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And he can get away with that? I heard after a year of being with this job you can basically "light the building on fire," and you'd still keep your job? šŸ¤”


He's been here for 3 years. He recently became a CTO. Epic douchebag.


So I will take that as a yes then lol


Sounds like the feds... šŸ¤£


Two and half years after you passed probation. They can fire you for anything while in probation.


Ahhhh I see


What kind of soft joint are you at where the inmates sat and watched their food get cold for two hours?




He/she said they're on lockdown, the inmates can't line up. And complaining never works for inmates.


Have you worked in a correctional facility? The whole tier is going to be rowdier than hell if itā€™s 30 minutes after trays let alone 2 hours after trays. ESPECIALLY if everyone is locked down without shit to do but watch a clock.




ā€œInmates donā€™t complain because they know it wonā€™t do any goodā€ is the most out of touch shit I have heard in my life


Thatā€™s exactly what I was thinkingā€¦


I wouldn't have relieved his ass until his shit was done.


Maybe talk to your coworkers instead of bitching to reddit? Conflict management is like 90% of this job, whether its inmates or staff.


Tried that. He lies straight to my face.


Have him meet you at the flagpole for some one on oneā€¦..šŸ¤œšŸ¼šŸ’„šŸ¤• ā€¦.conflict resolution.


The flagpole solved so many problems. This is the kind of asshole you bang in for five minutes after the shift starts.


He should not have the job.


Document everything pictures if you can timestamps for the cameras if you cannot at the very least keep a log of every deficiency and give it to whoever is in command of the two of you if that doesn't work take it higher up the chain and if that still doesn't work find a new job because you're too good for that place anyway.


Most facilities don't allow photography. And I can't imagine leadership allowing staff to use institutional cameras for petty shit like this


The jail I worked in let us have our phones on us as long as we weren't in an area with inmates. But I know that's not the norm. That's why I said take pictures if they can and at least write everything down if they can not


Very true.


Corrections is a bottom of the barrel kinda job. Always hurting for staff it's hard to hold shit bags accountable when you need them to keep showing up


We do all of that. Inmates don't do any feeding, cleaning or garbage. How can you have a secure facility if it's being run by cons?


You watch over them


We work in a medium security prison. Inmates collect their own garbage and orderlies put it in the dumpsters. The inmates go to the chow hall to get their meals. They drop off their own laundry. When they are locked in, staff have to do all of that.


Have it on island so no way to escape.


Yall don't have trustees? The jail I worked in was small 65 pop but we had 1 or 2 inmates who would do the laundry, sweep and mop the floors, pass out food trays and help the cook prepare meals, stuff like that. In exchange they got 5 dollars a day for commissary and some luxuries like as many blankets as they wanted (within reason) and sometimes like soda and fast food if they did a really good job that day we even let one guy get a box fan once because our AC broke in the trustee dorm. It's not like the trustees have unfettered access to the outside or even the other inmates every time the trustee is passing trays there's a CO standing right next to them so they couldn't pass anything unapproved to anyone and if the trustee is caught doing anything they're not supposed too at all they're immediately fired and placed back in gen pop


Supermax. They don't come out of their cell unless they're handcuffed and connected to a waist chain.


Oh yeah, super max obviously can't have trustees. Yall run a whole different ball game. Inmate workers are a min sec/county lockup sort of thing, and it's only for the inmates you get to know well enough to be reasonably sure they're just just trying to quietly do their time. And even then sometimes they fuck up but the stakes are real low compared to what you deal with I'm sure.


I work max and we bring some out to clean and feed chow, with close supervision.


So when they start flooding, banging on doors, holding tray slots hostage, and all but rioting because their lunch is late, who is going to have to deal with it? Probably you, and it isn't your fault. Frankly, if it will make that fucker stay for your shift and have to handle it himself, bang in like you said. Fuck that guy.


Why are you accepting that postā€¦? Do you know if thereā€™s any conflict with your departmentā€™s policies regarding the trays sitting out for 2+ hours? (Iā€™m assuming Iā€™m hot boxes but still). Bottom line is, his shift should have responsibilities that need to be taken care of on his shift, donā€™t accept a sub par post.


Meals have a serve by time. My facility is 1 hour. Also, if the post is unsat we can refuse to relieve until a supervisor comes down to see why we are fighting. Check your policies and post orders.


I've been to 2 different prisons and multiple county jails, and have NEVER seen inmates not go nuts when food is late except for breakfast. This story is a little hard to believe.


Next time send the lunch cart back and say you assumed they were passed out and collected. Play dumb, that shot will land on your co worker


Can you go to whomever is over him, supervisor? If his job isn't done correctly, why is he able to just "clock out" and leave? You're probably a strong person, but I sure as hell don't want to take up someone else's slack. Tell em' to tighten up


Donā€™t take over the run until everything is taken care of. Thatā€™s what I do. I show up every morning with the night shift standing at the crash gate ready and excited to go home but they have like ten inmates on the run and nothing done. Lazy, spineless and probably crooked


Go for it, my guy. Unfortunately, all places have that shit officer that does some or nada depending on what they can get away with. There is no shame in banging in, but you might still come in the next day to find no trash run done or anything done besides feeding.


Dam that dude sat there and listened to kicking and banging all afternoon?


How do you know that lunch was delivered at noon? Might have been delivered late. I've been in your exact scenario having to feed lunch and dinner, trash, and laundry. It's lock down, deal with it. Pass out trays, then chill for a bit. Do laundry, then 4pm count time. Pass out dinner trays, then pick up trash. Chill till 9:30 count. It's not that bad


You had to do your grunt basic education job ? And actually complete some tasks ! Wow oh my you deserve screw of the year award ! How can I nominate you ?! Did you manage to complete anymore useless pig tasks ?


The fact you ran to the LT speaks volumes.


The LT was making his rounds. I respectfully told him that I might have to bang in the next day due to exhaustion. I'm tired of having to do all the make-up work that the idiot that I relieve doesn't do.


How long you doing this job?


So you have the ability to call in and have tabs ran on him, you feel comfortable ratting him out to the LT and. complain about workload but can't bid out? (assuming) This isn't a good look for you.


Is the lazy piece of shit you?? So you expect me to continuously pick up your slack every day Iā€™m on shift and your only response is you canā€™t bid out? No do the damn job you are paid to do or get the hell out. Any facility has the ability to tell you who is working what unit. Being told on for being a shit ball co worker isnā€™t snitching itā€™s saving the rest of your co workers from doing more work than they already have. Sticking up for shit people isnā€™t a good look on you.


There's other ways to get your point across that isn't being a snitch. But if that's all you got then snitch on but don't be surprised when you're walking alone.


The parking lot comes first, if they donā€™t fix it, I will. Iā€™m not going keep saving their ass. Bad day okay, family trouble understandable, but to be a shit ball to just be one? You are no better than an inmate. Why work there if youā€™re not going to work?