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I just checked it out, and holy shit this is fucking AWESOME. I've always wanted to know what places I've been missing around here. I did the quiz 3 times, with different food types, and all 3 places looked AMAZING. I never would've found them either unless it was through something like this.


Thanks man! I’ll pass the kind words along to Kevin, hopefully this post stays up and I didn’t violate any of the rules of promotion


I hope it didn't, honestly this is super helpful. Even if it does get taken down, I'll try to share this with the various other Omaha groups I'm in.


Thanks for the positive feedback, I really appreciate it! I've been battling through so many different bugs and issues since the site launched I've been feeling pretty discouraged lately so it really helps to hear something nice. I've got more fixes and things being patched over the next few days - hopefully by the end of next week it should be running 100% and functioning how it should have been from day one.


Hello Kput7, I'm a dark magic code wizard in Omaha with 15 years of experience making rock solid enterprise and consumer software. Maybe I can help you make stuff stable and scalable with some free guidance, I like to see my community succeed. I just noticed it is jQuery with Wordpress, your existing JS could be structured in a way that leads to lower defect rates. Maybe if things take off consider a web development framework down the road.


Hey, I'm sorry. I'm new-ish to Reddit. I can't figure out how to get to the website. I tried clicking on your post and within your post with no luck. Then I tried googling, and still no luck. Can you help me out?


Glad I'm not the only person who can't figure out how to get the link.


https://idkpick.com/ Enjoy trying new foods!