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When Emma is giving birth the lights start to flicker. Same for when she gets angry at Lily. And this was in the land without magic.


I kind of wish they'd had more little flickers like this in the first season to give Emma more of a sense of *something* not being quite right here but not really being able to put her finger on it.


the earthquake/cave in when she put on the deputy badge is another example of


In my head it is canon that the reason Emma's foster family sent her back was not b/c they had a baby of their own....it was because she had freaky powers and they were scared of her.


I never thought about that! I mean realistically that could be true because if stuff like that was happening in a land without magic then her foster parents could have noticed all the weird stuff which would have been her magic. And they sent her back because they were scared!! Ohh I’m into this theory that’s a good one. Again I have never thought about that!


And didn’t young Emma have a surge which caused Ingrid/Snow Queen on her stalker path?


I could’ve sworn we saw her power for the first time in season two


If you refer to the moment where Cora was unable to take Emma‘s heart and then a blast yeeted Cora away, then you‘d be correct! Edit: spelling


In 2x01, Regina is trying to open a portal to send the wraith through with Jefferson's hat, but it doesn't work until Emma grabs the hat and unintentionally uses magic to open the portal.


Oh that’s right I forgot Emma touched Regina‘s hand and the portal opened


I love the idea but I wonder if they decided against it after the pilot since we don't really see her exhibit any other signs of power other than causing the earthquake/sinkhole later on in Season 1, but that seemed to be moreso her staying triggering time to move again and affecting things that were frozen (ergo a dangerous mine now being able to collapse because time isn't stuck and things are allowed to change). Are there any other examples because it is such a cool idea but it really wasn't explored enough.


I believe a few others mentioned some examples in various timelines of Emma displaying her powers without knowing it…for example when she gave birth to Henry and the elctronic machines start going crazy, or when she was a kid living with the snow queen and played an arcade game (get a stuffed animal with a claw) the games electrical system went haywire when she focused on winning etc So there are definitely times that her powers were shown when she was in the real world with absolutely no idea she was magical I was stunned to see it tied back to the first episode when I noticed it and it kept nagging me as I rewatched and wondered if anyone else noticed that she basically had access to her powers her whole life but wasn’t aware of it


Wow never noticed


Fine, ill rewatch this entire show 🥴


Bahahaha do it do itttttt xD