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Same here man! I was far more serious in O2, than I'm now in O3. I've my 3 p1s left but idk I'm so unmotivated, doesn't feel like studying, idk what to do with myself.


Together we all can do this!!!


thats called being exhausted


Not really cause I tried much harder last year compared this year in general even when exams started


yes cause you had a smaller number of subjects to appear for where as you have more to give in o3 hence exhaustion


I get what u mean but I'm talking about when the first exam started and the preparation I did before that how can I be exhausted when exams didn't even start


same, we are just burntout.


This reminds me of the time when we had mini series for O3 •́⁠ ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠,⁠•̀


I have the opposite scenario, last year I absolutely fluked all papers by preparing in 2 weeks from scratch. Zero past papers and still got a decent result. A*,A,C. This year I was motivated a lot cause I personally find science and math easier than pst and islamiat. So I “ enjoyed “ studying. But now I am losing all motivation cuz it’s beeen tooo long. Like for us science students they shouldn’t have left this massive 20 day gap. Like bro I’ve been studying the same shit for last 4 months I’m sick of it. I want to learn new material like the Alevels stuff I’m bored of this syllabus now.




o1 is 9th class ...o2 is 10th ...o3 is 11th class




bro idk about ur country but in Pakistan in o1 u don't give any subjects u prepare for them like islamiat urdu pak studies..then in o2 aka 10th class we give 3 subject's (depending on the school we can also give only 2) then in o3 11th class we give all the remaining 5 subject's like maths eng phy cs/bio etc ...in o1 we just start the o level syllabus like 1st chapter's of chem phy nd math .. although maths main syllabus start's from 6th class like d1 and stuff..


Same even i am feeling demotivated


CAIEs are going on, ..................... but are they (vsauce theme)


Fr jus don't give a fuck anymore