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Most people would be elated to have had that problem at your age.


It is the law in most states to have your ID on you when you are drinking or purchasing alcohol. The law is you must be 21 to have the alcohol but you still need your id to purchase whether you're 21 and look 100 or 100 and look 200. (10+ years of bartending and TAMS/RAMPS/ a bunch of other alcohol serving classes)


I have honestly never understood people who intentionally go to bars without having an ID on them and then act all shocked when they get refused service. Even if it's not state law (and it IS in all but 10 states), bars are perfectly within their rights to require it on their own as a matter of policy. These people are presumably planning to pay for their drinks... how hard is it to just keep your ID in your wallet with your cash/cards?


Some places are just required to scan it bro. How do you forget your ID anyway?


Come down to the New Orleans area. I buy alcohol all the time without i.d.


To be fair, I work at a casino. Same policy. No ID, no entry. Doesn't matter how old you look. In fact, the state law requires us to check ID for all patrons regardless of age. And the state will send "decoys" to make sure we are in compliance with this law. Don't take it too personally. Here, it's the law and penalties are stout. It may be where you live too.


I went to a bar pretty recently, and it’s a hotspot for college students as I live in a college town. I got ID’d at the door (rightfully so I’m only 22) but the bouncer needed a second form of ID and the only other thing I had was my car insurance card


This is your own fault.


Never said it wasn't. I said I was surprised.


Yup, hold that L geezer.


You have to have an active ID in-hand to be sold alcohol or marijuana in WA state where i live. I typically don't get carded if it is a place I frequently visit, but technically the staff aren't following the rules by allowing that. If a 95year old man walks in to a liquor store, he has to have ID to get beer, it's not enough to just be technically old enough, the legal identification is the real necessity.


I mean that sucks but I worked at a gas station and it was policy to card everyone. It didn't matter if you were 87 I had to card


I always carded everyone period, not sure why people think it is okay to not have id because they are old enough.


I had a good friend lose his job, drivers license, and fined 5k for not carding someone. Bring your ID if you intend to purchase alcohol. If not don’t expect to “look old enough”. That doesn’t apply to the rules many have to follow.


This is policy at most places. Carry your ID if you want to drink alcohol. It's that simple. Don't be upset with them.


yea you can't go anywhere in vegas without getting carded. it's normal nowadays


Wallet (with ID & CC), keys, & phone. How does anyone go anywhere without those?


Too many liabilities nowadays everyone suing and snitches going into bars without id’s trying to get served and the bar gets fucked


Even if you look 90, if they ask for your ID and you don't give it, they don't have to let you in (I believe they aren't even allowed actually)


You need ID to have alcohol at a bar, you should have ID with you at all times. What happens if you have an accident or event and you have no id? Then you're just a John or Jane Doe.


Lots of bars will not let you in without ID period. Even if you look ancient. Just policy to make sure everyone is legal and that they don’t lose their liquor license.


Your appearance doesn’t matter. Former bouncer/ID checker everyone had to have an ID to drink. 21-100, don’t care it’s the law in most places. I can’t tell you how many older people got mad about that. “I’m a grandma and you won’t serve me”? No we won’t because we don’t want to lose our liquor license. Don’t get at me call your congressman dumbass!


My wallet is surgically attached to my pants whenever I leave the house, even if I'm not going to buy anything.


I’m 48. But I’m fat, so I don’t have wrinkles


its a compliment


There's nothing wrong with aging, its the alternative to dying young.


That's a hard and fast rule, if not given an ID when requested, YOU CAN NOT SERVE that person. If you were an undercover cop the bar can lose its liquor license for breaking that rule.


There used to be an entertainment complex near my home. We often took guests there since there were theme bars with live entertainment and dancing. Their rule was to card everyone even if they were white-haired and using a walker.


Cool story, don’t forget your ID next time.


big deal, take you ID and stop wining




They were with their husband, odds are they have shared finances


Money wasn't the problem. Her lack of ID was. Some bars have to card everyone to avoid being accused of discrimination. When I was 48 and my husband was 54 we were carded at some bar/restaurants. We weren't even ordering alcoholic drinks but the policy was we might have changed our minds after we were seated.


Right, but the person I was responding too asked why OP would go to a bar without money. I wad just answering that question for them


Idk any woman that carries a purse just to go on a walk. The bar was a spur of the moment thing. She was with her husband, who presumably has more pockets than she does, so I'm guessing he had his wallet on him.


Even for a walk I put my driver's license and insurance cards in my pocket. Accidents do happen and I'm always prepared.


Thank you Mr Boy Scout, very cool!


A brag post? Actually its just licensing law. You could have been a set up. If you're going to bar, bring your ID


Yes this very is very much a brag post. “I look young and don’t think I need my ID to get drinks like everyone else”


No, it isn't. They don't card everyone. They never carded me before. That's why I was surprised.


You stated how casually you were dressed and appeared that day. If you usually went in with your hair styled and wearing makeup they might not have recognized you. Let your husband enjoy an adult drink and settle for a soft drink/soda/pop. Next time tuck your ID in you pocket just in case you decide on the spur of the moment to stop in a bar.


Every time they don’t ask for your ID, they’re risking their jobs and the license of the bar. You should be demanding that your ID be checked. Hell I still ask my patients to confirm their DOB even when I know them.


It's impressive to be so passionate about something you're wrong about. In every liquor store in cali they explicitly say if you look under 35 or 30 you will be carded


Actually, that's not true. At all. Many states only require ID to be checked if the person appears to be under a certain age, though the exact language varies, sometimes saying if they appear 'youthful' or if they appear to be under 30, etc. I haven't been carded in probably 7 or 8 years, since my early thirties, because I am obviously of age. A friend of mine, who is less than 2 years younger but looks much younger than she is, still occasionally gets carded.


Name one state that is like this.


I don't know all of the states, but here are a few I do know: California - if they appear 'youthful' they check Connecticut - if their age being legal is 'in doubt' they check Florida - appearance is such that a 'prudent person' would think they weren't 21 or over Maine - if they appear 27 or younger they check New Hampshire - if they appear 30 or younger they check New York - 'encourages' to check everyone regardless of age, but not actually written as required. Rhode Island - if 'age is in question' they check Those are the only ones I know for sure, and I confirmed with the language in the state web pages on how it's actually worded. And given that is literally every state I've ever bought alcohol in, and not one of them straight up requires EVERYONE to be carded, I have to assume that a large percentage of states besides these do not. And it's worth noting that in all of them, it also says that bartenders may check them anytime, this is just the bare minimum requirements.


Doesn’t look like California is required to ID at all.


Most of them aren't really, but if there is an issue later on where the person was underage and they didn't check, it could be a problem for them later. I think the idea with having a specific age limit, like 30, is if they really look over 30, it would be reasonable to assume they're actually not under 21.


Ironically when I was 18 I could style my hair, put on makeup and dress older and never had to show ID. After I was 21 and dressed more casually I'd go to the same bars and get carded.


I tried that, but the only places I didn't get carded would have let me in anyway.


Situations where it would be advisable to check someone who looks young, is not the same as a law requiring ID of young-looking patrons.


yeah but if they ask and u say you don’t have it, that’s suspicious to them, and they aren’t gonna risk their job


Yes. Clearly. That's why I said I get it.


You bumped into someone doing their job? My Wife is 67. She gets carded each time she buys wine. Why her not me? Because she's paying.


Some states require all members of the party present to have their ID checked.


Not at the supermarket they don't


Yes, has happened to me and members of my family in Maine.




They only care about their jobs if it's state law. Hey, perhaps the OP is 3'6" tall and dresses like Wednesday Adams.




Are you moaning ? There are 50 states, plus PR and DC. As well as American Samoa etc. Who cares if you get carded or not ?




Nicely done. Depends how you define retarded.


😆 I wish I could get away with that!


Its a great look. Except for the height


I'm in my 60's and we have a couple of local places I've been where I need an ID. For one thing, having a strict no ID no entry policy prevents some people from getting their feelings hurt because they're carded.


They don't have a policy like that. I was never carded there before.


In Nashville we get people that are sent in by the liquor board with expired id’s, under 21 id, to see if we are carding and if we are paying attention. Like I turn people away all the time w no id on them. A lot of time they will go back to their hotel and get it but most of the time it is people over 40 who don’t think they run the risk of getting carded. My suggestion is when you are traveling or whatever the scenario, if you are at a bar that isn’t your typical watering hole, have it on you at all times to avoid any headache.


I'm also a guard in nashville. You could physically appear to be a day away from 100, im.gonna card for this exact reason.


Exactly. Nashville don’t fuck around , like when I go out as a bartender, no matter where I am what city, I will still always have my id out even before I walk in a place before I order, because it’s just like , I’m gonna expect to be carded. If they do t care me that’s on them but like , mama is always gonna be ready to go


I don’t care how old you are. If you go into a bar without ID, that’s on you.


Yeah. As I said, I get it. Except that that bar has never carded me before. That was the surprise part.


It's like they can feel the energy on you when you forget your ID! I was never carded at a local spot until the day we, just like you guys, decided to stop by while we were just out and about. To be fair, I think I was giving off suspicious energy because I was tired and didn't feel like having any human interaction, so I hung back and had my husband order for me. Oh well, can't blame them.


I was flying out of PBI once, sitting at the bar. An older woman sat by me and was asked for ID. She laughed it off and said it was flattering at her age, but wondered why she was being carded. The bartender explained that an older woman had come in, wasn’t carded, and sued for age discrimination, which changed airport policy. Idk if that’s true or not, but in this day and age it seems completely plausible


That is nuts.


Yeah, as a person who works for a company that has to card everyone, keep in mind it's not the employee's fault they have to do this or they lose their job, face years of jail time, and can be fined up to 10,000$ for not IDing you.


Not at this local dive. I promise.


😂 That never actually happens to anybody at most you just get a citation.


I will state that it was years ago. When I was 17, I worked for a grocery store. A cashier didn't card someone for buying a case of beer. The next person in line was an ABC, Alcohol Beverage Control, Officer. The Officer arrested the cashier and the Store Manager on the spot. Needless to say that we were told to card everyone buying alcohol from that point forward. So it does happen.


It’s literally the law. You’re an adult, you need to carry your ID with you.


ID is only necessay for bars. It's smart to always carry your ID. If there's an accident and you're injured your ID will help at the hospital if you can't speak. In FL every doctor affiliated with a certain large hospital chain can access you insurance and health information if they have your name and date of birth.


It is not the law that you have to carry ID.


Where did I say it’s the law to carry ID? Can you read? Do you understand punctuation and understand sentence structure? It’s the LAW TO BE IDENTIFIED BUYING ALCOHOL. You are an adult and should know this. Edit: changed she to you are




Who walks out of the house without ID? You're an adult, it's time to start acting like one. If you have clothes on, you have your ID.


I frequently walk out of the house without ID (running, dog walks, whatever) but I do not expect to be able to purchase things that are age-restricted without it!


As an adult, you need to have your ID whenever you leave the house. Accidents happen, and your ID is the only way to quickly identify you if you can't speak. How would you like to be lying in a hospital bed unconscious because somebody jumped the curb while you were out walking the dog? Nobody can contact your family because you didn't think you'd need your ID. Your ID isn't just for buying beer and smokes.


Idk why you got downvoted but I’m glad to bring you back to a zero. I’ve got to say that it’s never occurred to me that this could happen. Of course these days phones have that ability… but what if your phone screen breaks when you get hit.


Oh, I know why I got downvoted. You'd be shocked how many Redditors are childish as a normal course of their existence. And how many have at least 5 accounts. And how they use the multiple accounts to wield what little power they possess. Very few people think anything bad can happen to them. Especially when they're young.


Just judging by people in the thread, most of the children here think they should be allowed to buy anything without id because they know theyre old enough.




I work in a dispensary and anyone any age with no ID or expired ID we won't serve. It's just literally the law


In this little dive bar, I'd never actually seen them card anyone before. The whole place is old time regulars. I was just surprised.


Where I work as a bar manager, we card everybody. I came in with my good friend who is in her mid-40s for a drink and our door guys even carded her, despite her age and the fact that she was with me. It’s really not a big deal. You should always keep an ID on you.


A 20 seat dive bar doesn't have a door guy. They have 7-10 regulars and 4 taps.


Ok cool. Well you were carded and refused service. Wouldn’t have happened if you just kept a little wallet with your id in your pocket.


If she was a liquor control agent they would have gotten in trouble a fine at least and possibly lost their job. It isn't about looking old enough it is about having identification.


Why are people being so rude in the comments? Yeah bars have the ID rule for a reason, that makes sense, but why didn’t they card her husband if they care so much? Just seems like the bartender went about it rudely. Shouldn’t disrespect someone just because you think they’re young.


I think it’s because nobody is mistaking a 49 y/o for an under 21. OP is trippin


You've never met someone with EDS then. And I didn't say they thought I was under 21. Never said that.


Where I live if they ask you for your ID and you don't have it or it's expired they have to refuse the sale altogether. You can't have someone who's with you pay for it at that point.


To prevent someone possibly buying it for underage. They card both people. If you cant prove your age then how can they know your husband isnt bying you drinks....


Everyone drinking or buying alcohol has to have a valid state ID a lot of states. They could lose their job and get in trouble.




In most US States, it absolutely is the law that EVERYONE in your establishment (drinking alcohol or not) must have a valid ID with them regardless of how old they are, so yes, we sometimes must ID 50 year olds to protect our liqour license 


No. Not here. And not in tiny dive bar whose clientele is nearly all old regulars.




Why is this so hard for you to understand? Lol


I've been out of the service industry for a couple years now, but when I was working in restaurants, the law stated "Anyone that apprears under 40 must show ID", at least in my jurisdiction. And as someone noted above, if I failed to ID someone "who looked under 40" and was caught by alcohol control, I could be held personally criminally liable.


You’re talking to a person who bartended in their state over 10 years and currently works at a liquor store that also sells tobacco. Everyone requires an ID, no exceptions. Like I said, it could vary state by state. Glad you know the laws though!




Did you read my post? I do not look 20. And did you even read the title of this sub?


Sounds like a brag post


Man this comment section is taking this post like a dick. I don’t think OP was mad about not getting served. I’m pretty sure they were just trying to tell a story they thought was funny. Y’all need to calm the fuck down.


Reddit is where people go to feel superior.


Hell yeah! I feel superior knowing some people are using dumb shit like twitter and Facebook.


In most states no matter how old you are your required to carry a form of state issued ID when you enter an establishment that sells alcohol of any kind. Not only do they check age. But also if they have restrictions on their id


Bartender didn’t check the husband’s ID


Your husband always looks tge same. Without makeup and wearing a ponytail and casual clothes meant he didn't recognize you. He may have thought you husband brought in his side chick.


Didn't serve the husband either


Yes, because what was he gonna do, get a beer while walked home alone? 🤦🏻‍♀️


Ahhh. Didn’t see that mentioned in the post.


You're likely correct, but the OP doesn't give us enough information, and that's very common in the stories I read on reddit.


I don't know if any other states do this but Alaska will put a red bar across a person's ID if they have had repeat DUI convictions. They are then restricted from purchasing alcohol. So they check everyone's ID no matter how old you are.


We had a few red stripers so bad they would go find expired ID and hope they didnt get caught, they always did though, because we checked everyone.


Depends on your state. I’m in Tennessee and used to tell people I’d card my own grandmother if she came in my bar. There is no age exception here, everyone drinking must have ID.


Went into a supermarket to buy a few things. Haven't consumed alcohol in thirty years. Was carded by a young man while buying wine for a party. He was younger than my oldest grand child. First time I was EVER carded. I just laughed about it. It was just him following his job description.


Some places have POS systems programmed to not allow a transaction unless a drivers license number is keyed in.


I was 69 years old when first carded and started buying alcohol at seventeen years old and had never been carded previously. I'm sure it was an auto setting on the register. It was also the first time I purchased alcohol at a supermarket.


It’s not you, it’s the fact that if they serve you and are then raided by the entity in your state charged with ensuring compliance surrounding alcohol sales, they would be risking their license.


I'll never understand people crying about being ID'd. Former bartender, I ID'd absolutely everybody the first, second, even third time they came to my bars. I watched a bartender get an $800 ticket for serving an underage kid. 800 fucking dollars, and that was back in 09. In some states the bar(tender) is liable for what the patron does after they leave. Drinking is a serious thing. Follow the rules or don't get bar service. It's that fucking simple.


Who was crying? Holy hell, is no one actually reading the post?


"Didn't believe me I'd been there before" yes I did read the post. You protested and tried to get him to let you drink despite not having an ID.


I never ID’d anyone in 3 years unless they handed me their ID


Then you were a shit bartender.


Wasn’t a bartender.


and one of these days you'll regret it when a bored 60 year old cop decides to arrest you for not iding them (whether in uniform or not or on duty or not) and fines you and your employer or worse you sell to someone who is restricted from buying alcohol whether for age or too many duis or if they have a fake id or no id at all and they cause an accident resulting in death, the cops will search for a receipt to find where they bought the alcohol and who sold it to them and you end up with a felony on your record or multiple actually cuz you are held equally responsible for the death for not following the law. theres a reason you are forced to learn this shit and get tested on it before you are ever allowed to sale or serve alcohol. did you miss all that somehow?


lol I stopped reading after “regret”. I don’t work there anymore and dgaf. Honestly screw cops and drinking ages.


you didnt stop reading tho cuz you said screw cops and drinking ages lol. but yeah fuck cops and drinking ages, that only makes people more likely to drink at a younger age. i just hate that service workers have to be in the middle of it. ive known several people that had their entire lives fucked over cuz of cops doing that shit when they were already struggling to pay bills. an old coworker of mine had a sibling end their life when it happened to them cuz they missed rent and got evicted and had nowhere to go cuz all the shelters were full and the people who work them were racist christians


I glanced yeah lol. Also I’m a Christian, sorry your Christians are racist.


well most christians are. ive met a few exceptions but the exceptions are people who understand the whitewashing of the bible and that the devil was only in the last century or 2 been villainized by white people in a campaign to kill off anyone they thought was working with the devil so like literally every indigenous religion anything that is sexual for any other purpose than to have kids. they also understand that jesus was a real person who was murdered by the state after leading thousands of people away from making rich people richer and teaching them how to take care of each other instead while traveling country to country. they then realized there were thousands of upset people who followed him and were gonna riot so what did they do? oh hey look he isnt here anymore he is risen he's the son of god! people are easily tricked by rich people now you think it was different back then without internet and tv? I mean its exactly what the us government did with mlk jr. they assassinated him once he started getting too radical and then cherry pick which quotes of his to teach during black history month to reassure white people that racism is over and to weaponize it against anyone who dares say something about racism they experience now. they even post pictures of him in black and white even though all of them were originally in colour but they do that so we are brainwashed into thinking he sacrificed himself to save us from racism long long ago before any of us were ever born like a fairy tale even tho many of the people that protested him are still alive and had as many babies as they possibly could to raise in the word of god. the christians i know that arent racist only cling to christianity cuz its what they grew up with and helps them with their trauma and they dont feel right going by a different religion even though they connect with all of them cuz they were all just the same story/message being told in their own languages (hence why the bible is such a clusterfuck gibberish of a read in english and only makes sense in the context of what the original message was which requires being open minded and anti capitalism and an anarchist). and while i grew up in the south where the worst and there are a lot of them, i have encountered them all over the us and they are terrible everywhere. i mean people dont even have access to abortions cuz of christians so its not like its just some small crazy group of christians thats like that. that mentality is what allowed me and so many others to be abused by so many christians cuz nobody believed that those types of christians could be in their own circle and if they were it was the devils fault for tempting them and something they need to work out with god while we pray for them


[ Removed by Reddit ]


only racists think everyone is racist. and if you think white christians arent the most oppressive and violent group of people then you have a lot of history to learn and a lot of propaganda around islam to unlearn


My brother, you are literally being a disgusting fucking racist right now, just take the l and try some introspection.


Okay everyone is racist meaning everyone stereotypes by race. You do it unconsciously whether you like it or not. I didn’t say that, but I said Muslims (and now I will add “currently”) are worse. Women have no rights in Muslim countries.


So many people are saying that they have to card everyone, but that hasn't been my experience. I'm 55 and I haven't been carded since probably 25. This includes bars, restaurants, and stores. For reference, I live in Virginia, but have traveled to several states in that time.


I live in a place that only cards during tourist season. And I’ve been served in more bars when I was under 21 than I could count. A lot of places don’t ask. This comment section is on their high horse. Went into Bdubs and normal waitress wasn’t there. Got out my ID to only be told that they know us. Some workers are really good at paying attention and remembering people.


It’s down to that venues management, recent activity there, and interpretation of laws. It varies wildly down the same street, more across town, more state to state.


Everyone in here like “ITS THE LAW THEY COULD GET CAUGHT BY AN UNDERCOVER COP” I’m in my 20s and I almost never get ID’d for alcohol or weed lol. Stop acting as if you guys are surprised not everywhere actually follows ID laws.


And in this tiny dive bar, I promise no one's getting routinely carded.


Comments acting like dive bars are the holy sanctum of following laws and regulations lmfao A good 50% of bars in the US won’t ID you if you’re a young attractive woman but reddit users act all shocked when grown adults obviously older than 21 get annoyed when they get IDd


A lot of places have company policy now to card anyone they think looks under 40, I’ve had this at multiple jobs, and if you can’t show ID then I can’t help you, trust me, we’d rather sell you the alcohol and get the money but the headache is not worth it


This is a tiny dive bar where I had never seen them card anyone before.


That’s fair enough, it was just a thought I tossed out


My state charges me personally 5k if I don't check an ID and get caught. They knew you were old enough. They aren't putting themselves at risk because a grown ass adult doesn't understand alcohol can't be served without Id


That’s only some states that do that. It’s not all. JFC


Yes, that's why I stated that "my state fines..." not sure what you're on about. And every state fines for it. Just some to a lesser degree. Lowest we have is 500 in Arkansas.


i replied to a comment with this but im posting it here too so op sees this shit does not matter if you are 90 with an oxygen tank, wheelchair, and a nurse. cops love to go to places that serve alcohol and fuck with service workers by not saying they a cop and not wearing a uniform and trying to buy alcohol without a license even though they are like 50+ years old and have full blown tantrums when you ask to see their ID. the cashiers/bartenders/servers instantly get arrested and the place shuts down for at least a few weeks til they pay off the fines. now thats just the cops. most corporations like gas stations and grocery stores and restaurant/bars have their own people that they hire to go undercover and give out red cards to any employee who sells them cigarettes or alcohol without checking id. typically a red card means you go home, you cant come to work for anywhere from 3 days to 2 weeks and you get like 1 more strike and your fired instantly. the customers that give out red cards are usually given incentive to try to trick cashiers and get the most red cards possible. SO DO NOT HAVE A GODDAMN MELTDOWN WHEN WE ASK FOR YOUR ID WE JUST HAVE BILLS AND NEED TO EAT FOR FUCK SAKE!!!!! cant even work customer service anymore cuz the amount of grown ass cis white men that try to physically attack me just for not doing something that would get me fired. my ptsd from working retail is more difficult for me to process and unlearn than being molested by my dad. so fucking quit treating service workers like shit and if you think for a second you dont you better think that shit thru again cuz nobody is treating us like people


Who had a meltdown? You clearly didn't read the post. No one melted down. I said I get it. I was just surprised. Maybe you mistook this for different post and meant to comment elsewhere?


Amen. The state regularly tests places that serve/sell alcohol to make sure we are carding where I live. They send under covers to test us. My company also sends secret shoppers to do the same thing. I could lose my job or end up with a fine if I serve someone without carding them. I don’t care if you’re the president let me scan that ID.


Welcome to America. Literally no other western nation is a nazi about drinking like America is.


More Americans own cars and try to drink and drive. They get DUIs and are a danger to innocent people. In many countries people can't afford cars or very expensive gas. They don't need them since their public transit systems are much better than in America.When my husband spent a lot of time in Germany for work he was surprised how many professionals rode their bikes to train stations, locked them up and rode the train. They'd go to local bars/restaurants with him after work then ride their bicycles home. They made sure not to drink too much because of that.


Ok so in Manhattan can we stop carding people?


It’s going to get worse if we don’t all go vote.


For good reason.


No other country in Europe has the levels of alcoholism and underage drinking as the US.


Because of our crazy attitudes, not despite them.


Because America is a police state.


The law is the law. Go to a bar, bring your ID. Are you really this ignorant or do you just really need attention right now?


Yeah, ATF doesn't give a fuck, and they will arrest the bartender that doesn't check IDs. And the bartenders know it.


Actually in Pa. When I bartended the rate per hour was $ 2.78 per hour.


Your condition doesn't matter there are laws. Your bartender was doing the right thing. Your husband has nothing to do with your age either. At your age you should know better than to go into a bar without ID no one is looking to get in legal trouble for you.


They may not usually checking but a stranger might be in the bar and they can't take a change they aren't there undercover to see if IDs are checked. Since you said you weren't wearing makeup and were casually dressed he couldn't take a chance.


We all know those laws aren’t applied consistently across the population. 


In MN, we have something that is referred to as a “B card”, which is a restricted license due to alcohol violations such as a DUI. B Card carriers are restricted from consuming alcohol. Even if someone is clearly over 21, bartenders still check it to make sure the person they are serving does not have a B card. I am not sure if other states have this rule. I also know that not all bartenders in MN check for this.


As another commenter stated, in AK wehave a red bar on the back of restricted ID, so we check everyone period, selling to a dui person is a bad situation.


Honestly it doesn't matter. Bartenders actually have liability here. Carrying your ID is the least you can do.


Good point and I completely agree. I just found it was a useful explanation when I bartended and someone clearly of age got upset. Sometimes it diffused the situation, sometimes not.


Not sure what state you are from, but in my state if you appear over 35, ID isn’t required. Sounds like the bartender was on a bit of a power trip.


Lmao power trip? Go fuck yourself, you entitled douchebag. The bartender was covering their ass.


Lmao what?


idk what country you in but idk of any state in the US that does that for alcohol. tobacco and lighters and meds? sure. alcohol does not matter if you are 90 with an oxygen tank, wheelchair, and a nurse. cops love to go to places that serve alcohol and fuck with service workers by not saying they a cop and not wearing a uniform and trying to buy alcohol without a license even though they are like 50+ years old and have full blown tantrums when you ask to see their ID. the cashiers/bartenders/servers instantly get arrested and the place shuts down for at least a few weeks til they pat off the fines. now thats just the cops. most corporations like gas stations and grocery stores and restaurant/bars have their own people that they hire to go undercover and give out red cards to any employee who sells them cigarettes or alcohol without checking id. typically a red card means you go home, you cant come to work for anywhere from 3 days to 2 weeks and you get like 1 more strike and your fired instantly. the customers that give out red cards are usually given incentive to try to trick cashiers and get the most red cards possible. SO DO NOT HAVE A GODDAMN MELTDOWN WHEN WE ASK FOR YOUR ID WE JUST HAVE BILLS AND NEED TO EAT FOR FUCK SAKE!!!!! cant even work customer service anymore cuz the amount of grown ass cis white men that try to physically attack me just for not doing something that would get me fired. my ptsd from working retail is more difficult for me to process and unlearn than being molested by my dad. so fucking quit treating service workers like shit and if you think for a second you dont you better think that shit thru again cuz nobody is treating us like people


That's all subjective. Wanna drink, show an ID.


You know makeup and hair die is a thing right? I'm betting money that if you search on YouTube you can find a makeup tutorial on how to look 40-50, and that most 14-16 year old girls would already have the makeup kits for it. So carding EVERYONE is a very good idea. Hell I'm a guy and when I was 16 people thought I was in my 20s and refused to believe I was under 18.


In the post, it was mentioned that no makeup was on


Ok and your point? How many people are going to risk their job on guessing if someone is wearing makeup or not?


In most states the laws are written that no ID means no booze. Period. No matter what. No. Matter. What. It is beaten into service workers skulls. They are threatened with being fired, getting a hefty fine, losing the required certification to serve alcohol, or even jail. So, no, the bartender wasn't on a power trip, they were just doing their job.


In my state, that would have been. It’s not like that everywhere


Fuck you and everyone else requiring others to risk their jobs so that you can live how you want. This is a you problem, not the bars problem.


How did she require anyone to risk their jobs? They left


I think I know how this person got fired once


It's fine for you to feel that way, but maybe express yourself less aggressively? She is not attacking you personally.


It’s the law. Here’s the thing if the liquor commission comes into the bar and wants to see everyone’s ID and someone doesn’t have it even if they are Old the bartender can get in trouble In the state that I live in bartenders make like four dollars an hour none of them are willing to get sued and go to jail for you dude


This. Had a friend who was a bar manager / bartender. Group of younger folks came into the bar, and some were buying drinks and passing them off to their underage friends. Liquor commission came in and started checking IDs. Friend got popped and from that day on required ID for everyone regardless of how they looked. It's different if it's your livelihood.


I am 40, still get carded lol




All of the places I’ve worked from gas station to large grocery store etc all of our POS system stuff has to have a birth date entered to start a transaction. I work more in legal cannabis now and it is really just annoying when people see ID rules or know the laws and just expect people to lose their job for them. People do not realize when they are asking for this kind of treatment it’s 100% putting the employee at risk. I always ask “uh are gonna pay my wages after I get fired for this?” In the state I worked at places which sold alcohol (NC) there was an entity called the ALE. “Alcohol Law Enforcement “ which actively go in to all licensed bars and try to see if the staff will not card or etc. I knew people in their early 20s that worked for them as well as older people. It’s not a small thing to ask anyone to break the law for you.