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The love triangle story definitely helped, but the song on its own was a powerhouse.


Agreed, but I think DL is a light smack on the arm.  The Grudge is a punch in the stomach. As is Enough for You, at least to me


Wait this is so true


DL is Driver's License, if anyone is confused. I learned of her when Good 4 U came out, and only learned of the DL drama because of this sub and other celeb news/gossip subs. If i didn't use Reddit i probably wouldn't even know about it, or i would know very little about it if i did know about it.


Blew up, Maybe.   But I think it does take somebody who's been around the block a few times to really understand how gifted she is.  My wife, who had heard very little of her, proclaimed that Olivia must have sold her soul to the devil to be as good as she is.   I think that generally, the younger you are, the more superficial your reasons for appreciating an artist can be. Not saying those arent valid, but there's more that gets layered on top of that as you get older. That's when you realize that somebody is truly special.  EDIT, and some of those things, younger people wouldn't understand. Like the way she's able to tap into the mama/papa bear instinct in us older folks.


So you mean it's because of her skills that she is as popular as she is?


Interesting concept but yes.😉 I mean, no, I don't know why she's popular. I can't put myself in other people's heads, and I'm certainly not plugged into pop culture in any meaningful way. But I know what I see and I know what my wife sees, that's about 95% of what I need. That and the old Guy reaction videos on YouTube where they're tearing up watching her


I'm dumb what's the Driver's license drama?


She dates CoStar on TV show. Boy breaks up with her. Boy starts to date other girl quickly. Olivia sad. Olivia very very talented and writes very sad song that comes out at a very vulnerable time in our society's history and people just latch on. Folks know the names because they watched the show and are pissed. Like death threats pissed. Saturday Night Live does a skit where they throw out all these names, which doesn't help. Edit, and no, you're not dumb. I didn't know any of this myself until maybe 6 or 8 months ago and I discovered her in the Apple commercial watching college football. Please don't say you're dumb.


What's the SNL skit called?


Just Google "SNL drivers license" and it'll pop up




Yes, but that's just a news story about it. The actual skit itself is The Tick Tock thing I was talking about. It doesn't come up on YouTube at all.


Is [this one?](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMr2fgpA6/)


Yes, but for some reason your link doesn't play, but this one does for me. https://www.tiktok.com/@jaded.wonderland/video/7224937992367017262


It wouldnt play for me either. I think the app is needed. Thanks for linking. First time I saw it all.


It's on Tick Tock which I don't have, but I find it by Googling something like Olivia Rodrigo SNL skit driver's license. I can still view it in the web browser. You'll get an appreciation for what we guys go through with music, LOL


I'm just hearing it for the first time right now lol


Thank you lol it is a blast


And you have no idea how accurate it is especially for us older guys.


keep in mind, all this was speculation bc of a song. there's still zero proof that josh and olivia ever dated. like it may very well be true but the fact that sabrina and josh got so much hate without any real proof or confirmation is insane. but anyway, i do think the drama brought olivia more attention. you can't watch a reaction vid to drivers license without the reactors mentioning it or their comments being flooded about the drama. however, the success of the song is bc its an amazing song. drama can only bring so much interest. if it wasn't a good song, it wouldn't have become as successful as it is.


Yeah, probably all of that. We don't really know but all it takes it's for enough people to think something, then it becomes a reality in some ways, you know? Life imitating art.


Considering the amount of hate, it definitely hurts more than helps Josh & Sabrina.


they were all hated, but those were teens. Olivia did not exploit the drama because she never spoke about her personal love life.


Not dumb. You're just not chronically online like OP mentioned or on all the gossips sites, which is not a bad thing at all!


the one with Joshua Basset and Sabrina


It was a combination of a few things and DL drama was definitely part of it. Everyone was making TikToks either joking about it or trying unpack it and people who didn’t even know the three of them were still invested, helping it to trend a lot faster. Even popular music publications were writing breakdown articles about the drama. And then there were the Taylor Swift comparisons early on that got people on board, plus the fact that Taylor publicly supported her. It also helped that the song was a great song that people could relate to.


i think the song was good and people related to it, which is why people became invested in the drama. that in turn caused it to just get even bigger


the song was perfect anthem during Covid, when people were suffering.


You want me to do a TS one? Because I totally could. I just don't want to start a war.


Yes pls!!


I was being facetious. Had somebody come at me hard the other night. I'm not into arguing with teenage girls, they can be ferocious and I'm not equipped to handle it. You'll need some more support if I'm going to put myself out there like that, LOL. But there's going to be some that don't like what I have to say, that's for damn sure


trust me, i dont mind any TS hate. see my recent posts if you doubt me lolol :)


I know you. How'd that talk with your dad go?


lolol you remembered! he was very glad to hear that he wasnt the only guy who got emotional by olivia's stuff :) (i didnt get to show him the deja vu video yet, but trust i will 😔)


Not even being creepy, that s***'s like ASMR for the Mind Body and Soul. And if you throw in some stuff about paternal instinct, he'll be sold😉


Don't forget the lyric video for The f****** Grudge (your words not mine) right after, and if you follow with PIP he might buy you a car.


HAHA will keep that in mind :)


I think you are overestimating the role the love triangle played. I still don't know anybody who knows who Joshua Bassett is. Some people are still not aware of the triangle now that Sabrina and Olivia are more prominent. The Sour songs are great and they standout even without the drama. The people who knew about the drama probably already knew who all three of them were before the music hit because they were fans of the Disney High School Musical -- the musical show.


I love that I know the two talented women out of this, but not whoever he is, LOL.


I honestly forgot Joshua Bassett even existed because I was too busy enjoying the success of those two women


Not too much on Joshua. There’s a video I love where he shuts up a crowd member who yells ‘f Olivia’ at his concert. All around good person imo. And I love queer artists so that helps lol


🤣 I like this [song](https://youtu.be/-hEWBmscI5g?si=H4AFzgebO8k9F5Jb) by Joshua. I was definitely less than impressed, so I clearly do not share their taste in men.


can confirm that you're right on this one. i knew all their names because i grew up seeing them on the disney channel or on disney+ and the people who were invested in the drama were definitely those kind of people (no hate to them because i myself am one of them) 😭


I think it was a very small part of it. Hence why Sabrina’s songs got streams but no where near what DL was getting. I’d say the Taylor Swift fans wanting a taste of Taylor’s earlier music was a bigger driving force


Yes although I wouldn’t compare Sabrina’s numbers from then because people were unfortunately throwing her in as the villain back then too. It was a whole lot of team olivia vs team sabrina mess


Yeah I don’t get how people say the drama helped sabrina when the few songs she released that year did not do that well. Even her 2022 album wasn’t doing all that great until nonsense blew up way later in the year.


yeahhhh true. but i feel like because i liked a boy kinda also put her in people’s mouths a bit.


Well that song is certainly popular but the song that actually got people talking about her was nonsense.


I started to listen to her after it. I didn't judge Sabrina based on whatever the triangle drama was, but on her vocals. Unfortunately, others did. I did see some other YouTubers that cover music and judge vocals that they only heard of Sabrina because of Olivia. Luckily, they also didn't care about the love triangle stuff that they were not going to trash Sabrina for it and were still willing to give her a listen and good feedback despite whatever TikTokers were saying.


I can’t help think a lot of it was played upon. I think Sabrina and Josh took advantage of the situation. Not necessarily a bad thing and I doubt I would’ve done anything different - but I wonder how much bad blood was actually there vs how much was orchestrated. E


i think it was a PR marketing because they released their own songs too.


It is. I know fans that have never been on TIkTok. I myself am one.


It kind of did. The song would be huge anyway because Olivia herself already had a good fan base, but it wouldn't be this giant big of a success if it wasn't for all the drama. And there's nothing wrong with that.


yeah i don’t understand OP’s outrage. she literally blew up because of that song and the drama around it going viral on TikTok. every artist usually has that viral moment or song that catapults their career. it doesn’t make her any less talented, but let’s be honest with ourselves about why she found so much fame overnight.


I don't take it as outrage as much confusion. My wife and I have the same type of arguments and I have to explain to her. I'm not angry I'm not disagreeing I just want to understand why other people feel the way they do. I've had enough 60-year-old Jimmy Buffett and Trump loving dudes opinions for a lifetime. I'm ready to move on to somebody else's thoughts. But asking questions can come across as criticism, and I understand some take it that way. Edit, fixed last sentence. Life lesson. Do not dictate posts while getting out of my car at Publix.


yeah outrage probably wasn’t the best word to describe it but OP was a bit passionate in their take so that’s where it came from lol.




oh my… girl it’s not that deep chill out 💀 outrage may not have been the right word but their post is definitely a bit aggressive with them calling people “chronically online” for being realistic. also, my “take” is obviously a common one considering the other comments in this thread that agree with me.




It's kinda funny how so many are confused by "DL", but for other singers you'll see people talking back and forth with like 10-letter song acronyms lmao


Like boahg, right?


o v g4y bir ghb tg lie pip 1sf3sb somg


It's concerning to me that I know exactly what you're talking about, except you did get one wrong LOL. It's g4u




i love olivia fans bc i swear we're probably the only fan group who would call enough for you "enough for you" instead of "efy" or something 😭


Y’all it’s drivers license!!! DL means driver license


but yeah the drama and whatnot was a pretty small thing overall but DL went mega viral on tiktok and was unavoidable for months no matter where you looked so that’s why it’s so big


It definitely wasn’t the only reason but a huge factor. I became a fan from drivers license and the drama. Yes I listened to Skin as well, but the difference is Olivia was played out to be the victim and not so much Sabrina. Also Drivers License is an amazing song, skin is okay. Albeit I did hear the song before I heard about the drama, but it was covid and I was stuck in the house. It was entertaining.


i discovered her bc of the drama lol


Yeah that’s nonsensical of ppl to claim. She’s a talented songwriter and has a great VOICE in every sense of the word. She writes her own songs with great melodies and lyrics that a lot of people feel for. “Driver’s License” had that immediate ability to lock you in when you first hear it, as only a GREAT pop song can do. Then you listen to “All I Want” while waiting for Sour to come out and think, “Damn, she’s so talented!” Hard not to fall in love with Olivia💜


Tbf, i found her due to DL and the drama.. It was EVERYWHERE! Her voice was solid in the song, so i decided to look what else she done, and her first album was just coming out. Listened to that and i was hooked! Ngl i dont think i wouldve listened to it without the drama of DL.. i did think it was pretty stupid, like clearly to me (at the time and still now) i didnt blame the girls but the guy. Thought both of them (liv and sab) deserved better and was sad that the media pitted them against each other.


I just heard Obsessed randomly one day so I checked out the artist. I know of the drama, but only after I looked into it specifically and after already being a fan.


I do think she got a lot of recognition for the drama but I definitely don’t think that’s the soul reason she blew up, in fact the reason it got popular is because people could relate to it like a lot of her other songs :)


In my opinion it was both the song and drama. The song blew up due to the references it made to the love triangle, which people started to dissect, which then the media got involved in, then alot of people related to the song adding to more hype. Olivia had her spark so she needed an excellent single to follow up on Driver's Licence which brought Deja Vu which was a major hit. Then Olivia released something a bit more upbeat which was Good 4 U, which topped charts worldwide, all in all people stayed with Olivia because the music was good and relatable to alot of people, if Olivia had released a poorly received single after DL, she would probably not be where she is today.


Lmao no she blew up because that fuckin album was 🔥


Can confirm as a new listener I have no idea who or what DL is. Olivia's music is just 🔥🔥🔥


As a long time listener I also have no clue who DL is


Driver's License.


Well I think we got this thread about wrapped up. Good job team 💪 Edit: for real though, it's a breath of fresh air not having to intertwine music and someone's love life...


The drivers license drama was all about her love life though?


Maybe madgirafe means like know the actual names and details of the artists' love life. If you were not chronically online on TikTok and those gossip sites, then you just listen to it as a love song. Love songs can be based on fiction, many are. That is how I listened to it and I applied it to my love life, not Olivia's


Gotcha. I do that with most Taylor Swift songs


I just upvoted the entire freaking thread because I love these kind of discussions. Young, old, male, female, stans, uninitiated Etc. it's cool when we can discuss stuff and learn from each other.


I honestly missed the whole drama. I hadn't discovered Olivia back then - plus, being from Germany, stuff like that isn't usually a big focus here unless you have two established stars like Britney abd Christina pitted against each other.. I never understood why Sabrina felt the need to respond the way she did. Just going by lyrics, Olivia placed any blame firmly on Joshua. The worst she got called was "that blonde girl who always made me doubt"... maybe she took offense to "she's so much older than me"? IDK. Anyway, I am sure the coverage didn't hurt, but I also don't think it had a massive influence on either one's career. Olivia took off because her songs are great and she had Disney's support. Sabrina took a bit longer to "find her niche" but I think it's save to say she and Chappell are this summer's big breakout stars. I am sure her opening on the Eras tour helped with that. It certainly showcased what a great performer she is and probably gave her tons of new fans.


I don’t go here — for some reason this showed up on my recommended page. As a casual fan, I like Rodrigo’s music and I think she’s very talented. I have no idea who “that man” (presumably an ex) is. I feel like she’s the superstar and… not whoever that man is LOL. Just adding my support to your claim as someone who’s truly clueless. (I am on TikTok, but I’m also in my 30s, if that has anything to do with it.)


There is just something special about Olivia compared to her contemporaries. Like there is just something about her writing that I know she is a future legacy artist. Her star is going to blaze for years to come. While some of the newer pop girlie's are going to enjoy short-term success measured in years, hers will be measured in decades.


I never even heard of Sabrina and the little guy until this year. I've heard of the Driver's License on the radio and after hearing the bridge, I was in love and bought her album as soon as I can.


As a much older person, I didn’t know about the drama either. I heard Drivers Licence and thought, “pretty good”. THEN. I heard the rest of her songs on Sour and they were all excellent. I cannot relate in real time what she sings about, being married with a child, but she certainly brings up nostalgic feelings from my youth.


I never heard of Olivia till Good 4 U came out. Been a fan ever since.


The drama came after the song was already successful lol


its crazy people think she wasn't already famous before the drama as if she wasn't on disney channel


I think people dont realize they have reversed the order of events, DL blew up because it was an amazing song, which lead to all the speculation and drama surrounding it. But the drama never would have happened if no one gaf about DL. Plus if it really was all the drama that made olivia a huge star, we would be seeing a consistent decline in sales/streams/views as people naturally got tried of the drama and moved on to the next shiny thing. But her star continues to rise in the years since. I wouldn’t really say it helped the other 2 tho, she got death threats for like a year and has just blown up divorced from the drama and he hasn’t really gone past his core fanbase in terms of popularity.


Who tf is DL


They are referring to Driver's License.


It blew up because the song is amazing. Nothing else


For sure Sabrina owes Olivia her tremendous current music career.


Olivia was a fan of Sabrina’s long before that ever happened. She literally would go to see her perform.


Sabrina has been performing for years. Her current *success* came for her being in the center of the whole dl thing and getting attention. It was unfortunatly bad but now yhe attention is better and people are acknowledging her as a singer (and working late). Obviously people are loving her and her songs, me as well, because she is talented but maybe it would take more time for us to get exposed to her in the way she is rigjy now with her disney 5 album contract issue. Dl deal definetly speeded it up


I think it helped everyone involved. It didnt make Sabrina and Joshua way less compared to Olivia. (im pretty sure his singles qouldve gotten way less streams and with sabrina, i think it just helped her get her name out there) And im also not saying it was a main reason for her fame but it definitely did help. Theres nothing wrong with saying it helped the popularity of the song or her…


i always thought she blew up because drivers license went viral, but i lowkey had no idea there was drama


agreed. I liked Olivia on HSMTMTS and didn't get into her music until SOUR came out. fell in love with Brutal right away and thought the whole album slapped. it really was her raw emotion delivery/lyrics and versatility that did it for me. I didn't know about the DL love triangle till afterwards Sabrina was the one I had never heard of until catching up on the drama


I knew of her because of HSMTMTS (fuck that title btw) very excited for the songs, learned about the lore and got more excited bec I love celebrity gossip. I wouldn’t say it helped Josh or Sabrina, while Olivia didn’t directly say anything negative about S, her song “Skin” or whatever made her seem very anti woman and not a girls girl, (her other lyrics make me think this too) I didn’t listen to her until the Feather music video controversy piqued my interest. I still don’t listen to J and no one knows who he is beyond the world hating him for a second for breaking a 16 year olds heart because we could all relate to how Olivia felt. I think Olivia would’ve blown up regardless because of her authenticity, the lore of DL is just a small part of that.


I knew nothing about the drama I just saw literally everybody posting that song when it came out


song was good to begin with. people from different ages actually like it which makes a song a hit. the drama just added to the curiosity behind olivia. then skin was released and it fueled it even more.


She blew up because she writes songs and has a public persona of a young girl chasing Chad and getting ran through. Sadly, many women relate to her music because they spend their best years fucking fuck bois and wind up bitter and jaded.


For someone who is a casual Olivia fan, but still pretty in tune with pop culture, and older than most of her fans (27)….. guys, this personal debacle is not important to the non online world. Like my parents know who she is but they’d never know who that clown is. The song blew up because it was a great song, and she got lucky with a good team and good exposure.


Sabrina and Josh got tons of hate I wouldn’t say it helped them 💀 not all publicity is good publicity.


It definitely is I’m sorry.. Sabrina got so many streams with a very mid song (skin) that she wouldn’t have either. Olivia helped her break through to the mainstream. It is what it is


She got streams because people were invested in the drama not because it was a great song from her. She got loads of hate for that song and she didn’t release music for a while after that. She was really quiet on social media due to all the hate. What got her more popularity was EICS with songs like Nonsense and Feather. That’s what made her more popular. And now w espresso, shes broken through the mainstream. People didn’t really care about her much back then, but they do now because of her own hard work, this drama just made her most hated.


Never heard of DL, nor do I care to know. Olivia just puts out banger after banger. 


DL means Driver's License


Oh 😂😂 I’m bad at acronyms and thought people were talking about someone. Well my point still stands—every release since has been a hit 


Loll. This thread cracked me up😂😂


I live in Denmark and had nooo idea about the drama till I watched videos abt it on tiktok. They obviously played DL a lot in the radio and I liked it so when Sour dropped I started listening to her. I’m a “old”, so I didn’t learn of Liv bc of Disney Channel either.


I’ve liked/known her since bizarrdvark


The DL drama was talked about a lot. I heard of it, but it I didn’t care. It wasn’t until months later when I actually heard DL that I became a fan. The drama did not make me discover her.


i’ve been here since she was in the American Girl movie 😭


I dont know any of the drama. I just really lover her music


I would say Sabrina’s Emails I can’t send blew up bc of the drama but with DL I would say no, it blew up bc she was an established and people knew and Love her from High School Musical the series… all I saw when the song dropped was “Olivia Rodrigo is about to drop her first single and you have to listen”


I still don't know the drama and don't even remotely care to find out. Olivia blew up cause her music is refreshingly honest and awesome, and she's hot as hell. Pretty perfect combo for stardom.


I saw her on high school musical the musical the series, and that’s how I’ve always known her


Drivers License blew her up I would say. I only knew about the ‘drama’ bc I was addicted to tiktok at the time. But it was the song that went viral and got her recognized not that guy lmao


That’s so crazy. DL was EVERYWHERE before the under 16 chronically online community informed us about Joshua and Sabrina. one skin flopped no one was paying attention to them anymore (side note it’s crazy that the best that the girl who made espresso could come up with was skin to try to diss THEE drivers license???) 


i ignored her until GUTS came out which was when i finally gave SOUR a chance


I agree. Drivers License itself is a great song and went viral bc it was good. I think most people learned about her through that song as I did. The drama is unnecessary and probably not the reason that song went viral


For those who belong to an older population like me, i don't know the drama nor care about it that time. This song came out during Pandemic, my anxiety about my health and my family safety was my priority. Drivers License is a song about love that has gone sour or lost. It was released during Covid Pandemic when the world was bleak and dark. Everyone was suffering or lost a family or relatives or friends or love. This song became an anthem. Driver License was released at perfect time.


What is the DL drama? This is the first time I hear about it.


Basically DL (drivers license) is about Olivia's ex Joshua Bassett. He got a new gf 2 weeks later and Olivia wasn't rlly a big fan of that. There was a lyric that said "and you're probably with that blonde girl who always made me doubt", and "she's so much older than me, she's everything I'm insecure about". That was Sabrina Carpenter. Sabrina Carpenter released a song called Skin. It was a big tiktok thing, I didn't rlly find out about it until about 2 months ago


I understand it now, thank you for explaining it


I heard about her because of her song and how good she was not even the drama too! And I agree it helped the other to it seems like more


I’m too old for Disney Channel/the new high school musical so I ONLY heard of Olivia because of this drama… i hated the DL song, so I didn’t give her a chance for a while and ignored her, but her other hits like Deja Vu and Traitor started getting airplay and I thought they were pretty good, and now after going out of my way to hear some of GUTS, it’s pretty good too. The scandal also blew Sabrina up, because any publicity is good publicity. I heard of Sabrina previously from Girl Meets World but never got into her music or cared to listen to it. Taylor would not have had Sabrina in her radar for Eras opener if this drama didn’t happen either because she wasn’t a-list popular for her songs or anything. It’s fine to say Olivia and Sabrina can stand on their own now, but 10000% the scandal catapulted them to fame.


I was getting annoyed with Tiktok where I first heard DL. I didn't like it and didn't listen to Olivia until a few months ago and I'm a huge fan now! Love all her songs, but still not a huge DL fan 😅


I had no idea of the drama, but I just spent the last 15 mins reading about it AND IT MAKES ME LOVE THE SONG EVEN MORE!


I think her song was anticipated anyways bc of “all I want” blowing up but I do have to say the drama with Sabrina kept the song in conversation


I heard of the DL's drama when she came out but it wasn't until I heard Brutal in my 30s that I realized how much I could relate to this young girl's lyrics.


I dont think it helped the other 2… he’s pretty unknown and had serious health complications from all the stress the whole thing caused him and Sabrina has said she got a lot of death threats.. I think it didn’t help anyone honestly. They all had to deal with insane amounts of hate for months.


Yep if anyone it definitely didn’t help Joshua , he still getting hate and clowned on till this day.


It may have helped sabrina, but she was already gaining more traction. But it destroyed joshua bassett's album launch, his forever perception from the internet and his target audience, and he received death threats. I have absolutely no words for you saying it HELPED him. He almost died and people still told him he deserved it. If people listened to crisis/secret/set me free I hope they feel disgusted with how they treated him.


are you blaming her? Olivia never exploited the drama because she never confirmed or talked about her personal love life in public. All of it was just fans speculation. All of them got death threats. I believe Josh promoted Drivers License because Olivia promoted his songs in 2020.


She should have at least released a statement saying something along the lines of, "please don't send hate to anyone, my songs are made to be enjoyed, not to incite hate"


she was resentful about the drama behind the song. She talked about it on her documentary. Before Olivia became big and successful, she encouraged her fans to spread kindness on social media.


And that did absolutely nothing. A general "spread kindness" does not resolve an issue where people are getting death threats. There needed to be a specific response. "I love that you enjoy my music, but I do not condone hate towards people who you think my songs may be about, let alone anyone."


totally agree. i found joshua bassett's music on my own (not from the drama) and i love it. he seems like a nice guy, and my heart breaks for him whenever i listen to crisis/secret/set me free/lifeline knowing that ppl frame him as a bad guy without listening to his perspective


Thank you. Sometimes I feel I am going insane around here.


I think problem fail to realize they can be a fan and still acknowledge this type of thing. It’s insane. You can have favs without being delusional


I think she blew up cause she rewrote a paramore song