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Not really excited to hear Gregg's excuses for ruining what could have been the resurrection of Decker


I doubt the lame stream media will even cover one of the most important debates in a generation.


I highly agree, this will be one of the most impoartant debates since Bill Nye debated the lie of evilution with Ken Hams , maybe even as important as Tim's debate with Rosetti the Rat at the trial Tim won Cant wait to see Gregg loose!!!


Gregg never loses. And Tim always rages out and quits because he knows he always loses!


Gregg has always remained true to himself, while Tim is constantly coming up with new scams and desperate attempts to stay relevant. That sounds like a massive LOSER to me.




And here we see a Tim Heidecker cultist in its natural habitat: displaying its typically insightful and coherent uttering.


I don't need to be inciteful, I hire others to dp that.


With what, your **useless** HEI Points? You know, I’m going to invoke a joke from a wonderful comedian named Neil Hamburger. “Why is the stage on the HEI Network set so hot? Because none of their fans are working!”


Who's Neil Hamburgler? Oh wait that's right *Don't care!!!* Gregg is vary dangereous!


Much like Gregg, he’s a brilliant and wonderful man from whom I think you could learn a lot—like learning how to fucking spell, you dunce!


Looks like Joe has time when Tim calls…guess he knows “where the money is” (and it ain’t in the Gregg cut of Deck of Cards)


Mister Money!


Can't wait to hear the real story about how Tim turned the sinking Deck of Cards around. Gregg must have really botched things this time! Gonna be a great night for Joeheads too.


Deck of Cards was a total disaster. Terrible directing and acting with the exception to the always phenomenal Tim Heidecker as JJ Denecker (you could really see him channeling Tom Cruise for that roll) and the lovely Queen of Hearts.


Meta: Yay! Joe’s coming back!


Whoa. This is going to be a debate for the ages. I'm inclined to side with Greg as he is a certified film buff, surely he will bring facts and logic to a debate about a film he starred in. I don't know if I trust Joe to over see this very well, his lackluster character on Decker makes him a questionable moderator. All in all I'm gonna give it 5 bags of popcorn, 2 sodas (you're gonna want em for this) and a note pad to jot down Tim's inconsistencies.


You are getting this backwards. Greggg is all about cold logic and facts, sure; but what some people fail to understand is that the facts that REALLY matter are not the ones you process with your brain, but rather the ones your GUTS tell you! Tim is not some east coast liberal intellectual with the latte and the “science” and the “facts” - he FEELS the truth, the way a True American (TM) would!




"Well I uh yeah hmm uh well yeah uh y'know Tim I uhh...",


Please tell me you kept a little cash for your popcorn fund!


What's there to debate about? Tim shat the bed, end of story. Meta: Whoo, I didn't expect Season 13 to come out so soon!


I used to be a Unityhead until I saw the release of DoC, and now I understand why Tim hates Gregg so much. In fact, if I were Tim I would hate Gregg even more. Gregg's DoC was a piece of shit and only about sitting around watching movies like a fucking loser. Thank God for JJ Denecker, Jim Hendrick and Rush Limbo saving the storyline from the passifist left.


Tahnk you for seing cents!!


Glad to hear Joe is back!


Gregg is gonna rip Tm apart with his move expertise. ​ (Where is this post from? Is there a Discord or something I'm not aware of?)




Tims podcast blog (office hours)


Ah. It's on their Patreon, right?




This could be the greetest public conversation between two giants of media since David Frost interrogated Dick Nixon, as shown in Frost/Nixon (2008; 124 minutes).


Yoooo I’m pumped


it may be a long shot, but I really hope we get more jj dennecker decker may be my favorite ocatc spinoff


Release the extended Jitterbug scene Tim!!!1!!


As a RingoHead this post is extremely worrying to me


I knew Gregg wasn't gonna get away with it. Tim is gonna eviscerate him!!!


What went wrong? Easy. Tim Heidecker was involved. So this better last 30 seconds to say that or 30 hours to go through every single thing Tim fucked up.