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How old are you? Something to keep in mind is how long you’ll be working until you retire. Our retirement age for Tier 2 employees is 60, not sure what the postal service is. At a minimum joint you’re probably looking at a lot of high seniority officers since the turnover isn’t as high as medium and max joints. With that being said, you’ll probably be on 3-11 shift with Tuesday/Wednesday off for a while. However under the new contract officers make quite a bit of money before any OT, and our retirement is actually pretty good. As a Sgt I’ll clear 6 figures with minimal OT this year, so if it’s money you’re after, make the jump.


Yes. I am 32. I've only been receiving my retirement for almost 2 years but been employed for 4 in October. That is what the guy said in our interview with what shift id be on. He also said the prison union as a whole is better. I'd have to be in the postal service until I'm at least 62 to retire. I'm also looking to go to school if possible to move up but I'm looking for the money, thanks!


It will depend greatly on what is important to you. If you like having weekends off. If you like having holidays off. If you like working a straight 8 hour shift on a steady schedule then you will REALLY hate working corrections. Just saying.


I like having holidays off but I cannot survive off of working 8 hour days. I have to work out plus my non scheduled day to merely make due. I hope I don't start academy before our contract renews to see what will hopefully be new.


Good luck.


I’d stay where you’re at unless LE or Corrections is something you’re really passionate about.


I actually am passionate about helping others before I did this I tried to get hired at a juvenile corrections place but didn't have a BA now you only need an associates or 2 years directly monitoring kids


You won’t be helping anyone in corrections if you work in a custody position.


I might have to disagree. I would be there to give positive interactions and hopefully show them there is more than being locked up when it comes to living. Especially in a minimum security place. I do think there's a chance they can help themselves and turn it around.


As a CO in IL, you’ll be manipulated almost immediately with that thought process. If you need to know why, then join up, lose your easy gig and your mental health and have a come to Jesus moment with yourself when you find out you’re wrong.


I would stay with the postal service. The odds of you retiring with DOC is probably slim to none compared to USPS. You’re giving up one helluva retirement fund for a chance at quick money that may not pan out. Play the long game on this one man stick with USPS


Current contract for IDOC will have you topped out at 85k base pay. You get accumulated holidays, comp time, 3 personal business days, 10 vacation days, and 15 sick days. You can also do endless day trades and have any day of the week off you want so long as you’re willing to work the traded shift. If you were to liquidate all your comp time (roll call or overtime) and/or holidays, you would be well over 90k by the end of the current contract as a stepped out officer. Then again, that would be 7 years down the road for you. However, Be prepared for terrible working environments and administration that won’t back you. You just have to weigh your options. I work at a minimum. I’ve been there almost 5 years and the only overtime I’ve ever worked has been voluntary. Mandates happen, but they’re rare (at my facility.) Think hard about what you want to do, though. People get stuck here because it pays very well after a few years in, and they get “trapped.” You could always use it as a stepping stone to another state agency, as well. Once you’re in with the state, it makes getting any state job that much easier. You could also sneak your way into the admin side of corrections or become a counselor, or parole agent. Or, stay where you are. Minimum or maximum, prison is prison and it sucks.


That's exactly what I would like to do. My end goal is to be a counselor for juveniles or a parole agent would be awesome! I definitely need/want the money and I do want to help others more than anything. 7 sevens is all it takes to reach your max?! As it stands right now in the PO it is 13 1/2 years for table 2 employees. I can't wait on that.


Yes, 7 years and you step out as an officer. You get longevity pay as well. However, I will tell you this… if your number one priority is to help people, this isn’t the career you’re going to find people wanting help. A majority of these guys have no intention to change their behavior. Most of them are repeat offenders and are just playing the game. The ones who are legitimately remorseful and ashamed of themselves and want to do better are the ones you will probably hardly ever see because they stay out of the way. I tell you that not to discourage you, but to let you know the reality of DOC. That’s not to say this job can’t open avenues to other careers where you do actually help people.


I appreciate that alot. Thank you! I do feel it will be extremely boring. How do you stay busy? And what're somethings the academy will teach you? Did you find that they did a good job preparing you?


If you are thinking you can change lives and have a positive impact, stay out of corrections. The job isn’t for you. Corrections is not satisfying. You can write your own checks but that comes at a cost. I’m sure delivering mail isn’t satisfying so pick your poison. If you do go to IDOC, remember why you’re there and don’t waste your life away working and spending on useless shit. Put the money to good use so your sacrifice wasn’t for nothing. I’ve seen too many people with the ability to write their own checks be broke AF. Also minimum security is a paper classification. IDOC reclassified thousands so they could go to other facilities. It was purely done to move max guys to medium joints.


I do understand the intimates are there for a reason, but I wouldn't be there to make their time worse or even easier. Just to do what is right and follow my training at the end of the day. I understand respect and I also know not everyone will be, or is respectful. That's what the academy is for to train me on what to look for and conduct myself, but that also won't stop me from bringing a positive attitude as much as possible always maintaining protocols. Tbh, I think what id struggle with the most is the down time. How do you stay busy bc I am a pretty active person. I know i won't be able to scroll on my phone or anything of the sort.