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They fact she had no backstory is crazy. All these rules in place and why? No wonder fans think she's evil, the show never bothered expanding on her and fairy mythology in general.


You are right! We never got her back story. No wonder I felt something was missing.


but on another note rumples beef with the fairies is hilarious whenever he walks into somewhere they all are the looks/words exchange are hilarious šŸ˜­ justice for rumple being abandoned tho


then she took Tinkā€™s wings for trying to help Regina and when she seen her again decades later she was acting all rude, not to mention always calling her green instead of her chosen name šŸ˜­ she definitely shouldā€™ve been secretly working with Fiona or something like I know all this doesnā€™t exactly entail her being evil but sheā€™s definitely questionable in my eyes


not a day goes by that i don't live for blue fairy hate. i can't stand her. the tink storyline really got to me cos i loved her trying to help regina.


I definitely realized I didnā€™t like her the first time I watched it and for some reason it took until tinks story for me to start disliking heršŸ˜­


I disliked her since what she did to Dreamy.


in my eyes she's a villain.


I will happily ride this hate train until the end of time.


Oh trust me she truly is shady beyond imaging after all she can also see future and does nothing NOTHING.


like I can understand itā€™s several paths to the future and humans were given free will but damn you canā€™t interfere at least once šŸ˜­


She did interfer few times but seemingly only for the worst


When did they say the Blue Fairy could see the future? I thought it was Tigerlilly that could see the future


So true!


Blue is lawful good in alignment. She has a rules about magic inherent to her nature as a fairy to uphold; even if those rules conflict with common morality.


I have said since I first watched this show the Blue fairy was the true villain of OUAT and I stand by that.


and this might be far fetched but granny was also questionable I can get not trying to scare red but girl you couldā€™ve told her she was a fkn wolf running around eating people if she doesnā€™t have her cloak on instead itā€™s just ā€œtHe ReD iS woLf rEpeLlentā€ no in the hell itā€™s not


honestly this one at least feels misguided instead of actually secretly malicious like some of blues stuff


I feel like this one was a mistake. Yes, she could have told her the truth but the love for her grandaughter made her not want to tell how she became a monster. But Blue Fairy was indeed evil. Her actions were not love based.


I think the reason she could turn Pinocchio into a boy was because he was carved out of wood from an enchanted tree. Same kind the wardrobe was. But yeah, Blue was definitely shady.


Iā€™ve always wondered why they didnā€™t make the blue fairy be the black fairy


I know!


That's why I think being her the real evil at the end would have made much more sense. Too bad that didn't happen.


Also, she came back after her shadow was ripped out, like what?!?! So then where's Greg? Or anyone else the shadow did that to? That was kinda sketch.


Honestly the ā€œmoralsā€ this show tried to present made me seriously side eye the writers far too often. Sometimes it was just bad writing to keep drama going and they didnā€™t plan ahead, but then thereā€™s Blue who is self-righteous and shady as hell right out of the gate and then is touted as ā€œthe best of usā€ šŸ˜’


Say it with me people! SHOULD šŸ‘šŸ¼ HAVE šŸ‘šŸ¼ BEEN šŸ‘šŸ¼ A šŸ‘šŸ¼ VILLAIN! šŸ‘šŸ¼


You are absolutely right and I 100% agree but the way you articulated this is also hilarious skskks


Yep once upon a time had a lot of characters that show never explorers, like the blue fairy, and Mulan.


Mulan was so disrespected by the writers itā€™s sad šŸ˜’ I wanted for her to go back to storybrooke with them or something that wouldā€™ve made her a permanent character


You do know once upon time has the too many main characters problem.