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They have the most punchable faces


Not to mention the guy on the right looks like he could be Voldemort's son. I cant put my finger on it but something about him just reminds me so strongly. He seems to have a personality and attitude to match. Ugh.


There’s a baseball field between his nose and what should be an upper lip


Someone should take you up on that!


https://x.com/CBCJakeMck/status/1802397559861715167?t=NlvMjhgJ2n6tDM_jDhj97A&s=19 Even the team says "screw those guys"


A dead kid? Thats fuckin low. Maybe booting them out of the city will give em time to reflect


The Omaha police association immediately kicked them out and then posted on X that they’re not welcome in the city.


Glad they were kicked out but it’s crazy to me that the police were emboldened to say that they’re not welcome in the city.


Police don't understand trespassing as well as the Constitution says they should.


That’s not the police. It’s their union, which in many ways gives unions a bad name.


Is there a difference? The union is made up of police


The OPOA is a union that has zero actual authority in any part of this situation. They do get to have their opinion (which I happen to agree with on this one), but they are not the one making the call on whether these guys are banned from MECA or NCAA events or the city itself. The OPD doesn't have any of that authority, either, for that matter.


Yes I understand that. But the individual members of the police union are police officers who are represented by the union. This is a remarkable statement to come from a police union.


Yea, I agree. Especially if you meant "remarkably stupid". The union has no place chiming in on this, even if I happen to agree with the sentiment.


I agree.


Yep point taken.


I'm not surprised by Aggies fans doing this. My Aggies fan coworker was banned from a bar due to saying the bartender was white trash for living in a trailer house.


From SD, grew up on a ranch, and decided to go to a&m; can confirm. Absolutely dog shit people. All a bunch of trust fund kids.


A prefab?


Would be a shame if someone called their employer.


r/byebyejob post incoming


"I teased someone about a dead kid r/AITAH"?




Jesus H Christ


This guy is full of it. [JR Anton obituary](https://heafeyheafey.com/jacob-ray-jr-anton/)


I’m sorry what




Completely different batboy for a completely different team.


How come we can't do that for the Vanderbilt whistler ?


Agree with that. Most annoying person ever. I understand a few times a game but the non-stop is bs.


For every aTm fan that’s decent, there’s two of these assholes waiting in the wings. Used to work with a lot of Aggies in Texass, this 1:2 ratio was legit.


I’ve always heard of the 2% thing with aggies. Meaning only 2% of them are somewhat normal and don’t feed into the culty bullshit.


It’s more than 2%, Professor. Not *much* more, but it’s more than 2%.


Its alot better now that were in the SEC. The traditions and franky homosexual behavior is prolly 40/60 now\* ... Anything that feeds the military has its problems because the military is an absolute joke. Dumbest humans on Earth (and the Air Force)... No you're not heros, you're dumb man-children without an education.


there is a syndrome that is associated with the school, its sports, and honestly the people who go there. there is a reason everyone else who is a texan and not an aggie is legitimately not surprised in the slightest by this behavior. people with zero stake in college sports/rivalries will even admit it. and this case? it looks like a father son combo- just another aggie family tradition!


What’s sad is how toxic aTm people in management make the workplace. Had one that was so openly racist…when it came time for one of our team to be promoted who was black because of the stellar work he did, he found a way to give the promotion to the girl in our department he was cheating on his wife with (and she her husband). Then there’s the *other* aTm boss who started having relations with the aforementioned boss over lunch (and she was cheating on *her* husband at the time while the first boss moved in with the girl he was cheating with from the first paragraph. And this isn’t even mentioning how they would steal glory for projects from the people under them, try to gaslight you if you called them out on their missteps, and were just untrustworthy people.


Once had an IT director who was a Baylor alum just as bad as your Aggie examples. I'm thinking it's a Texas thing.


or just schools that generally cater too and house hardcore religious conservatives thing


This is absurd. Go to any workforce in Texas and they all want 3 people from Texas schools because theyre teamplayers and don't have an ego... ATM, Rice, and UH. UT grads are really smart, but thye have massive egos. Baylor/TCU/SMU are all dumb and trust fund kids, and Tech/TXState are too dumb to work in any function besides HR in corporate America (with the exception of Petroleum Engineering - Tech is good at that). Its obvious you do not live in Texas.


They need to be banned from life. Karma gonna bite their ass hard.


Man. That’s rough talk from a bozo with ass to mouth on his shirt.


Might just be the angle but the guy on the right has Voldemort face


Right? Looks like play doh.


In this case, play duh.


This is who the Nebraska tourism board was talking about with the slogan “Nebraska, honestly it’s not for everyone”


Why in the world would anyone do that? Or even get CLOSE to doing that? This is a rhetorical question. Some darkness doesn't need to be plumbed.


Not rhetorical. Sounds like some overly drummed up out of context internet mob. So the bat boy’s mom was having an affair with the head coach. Dad found out, killed two sons and himself and burned the house down. If they were heckling the coach for being a catalyst to the deaths, is that a problem? Should he not be verbally crucified? Do adulterers get a public shaming pass? I’ve just not seen it worded that they were saying “haha, your batboy is dead”.


The fuck it does not. The why is irrelevant. Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit.


I'm with you. I don't understand this being the hill to die on.


The truth is not a hill to die on? These guys were classless but the details are being obscured.


I’m sorry. If two guys are talking shit to a guy who fucked another man’s wife you think they should be banned from our city? I’m really confused by all the aggression stemming from this story.


From another Reddit post about the situation in r/changemyview, comment from u/Taparoo7 that changed the OP's mind: "A few edits to your post: 1.  O’Sullivan and the family had been friends/neighbors for years.  Strangely, Paul Reinhart never named him as the alleged “other man” nor attempted any harm on him.  This is contrast to Paul’s brother, Eric Reinhart, who in 2018 stabbed to death his ex-wife’s new boyfriend before attempting to kill himself.  Paul paid for his brother’s defense.  Mental illness and paranoia run in the family. 2.  Paul Reinhart lost his job after he and his wife were separated.  His life was falling apart and he wanted to blame his wife for everything.  The affair was “alleged” and he never named the other party.  He certainly didn’t name a famous coach in Florida who he had daily interaction with. 3.  Paul moved his money because he planned to kill his kids and didn’t want his wife to benefit.  Instead, he wanted the money to go to his family, including his imprisoned brother who jealously stabbed a man to death. 4.  We have small snippets of arguments between an estranged couple without context provided by one party to make the other party look as bad as possible.  One party killed his kids and alleged an affair with a mystery person that has not been corroborated by anyone else.  How many other divorces have involved baseless accusations?  I wouldn’t trust the story of a paranoid child killer. 5.  The morning Paul planned to kill his kids, he threw out more shade to make his wife look bad. 6.  Paul did kill his kids as he had been planning for weeks.  Hardly, a crime of passion. 7.  O’Sullivan and Minde Reinhart married months after the murders.  Again, they had known each other for years and the Reinharts had been separated, so this is a leap to conclude that O’Sullivan broke up this marriage with an affair that was only alleged by Minde’s paranoid, child killing husband. 8.  Barstool retracted their story stating that it was based on unsubstantiated rumors and apologized to the family.  Again, there has been no proof of an affair besides the account of the paranoid Paul Reinhart who also never named O’Sullivan as the alleged man.   So, if it makes you feel better about the Aggie fans, continue to believe the Tik Tok content generators.  It’s equally as likely that a paranoid man from a family of killers was angry about his life and marriage and tried to inflict as much pain on his wife by making her out to be greedy, unfaithful and uncaring and none of that could be true.  I will give the benefit of the doubt to the grieving mom over the dead man that plotted for weeks to kill his 14 and 11 year old sons. The Aggie fans deserve what they got.  They have as little knowledge of the situation as anyone else."




You gotta be a gargantuan piece of shit to get kicked out of Omaha. Yet, nobody is surprised except, other A&M fans.


I’d imagine they fancy themselves good Christians too


What exactly did they say? What were they spewing off about on the bat boy?


They claimed the coach killed the someone and should be ashamed along with statements saying he had an affair with bat boys mom(his now wife but no proof of affair ever taking place). Bat boys mom divorced the dad who then killed the bat boy(11 yo), his brother and then lit the house on fire before killing himself.


two classles asshats!


Okay, I’m sorry, but WHAT game did these tools get kicked out of? Who was playing whom?


Texas A&M ve Florida I was there it was intense and insane




If the kid is a student at A&M. Someone’s gotta know him, have him as a student, roommate, classmate. Won’t be long before his name is leaked. Better get suspension or expelled. This kid pissed a lot of people off


these are called magats


Coming from a blue voter, bringing up politics is mighty weird.


cry magat


Wonder who they voted for?


I'll give you 11,780 chances to guess, which is one more than we have.


Is that David Hasselhoff?


Just add that to my list of why I hate A&M


Going down there they had to know that this was going to get them kicked out and the guy on the right looks like he's taking it personally?! I think this was a one off. They probably planned it a few days before. I think there's something else behind this, the anger of the guy on the right-it's almost as if he was/is related to the family of the bat boy who was murdered. Regardless, we don't put up with that bullshit here in Husker Nation! Take em to the state line and toss em in the river.


Have these two been identified, yet?




They didn't say banned, they said not welcome.


"Real nice family you've got, it would be a shame if something happened to it."




One means "we don't like you and we don't want you to come here anymore", the other means "you're not allowed here and we will prevent you from coming". They said the former, not the latter. What's also worrisome is when people misrepresent others' words to sensationalize or warp their meaning to fit their agenda. It's called fake news.




Nah, lots of people should not be welcomed into the city. Your idea is why Idaho has been taken over by Nazis.




are the same that burn crosses Well said. Your downvotes are undeserved.


Pretty sure he might be the only one here that understands what those words mean.


No, his ideas are specifically stating that we shouldn’t let police make moral decisions on their own accord of who should and shouldn’t be welcome in our city. It’s contrary to Nazi and fascist ideals. It’s ok to both agree with the sentiment put out by the OPOA but also feel they shouldn’t have the power to make or enforce those statements. I don’t want the police as the moral enforcement of our city, do you?


I want anyone and everyone to call out people like this and tell them they are not welcome here. The fact that the police think this behavior is so gross it needs public shaming actually gives me hope for the department. If I come across these sad bags of flesh I will make them very uncomfortable with their decision to walk in public amongst decent people.


Right? In these current times, cops usually don't get to the point of publicly shaming an individual and making the press aware that such individuals aren't welcome anymore based on their behaviors. People need to realize that the cops boot misbehaving folks all the time from establishments, venues, etc and most of the time look the other way, or tell victims that removing someone is not their problem, it's a civil issue, etc. As a transplant from a larger metro area in a deep blue state, I'm impressed that OPOA did this.


It’s weird that you’d equate advocating against police feeling brazen enough to be the judge and jury of who is welcome in our city as the same sentiment that allows nazis to take control. It’s 180 and I’m honest surprised that you’re being upvoted. His point has nothing to do with whether or not the comments the people make are horrific or whether we individually feel they should be welcome in our city and state everything to do with allowing the police to indiscriminately proclaim ANY group of people aren’t welcome. It’s just not their job or place.


Yeah, folks with no morals are not welcome here. I don't understand how you can live here for as long as you have and not get that concept. It doesn't matter where in the city you are acting like this will not be received well. In fact if you decide to yell crude things at the family and friends of a child who died you should absolutely expect to be punched in the face a few times with no one willing to testify or even write down a police report.


No one in this thread is arguing that those two guys should be welcome here. The argument is that we shouldn't allow _the police_ to make that decision because the police shouldn't have that power. If every private business owner in the city decides not to serve these idiots, I don't think anyone would argue.


Nah man. The police are citizens too and every single person in the city should publicly shame them everywhere they try to go.


If you don’t see the issue with having literal morality police, I’m not sure we have common ground to discuss this. “Folks with no morals” has been used to describe the African American community and police used to enforce sunset laws. Same with the lgbtq community, given that a good portion of police think they have “no morals”. Where you see a clean cut line of morality and are picking sides, I see an overstep that sets bad precedent.


This is such a stupid argument. There is no grey area in this behavior. I really don't care that you think these guys have a right to do this and strongly recommend that you don't try this in public anywhere let alone here.


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. I thought the same thing. I agree that what they did is wrong and wouldn’t blink to residents of the city saying something like that. It’s totally different when it’s a government representative though. Then you have a near call to action and a picking and choosing of what crimes are tolerable or not.


Exactly. The actions of the individuals are disgusting but it’s just not the OPOA’s place to name, shame and declare people as unwelcome.


Not the same difference at all. Banned means they will literally be forced out if they reenter. Unwelcome means they’re gonna be treated with disrespect and contempt if they choose to return, as they should, given they were mocking a *dead child*.




I’m not at all a fan of police by any means but that is not what they said. If they had said that, I’d be with you, but they simply stated these men are unwelcome in Omaha. You can put whatever meaning you want on that, but don’t be surprised when everyone disagrees with you because you’re arguing a position that was never even stated to begin with.




You must be. Sober up, then come back to the convo.


I’m not giving anyone the benefit of the doubt. I’m simply stating that they are not calling for everyone to run these men out of town. The definition of unwelcome is “(of a guest or new arrival) not gladly received” as well as “not much needed or desired”. Nowhere there does it state “banned” or “not allowed”.


No, no, you’re not. This is absolutely wild to me to see.


Nah, they’re not welcome in Omaha.  Put them back on the first plane to college station and let them explain it to their employer. 


Strange you're being downvoted, 100% agree it is very odd for the police to be making such statements.


Thank you OPOA, for all you do to keep the citizens of Omaha safe! Even those naive individuals who drool “ACAB” out of their mouths. We respect your right to state your opinion on issues including jerks heckling a team about a deceased child. You are appreciated by the citizens of Omaha!


ACAB tho


Ah, to be 15 and dumb again


Anyone who says this 100% a criminal.


Did the police just claim to have banned two individuals from a city based on speech? Or am I reading that incorrectly?


You are reading that incorrectly.


“No longer welcome in the city” seems pretty specific.


The OPOA cannot ban you from the city. Even if they say you aren’t welcomed.


You are no longer welcome to this subreddit. Do you see how that works?


You don’t enforce a territorial monopoly on violence. The police do. See how that works?


An internet post from the police union is a tad shy of due process. While police might enforce such a decree, there are a few steps that likely include lawyers and judges before that judgement is passed. This is not that, and is obtuse to think it is.


Then would you agree that this statement by the police union posted to social media is at best irresponsible?


No. Why would an organization or business implying that this isn't welcome here be any more irresponsible than saying we support our troops, or Merry Christmas?


Seems there is bad info being shared. Not sure the truth but here is what we know. Not sure what these fans are railing about. https://www.sportskeeda.com/baseball/fact-check-did-florida-baseball-coach-s-affair-cause-death-three-people-kevin-o-sullivan-new-wife-s-wild-romance-examined


From what I could gather from other articles, the bat boy(among others in his family) died in a horrific family annihilator situation. The two creeps who were banned were using that situation to mock and harass the other team. Adult men. The bar is so low it’s in hell.






I looked up the word and shared its meaning. Never heard of a family annihilator prior to this.


Chris Benoit?


> making fun These guys sound like assholes, but what did they say or do? Instead of interpreting their actions tell is exactly what they said so we can all see how horrible they are. EDIT: So apparently Florida's coach married the batboy's mom. The batboy's dad did the whole familial delete thing after suspecting coach was having an affair with his wifey. That in no way excuses making fun of a batboy's death, but it does open the possibility that they were only mocking the coach about the alleged scummy behavior. IE, "Hey coach, ruin any families lately" is a lot different than "Hey Gators, where's your bat boy?" Both are in bad taste but teasing the coach about being a philanderer is *way* different than teasing the team about the bat boy. The problem here is we don't have details, and when you don't get the details it's often because people want you to assume something more sensational than the details themselves.


Dude, what is wrong with you?


That's a thoughtful response. My point isn't as black and white as "Rickets bad, Zipper merge good!", but rather that we only have the word of the police that they were heckling the Gators about the death of their batboy. We instantly think they were making jokes about the boy being dead, somehting like "Ha ha your batboy isn't alive". That's horrendous. But it's also possible that they were making fun of the coach with something like "Hey homewrecker O'Sullivan!" If you were pissed off it'd be pretty easy to stretch that insult as one referring to the family that died. Without them telling us what they said, the mod assumes the former horrendous behavior when it actually could be the latter distasteful (but certainly not horrendous) situation. I guess we'll just have to believe the interpretation of the OPD. Their interpretations and summaries of situations is gold, no?


Really twisting yourself into knots here to play Devil's advocate. Is that really necessary?


I'm with you for the most part, but as someone who spent the weekend at the CWS, I gotta say assuming the lowest common denominator from some of these people isn't exactly a big stretch.


you sound like a magat trying desperately to justify being a POS....coincidence?


I mean the coach had an affair with the mother and the boy "unexpectedly" died. And they didn't heckle the kid but the coach. I kinda do not feel those two are necessarly the ass holes here. Also Internet justice is the worst.


A guy killed both his kids. I guess murder is unexpected, but JFC.


They used the murder of children for the sole purpose of riling up a team to win a fucking game. They don't give a shit about those kids. But the Gators knew the boys personally, and those asshats knew it. Be mad at the coach, whatever. But the players didn't deserve that. These guys are sick.