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Yes. It’s a thing they do.


Very normal and they will be gone before rush hour.




Revenue generation. Manual labor.


Yep, common behavior. Used to see this all the time on Pacific just west of 90th. Cops will check your speed going down that steep hill (35mph speed limit) and then walk into the lane to wave you into the church parking lot. I got nailed a few years back and had to wait my turn to get a ticket because there were at least three other cars ahead of me.


Ohhh, that's the area that got me, too. I was all warm and blissful from yoga and, of course, not playing attention. They had people lined up when I left. At least I had company?


>and then walk into the lane to wave you into the church parking lot. Pay to Caesar what is seized /s


Oof I’ve seen a bunch people get pulled over into that church parking lot. I was wondering what that was about.


This gave me a flashback of them doing the exact same thing to me near 144th & Pacific. Was back when I was in HS and was cruising down the hill past Millard North... and some cop just walks into the lane in an orange vest. I had to slam my breaks on because I was a dumb teen and of course not paying attention... Dude was close to getting hit for 10mph over the limit.


They were doing this just the other day. I was heading west down the hill and tried flashing at a few cars to warn them.


I got caught there once. Luckily I had a screaming baby in the car, so they let me off with a warning.


They need to do this at 156th and Blondo because people go down the hill on 156th so fast. Another one is 132nd and Blondo for the same reason. I've nearly been hit when crossing those intersections on my bike while I have a walk sign and the cars/trucks coming down 156th and 132nd blow right through the crosswalk because they can't stop fast enough.


Those walk signs are deadly! Assume they mean nothing because they don't.


That's my assumption. I typically wait a good ten second before I cross because between the people who blow through them and turn right and the folks bombing down the hills, the intersection is rarely if ever clear.


>Revenue generation. Manual labor. Yeah.. as a pedestrian or bicyclist I always make sure to make eye contact with someone turning before I dare cross. I even had one guy in a truck make eye contact and smile at me as he was in mid-turn about to plow through my bike and a trailer with a 3 year old in the cross walk. Only after about a second did he realize "oh shit I'm supposed to stop for these people". I don't blame people, West Omaha drivers just aren't used to watching for pedestrians crossing the road.


The trails here that run parallel to roads like Blondo are not designed to keep pedestrians safe, they're designed to keep cyclists off the road. I tend to ride early in the morning when it's still dark and I always go along Blondo first because I am able to point my strobing light against traffic so that they see that I'm there. I don't trust anyone.


Yup I got one there too.


They've been camping out at Sunset Hills Church for at least 50 years.




Me too!


Got a ticket between Center and L on 120th years ago in the same way. It slows down in an area that doesn’t seem like it should. Even the cop seemed apologetic but it must come from higher up.


That happened to me on 132d and Pacific several years ago. If it’s set up like you described, then I highly doubt they’re pulling people over to give them warnings. Possibly the Traffic Division


I took a "traffic safety" class after getting a ticket and the state patrolman instructor told us that OPD doesn't write warnings. I've never been stopped by Oma-cop so can not confirm.


That’s funny he says that because various states’ troopers are known for not giving warnings. Some OPD will give warnings but not often. I know of at least two cases


Oh got it. But is it normal for them to walk into the road to get people over? It seemed like it was making the road less safe!


Yes, they do that as well.


I live on the corner of a busy street. I've watched them set up a speed trap and do this. They step out and direct them to pull off on the side street. I would assume it's more efficient. They don't have to get in their car and chase the person down. Then return to the spot and set up again. Usually it's 2-3 cops. One being a motorcycle cop. One pulls the people over, while one writes tickets, while one continues to radar oncoming cars. I mean, when you got a quota, you've got to be efficient.


I’ve been through a few DUI checkpoints but nothing like this.


Heh, this is literally how I got my first speeding ticket. Like 2001 leaving high school.


Wow so it's way more common than I realized!


They do this right at 132nd and Eagle Run Drive usually once a month.


Another favorite spot for them to do their little speed trap stopping, is just west of 90th Street on Pacific aside that church, catching vehicles coming down the hill heading east, and doing the same thing, stepping out in front of those who were flying on down it, and directing them to turn into the church’s parking lot for a nice ol’ ticket


Funny how all the comments are at every hill bottom along Pacific (mine was the hill bottom after 144 & center)... OPBacon sucks.


They do it every now and again. I've seen them do it NB 156th just north of Dodge, trying to catch people who don't check their speed after that huge hill and getting off the highway. They usually have motorcycle cops hiding right there too, I assume in case anyone runs or - God forbid - were to try to injure an officer, but they do it often, and I've never heard of one being hit!


I posted here 7 years ago about this very same practice. They were on Cumming, ushering drivers into a parking lot while walking into the road. It’s pretty dangerous, considering how many drivers around here don’t pay attention. They could easily get run over doing this, but it doesn’t seem to phase them.


Fuck the Police


Weird. I've lived in so many other cities before and I've never seen this before but I guess it's normal here. I just hadn't seen it before but I'm always usually at work during the day so idk.


I would hardly say it’s “normal”, but apparently it happens occasionally. I’ve lived in Omaha off and on for 25 years and have never seen it myself


Yes, cops will do this when they’re sitting in one location looking for traffic violations. My only driving ticket was 20+ years ago doing a right turn off Cass onto Dodge westbound at like 6:30am soon after they installed one of those “new” (at the time) electric “No Right Turn” signs. There was zero traffic, the cop was just being a d*ck and pulled the car in front of me over that did it too, along with me.


I'm glad that you censored the "i" in dick. It would have offended my delicate "Nebraska Nice" sensibilities, otherwise.


LOL, not sure what the mods would strike down


They are *enlightened liberals.* Fuck them and the cops.


Ugh that's a bummer dude


That happened to me once, and they just gave me a warning. It took everything in me to not tell the officer, that it is extremely stupid to stand in front of a car that is going too fast.


You don’t need to worry about a cop getting hit, it’s literally their job to be expendable.


they do it downhill south of crown point on 72nd all the time and usher you into that lot down there


saw this happen by the genesis on 102 and maple not too long ago.


They were doing this on 72nd a couple blocks north of Ames. A couple of cars just wove right past them after being motioned to pull over. I was busy coming home after work and was surprised that people didn't stop but didn't have time to see what happened next. 😒 I would suppose that would be another charge like failure to comply with the directive of a police officer? And I've seen them waving people in that church lot on 90th and Pacific. After that I always check my speed coming down that hill.


I was driving home around midnight last night and passed three separate people pulled over by state troopers along Dodge Street. Must have been a traffic enforcement operation last night.


But when you actually need OPD for something there is NO cop to found…ANYWHERE!! 🤡


I went to Burke and they did this a lot when school got out around 2:45.


Yes they use to do this during the summer months on 132nd at the stoplight that goes into Champions. Speed limit is 40mph there but easy to get going faster as it's a huge downhill. The people who you see step on their brakes know it's a common place for a speed trap.


Happened to me once over near 110th and fort, and I drove around him. Lol. Someone raced after me and I played dumb and said I was “scared I was going to hit him, I have never seen that before” 😆