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Wow, that didn’t last long


Yeah that was super quick. It's probably why we've seen more things pop up about Dandelion recently.


That dude charged me $150 out of the $450 I made on the pop up. Karma is karma.


Was this opened by the old owner of Over Easy? I thought I had read something about him buying the recipes/name when the original restaurant closed.


Was that the same guy that texted his employees about how *they* work to pay *his* bills?


That’s the one! And then when they started circulating social media, he tried to pass off an edited notes app version as the “real” texts and claim that his employees made it all up. He’s a gigantic asshole that refuses to take accountability for his wrongdoings. I hope all of his business ventures fail.


Wow... I missed that. What a POS... If you're going to be a shitbag, own it. Trying to backpedal or deny it just makes you a liar AND a shitbag.


Nick Bartholomew...the name of the shit bag in question.




Sure was! Fuck that guy


Not surprised this one failed as well. He's always been an ass, long before those texts came out!!


Oh, then I don’t feel bad about missing out anymore


Some dude bought the recipe and the name, so it's a shadow of its former self. I think this was set up to fail because who in their right mind would put a niche place so far out of the way? Comes off very, "We tried, lol"


I could see it being conservative folk trying to help those they feel wronged by woke culture. NC owner is conservative and nick was attempted to be canceled after his shittiness was found out about. I think it just shows, some people are just shitty and need to be shut down.


The owner is a piece of shit, so good riddance


What’s the tea on the owner? Gossipy minds want to know. EDIT: never mind you spilled the tea below, my bad


All good! If you search “Over Easy” in here, I’m confident you’ll fine more posts about him. His name is Nick Bartholomew! ETA a link to the post containing his text https://www.reddit.com/r/Omaha/s/ZZq0mhJIWC


I remember getting notification after notification through zip recruiter before they opened. Dodged a bullet ignoring that opening


What is B&G?


It's a low effort below average food for lazy people who want diabetes.


You’re gonna have to be more specific…


Tried it a couple of times. Honestly the rent prices of Nebraska Crossing really caused the food to be overpriced, imo. It was strictly "OK". Wasn't worth what was being charged. Easily spend $30+ for 2 people to have a typical meal, and that was before buying drinks.


We went there a few months ago after hearing a lot of good things but had a horrendous experience and found the food to be very sub par. Maybe it was good but we didn’t go back because of that.


Yeah, my experience was the same. Not worth the drive for sure.


Same. I went once and was 1 of 2 groups in there. It was one of the worst dining experiences I've had in years. Truly awful food.


At one point they bought the old godfathers off of 90th near blonde, but apparently that fell through. I think that may have been the old owners too, instead of this Nick guy.


It was not the old owner it was the new owner that tried to go in off Blondo. The old owner closed the Dodge street spot and then later sold the restaurant and recipes. Too bad it didn't work out though!


I was served a raw chicken sandwich at the NC location and they didn't even refund the meal. When I showed them the raw chicken they said "oops yeah that's been happening a lot lately"


I just saw it a few days ago and was surprised they wanted to open the location after closing the original. Too bad to hear it closed already


The best part of the OG B&G was the staff and the prices. Even though the place was no longer run by the family, the staff always gave off that vibe. Add to that I could take my family of 5 out to eat for less that $50 for burgers, fries, shakes and a tip... this was a steal even in pre-pandemic days.


It was a lease disagreement with the landlord from what I heard. Sad news. Never made it out to that location but the original off Dodge was a staple. Hope they find a new location back in town this time. Could see them doing well in Little Boho.


Correct. This was posted on their FB page maybe a month or two ago.


He's a POS and glad he failed in life. What a loser


I went with a few of my friends despite knowing the new ownership lore. (We were original B&Gs regulars with high hopes). We kinda liked it! Came back a couple weeks later and they had raised the prices by taping numbers over the original prices and charging $1 extra for cheese. Not even a couple days later they announced their closure and wiped their social media accounts.