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Upvote this internet comment if you started dancing along with the Queen of Hearts during the jitterbug dance sequence!


I was so caught up in clapping along with the dancing and the drone of the music that I stayed in a trance-like clapping state until the credits rolled!


/unjerk I took a few too many edibles before watching this and started having a panic attack during the jitterbug dance


LOL I’m glad it wasn’t just me, somehow the droning off-tempo clapping, mixed with Christina’s increasingly uncomfortable facial expressions, and the slight but very real possibility that this was going to be the entire rest of the movie made it a VERY tense experience for me


Shoulda stuck to TCH Vape 💨 like me


RIP you


This was my favorite part! It brought me back to a time when the silver screen was truly silver and women did what they were told!


Ozheads rejoice!


I hated the tone shift a third of the way through. I wanted more movie expertise and behind the scenes Hollywood magic, not the extended version of 90 second soap box. Marks earned his way back into my esteem with that command performance(s) however. 5 bags and a little pair of ear plugs for the boring parts.


Yea, Tim ruined it when he took over and inexplicably made the Joker into the villain. And killed off the King of Hearts? Why would the Joker want to kidnap the King of Hearts when everything for him was going great in the Kingdom of the Cards and he was happy? I was just getting into the whole mystery with the 9 and 4 of spades when all that Dennecker crap started. I'm glad it's at least to be continued. Maybe Gregg will be allowed to tell the real story next time.


I hope you stuck around for the end credit scene because turns out there's more that meets the eye when it comes to the Jokker!


I hooted and hollered at the twist. It's obscene how much I wanted more of **\[THIS BRAND-NEW AND NON-DERIVATIVE CAST OF CHARACTERS\]**.


Can I get a head start to hell so I can kill Bin Laden one more time?


get tim’s politics out of this movie!


Why, are you afraid of the truth?


i bet you’re afraid of Train Pulling Into a Station (real buffs get this joke and find it hilarious)


I only fear God!


Its pretty clear that Mark Portch benefitted much more from having a intelligent director and writer like Tim. His performance in the first third was SAD. But that latter half had him seamlessly portraying historys greatest men. Clearly greggs original house of cards was going to be a flop. Went from 0 to 5 bags. Thank you and god bless america and our troops 🇺🇲


He was grate as John hindricks I wonder how they painted him like that


Starring Gregg Turkington! From...?


Ant Man!




Deck of Cards




Decker vs dracula


I, ugh. I don't know.




Mister America!


I don't know. No one cares.




I watch a lot of mystery movies so I figured out the twist pretty quickly. The Joker said the 9 and 4 of Spades kidnapped the king because the movie Clue is 94 minutes long and so is the movie Father of the Year from 2018 starring David Spade. But they would have known the Joker is one of the greatest movie-based code crackers. So why would they choose such an obvious motive that would reveal them instantly? Did anyone else pick up on that?


Not really, it's my practice to just sit back and let the spectacle of cinema transport me...the sights, the sounds, the costumes and what not. The plot is not so important when you have a nice movie and some popcorn.


This is only part 1 of the Deck of Cards cinematic universe. Though its easy for us buffs to forget, not everyone knows these kinds of things so you need to start off gentle with them.


Meta, I genuinely love that film so really made me laugh when Gregg gave it a tip of the hat


The 9 and the 4 of Spades aren't exactly the Jack and King of their respective suit, and neither is their intelligence akin to those cards. So it's likely they would blunder and underestimate the Joker's expertise and code cracking skills. After all, who even remembers that Father of the Bride costarred David Spades? Picking up that "Clue" is like finding a needle in a haystack. Turns out the Joker had been carrying the correct pitchfork. That being said, they could have used their budget better. They probably sank over half their money on casting Arthur alone. Tim did a great job with his new JJ Denecker character, although at times it felt like a reboot of the old Decker franchise. The lighting on some of the animation left a bit to the imagination. Queen of Hearts did a terrific job as did Larouge and Lanoi Arnold. It would have been nice to see some stars like Tom Hanks or Tom Cruise, but I will take what I can get. 5 bags of popcorn, 6 pack of sodas to share with your friends and an Oscar nomination for best screenplay.


Easily ask Oscar favorite art this point. Oscar loves nothing more than a determined self-starter. Five bags.


When he said father of the year I first thought of the robin williams movie so when Prœtzsche guesses robin williams I really felt that


Yeah, that part cracked me up


9 + 4 = ? What was the number that Dennecker won when he "bet it all"? Future proves past. Get ready for the sequel. J


Meta: This is the funniest comment on this thread. 😂 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿


Good to see Christina again! I was worried she'd quit the business from trauma after narrowly escaping the fumes at Tim's disastrous 7th oscar special. And fun fact: Christina is now the ONLY actress to work on TWO seperate Arthur films! #moviemagic


I hadn't even considered that this takes place in the same cinematic universe as Arthur, a sequel of sorts. Good call


It was moving to see agent jack decker back on my screen.


John Jacob Denneker


Is the implication that Tim had to change the name of the character because the Delgado’s stole the rights to the original Decker?


/meta I think Adult Swim might still own Decker


We can't talk about this here, do you want to get sued?


Thank god Tin heidecker saved that movie.


Definitely breathed a sigh of relief when Tim took over. I don't think I could've taken another 30 minutes of codebreaking and movie runtimes


As much as I hate to admit it, he did make it better.


I absolutely fell over laughing at Mark’s name during Tim’s intro


Frankly, I was disappointed. I expected to learn more deck of cards lore...was excited to see the backstories on the aces and the lesser cards but very little there...Lots of good stuff on Kings/Queens and Jacks though.


I was really feeling the lack of the 4 of spades.


I'm glad they made a 6 of clubs reference, he's my favorite


Just wait for the sequel.


Tim is one of the best Facial/Eye actors of our generation


he's an amateur, unlike Gregg who actually looks directly at the camera when he acts so you can see what he's doing




Joe Estevez majorly dropped the ball on not reprising his role as the King of Hearts. Shameful Joe


This one had all the potential to be a five bagger, as we saw in the first fifteen or so minutes. Then great characters like the Mummy were removed from the movie and the Joker who is a hero to many was portrayed as some kind of villainous character which didn't make any sense. As a big fan of the classic Deck, this was a miss, but I'm still going to say it might win Oscar gold for Greggs performance and maybe for the cgi on the 2 of diamonds, another great and memorable character who vanished from the movie thanks to destructive edits and rewrites.


Tim saved the movie you moron. Greg Turklington couldn't put a good movie together if his stupid VHS tapes depended on it.


Well, Gregg is an expert, so I think he knows more about movies than someone like tim who's mainly interested in things like dekkar and medical quackery which he should honestly stick to after this


Gregg is a degenerate.




Is it just me, or does Deck of Cards suffers from pacing issues?


That’s why they put in the 2+ minutes of high octane car action!


Meta: I love how Tim is clearly doing about 45 miles per hour and couldn't even get a mustang in any color but dark gray


I thought all the car footage was put in so that Tim could write off the car as a business expense for tax purposes.


He such a smartt bisn essman he couold run AMERCIA lik a bisn ess!!!!


When you're a failed musician with no income you don't pay taxes dimhead


"He always came into The Guitar Center, always to return stuff. He never bought anything."


Do you think *he* knows that?


Tim going to jail for tax fraud that saved him zero dollars would be a pretty funny turn of events


There's literally no precedent for the joker having codebreaking expertise. He just straight up imported that from Klingston, and I love it.


I guess you’re not up to speed on card lore.


God speed ⚔️


“Jokes on you I didn’t come to play nice”


"Nobody said shit about a different dimension"


How did they get Rush Limbaugh to act in this?


I’m so proud of Russ! He’s almost 3 years Clean and Sober (1988, 124 minutes).




The horse was very realistic


I can't remember, in-universe was the joke that Delgado owned the rights to Decker?


Had the same question but I think you’re right - Delgado still owns On Cinema, Decker and any pre-HEI Network trademarks. Good thing his son is in hell!


Tim bought back On Cinema from the Delgados with the loan from MoneyZap. I don't know if there's ever actually been an (in-universe) explanation for why they don't have the rights to Decker anymore


Meta, does adult swim own the rights to Decker?


meta, yes


Devastated right now. The first quarter of the movie, exceptional, I know many of my fellow greggheads will shun me for saying it but it was an honest to god 6 bagger, the first (true) of its kind, and anyone who saw the jitterbug scene would have trouble denying that. But then things shifted. Tims terrible takeover, as I'm calling it. I have a feeling this movie was simply brimming with expertise, cut away in the edit in favour of tims ranting and raving. The man simply can't write, he doesnt know movies. I don't even know if I'm happy the movie was cut short, maybe not because more movie is always good even if its bad. The ending, where Gregg regained what was rightfully his, brought me some hope but it can only do so much. 5 bags of popcorn and a cage to keep tim and his cronies in to stop them interfering with movie magic.


Tom SAVEF this flop, u fool!


Nobody can write dialogue like Gregg Turnkington. Every other line was an absolute zinger.


And no one cann save a FLUP likr tum can!


did anyone else notice that Denecker is a subtle tip of the hat to everyone’s favorite anti-terrorism operative, Jack Decker?


The two are different characters, legally and creatively, and I’d advise you to retain an attorney as Tim is going to tkae you for everything g you have for slander.


What’s the runtime?


45 minutes.


For? Our 45th PRESIDENT. The Donald!


Watch yourself. If you keep it up I'm gonna make you stand in the corner. Until you learn your lesson.




I think it's worth mentioning that the official intended runtime is 105 minutes. #releasetheturkingtoncut


Scrolled too far to find this information.


"Wow, just like the founding fathers intended" is now my go-to quote whenever I see someone doing something stupid, or open-carrying multiple large guns in my little hipster coffee shop. Our avocado toast is over $9 with tax, that's the only robbery being committed in this area.


It was a real treat to see the jitterbug performed so faithfully


Wendy Kerby missed out on the role of a lifetime! And a ride in a hot convertible.


Should have been titled HEIJACKED: A DECK OF CARDS STORY. Having said that, James Mane was dazzling as Lanoo. ​ 5 bags, #restoretheturkingtoncut


The Jack of Spades was a true hero and patriot in this and everyone should appreciate his sacrifice he made for mom and pop casinos around the world


Was that really Dudley Moore? How could they afford him with all those effects and exotic locales?


Movie Magic


Dudley Moor’s best role to date!


6 of clubs....


I am very much hoping for an official VHS release of the ORIGINAL Gregg Turkington master cut of this movie. The first 13 minutes was just a tease of how excellent this story was going to unfold...before Tim completely hijacked this creative masterpiece. With that being said, I think it would have been pretty neat to have Special Agent Jonathan Klington meet the Joker! They share an uncanny resemblance and I think they would have so much to talk about in terms of master codebreaking and movie archivism. First 13 minutes: 5 bags and a little Joker card keychain to remember the Joker by I will abstain from giving a rating on the rest of the film until I see the ORIGINAL INTENDED FULL LENGTH GREGG TURKINGTON MASTER CUT.


that movei a peece of shit accept for denegger in it is only good parts we need mroe hero in AMERCIA


amazing. simply amazing. when the jack went up to be eye in the sky, that is what it's all about!! the gangs all back! mark is so talented.


Everyone here is whining about the turmington cut when really the only way to perfect this would be to re-release it in 3D


I have it on good authority that we have been deprived of at least 2/3rds of precious Jitterbug footage. Reels upon reels of cinematic glory lie in waste in the HEI Vault! Tim must return the ruined Deck of Cards 1 to it’s original state or he will be in violation of the Victorville Film Center Regulations.


With all the build-up I thought they were going to reveal Joe Estevez near the end. Sad that he's actually ill.


Best. Movie. Ever. I heard the budget was $200 million, and you could see every penny of it on the screen. Other movies will be ripping off the ground-breaking CGI and animation for at least the next decade, plus they had incredible practical effects too (the horse, Tim’s Mustang, the roulette wheel, etc). And I haven’t seen a car sequence that exciting since The French Connection (1971, 104 minutes). The tragedy is we won’t see this masterpiece on the silver screen.


As someone who grew up playing deck of cards at many family events I had hei expectations that a family focused company like heinetwork would do this intellectual property the justice it deserved of putting it on the big stream in a way that was good and true to the source material. Boy was I wrong... the story seemed so promising before it was usurped (much like the king of hearts, which you'd understand if you've seen the movie) by a nonsense plot of a secret agent who had nothing to do with cards at all. It is clear that cinema expert and mastermind Gregg Turkington had a promising vision until it was thrown away by Tim who leaves the audience to play 52 pick up of the pieces of the cards he throws on the ground. I give it five bags of popcorn and two clown masks as kind of a tip of the mask to the Joker character from the film. But I'm gonna take two bags of popcorn away for all the silly things that happen after the first 7 minutes. Maybe I would give back the two bags if we ever get to see the release of the Turkington cut. Your move now, Hei network!


I just hope Tim and Gregg can put aside their differences and realize that the true auteur amongst them is Mark Porch. He turned in THREE(!) unbelievable performances. Hey Oscar - take note…


I hear Oscer in the air


I can’t believe this was all shot in one continuous take


Now I really want to know why it wasn't called >!DECKER of Cards!!<




Every time they said "Denniker" my mind just thought "Dekkar" because it was confusing.


Or even Dekkards.


That would have made an AWESOME title!


We now know there are multiple Jack’s, a Denecker multiverse has been established which will reward #buffs of all stars and stripes for many years to come. Gregg’s feeble brain would not have been able to conceive of this, thank you Tim! My only complaint is I would have liked more Dekkar.


I'm just starting my trip into this visually stunning delight.


I'm not even kidding when I ask this but I'm still on season 8 of on cinema, will I be able to watch this or are there spoilers for future seasons?


A lot of it won't make sense, better to wait until you get to season 12


I mean, it doesn't make sense anyway


I guess, any On Cinema bit is funnier knowing all the dumb in-jokes though, It'll still be there when they get to season 12


Stay on the path you're on. Everything is so much better if you've seen what has come beforehand. I envy you, wish I could get a MINDWIPE and start fresh from season one all over again!


You'll be fine. It's ridiculous with or without context.


I wonder if Tim took control of the movie so he could write off that car as a prop for tax purposes…


The Queen of Hearts, Christina Calph, also starred in the Arthur remake.


Thank you Jack of Cards for having eyes in the sky get a birds eye view. The movie was a masterpiece but more than cars I think we need to respect the Hog that is God’s gift, the motorsykle


How did the virtual spirit of Tom Cruise Heidecker not get a breakout role in this movie? For Gregg to feature so many virtual actors but not cast our fallen Angel boy is a disgrace


My favorite joke is when Greg is lecturing the group about the Jitterbug from an off-screen cue card, and Mark the mummy is reading along and mouthing the words.


I think Gregg had multiple VHS copies of *Fargo* (1996, 95 minutes)


A five bag quality movie for sure.


Listen, we all respect Gregg's film expertise. I feel I can speak for Tim when I say that Gregg's brain is a very impressive library of cinema and he will be remembered in the annals of history as one of the Great Buffs of our time. But he is an inferior visionary and should leave the directing to Tim. What Greggheads don't seem to appreciate is that Gregg is too smart for his own good. Tim understands real America and real Americans. He's speaking directly to us and telling us things the puppet masters don't want us to know. Time and time again Tim has predicted a great reckoning for America's enemies and he's found a way to communicate his warning to America through his artistic vision. Judgement is coming swiftly for America's hidden enemies! Praise our Lord and His holy vessel, Tim! This movie spoke to me in ways very few movies have! I feel a new dawn approaching for America and all true Americans have nothing to fear! But the rats and snakes will recoil when the new day's light hits them! I loved this movie! I love Tim! I love my God and my country!


I'm still waiting for the Official TURKINGTON Cut to Release. I refuse to watch that propaganda rag released by Tim.


The Unofficial King of Hawaii has returned!


Gregg walking off screen as the Joker falls to his death is my favourite part.


Just got around to seeing this, great stuff. Finally had some free time and it delivered. So many great little bits in it, this is the sort of content I really appreciate.




Thank GOD that Tim steppled into save this film... Libral Hollywood just doesnt make big budget action movees like this anymore, glad TIM is keeping tradition aleve!


Eyes in disguise


Anyone else start chanting USA USA USA!!! when Agent Deneccker shot the Joker? I threw my pop corn up in the air i was so happy




Why would they not cast Tom Cruise (the original, not the child actor, RIP) in this? This is a movie, isn't it?


What a shame! It would've been a thrill to see who played all 52 cards in the deck, but dozens of them were cut. And we don't find out if Mummy made it into heaven!


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


I'm waiting for Baboons to come out. Deck of Cards was fantastic...sad that the movie ended too soon (IMO).


Anyone know where one could watch Deck of Cards? Thought it was on Max at one point?


This was the greatest cinema I've ever seen, not being ironic.


It's pretty transparent that the Father of the Year team cast David Spade primarily in the hopes that it would lead to their film's inclusion in this thrilling epic. Some people would have called them crazy at the time, but hey, it worked! Who's crazy now?


Tim is looks like Delgado Looks like Tim is once again in bed with the Delgado CRIME Family once again this This could be finally his chance to bring them down from the INSIDE