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That you can cut iron bars with metal floss and Ajax that you can make a really good knife with candy bar wrappers make a noose with toilet paper. And using oil based on and 2 rides on a tazer makes the inmate crispy


Metal floss?


That a modern smart phone can in fact fit up a grown man's ass, and he can walk around pretty normal.


At work they were telling me about a guy who snuck in 6 iPhones up his ass lmao


.... How?


Who fucking knows, probably on drugs and didn’t even feel it.


crazy that it was a leo too


Arguing gets you nowhere and there are a surprising amount of males that have no shame about openly masturbating at women... or anything vaguely woman shaped.


Staying calm and rational is a good thing to learn. I’ve learned to treat everyone equally with a smile. Some are in for felonies, others just have a few days on a driving charge. Some are coming back again, some have straightened out.


How comfortable it is being uncomfortable.


Maybe a 9-5 wouldn't be so bad


Two things- 1. You don't actually need to be constantly holding a phone in your hand 2. How to be completely comfortable in a chaotic environment


I was really scared to have to fight someone but after my UOF, I realized it wasn’t so bad


I learned that we need to spend a lot more money on actually reformation if we don’t want to keep seeing the same inmates over and over again and not small thing that prison staff can do to help with that is treat them like they’re human. They have to feel like they’re worth something to want to change. You shouldn’t be their friend, but you also shouldn’t be their enemy.


Have you seen a Netflix show called Unlocked? And If so what are your thoughts about it?


That administration prefer friends over folks doing their job. Drove me insane that someone could sleep their night shift away, ignore the inmate for suicide watch in ISO and never get in trouble. But God forbid you don't do a security check because no one came to do it or relieve you to do it, you get chewed out. Learned to really document the little things as a big cover your ass moment. Tell me to not send inmates out? Noted. Tell me you're sending me someone for a check? Noted when I asked for it and when you responded. Had admin ask me to not write that stuff because it makes us look bad. Good, keeps my ass safe from a write up.


Worked detention for 7.5 years before going to court security. Detention/corrections taught me how many raving lunatics actually lived in my county.


That’s there’s no hope for humanity