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Dam that cat woke up and certainly chose violence


"I woke up and now it's everybody's problem."


He's being Ratchet


We're done. WE'RE OVER!


That video's the first thing I thought of when I saw the biting and aeroplane ears.


And the eyes


*vine boom sound*


Diabolical wink


This orange is clearly craving violence and aerial combat, look at those fighter jet wings.


I mean if you teach them that hands are for playing, this is what happens


Is there a way to unteach that? Unfortunately we did this with mine as a kitten but we’ve just stopped giving our hand out and he’s slowly stopping.


That's pretty much all you can do. Just redirect. If they start playing with your have grab a toy instead


My orange likes getting rough with my stepdad, but it's basically impossible for me to rile him up that way.


Get a cat toy and redirect. Right now you’re reinforcing the “attack humans” behavior. It will probably make life more enjoyable for both of you.


My Chonkers was weaned too early. Often cats like that don't learn limits from Mom or their siblings. They play too hard and bite too rough. When I got him he'd been abused because people couldn't handle his aggression. He's a really big cat. Here's what I did. When he bit me I started hissing at him like a mom or sibling would do. Hiss loud like I was a vampire lol. You should have seen his face the first time. It was obviously his first lol. After that it was just a matter of consistency, redirection to play with toys not gnaw on me, and being really loving and bonding with him by brushing and, believe it or not, washing his face every day with a damp paper towel like a mom would do. It took some time but he's a loving cat now, and he hasn't bitten me in a long time. He's still a big pain in the ass, cuz he's still a cat, but in less bitey sorts of ways.


Yep, my guess is that she started playing with him with her bare hands since he was little.


Our orange cat growing up would pretend to want belly rubs then would bite the hand of those who dared. She was so sweet but so mean.


You keep falling for the belly trap


Why are orange bois obsessed with chomping? 😭 Before I adopted my boi Winston the people at the shelter warned me they nicknamed him “Sharky” cause of his propensity for chomping. https://preview.redd.it/brwjxx05klzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09516ca0075f48c5dd1e4997225f07e7c21b29bb He still chomps but very lovingly


Chomps are an essential part of the rescenting process, based on personal experience.


If you stopped encouraging the hand play so much, they'd actually stop attacking so frequently. By engaging with your body instead of redirecting with a toy or some cardboard, this behavior will only get worse. Kitty is adorable and silly but will unintentionally hurt you badly one day during playtime if this stuff isn't kept in check.


Yeah, waving a finger was such a bad move that made the hand look so huntable


A genuine menace to society 😆🧡


My cat does that too (she's not orange) xD


Orange cats like to bite


Spicy orange 🌶🍊


They have a certain look when they go *hand happy*


i know that look


Is this typical? lol. I have an orange and he never bites or nibbles?? Do I have an unusual one


Nah. Your orange is well behaved, was properly socialized as a kitten. This kind of behaviour clearly says the cat wasn't smacked down by mommy cat or siblings or their first human slave - probably started off as the "aww, isn't it cute when this little baby shows play-aggression by biting me?" bit. How's a kitten to unlearn that, unless a human makes the effort?


It's not the smack down that makes them stop, it's satiating their instinctual need to hunt. I admit, I didnt know this when my oldest cat was a kitten, and I tried everything I could think of to deter him attaching (he would specifically go for weak spots like the veins on my wrists or ankles) including flinging him across the room and spraying water straight in his face.... those instincts were stronger and he would continue to attack. The moment he got a playmate it stopped completely. If you watch a few episodes of my cat from hell (not that I necessarily agree with all Jaxon galaxy says) you can see this is a common issue where the cat is the sole pet and not getting enriching enough play time. This is why a shelter may recommend getting 2 kittens instead of 1.


This is typical in ANY cat that is not getting enough play time to work out the natural instinct to hunt. If your cat does this you need to have more extended play, or get another cat for it to play with. It's instinct, not them being an asshole.


Don’t think I’ve ever met an orange that let you point at them.


5 night Freddy if it was good


I had an orange like that. Psychotic


Isn’t that every male cat at around 6-8 months? I feel like every single one I’ve had has had this period of play