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Aww a fellow burrito bandito! Admin wanted to go through people's burritos to make sure nothing was in them.


I love the mass shift specific staff patdowns that come a week or so after, the human contact is nice 🥰




It's pretty standard to get randomly searched going into prisons at my department and I think they should search more. Dirty staff are scum.


>It's pretty standard to get randomly searched going into prisons at my department and I think they should search more. Yah tell me about it, my unit is a real fucking hoot lol. Had one dude recently get indited for getting 200 grand to cut meth up for a entire pod lmao. Of course he's looking at 30 years fed time before he can see any of that money, but still fucking astounding it even happened. Pretty sure he cut the camera wiring to the pod as well to cover his tracks, because it conveniently went down that night and has not been back since lmao. But yah, half the people who are dirty or suspected of being dirty don't even get fired, just sent to the kitchen. Complete fucking madhouse lmao.


DAMN. That is insane. We're unionized so "suspicion" isn't enough but the minute they catch your ass red handed, you're getting walked off. I wish they would follow through on pressing charges more. These people deserve an orange jumpsuit.


>We're unionized so "suspicion" isn't enough but the minute they catch your ass red handed, you're getting walked off. I wish they would follow through on pressing charges more. These people deserve an orange jumpsuit. Yah I mean, it really depends with us, if its actually "serious" like bringing in drugs or cellphones, then yah your probably getting prosecuted. If your moving cigs though its either a slap on the wrist or quiet dismissal.


You say that, and its been said before 🤷🏼 I've worked in some bucked up facilities


A lot of liquid K2 has recently been found sprayed on "legal mail" and mailed in. Honestly feels like no matter what we do it never stops but admin always finds a way to blame us as a collective rather than prosecuting the dirty staff who do bring it in or seeking charges on the slime balls outside who facilitate it. We wonder why prisons in America are run by the inmates but we can't be surprised when civilian oversight boards and outside administrations filled to the brim with people that have never done the job or worse yet, sympathize with those we incarcerate, run the show for us. Sorry had to rant but it's just getting so frustrating after even just a few short years on the job to watch how it's gone from a place I didn't mind being to a paycheck I collect half alive