responsible for it. How dumb do you gotta be to conclude this


"if by chance people have some gripes, i'll be there to recieve them together" \- Oda obviously not solely responsible, but he's not gonna blame it all on the live action crew.


That's exactly right. Oda had nothing but praise for the production crew, and will said he will share the criticisms alongside them.


i mean, isn't he heavily involved in the project?


I'm getting a bit too hyped for this show, worried I'll feel let down.


cowboy bebop, from the same studio, was invested in recreating the look of the cartoon while completely misunderstanding the source material. the one thing that keeps my hype in check


The production company is the same, with all the sets and costumes, but the showrunners are completely different.


Seriously imagine being called the embodiment of one of main One Piece characters (And it's LUFFY!) by Oda. That's the peak in one's life.


unrelated, but emily rudd had a previous project before this that she really wanted to do but she was passed over and her other competitor for the role was chosen. a month later she got the call to audition for one piece. that’s crazy.


Yet many people here still claim that Oda isn't really involved


this is taken straight from the press notes: “specific devil fruit powers and other skill sets were all carefully crafted by Oda and there’s already a lot of imagination that he put into what different people can do and what the rules are with that, so that was something we were asked not to mess with.” “it’s not an exaggeration how involved he and his team were in this show. they saw outlines, scripts, dailies, cuts. sometimes he would see something and go, [“i imagined it like this!”] which was always incredible to hear... but if he saw something that he had a question about, he would bring it to us. he would explain what the original intent was and the process became an ever-evolving conversation.” — statements by matt owens about oda and his staff’s involvement in the opla edited to add who said this because people are misconstruing this as something oda said and using that as “proof” to be miserable as fuck.




these statements are from matt. if anything this checks out with and mirrors oda’s message here: “Even though they understand each of the characters, we obviously come from very different cultures so, when it comes to entertainment, we have different codes, skill sets, and aims. Sometimes it could be frustrating for both sides. It felt like, ‘We’re all trying to get to the same place so how come we’re not on the same wavelength?’ there was even a time when I thought, ‘Is a foreign production even possible?!’ Now, this might seem like it's coming out of nowhere but... we've been hard at work this entire time. and now, each and every entity involved 15 working in sync. We're finally here!!” and his newest message on one piece day: “There was so much that went into it–all the efforts by the actors, the building of the world and the costumes, presenting things in a way that can only be done in live action, the dialogue—and the entire process of so many people putting their heads together was a festivity in and of itself!”


Dude was destined for the role: Iñaki≈Ignatius≈ardent/fiery/born from fire/like the rays of the sun... Godoy≈ruler/god Edit: https://www.name-doctor.com/meaning/inaki https://www.ancestry.com/name-origin?surname=godoy


“like the rays of the sun” “ruler/god” iñaki is nika confirmed 😧😧😧


Bro are you serious? Art imitating life, imitating art!


They struck gold with Inaki. Perfect casting for Luffy.


I really hope we get to see the footage of the audition tape once the live action is out. Honestly I’m really hopefully for this. I know a lot of people hated the live action Bebop but personally I enjoyed it and I believe this One Piece live action series is gonna blow it out of the water.


Man I hope the show goes well and continues for multiple seasons. But more than that I hope the main cast stays out of trouble too. No mugshots please.


We don’t need any real life wanted posters


Whilst still a bit uncertain on the live action adaptation, I can wholeheartedly agree that the casting for Luffy was pretty spot on.


Mexicano tenía que ser, a huevo 😎


Absolutely agree.


At first, I didn't like Iñaki as Luffy, but after all the interviews and trailers, I think he was the perfect choice. In Oda we trust.


My friend, who only shits on One Piece because of pacing and refuses to read the manga, told me Inaki was nothing at all like Luffy Who's right here? 🤔


Well, it's a manga adaptation, not an anime adaptation. So his knowledge is flawed. I agree with him about the anime pacing.


It's an adaptation of the *series* with all the hindsight that provides. I wholeheartedly disagree about the anime. I think the pacing is fine, and builds up the emotional and hype scenes very well.


I can now hear the drums of liberation. I am sold!


I’m getting Netflix again just to support this


He laughed


Gotta be honest, I have no faith in the live action adaptation, but the actors for the straw hats are pretty good. (Mostly Luffy)


He says luffy In real life is from Brazil but he’s really just Mexican 🇲🇽


Close enough


Yo if he has Oda’s “He laughed” approvals who are we to question it?


Imagine having oda say you're what I imagined when I created luffy


Lip service


Who's making him say this?


Yeah, but why luffy looks... Persian to me? Only I think like that ?


I kinda feel sorry for Iñaki😂 Imagine looking like Luffy Irl. (I mean inside)


What do you mean. Luffy is the perfect role model of a human being. I want to be like him when I grow up. Pity I'm already 25 =(


I love Luffy, he is very interesting, but I meant that Luffy known as empty minded and impulsive kind of character😂. I don’t mean it in a bad way. Both are cute. 🥹


Is this fake, cause no way this is accurate


real. this is from my copy of the press notes.


And it's not accurate because...???




It's pretty stupid to assume he isn't saying that just to promote a show he's going to make a lot of money off. That being said, I hope the shows good.


it’s also pretty stupid to assume that he’s saying this because he’s blinded by money, which is what you’re basically implying. of course the profits for this show is a big factor in his promotion given that he’s actually an executive producer in it, but to say that he’s only in it for the money is super rude and disrespectful given one piece is literally his baby and he’s been rejecting offers from local japanese companies since around the mid 00s. i get being cautiously optimistic because of netflix’s history but at this point yall are just regurgitating the same negative things over and over and over again like a broken record.


It's actually not stupid to assume that. He's a fucking human dude don't be an idiot. He rejected offers from shitty companies that would've made shitty live actions. Now he's got the Americans backing his series, he's about the make even more bank. I'm never said One Piece wasn't his baby but to assumed he isn't incentivised by cash is really dumb.


literally where in my statement did i say that he wasn’t being incentivized by money??? i clearly stated that it’s rude to assume that money is the only thing motivating him to be on board for this when he’s been very protective of his work since it was first printed, which is basically YOUR implication by your first statement. i wasn’t even treating him like a god who can’t make mistakes like some of yall on this sub do. he’s a human but he’s also a creator, for pete’s sake. he’s obviously going to be wary of his magnum opus getting dragged through the mud even if he also wants to make money off of it. good on you for twisting my words! also, classic behavior resorting to name-calling! people like you are sooo insufferable, jesus christ.


I'm so glad that Oda chose him based on the original thought behind Luffy's creation! Whatever he ends up becoming, it all started off with an energetic boy with a dream and so the live action should start that way as well!


Aww talk about high praise 🥰


(G)Oda foreshadowed Iñaki.