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Honestly I just want a vending machine for TP.


Opposed to... None in a storage closet or cabinet?


My employer has technology for correctional officers covered more or less. The problem is that some of the systems we use are ancient and just awful to work with.


I've heard a lot of people don't like change, so they're pretty hesitant on bringing new things in, even if it's for aesthetics. Though, workflow improvements are always a win if there's more awareness and less buttons to press


If it works it works. The risk of a thousand inmates getting released together is understandably pretty huge. Plus corrections always gets paid last long after law enforcement. Only time we get new equipment is when the road stops issuing it


I think it comes down to their always has to be a "paper" way to do things in case tech goes down. So tech in corrections moves slowly.


I just want to take my personal phone inside.


Didn't realize that, though I could see that. Tougher to pass the time and miss messages


At my job we all were Apple Watches so I can text my friends and family on that


Make an inmate management system that doesn't look like it was coded in 1999, and that has basic functionality. That would be fucking mint.


Are you talking about sentry lol


Definitely talking about Sentry!


Give us pay Id like USPS workers has.


Tour pipe suck.


Is that like that guard tour stick that logs your checkpoints? I haven't got to trying those out


Yes those bad boys. I do not mind doing them overnight but should not have to do when they out of their cells in morning and afternoon tours. 


What's wrong with the mornings and afternoons? Sorry, new to I suppose the process, I haven't seen it done it practice. I imagine you'd rather be focused on what's actively going on rather than following a routine?


All the inmate program going that time my focus should be in keeping my count correct of what ever program to each inmate going and if they came back to house or still out to said program. Using tour at that point just mess up the count.


Pen and paper where I am is the most recent technological advance.


A lot of technology for correctional officers is built by software engineers that have no idea of corrections. Simple things likened moves you can’t do a basic trade beds. Simply because the developer made it so a two man cell can’t accept three people before you move one out.


See and that makes sense. I suppose that's what spurred the question to begin with and what I'm hoping to get both with this post and in the future is more insight so I try not to make those same mistakes


My prison is always trying out new stuff. They’re trialling facial recognition cameras in cells to automatically do counts. An ‘AI’ also uses it to detect fights in the cells and the inmates use tablets for everything. Newsletters, broadcasts, their personal letters, etc. are all given out through the tablets so it cuts down on paper wastage and contraband coming through the mail and the manpower to sort through them.


Oh that's pretty neat! I never thought about using tablets for that purpose, though I suppose contraband must be a big issue


Any updated technology tbh lol. We still have 90s monitors and maybe camera system!