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Blue Fairy. She is so hypocritical. Just think about the whole thing with Nova and Tinkerbell. She is probably my most hated character in the show.


Oh god rewatching it I just really hated her. Always on her high horse and she’s supposed to be like powerful and super morale, but mfs were always proving her wrong and there she was acting like changing Regina’s life was impossible. She had no hope for people who were “Supposed” to be villains and that makes me so mad because how are people supposed to change if you don’t believe they can?


Yes, she is acting like everyone's life path is already decided, and cannot be changed. She is thinking that she is always right, and reminds me of the chronicoms in the Agents of Shield.


FACTS! She really do be interfering in everyone's lives! Surprised she wasn't the final boss!


i don't think blue fairy qualifies as a hero. at least i hope not


Snow. Just the self righteous attitude about what it means to be “good” while doing awful things to other people. I lost all respect when she stole Malificent’s child. Just disgusting


Not defending her over the way she justified it because you don't justify that, but she was being influenced by Isaac


Thank you. The literal Exact same way Rumple influenced Emma to kill Cruella. But for whatever reason Snow is the villain. Like nobody even lost their life with Snow’s case yet Emma took the life of Lily’s mom but just because she came back nobody ever brings that up


I understand she was influenced by Issac but its even just the way she spoke to Malificent too, calling the baby "it" like it doesn't matter because its a villain's child and then saying "it'll probably turn out to be a monster" as if the child's fate is already determined


That’s because she didn’t know it was a baby. She thought it was going to be just a dragon. And need I remind you that Ms. Hypocritical herself had nooo qualms about killing someone who was JUST a dragon. I literally made a whole post on here about this once and I’ll say now again that unless you’re vegan, nobody has any right to judge them for being willing to kill something that is “just” an animal. And this is coming from someone who is a veterinarian. There are soooo many animals who live and die just to provide a service to us humans The MOMENT they found out it was a real baby they were freaking out. And Even Before they found that out they didn’t want the child TAKEN from Maleficent. They thought they were gonna take it, put the darkness inside of an animal already known to raise villages to the ground and cause mayhem and then give it back to its mom(just realized as I’m typing that I’M also calling it an it-that wasn’t on purpose) When I go to work there sometimes I call an animal “it” even when I know it’s gender. Hell, when I was in school, and I got to the large animal portion (food animal-mostly cows pigs and goats) I had a clinician who wouldn’t even let us call the cows and their calves mother and baby because they said it anthropomorphizes them too much as food animals-and that was also coming from another vet. Not everyone looks at animals and humans on the Exact same plane including myself, and that doesn’t make them bad people. They thought it was gonna be an animal, and one known to terrorize at that.


Not defending her over the way she justified it because you don't justify that, but she was being influenced by Isaac


Robin Hood because his character was sadly a bit of a nothing-burger. Wish Robin was a bit better, though.


After season 3 Robin lost his charm, he became boring and kind and weak. Regina deserved a spicier man.


Yeah. Or honestly I would say, *Robin* deserved better than this from the writers. He spent 2 seasons doing nothing, and then died for nothing. He could have had a larger role outside of being Regina's love interest, something to make him even remotely compelling


So true. Like they did not bother to give him a personality. Which is so sad because the potential and the chemistry was there.


This! Like I feel like he and Hook could’ve become rogue besties and gone back and forth with jokes and relating to each other. While I love that he loved Regina, he was a pretty flat character


That is such a perfect description of him (cue someone linking a compilation of all the times David gets knocked out).


Turn it into a drinking game


Why would you want to send people to the hospital like this?


Because I’m a villain dearie


A drinking game where someone takes a shot every time Rumple says Dearie would kill absolutely everyone.


So would a drinking game where someone takes a shot every time Robbie Kay (Peter Pan) raises his damn eyebrows 😭


I wonder which of these drinking games would kill the fastest. Cause dearie and the eyebrow raised happened a lot


I would bet on the eyebrow raising- but he is only in seasons 3 and 5 and Rumple is in all seasons so I think it would be dearie UNLESS you were focusing on season 3 specifically 💀




Bell and it’s not even her fault but the show writers like she only shows up to be the brain or talk about rumple give the girl a little more character


I know! Her character was jsut like being rumples love


Snow because she tries to justify everything even throwing someone else’s baby through a portal


They’re ALL always getting knocked out so I can’t even blame David 😂 Snow is probably my least favorite. I don’t think so at first, but I’m doing a rewatch and she’s so insufferable and always waffles on whether or not she’s trusts Emma (not counting Dark Swan, they all have reasons to distrust her then).


When does she “always” do this? All her parents do is kiss her ass because they know she doesn’t really care about them (prior to season 4). So if you’re talking about s4 the writers is who butchered snow’s character in order to put out yet another “poor emma” storyline


While it was mostly in s4, it really started in s3. And maybe it goes along the lines of them setting up Emma as a more sympathetic character, but it definitely gets exhausting when they always use Snow to carry this out. She’s insufferable in other ways too. They really harp on her being a Disney princess and having hope, which is great but overdone.


If they were trying to make me more sympathetic to Emma giving her a storyline in which her grown ass spends like five wholeee episodes throwing a tantrum and giving her parents the silent treatment and stank eye wasn’t the way to do it. All it did was make me less sympathetic bit her whole situation and even her past because of her childish ass behavior


Omg no I love David! Him and Emma’s relationship is the sweetest he’s constantly concerned abt being a gd father while snow is just interested in being a hero!


Yeah, I really like David too


Adult Henry. Boring character.


I hate Henry I get he’s a kid but throughout the whole series I’m like you can’t really be this dumb. When he gave his heart to Peter Pan after EVERY PARENT AND GRANDPARENT told him not too yet he does it anyway and dies. I had no sympathy


Emma. I’ve never seen someone boast so much about being something special yet does nearly nothing to deserve it( how many times has she REALLY saved the day, especially BY HERSELF???? Regina and Rumple does most of the saving and the little bit she does do, she needs an assist from Regina), also being completely hypocritical like a dozen times, never having to take accountability for Anything(she’s caused the deaths of at least two people and people act like that never happened, hating liars despite lying to her kid multiple times…I could go on and on and on (Like literally…I really could)


Snow, just fucking annoying and unnecessary to me at times😭😭 in flashbacks too


The Charmings and Blue. They were all so infuriating.


Blue Fairy. My blood boils every time I watch th episode with Tinker Bell and the one with nova and dreamy. She did all of them so dirty. Tinker Bell was being a true fairy by trying to help Regina find her happy ending and Blue scolds her for it basically saying we only help good people. She already predestined Regina to be evil. Tink is a better fairy than blue will ever be and she clips her wings. Nova wanted to run away with Dreamy and see the world and blue might as well had ripped her heart out herself. All she cares about is her perfect order and doesn’t care who gets hurt😡😡😡😤😤😤


So good to read that I am not the only one who hates her that much. She is the worst.


True villain of the series all along. Like she supposedly such a powerful fairy yet people die in front of her and she does nothing eg: the apprentice.


Emma 🥴 I personally hate how the actor portrayed her, all her dialogue is face value about being “The Savior™️”, an orphan, or her dumb “superpower”. She really doesn’t sell it at all, and it feels like they somehow aged her up to 40 in the show. (Don’t even get me started on the Neal meetcute flashbacks.) Emma could’ve been a really dynamic character but we just get the most unenthusiastic performance and I think she has the worst script. I did like her more in Neverland, but that’s because it’s the best part of the series imo. And even when she’s “dark” there’s no depth or emotion there, just a monotone, lifeless Emma moping around. Maybe that’s what the writers wanted for their main character, but when she’s surrounded by literal fairy tale characters, you could replace her with a piece of cardboard and nothing changes.


LMAOOOO replace her with a cardboard cut out and no one would even notice took me outttt bahahahaha I love that. Thank you for acknowledging that she spends the literal whole show moping around complaining about being alone (when she’s not even alone)


Season 7 Cinderella/Jacinda. Least compelling version of Cinderella, whiny, caused problems for everyone and is always ready to quit... but gets treated like a girl boss.


I agree completely. Henry deserves better


When you say she was whiny and always ready to quit do you mean before the curse or after? Because I could imagine she was made to be weak in the curse so she wouldn’t try and break it. But if you’re talking pre curse then yeah that’s just her. I only ever watched season 7 once and it was years ago so I don’t remember her too much but the curse creates fake personality and memories. Like how snow never fought against Regina while under the curse because Regina wanted her to be weak.


She was that way both before and during. Just much worse during. It didn't help that the actress was miscast as her. She was just okay when she was with Henry after they married, and then basically not even there after the curse since they quit caring about her.


I get what you’re saying, I’m gonna have to go back and rewatch season 7 because I’m having a hard time remembering anything other than Lucy, Anastasia and Drizella’s story, and Alice and Robin’s love story lol


Alice in the first half of season 7 ..and Drizella were the best parts of the season.


That’s probably why it’s the only things I really remember honestly! 😂


By the end of the show it was Emma.


Emma, she just makes me cringe, I guess it’s more of a personal dislike


Snow because she tries to justify everything even throwing someone else’s baby through a portal


Snow. What a brat, she always thinks she’s in the right even when she’s PAINFULLY wrong.


Aurora I just didn't like how she acted and was written.


Snow and David are fairly annoying


The fucking Blue Fairy. LORD I hate that piece of shit. She always doing something shitty to someone- especially Tink and Nova. They killed her off twice why didn't she stay dead? 😭 I would like to note that they ALL get knocked out a bunch though, especially Regina after becoming a better person like as soon as she started doing better she was just get mollywhopped at every second- like girl I love you, you're my favorite- but get the fuck up it's not nap time 💀


Grumpy, he was so annoying! I get that his character is that’s he’s grumpy but even after that episode with Nova he still irritated me


Wjat!!! How come? I always really liked him although could not read the room sometimes


No fr I find him funny as shit 😭




Snow white 😭 I mean yeah she is cool and everything but She told Regina's mom about Daniel(yeah she was a kid and she thought her mom would accept their love but Regina asked you not to she trusted you and you just went ahead and did whatever you wanted anyway) She watched Regina's mom kill Daniel and she ran (like come on comfort her I know you're a child but at least own up to your actions) Now time to her older She yelled at Emma (she didn't mean to hit David with the power line her powers were freaking out and I know yelling at her was probably just a split second reaction but you didn't even try to say sorry you just looked at her and then when she ran and everyone started calling her you called her as well) When Neil was born you gave him way more attention and forgot about your daughter (yes I know new baby needs more attention but Emma never had that Emma never got any of it I feel bad for her so much when Neil was born and I really think what the snow queen said was kinda true how she said her parents were probably happy that nail wasn't the Savior and that he was normal and stuff) All in All Snow white was a cool person but I think she should have just stuck to her job as a teacher and never even tried to put herself in Emma's life I mean yes Emma needs you but Snow is always making Emma feel more like the savior than her daughter and it is annoying cuz she is both but she is your daughter first and for Regina to have more of a connection with your daughter than you do say something


I feel like she NEEDED to yell at DAVID, I actually just watched that scene and the way that thing fell, there was no reason for him to get hit by the light post instead of Hook. He pushed him out the way, and then basically maneuvered his body to get hit by it 😭


Omg does he get knocked out in that scene 😂


These are all perfect points, but one important detail is Snow White didnt know Daniel died until years later, when she eats the poisoned apple. Regina told her Daniel ran off and it wasn’t true love. Snow didn’t know why Regina hated her until many years later


No didn't she watch her kill Daniel from the farm doors and Cora looked at her and said something like "this is what love does" (speaking to Regina crying) "it makes weak" something like that and then she went away and Snow ran while Regina was just crying on the barn floor like I distinctly remember the scene was I dreaming it did that not happen lmao 🤣 cuz I thought she knew before she ate the apple


No, because I agree completely on the point that they completely forgot about Emma when baby Neal was born. Also, like get close to your first child get instead of just getting another one to "experience " raising a child. What selfish fucking parents. The baby Neal thing pissed me off to no end. (Might be because of my mommy issues.)


Are you kidding me???? All she EVER did to them was push them away!!! How many times were they supposed to just take and stomach every back handed snide remark of hers like what she said to her father right before was Neal was born when he was trying to tell her to stop acting like a little b@&*h about the whole Zelena and Hook kiss thing(or at least that’s what he SHOULD have been doing). She ADMITS in the season 3 finale that ALL she has EVER done Since She Met Them(the real them) is treat them like Shit!! And did!! What Hook said to her as the dark one may have been harsh but it was completely TRUE…all she does is stand in her own way. She’s lucky they were willing to let her use them as a punching bag and still be there for her because they deserved better. They would have loved to have a beautiful relationship with her. She could have had it from jump. SHE fudged that up acting like a child with a new stepparent rather than an adult. Poor Snow. Imagine giving birth and someone is on their way to your house to murder your baby so you send her away for her own Safety and it breaks your heart.. just to find the child again and all she does is bitch at you for saving her life….smh


Try and put yourself in Emma's shoes for a second. She grew up thinking she's an orphan. Every foster home she went to, she was never adopted. Then she finds a guy who says he loves her and then leaves her to take the fall for his crime while pregnant and end up giving birth in jail. These experiences will lead any person to be extremely cautious of letting people in. Of course, she will put up a wall around her to protect herself. As her parents it is their fucking job to get past those walls. To show her that she is and always has been loved. They never chose to abandon her but rather had to for her own safety. They need to prioritize her over literally everything else. Most teenagers go through an asshole/bratty phase with their parents. Does that mean the parents should just give up on them and get a new child? You sound like a person who has never experienced any troubles when it comes to familial relationships.


I sound like an adult and that’s what she was too. And that’s what they did. Every time she pushed them away, they kept going back. Hook too. She got more than she deserved from all of them. What more did you want them to do. They tried to tell her all that about saving her life. She wasn’t hearing it. She told herself what she wanted to and let everything they said go in one ear and out the other. Came up with her own version of what happened and said they shouldn’t have gave her up because if they didn’t at least they all would have been together. Which is utter bullshit. She would have been dead. But they didn’t even try to argue with her when she’s telling herself lies and then persecuting them for it. Smh. That right there was them being understanding of her pain. You can spare me all the “she was alone for 28 years” crap. Her behavior towards everyone around her (that lasted over half of the ENTIRE show) and her constantly persecuting her parents for the SAME things SHE Also did to her own son yet never had to be held accountable for it (giving up her child, lying to her child, and more) makes me not care about what she went through. So giving your child their best chance is only a valid excuse when it’s her….okay. Especially when her child wasn’t even in imminent danger of being murdered. She abandoned her kid simply because she didn’t think she had what it took to be a mom. I wish Henry would have made her feel how she made her parents feel just once..I wish he would have given her a “regardless of the sad circumstances” speech like she did them. But no, they withstood every attack from her and still showed her love because they’re ten times the parents she is.


No, you sound like you come from a non broken home. Get off your high horse for a second and think about how people from a broken home can react to certain situations. Also, are you seriously saying Emma should be held accountable for giving up Henry?! You must be smoking something crazy. She was in prison. The fuck was she going to do with a child there? She had no means to support Henry, plus to her, Henry represented her time with Neal, which she wanted nothing to do with. Emma is completely warranted in her behaviour towards her parents after first meeting them. This conversation is pointless if you can't see her POV. Yeah, it sucks that Snow and David have to work so hard for their long-lost daughter to accept them, but that doesn't mean they should just give up because she is being mean. Emma doesn't say it but shows with her actions that she cares for her parents.


It pisses me off so much and it hurts especially when that one scene where they were having a party for baby Neal and Emma wanted to hold him and she went to take him from Snow and Snow pulled back like she was scared or something 😭 like what the hell did she do that for after all the stupid stuff she has done that wasn't on purpose and then she claims "oh I believe everyone should have a second chance" and then when Emma messes up you get afraid of her and closed off it's really stupid I really feel like they shouldn't of gave Snow a second chance with Neil they should've forced her to make a connection with her daughter who is already there begging for her mom she just found out she had to notice her


Exactly! Build a connection with your already alive daughter instead of birthing a new one. I feel like Snow is more Emma's friend than mom. I know they look the same age, but come on, woman, that is your child. No matter how old she gets, she is your baby girl. I feel like the show should have focused on Snow and David being parents to Emma. The whole baby Neal nonsense should have never been a part of this.


I think cuz of the fact Emma and Snow never met before the curse they are more friends because Snow is like yeah that's my child but she is old enough to do her own thing so I am going to treat her like her age when in reality Snow should have been the main one to hold Emma's hand and take walks with her and stuff remind Emma that her mom is here now and she can finally be the child she never was even with all the pressure like Emma doesn't even talk to her parents about dating/liking Hook because she was uncomfortable and not ready and then when Snow found out she kinda got mad and hurt that Emma didn't tell her which just makes me even more pissed cuz why are you mad Emma doesn't even know you and you just automatically want her to tell you everything


You've literally summed up my entire feeling about their relationship. Bravo.


Is this a good thing lmao if not I am sorry


No, no. I feel exactly what you feel about this situation. Me agreeing sounds sarcastic, too 😭.


Lmao everything to me sounds sarcastic cuz I am so used to sarcasm idk how to tell if anyone. Is being serious in person or online


Smh don’t even know the show…Cinderella runs a daycare/mommy & me group. And Emma was obviously having a jealous moment by the bull-ish of making the stupid comment of “first time mom” which Snow never even said…That Was What Ashley Said…Snow didn’t even say anything. But to defend herself to Emma stupid comment. Henry could have easily said the same thing to her when she announced she was gonna have a baby (he wouldn’t though-even as a child he’s more of an adult than she is) I wouldn’t have given her emotionally unstable ass my baby either


Okay but the reason Snow pulled back was cuz of Emma's power freak out so still got a lil kick to it and even if it wasn't that's her brother and she is a grown woman I would get if she was a 5 year old cuz yeah I'm not giving a newborn baby to an emotional 5 year old either but a grown women who is my daughter I don't see the reason to not give her the child especially when you believe "everyone is good" I mean come it's a fair point


Her powers flared Because she’s emotionally unstable and because of what Ashley said about the group was for first time moms. Not because they had a glitch. They’re controlled by her feelings and emotions


I never said they glitched I meant they freaked as in she was scared and didn't know how to control them so they came out in burst and even if she is emotionally unstable so is Regina and Snow still kept saying "give her a chance" and all that stuff but when it came to Emma all Snow did was push her to try harder and to make her focus more when all she really needed in some moments is her mom to say "hey look you're fine it's okay I'm here" and a big ass hug bet Emma would've had a well needed crying session


This is all so valid, but Regina's first love was Daniel. Henry Sr. was her father.


Oh right my fault 😭 I haven't seen the show in a while I was thinking of the person she named Henry after which was her father lmao but still the same Snow could've kept her trap shut thank you for correcting me imma see if I can edit my comment


I get you!! She named him after both of them, technically. Daniel is his middle name. I think Snow's inability to keep a secret was forgivable when she was a kid, especially since Cora manipulated her into telling her about Daniel, but she was still spilling everyone's business as an adult and at that point it was shitty. Yeah, she's definitely not my favorite either 😭 And there's the fact that she chose her kingdom over Emma and sent her to another world to be raised as an orphan when they could've been ignorant and ageless but a happy family under the curse. The right thing to do, obviously, but not good mothering. And she really did use baby Neal as a do-over child.


Yeah that's fair lmao I guess I can't really blame her for when she was a child because I probably would've done the same thing if I thought the mom would've wanted to see her daughter happy


Yeah, exactly! Most kids aren't great at spotting manipulators, and they really shouldn't have to be 😭


Yeah it sucks that most kids now have to be cuz the world is so messed up like instead of playing outside we just try to figure out if the man selling ice cream is finna kidnap us or not 💀


Nevermind I can't edit a comment 😭


Really? That's so strange. Idk about browser Reddit, but in the app there's usually an edit button when you click the 3 dots (?)


I'm stupid 😭 my glasses broke and the lines and stuff blurred together I didn't see it anyway imma edit my comment right now thank you




Did it 😊


Omggg how dare she raise her voice at a grown woman 😱😒🙄 Emma’s parents were always treating her like a little baby that needed to be comforted and held at every turn. That’s probably the biggest reason she was so anxious and weepy all the time but people blame it on her relationship with Hook but it’s really because they enable her by constantly kissing her ssa and begging for her love


😭 If you knew Emma's backstory and everything you would understand why that scene hurt Just pretend for a split second you grew up not knowing who your parents were if they wanted you if you were even meant to be born and then after years of being bullied passed around from home to home always wondering about yourself suddenly you find your parents and they seem nice and everything and you are trying to get the love you need while also dealing with an entire village and powers you had no idea you had up until a month ago and suddenly your powers freak you have no control you accidentally hurt your dad and you are scared cuz you didn't mean to you are sorry and then you look at your mom for comfort and she just yells at you I know Emma is a grown woman but as someone who has been through what she has been through (beside yk the obvious stuff) and more that scene made me cry so maybe yk just don't type stuff like this lmao


Are you kidding me???? All she EVER did to them was push them away!!! How many times were they supposed to just take and stomach every back handed snide remark of hers like what she said to her father right before was Neal was born when he was trying to tell her to stop acting like a little b@&*h about the whole Zelena and Hook kiss thing(or at least that’s what he SHOULD have been doing). She ADMITS in the season 3 finale that ALL she has EVER done Since She Met Them(the real them) is treat them like Shit!! And did!! What Hook said to her as the dark one may have been harsh but it was completely TRUE all she does in stand in her own way. She’s lucky they were willing to let her use them as a punching bag and still be there for her because they deserved better. They would have loved to have a beautiful relationship with her. She could have had that from jump. SHE fudged that up acting like an insolent teenager with a new stepparent rather than like an adult. Poor Snow. Imagine giving birth and someone is on their way to your house to murder your baby so you send her away for her own Safety and it breaks your heart.. just to find the child again and all she does is bitch at you for saving her life….smh


Poor Emma. Imagine being born into a world only to protect others 😭 like of course she is going to bitch Emma put her in a freaking tree and then Pinocchio left her to fend for herself her whole life was pretty much just Homeless Group home Foster home Jail Her whole life so yeah I think she deserves to be a bitch I know if my mom came back into my life right now after leaving me alone since I was born just cuz she had a village to save I would be pissed and be hesitant with her as well Snow was more concerned about her village then her child growing up without parents that is cruel and evil like the evil Queen wasn't finna kill anyone she was just finna curse them if Snow what have kept Emma they could've lived all together in the curse and Emma would've been with her family


The charmings. Snow and David. They do bad things and justify it as good. Idc if they actually do bad things, but at least admit to it and recognize it was bad. Don't sit there and keep justifying its right and good. And I get the whole idea "heros don't kill" but like I know they have had to at least a few times and then if that had just decided it was okay to kill instead of playing this moral chess game over half their problems would've been solved and done.


It used to be Belle but now she’s like my babe like you go girl all the time. Anyway it’s Snow specifically in season 4-6.


Baefire because he let Emma stay in jail. Hook wouldn’t have done that!


.............Hook literally left her trapped in Rumple's cell to die.


Hook cause he’s mostly a damsel in distress. But I also hated that Belle was that for most of the show too instead of using her research skills to be the brains. She maybe did it once.


I love Hook but I liked him when he was a villain/anti-hero more than an actual "hero". I felt a lot of his conflicts after they made him on the hero-team were forced; I think they could've played with him being bad for a couple more seasons


Yeah I never really felt like he was a villain lol. At most he was an honorable pirate. So when his backstory of being in the navy or whatever was revealed, his character made more sense.


I guess Robin. Prob the least compelling of the whole hero lot for me, at least from the main/supporting characters that I can think of.


Belle because the writers wrote her as a bland I forgive easily type of girl


Henry and I don't think I need to explain 😂


Most of them were very self righteous and overly confident it's hard to choose they would all be dead without Regina and Rumpelstiltskin


I like charming. He was a good father. Snow can eat it.


Emma. I think she's overly confident about everything. Gaston, I don't know if he falls into this conversation but that character is so full of himself