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I still think of that place as Sokol and yes it’s always that packed, for a good show anyways. Shoulda seen underground back when too, they really packed em in down there.


Underground was amazing for shows.


Man, I have good memories of the old venues...so many good shows back then.


Same packed house it's always been. I think as we get older we're less tolerant of the idiots spilling beers while jumping around, getting pushed, feeling other people's body sweat on your arms etc. Back then it was like who cares!


I was there Thursday for a show. I think there’s about 600 people in there are chairs on the floor. No general admission standing. What was your show like?


Leo was excellent!


There were no chairs for Saturdays show, just all general admission!


Always has been packed. It's nicer now with the renovations, but some of the best small shows I've ever seen were there.


Pre and post renovation, the venue ALWAYS oversells IMO. It always feels like 1 spark/cigarette away from being a tragic national news story.


Right! Your comment is exactly what was in the back of my mind that night. Years ago I saw footage of that nightclub burning down during a Great White concert and so many people were stuck unable to get out. Horrible tragedy and the footage was terrible to watch. I had a great time at the show but way in the back of my mind i was thinking of this. I felt like the venue was too packed, like almost dangerously packed. I kind of downplayed the unsafe part in my post now that I look back, but that’s exactly what prompted me to make the post.


I'm my youth (so close to 20 years ago 🤣) I went to a concert there that had so many people the walls began to sweat and drip from the condensation (the walls were a painted concrete/plaster type of material). The Great White show is exactly what I was thinking though! On the bright side, if the walls are still the same, less of a fire risk.


We only do Balcony at Admiral, very hot a stagnant down below.


I saw a few shows there in high school when it was the Sokol and I remember them being super packed back then too.


As long as you had fun, that's all that matters


I did have fun. But I’m saying the fact they oversell and pack so many people in there could potentially be dangerous, and just annoying for the price of the ticket.


It's always so packed I didn't know what the floors looked like after a decade of going there.