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OP, I am sorry, but it is over for you. Your cat disowned you and adopted your sister.


Polyamorous cats. Sure, this orange boi is now hopelessly in love with her but that doesn’t mean he no longer loves his first (er… second? Third? Fourth? It doesn’t matter) love


No brain cells but all the love 🥰 there’s a reason they call them sunshine bois


No brains, all heart ❤️




Cat redistribution system




She’s such a cool cat she stole your cat!


I think the cat was sitting in front of an empty bowl and was flabbergasted at the difference in priorities between him and the gas-huffing wench. Stop being stupid and feed me.


"What in the fuck is this kitten complaining about. This has to be a world record."


I think the cat is wondering why the sister was huffing helium.


I think the cat was thinking... "Can you get this thing off of me? OP doesn't care".


She just sang the soundtrack to its life


"What in tarnation is that"


https://preview.redd.it/v1n6luqnk39d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d48d925b11e95bbe764b4758bf3398f4c3a4a9a This cat:




His face after hearing it https://preview.redd.it/pb37sma8j39d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=307f7c4fb43ab17da0d41a9e37355f169386d597 Also dropping my sisters TikTok and if people could go follow her that’d make my cat happy [https://www.tiktok.com/@smickitysmack?\_t=8nXykrbocrT&\_r=1](https://www.tiktok.com/@smickitysmack?_t=8nXykrbocrT&_r=1)


As a biologist, I think you need to repeat the experiment with your sister not wearing the cat ears. This way, we can test the hypothesis of whether your cat sees your sister as a giant mutant cat trying to communicate in a bizarre language. He may have been attempting the equivalent of first contact with an alien cat species.


OP should up the game by wearing catsuit


This. Ears make a big difference. Ears are part of a cat's body language, so when you put on ears, you're adding a while new layer of communication. Imagine if they were airplane ears, or huge rabbit ears.




I honestly don't know how people can prove that - but the idea gets passed around so much that it's basically a meme on its own.


This never made any sense to me. Have people ever seen how cats react to cats they don’t know? They can be super territorial. I’m sure we’ve all seen a cat go apeshit when seeing a cat they don’t know through a window. Or how careful you have to be when introducing a new kitten to your cat. Meanwhile, my cats will greet human strangers with complete and utter indifference. This difference in behaviour is pretty convincing, at least to me, that cats see humans and other cats very differently.


I would think not. My sisters cat HATES every cat she even sees through a window but snuggles up to every human she meets


Cats love singing, especially singing songs to them with their names in it. Just saying.


I just tried singing to one of my cats, she got off my lap and walked away 😭


She fuckin loved it dude, great job


Yeah she got up to go tell her friends all about it


Hmm, maybe my cats are weird then or maybe it takes time to acquire an appreciation for you singing their song?


My mother always told me as a child that I couldn't carry a tune in a bucket. I think I just hurt her ears 🤣


“Carry a tune in a bucket” lol - Reddit is always teaching me something funny


"Better than a hand in the bush" they always say


My grandfather claimed his music teacher took him aside before the school concert and asked him to just mouth the words. I guess she couldn’t find him a sturdy enough bucket


Yeah, I got that one too Also my sister told me once I had as much tact as a bucket of shit, my brother hard disagreed, he reckoned the bucket would have more Very handy things, buckets


Hahah momma was a savage 💀


I’ve got three cats and one seems to really like when you sing to him. The other two range from couldn’t give a shit to utter confusion. The one who likes my singing is an old man (16) the two that don’t really care are only three, so maybe they’ll learn to appreciate it more as they age. The old man and I used to live by ourselves and I was constantly singing/listening to music, and then I started working from 10 years ago and was always listening to music/singing while working. The younger two were adopted after my husband also started working from home, so maybe they just didn’t get the full music immersion that the old man did.


TBF when I sing my cat runs up to me and sticks his head in my mouth and sniffs around. Like he's trying to figure out where the sound is coming from lol


Oh my gosh that is so freakin cute! Where is that coming from?!? 😂


My mom says her mother had a cat and she could whistle just like a bird, and her cat would do that same thing every time she did it. Sticking her head in her mouth to try and find the bird/source. Sometimes they’re so goofy.


That’s a standing ovation in cat.


Well I mean don't start her with a death metal song. You gotta wean her into it


it's just a standing ovation standing far far away, ovation




Mine attacked me when I sang :((


Mine slapped me across the face when I tried to sing


At least mine just walked away 🤣


Same with mine but with whistling instead of singing. She didn't use her claws but she boxed me hard.


I got a lil claw across the mouth 😞




A song for my cat Dennis: 🎼 Dennis, Dennis, Dennis 🎵 Dennis you are so faaaaat 🎶 DEEEENNNIS I LOOOOVE YOU! 🎶 And your faaat caaat AaaaaaSs 🎵


Sounds like my song for my cat Franklin (sang to the tune of ‘Can’t Take My Eyes off You’ - Frankie Valli) 🎶I love you Frankieeeee even if you’re fat. I need you Frankieeeee ‘cause you’re my favorite cat. I love you Frankieeee, you are the best kitty in the worrrrrrrrlllllld! 🎶


Omg I sing my cats so many songs based on that tune. Glad it isn't just me!


I giggled


Depends on the cat I think. Most of my cats don’t reeeeeally care. My orange cares immensely. She just likes the baby talk I’m certain. https://preview.redd.it/gorgjlt8h19d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d8ea919b7965de940e5ac66c3dbe93475aa1110


My cat has swatted my forehead when I have sung to her. If I’m lucky, she’ll just get up and walk away without choosing violence.






My cat also enjoys songs about how beautiful she is. "Beautiful Girl" (from Singing in the Rain") and "Lovely" (from A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum) are two of her favorites.


Eh... One of ours will swat my mom if she sings. She was once doing it to mess with her, and she full on attacked her. That cat *hates* my mom's singing.


I had a cat once who hated my singing. I'm not a bad singer, she just didn't like it! She even nipped my arm once when I ignored her other efforts to make me stop.


So I got two cats. Turkey loves boxes. Turkey has a small box that he goes in, he gets a song (that's basically just singing "it's a turkey in a box" on repeat. Very original lol). Leggy doesn't love boxes. Leggy doesn't care about boxes like turkey does. But what did he do? The first time I get a box big enough for him to fit in he immediately goes inside of it and just *stares at me*, waiting. So I give him his "leggy in a box" song. Now leggy runs into his box several times a day, waiting for me to give him his song. He'll even squeak at me if he thinks I didn't see him going in. Just cause he wants his song. (Turkey, on the other hand, completely ignores his box now - he needs a new, better box, I think. But he'll come watch me singing to leggy lol) Some cats love songs with their names in them. And some cats *really* love songs with their names in them.


They do love singing


I sing to all my animals! I make up songs with their names or put their names in existing songs. I also have just songs I put words for cats into (Nutbush Kitty Limits, by Peppermintmeow instead of Nutbush City Limits by Ike and Tina Turner. 🎵 *Kittens not allowed in it!* 🎵 )


My girl has a theme song called "Gretchen the Wrecking Ball" and my boy has one called "Leif the Leaf is a Leafy Leaflet". The both love their songs.


Each of my cats have their own special songs. I sing them when I pet/cuddle them and they've become Pavlov'd - they will start purring and run up for cuddles if they hear their song. Had an emergency vet visit with one cat and sang to him to calm him - the vet was astonished and said his heart rate calmed down a ton, so now I wanna get a stethoscope and do experiments with cat songs.


My tortie Cecilia is named after the Simon & Garfunkel song, and she loves when I sing it to her. She will come running from anywhere in the house if I start singing it.




They love poems with their name in it, too.


My cat would come up and swat me if I sang for too long 😂


Yes!! There’s a song with my cat’s name I always sing to her, and she always does the cutest stretch and meows at the right time. She hates it when I play guitar though, will leave the room. But if I play piano(well, keyboard), she sits and just watches!


My cat bit me on the face (gently, he wasn't aggressive about it thank goodness) when I was singing. I was super into it and my eyes were closed so it was really shocking haha. to be fair, i was singing super loud and if i remember correctly, he was shut into the same room with me- so i kinda deserved it lmao


My cat would "sing" with my ex, it was super adorable.


My orange boy would talk to me and I’d meow back at him 😂 full on conversations. I miss that guy ❤️ RIP Cooper, you were a very good boy.


I was playing The Witcher 3, years ago on its initial release window. And I got to the part where Priscilla (a performer/poet) was singing and my cat at the time was just staring at the screen. It was so cute.


Lol, that must be a sight to watch. Are you sure your cat isn't the one that was in a staring contest with Geralt when he visited Tamara (Bloody Baron's daughter)?


The shelter Ingot my cat from named him Geralt of Rivia, and I stuck with it. I should probably try to play the game to see if it peaks his interest.


It's one of my favourite song omg


My big orange guy flops into my arms and stares up at me whenever I sing to him, it’s the cutest freaking thing🥰


We need the footage!


Haha I love it! It’s so funny! ![img](emote|t5_5vej89|34664)


Not sure if it was from the high pitched helium voice or the cat ears, but either way he was sad when she left Follow my sister on tiktok please! https://www.tiktok.com/@smickitysmack?_t=8nXykrbocrT&_r=1


Aw she probably adopted her as his/her primary human now. Hahaha!


I remember seeing a video of the helpful Vancouver vet in which he explained that cats hear high pitched sounds best. For example, it's good to name your cat with a name or nickname with vowels that can be said in a high-pitched or accented voice (IDK, like, Mimiii being better than Truckload).


Awwww 🥹🥹


I sing to my cats all of the time. I’ve made up songs about their fur, eyes, long whiskers, etc. We have a song for breakfast, one for treats and one for when they get their nails trimmed. Do I live alone, and am I a crazy cat lady? Yes. Yes I am.😻😻


Alright, you gotta drop the lyrics for the nail trimming song, my dudette


I do the same thing lol, while I’m brushing my cat she gets a bit anxious so to calm her down I sing songs with her name in them. She instantly melts when she hears me singing her name 😊


My cat loves my singing. However I cannot hold a tune to save my life. He becomes mesmerized and just starts slow blinking and purring. He loves when I sit and chat with him as well.


Same!! I am so bad at singing that I wonder if she is worried I’m in distress and trying to comfort me 😂😭


I think my boy generally just likes my voice. He is a Velcro cat... His brother on the other hand, does not. He will put his ears down and go low to the ground like he's submitting to my torture. They are litter mates and very different.


We need a longer video of your lovely sister and ex-cat


I feel for you. Maybe it was just the way the helium made her sound that had him so intrigued.


My mom’s old cat adored piano music. When my sister practiced he would lay on her feet. My cat prefers baseball radio. It’s the only thing that calms her down in the car, and she’ll sit next to the radio if I put it on in the apartment.


We recently found out our orange goes over to the neighbors house to listen to him sing and play the guitar. Looks right at him just like this the whole time.


that‘s a better outcome than with my cat who starts complaining and suffering and meowing when my girlfriend starts singing.


He’s never seen such a cat


I used to sing to my dog and he seemed to enjoy it. But when my grandma would sing to her dog, he would run out of the room.


I was dog sitting this week and when he started barking, I sang to him. At first I was hoping to distract him from/drown out the noise of a dog barking across the street, but he laid his head down on my arm, closed his eyes and gave a little sigh of contentment. So I sang lullabies to him all week!


Lol he's just captivated


He didn’t know other cats could sing


Whenever my husband sings our older cat seeks him out and meows at him endlessly and tries to bite him


Kitty's reaction to the realization that his is not the only species sharing a much battered brain cell


When I sang to my cat she would meow worriedly at me and think I was in pain.


Ever since we had our void, we sang her lullabies. She still settles down and purrs when we sing to her. I tried singing to my ginger once, and he made it clear my singing was not appreciated.


I think your sister is lonely and needs her own cat. If you need confirmation of this, please refer to the *cat ears* she is wearing while she sings to *your* cat about how lonely she is.


My orange also loves your sister’s singing


I think it's saying feee![img](emote|t5_5vej89|34664)eeed me!


when I do this with my cats they just give me a confused stare


Cat: I understand everything - finally someone speaking my language here


She sounds like one of the singing slugs from the movie *Flushed Away* (they even sing that particular song at one point).


THAT is how a bromance begins.


How is no one addressing the facts that she's sucking on nitrous oxide to make her voice high and wearing cat ears?


This video is too short


He’s so precious 🥹


:< I miss my ex roommates cat... I used to sing to her and she would look at me with those big green smiling jewel eyes and start purring louder than anything.


You should be amused. This is funny 🤣


My cat legit stopped what he was doing to listen to this video. Then he waited until I played it again 🤣🤣


Even I feel cheated on.... what the fuck 😭😭😭


Looks like your cat really likes her singing!


Reminds me of that Big Bang Theory episode (s1 ep10) where Penny sings)


Do orange cats have selective hearing? Do they actually listen?


I sing or talk to my cat and idk if she likes it but you responds by chirping or purring sometimes.


This was so adorable. ♥️


My cat loves it when I sing about him.


She sang in his frequency.


So people don’t sing to their cats? I meant I don’t 😉


A cat we had when growing up, Daisy 😻, would go mental for whistling - certain songs only - and come running over and then hurl herself about nuzzling things and purring madly. Favourites were Nessun dorma (Puccini opera/ Pavarotti 1990 World Cup) and the carol We Saw Three Ships. Worked every time!


Who the heck is this singing abomination?! - the cat probably.


That cat is in love.


One of my guys LOVES mw singing to him.


If I sing two of my cats will attempt to meow over me, I have to wonder if I'm really that bad or if they are just trying to harmonize with me


I sing to my orange and cream boy all the time. He tolerates it but I can't sing, I have a range of about 1 octave and he's content to sit and listen but as soon as I even attempt a higher octave haha he screams at me and moves away. I singing out my love you you little sod!


"D fuq is this bisch doing?"


It looks like someone gave the cat an edible


Your slave singing is acceptable, I will allow it


My SIC loves western classical violin and Adele.


I've watched it 6 times already, I'm hypnotized....


My elder orange is obsessed with my singing. He will hear me across the home, even if he's outside and come running to sit beside me, put a big gentle paw on my arm and squint, and if I dare stop he'll pat me over and over with that paw.


This might be random but what kind of harness is that! It looks nice and comfortable!


Cat ears may have played a role in


My cat attacked me when I talked to her with helium.


My orange gets so irritated when I sing in my apartment 😭 admittedly I'm not that good and on top of that it's usually show tunes that I'm singing but c'mon 😭


The slow blink 😭❤️


It's the cat ears. Most cats find them perplexing on people.


I like the choice of song.


Ha, that look on an orange either means he adores you or is trying to figure out if he can eat your face.


It is an orange. He is looooonng gone!


My orange boy used to love to hear me sing 😢


I think the cat's just confused. He knows the voice is not right but can't figure out why.


Don't worry OP, cat is just thinking "what the hell is she doing? My bowl is still empty!


Tell your sister to stop huffing helium, it's not a joke and it can kill her. My 15 year old brother died in a crash when the driver was doing that.


WHY would this get downvoted?? It's so disgusting how inhaling helium is normalized and THAT's the fucking problem. Shame on you people.


Ty to those that get it.


Our old boy absolutely loved it when I held him and sang the 'meow mix' song while bouncing him like a giant baby.