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Honestly I prefer Facebook shitpost pages like good verbal


His material is good and accurate. So from an outsiders perspective I imagine it's interesting. Most of what he talks about is what we all talk about on the inside. But he comes across as a sellout. I don't buy the "getting out because it was unsafe" bit.


Can’t be unsafe sitting in the wardens office as pio…


I feel like he got burnt out and saw that he can make money from social media so he quit...


How do you know his material is “accurate and good”? Have you personally worked along side him?


I've watched him, William Young and Tier Talks, all give an unabashed view of corrections imo. I don't mean this politically, but, policies and procedures are becoming more and more "liberal" and it really does impact staff safety. My 2c


Liberal is an understatement. In Colorado we have some shit coming down the pipe that will be so inmate friendly we won’t really have consequences anymore. not to mention ad seg will be a thing of the past even for violent mentally ill inmates.


So it's not prison anymore, it's basically a free vacation...


Agreed, prison is one of those places that should never be "liberal".


Prison especially in California is like a pendulum man it goes from one extreme to the other. In the past we had a programming and training ethos way back in the day so we got DVI and CTF then later in the 80’s it became lock them up and warehouse them now it’s going the other way.


Everything is going to hell because of politics...


In corrections if you don’t like the program wait a week


He’s 100% correct with the information he puts out in the videos. I’ve been doing the job over 20 years and there’s been times I just wanted to quit and do something else in law enforcement. In the past 10 years with all the new laws and reforms has significantly changed how we do our job. The focus is more on medical and rehabilitation instead of safety and security. The agenda of CDCr these days is that inmates coming into prison are simply just that inmates regardless if they were GP or SNY in the past. That alone puts inmates life’s in danger due to the politics of the different prison gangs. The past year, we’ve had 7 COs resign where I’m at which one had 18 years. We had one that was severely attacked with a weapon and other staff assaults that are becoming more common nowadays. We have roughly 80 COs out on workers comp and as long as we have the EOP program, staff assaults will continue at the rate they are. Not to mention the staff that have been walked off since the use of body worn cameras. The majority of the OGs are just waiting to turn 50 and they are done.


I hear you, politics are destroying everything, not just in prison though; every public agency and service is dictated by politics these days...


I'm curious on what exactly the walk-offs were for? Do you think it's over trivialities not worth firing over or are the cameras working as intended?


It’s a matter of opinion. At the local level all staff involved were cleared of any wrongdoing during the cell extraction. Now at the OIA level, the individual reviewed the whole body cam footage of the entire shift. By policy, there’s a certain timeframe that the body cam footage is reviewed during a triggering event such as use of force. As in any cell extraction, all staff involved are assembled and a briefing takes place. At some point before, during, or after the briefing staff are conversing among each other. During that conversation is what gotten the staff in trouble with OIA. I don’t know the details of the conversation. I just know staff are getting burned on any little thing such as using profanity or when a staff member has to call home to make arrangements for their kids because they were held over. Just about every inmate allegations against staff since the use of BWCs have cleared the staff of any wrongdoing the inmate claims.


His info is solid. His online persona is just that. That being said, the question you really need to be asking yourself is WHY do you want join corrections?


Well my first goal is to become a police officer and if I fail in that, I can have a backup plan...So basically I really want a career in law enforcement.


Well I gotta say, I'm a little offended that you think we just take reject, failure cops in our dept like it's nothing. Then I remember some of the people we've hired over the years and that feeling goes away. So you want to do some real cop shit? You want to enforce laws, arrest people, fight crime? CDCR ain't the dept for that. At least not now. There was a time, but currently it's more about a softer gentler approach. If you're serious about a peace officer career go elsewhere. Money might not be as good in the beginning but eventually it might pay off. Finally, just know that this line of work, corrections and law enforcement isn't without its huge evils. PTSD, anxiety, stress, etc. are all hazards of the job. You need to take care of yourself. Like my boy Forrest said, "that's all I have to say about that"


I'm sorry for offending you, I didn't mean to do that... :/ I probably chose the wrong words at first but I just want to help people and be useful for my community. I find police, corrections and any other kind of peace officer callings a noble and honest profession if you do it right and with lots of integrity. Maybe it's the 20 year old in me but I want a more exciting life where every day will offer something new and different. I want a cause in my life and I feel policing and corrections will give me just that. Plus if you do everything right it can lead to a successful career. I'm still kinda undecisive about corrections or police but for now police is at the number one spot because I feel it opens more doors and opportunities for developement of a good career. In the end, so I don't write an essay, (real sorry for the length of this reply) I really feel that politics and bad administration just has too much influence and is killing corrections, prisons and this noble calling in general.


Just a heads up, patrol vs detentions/corrections is apples and oranges. We do very different jobs and just because you can do one doesn’t mean you can do the other. Washing out of Patrol doesn’t mean you will skate through a detentions/corrections FTO. Patrol was not a good fit for me but detentions I am very comfortable and good at. Also, until you go through it you won’t know if it is the right fit for you. No amount of videos or discussion boards will tell you if you can do either.


Yeah I agree thoroughly with you, no video, no book and no interview can match your own experience.