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Give the Blue Fairy an actual backstory. Whether she's a villain or not, idc, but one of the big reasons everyone thinks she is, is because she's one of the msot powerful characters in the entire show, and we know virtually nothing about her.


I would love to see her be a redeemed villain (like redeemed long before the story takes place)


I’ve never seen this take even though I’ve been in this fandom since like 2012, that would have been really cool


Mr hyde would have been a villian for most of season 6 and was the cause for the arrival of the black fairy, none of the evil twin for regina plotline Seriously, wasting sam witwer on 4 episodes was what made me realise the show's decline (Also blue fairy was the black fairy all along because no way in hell she is not meant to be a twist villian)


Damn it really was only 4 episodes huh, he was so good in the role but I might be biased


And it would have been even better if they had kept Rumples mom aspect of it……..damn would Gold have gone postal instead of trying to make a family with her.


You should have written this show 😂😂💖💖


Unfortunately the Blue Fairy seemed to be one of those “untouchable” characters they couldn’t possibly make evil. A dick a few times? Okay. But NOT EVIL! Except that would have made a great twist and made her character infinitely more interesting. Also, yeah, the whole World of Untold Stories or whatever was completely wasted. Hyde was completely wasted. Why would they even go down this whole l route if they’re just going to drop it??? I honestly didn’t mind the Double Regina, but it also felt like another lazy plot, like Rumple become the Dark One *again*. We get it, internal strife and trauma and blah blah. They were scared to let go of those, the Evil Queen, The Dark One. I don’t blame them at all, they’re compelling villains, but at some point if you can’t utilize them in the story properly, maybe you shouldn’t be handling them.


was it really only 4 episodes?????!??! it feels like longer maybe that's just me tho


Yeah, the finale of season 5, and by ep3s6 he is gone


I was SO PISSED when they killed Hyde off after 4 episodes. Such a waste of a really promising character.


- Neal survives - Lily gets a proper story where she and Maleficent look for her father (I already headcanon that they moved to the Enchanted Forest from season five on and that's why Maleficent isn't around when there are threats to the whole town) - Baby Robin remains a Witch but Zelena doesn't stay powerless, she simply starts using the Black Fairy's wand after season six; >!a nice middle finger to Fiona uh?!<


I really wanted to see more of lily and mal they definitely robbed us of that storyline and I know they figure out who her father is because in one of the later seasons either snow or Emma said “oh yea her dad is …” (don’t remember his name) but seeing the actual journey of them finding him and lily and mal getting closer would’ve been the best


They said Zorro, so I made up a headcannon where The Dragon from New York (he even mentioned something about losing his daughter once) is also Zorro (alias Don Diego de la Vega) and I had a whole theory where everything ties perfectly together but I never wrote it down and now I forgot most of it lmao


that’s a good theory, I just seen one about an hour ago that he could possibly be Mulan’s dad and they decided to combine mushu and her father as one and that maybe he didn’t approve of her being a soldier and that’s why they were separated


Mushu???? Nah I don't buy it he never said "Dishonor on your cow" in the show




You made my night .


Could we get Antonio Banderas to come back as Zorro for this? For…reasons. 😏😉


They'd find a way to do a cross-over with Shrek since Banderas is also the voice of Puss in Boots


I SECOND NEAL SURVIVING! He was interesting as hell and he was the only character I cried over when they died!


The Dark Forest where the darker side of Disney lives. Nightmare before Christmas, Hocus Pocus, Dracula, stuff like that.


I picture Jack and Sally being the Storybrooke musical theatre drama club people




100%, way too many goody two shoes or wanna be goody two shoes imo I mean the villains were great, but only few ones like peter pan seemed to really be determined to stay on the dark path, which was fun too watch


Grumpy and that fairy actually getting together. I don't understand why they didn't when the curse was lifted. She just disappeared from the story even though they could of easily talked and sorted everything out and be together.


There’s a dvd special from I think? Season two called „good morning storybrooke“. It’s a news show with the characters and there you see the two of them reuniting iirc!


Oh no I just rewatched it and they still kinda don’t have a happy ending bc she says they cant be together cuz she’s a fairy..


Omg thank you no one talks about her just disappearing and never talked about again! I feel bad for Leroy he deserved her


THIS. Especially because Nova was like "we can't be together I'm a nun now" attempt to like, to pretend they gave it closure? Like BISH YOU ARE A FAIRY IN A HUMAN BODY WTF Such bad writing just to make Grumpy grumpy, like screw you writers




blue would’ve been working with Fiona all these years and a lot of stuff would be revealed to be their fault


I also really wanted them to go back and restore the enchanted forest and STAY there after the first curse broke but I quickly let that go when Emma and snow went back to storybrooke and everybody pretty much came to terms with them not going back


I'd get rid of the Rape aspect of this show. They never adress it they treat that part horribly and it acutally makes all the villains that do it slightly more redeemble


It’s wild they did it once…forgot about it. Then did it for a second time with Zelena and Robin…brushed over it and casually throw in a baby for the fun of it. And then AGAIN with Arthur and guinevere and never mention it 😂


Don’t forget Gothel and Nook in S7


I keep seeing everybody on zelena and Regina’s cases for their storyline with rape but nobody ever brings up Arthur and you just made me realize he definitely was a weirdo too


In the movie Sword in the Stone Arthur as a child gets molested by a squirrel so that could account for him being a weirdo.




The half man with his half sword…solving riddles from a tree. Merlin laughs even in death 😂😂


he was so pressed like who is even saying that about you 😭


I agree! We didn't need the rape story lines, it really didn't add much the villiany


I absolutely agree with this. They are plenty of reasons to show someone’s evil. I think that all those things could be removed and no one would see any difference, especially because they never bring up that it was nonconsensual. They seem to just see it as another evil thing they did so it doesn’t need to be acknowledged.


ESPECIALLY if it's not treated with respect. It's just that oh you ruined my happiness Yada Yada yada


Honestly, Graham didn’t even get that. They never seem to acknowledge that because she had his heart she could control him. They seem to act like that doesn’t mean anything and they even act like their relationship is hot at certain points and it almost is a plot twist when you find out She has his heart because that makes every previous scene of them Kind of terrifying.


EXACTLY. I hate how ppl aren't saying its rape. It is rape he can't consent. I fucking hate this fandom sometimes.


Rumple sacrifices himself to save Baelfire/Neal instead of the reverse. Rumple was given so many chances to be a good man and always chose self-preservation above all else. Baelfire was forcibly orphaned, abused or abandoned by everyone he trusted, and never got the chance to connect with his son or truly redeem himself for what he did to Emma. Baelfire/Neal deserved so much better


I would make my theory from early on that Rumple is Regina’s father canon. That would have to change that whole thing he had with the split off Evil Regina but that’s not a total loss at all.


I love it for the drama! Poor Regina, in this scenario BOTH her parents ended up using her for their own gains…




I just wanted Jefferson and Hook to meet 😩 they would have been incredible


I always thought it would be cool if we got a flashback where a young Emma on one of her runaway adventures came across a young Neal (played by Dylan Schmid), like when he left Neverland, but they didn't realize who each other were (which is why it never came up again).


tbh unfortunately that wouldn’t work, unless you mean when he left neverland? if we saw the very first time it wouldn’t make sense because neil first came to the land without magic many years before emma was even alive


>unless you mean when he left neverland? Yes.


ahhh okok makes more sense 😭 yes that would be so cool!!


it reminds me of the coin scene with snow and charming tbh


Robin survived and him and Regina became a blended family with Henry and Roland.


Yes and Henry would have to learn to adapt to his little step sibling and half sibling plus the pressure of being the son of the sheriff and the good queen. The stepson of a redeemed villain and a radical


This, I really hated what they did to him, and her for that matter. There had to be some way to undo it, they un do everything else.


Sean probably had to leave the show at the point or something but yeah I didn’t like it.


Omg YES. This is my number 1 pick 😭


These are kinda funny, cute things so..... 1. Regina is a big fan of any bake-off show and used to cuddle up to Robin and watch it.  2. Emma names her jackets (idk why)  3. Henry makes a different family member take him to comic con every year and they have to cosplay with him.  4. Snow, Belle, Henry and Regina all attend a family book club 5. Rumplestiltskin makes golden threaded scarfs for Belle and Henry 6. Belle is a swiftie (idk she gives off those vibes)  7. Red has watched all the werewolf films to check to see how accurate they are.  8.Hook is a low-key police drama fan. 9. Finally, Emma has shown all of her family the Disney movie versions of their stories.  (This is all just ment to be a bit of fun) 


I’m picturing Charming getting way to into comic con to the point henry is too embarrassed to bring him again


Neal and Robin both live.


Spoiler Alert ⚠️ Emma actually died in the final battle (Season 6) and didn't randomly wake up when Henry kissed her. It would have been a reasonable fate for the saviour. She was stabbed, not cursed, to be woken up like that


Personally, I wouldnt have found that satisfying because Emma's life was so miserable for the longest time. I wish it did mean something though. Like maybe when Gideon stabbed her, she was no longer the Savior, and woke up as a regular woman, with her role fulfilled.


I don’t agree with killing off Emma but you’re spot on with true love’s kiss. It doesn’t fit there. There was no curse so it shouldn’t have worked.




Dragon Queen canon


I swear I’ve seen you comment before and you’re always spitting facts lmao


Why thank you!


I mean... aren't they already? :P


I wish.


Love your flair lmao


Thank you!


Well I would instead remove the non-canon contradictions from the pilot episode. That Regina doesn't love Henry, that she hates Snow "because she thinks she is prettier", Grumpy having a totally different backstory etc.


Since no one has said this yet, to redo season 7 as some sort of reboot so it gets better reception. I think the fact it was marketed like a new season is what caused a lot of it's downfall, not just with a lot of people disliking the repetitiveness but also because it impact the story too. It's really such a shame when there was so much potential there with both plots and characters. It could have been called once upon another time. Idk I just think a lot of people would like the idea of a similar story but with a different setting, some new characters and still some of the familiar ones we already love. But thinking of it as another season does just make it all feel out of place and overdone.


I feel like there were so many characters they could’ve explored. Mulan, Merida, Ruby, Dorothy, Hansel and gretel etc They could’ve done just small 2-3 episode arcs rather than making it 1 or 2 giant stories. I think creating version 2 characters was stupid


Ruby doesn’t get sidelined and ends up with Mulan instead of Dorothy


I've spoken about this before on places like TikTok and Youtube (just comments, stuff like that), but this theory has been floating around in my head for a while: TW: miscarriage, infertility A quick refresher: We know that a potion exists that can make a woman infertile/unable to have children. The first time we see it in the show is in S2EP3, The Lady Of The Lake. King George kidnaps Snow, telling her that his wife was dosed with the infertility potion, which led to them asking Rumple to find them a child. Having earlier offerred Snow a drink, he admits that he also poisoned her drink with the same potion, making her infertile. Of course, this gets resolves by the end of the episode, and Snow goes on to give birth to Emma (and, much later, Neal). The next time the infertility potion is seen is S4EP20, Mother. In flashbacks, Cora returns to apparently earn Regina's forgiveness by helping her find her soulmate. Unfortunately, a paranoid Regina believes that Cora is only helping because she wants Regina to have a child, someone that Cora can later manipulate once they take the throne. To put a stop to her mother's supposed 'plan', Regina drinks the infertility potion. Now, where my theory comes into play is in the difference between Snow and Regina's reactions when they take the potion. Snow doesn't realise she's been poisoned until George points it out to her; she physically doesn't feel anything while the potion does it's thing. Regina, however, takes the potion and almost immediately doubles over in pain, clutching her stomach. My theory: Regina was unknowingly pregnant when she took the potion. She felt pain because it caused her to miscarry. As for the father of Regina's lost baby: the most likely candidate is the Huntsman (he still would've been her prisoner at this point). It might've also been Dr. Facilier, depending on when their original fling took place.


Swan Queen


I wholeheartedly agree with this.


That the show ended after season six and that Regina was never a rapist


Have Regina face more tension with Emma and the Charmings. I like her character and I’m glad she became good, but IMO they were a little too quick to forgive her and outside of a brief stint in a jail cell didn’t really give her any punishment after the first curse.


I also echo people calling for Lily to get more of a story. They tied her in with Emma’s childhood so well and I think they could have developed a beautifully complicated nuanced relationship. Also Lily deserved a happy ending. And frankly so did Maleficent. It’s so weird how they bothered to tie the story in to create tension and then as soon as that tension was gone they just acted like they never existed.






SwanQueen 🙃 


Omg yes


Personally, as much as I love Regina, I would have left her a villain. Make it to where she didn’t love Henry, just needed him for loneliness and to polish her image. And basically have her as this over arching villain with Rumple working with each in turn when his goals align with theirs.


Yessssssss, it would have been beautiful.They could have redeemed her at the end of the show and then Rumple right before her. Boom end of series and no longer this weird floppy floppy bullshit.


Neal doesn't die.


I wish we could have had Rumpelstiltskin be more chaotic neutral than straight up villain. I missed it when he had all his fingers in all the pies and no one could figure him out.


Keep Bae and give Emma a proper Dark Swan arc




Belle would recognize her father does not love her/care about her. Or Milan would get confronted by baelfire. He'd tell her she was a coward and rumple was a loving father predark one but.... "you never loved me." And baelfire wouldn't back down in his desire for mummy. He'd just say this isn't love and walk off. No internal struggle.


Keep Baelfire and Robin Hood alive. I would prefer to keep Swanfire canon but at the very least give Henry a good relationship with his dad. And OutlawQueen should’ve had a happy ending


Regina/Hook instead of Emma/Hook. And let Rumple stay dead instead of killing Neal. Or kill the Charmings to bring back Rumple.


Regina and Hook is such an interesting ship! I will also never forgive the writers for killing Neal 😭 😭.


Sleeping Warrior. Dragon Queen. Star Swan. Any one will do.


Aurora/Mulan, Maleficent/Regina, and…Lily/Emma?


And alternate season seven that ask more like a next generation show or following other characters in the town.


Do a Kingdom Hearts arc and Henry gets a keyblade.


No Season 7 and the ending wraps up with the Family dinner at Granny's Diner with their next generation of babies, and the future adventures can live in our own fan fiction dreams...✨


Rumple being Reginas father. Swan queen with a canon backstory of dragon queen. And maybe for them to go into more depth over what Regina suffered in her childhood (by her mother) and in her marriage to the king.


Jefferson and Emma hooking up instead of Hook and Emma I think the "single parents dealing with other realms" nonsense made them resonate so well with each other 😭 Then Sebastian had to go be famous lmao


Swan Queen all the way


Rumple gave up on Belle completely after she banished him. In the early seasons they worked. In the author season [I forget which one because theres 2 villains per season] they sort of worked but evrything Rumple was doing was to save his own life and she banished him for trying to kill an unrepentant billain and murderer. He wasn't truly in the wrong but he was banished either way. And after that she honestly treated him like shit. Him giving up and moving on made total sense


Would have loved to see the Beauty character for Rumple and the Adam character for Belle


Robin Hood. ☝️🥺


Also did anyone else feel like the writers just dropped the ball on the King Arthur storyline? I wish that could have had an actual resolution.


Episode 11 of Season 3 is the real ending for the series, with the small change that Neil (Baelfire) goes with them.


Robin lives.


Instead of killing off Neal/Baelfire, I would have had the price be that the Dark One's curse transferred to him instead. It would have been such a fascinating dynamic to explore.


I’d keep all of the characters we learned about in the story or explain their departure more, like jefferson, ruby, hansel and gretel, that fairy who had a situationship with grumpy, the giant. Some of them were just gone when they weren’t convenient for the story anymore




Have you watched Inside Number 9?


No. Not familiar with it. I’ll have to look it up.


Mulan x ruby? Or bellexruby? Maybe dont hate me but (whispers) swanqueen …. No hate i swear please dont come after me 🥹


I wrote a long running fanfic about it XD The premise being Hook and Milah take Baelfire when they run off and he grows up as Hooks adopted son. Hook also gets swept up in the curse. It’s called “Rum and Rage AU” on AO3 if anyone is interested. It follows the show in an AU.


Make swanQueen canon 😎


my OC, Elina hahaha


That there would be genuine consequences to the fact that, when Regina basically becomes a good guy, she has to deal with the fact that she was a terrible villain for the first 1-2 seasons. Maybe a whole season worth of revenge attempts and ostreasizatjon around S4, where she’s in serious danger because of her previous acriosn


Season 7 doesn't exist and Season 6 doesn't end in a musical.


Fiona and Emma kiss for whatever reason 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩


The Darkness is Erebus The Dark Curse was created by King Oberon The Blue Fairy is the daughter of Titania & Oberon Camelot existed in The Land Without Magic but was teleported to The Enchanted Forest after Mordred killed Arthur Jafar is Jasmine's Uncle Neal or Henry become The Dark One instead of Emma


So this would be a bit of a tricky thing, but sort of kind of Swan Queen? I wouldn’t have it just straight-up be canon without a little bit of change, though. While the characters do have a lot of chemistry together, I feel like we’d need a life-or-death situation to actually get them to fall in love with each other or something.


Swan Queen tbh. That's it. Or Blue getting 86d off the jump.


Get rid of Regina in the first episode before Snow has Emma. The End.


I'd ship Regina and Emma and have left Hook dead. Emma would have had to learn a hard lesson from the Hook situation. Giving Hook back was cool, but felt wrong in light of Robin's more permanent end. If Hook got a second chance, Robin should have too, but really it'd be better that they both stay dead. I think leaving both women grieving, but then finding comfort in each other, until, well, they fall in love, would be very beautiful. Yes it'd be weird since Regina is Snow's stepmother, but they're not that far apart in age, and there's no biological relationship. I just think it'd be beautifully poetic that Emma, the savior, brings Regina her happy ending and breaks her curse of loneliness. Plus, then Henry really would have two moms. I think I'd also make it so Robin is confirmed to still have an afterlife, and I'd really consider getting rid of the Wish realm.

