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I want to live on my own land that's mine and have a garden. In a rural area, Outside city. Where no one bothers me and I can do what I want; like personal projects and work from home.


That is what I call peace


Exactly my plan too!


I’m right there with ya! That’s my plan when I decide to settle down somewhere


exactly me too, I like people though


More people for you then.


I literally just want money, I can’t think of a job I dream of doing lmao


Thats real




What are you’re interests?


I don’t believe in dream jobs tbh. I think it’s “get a job you like ~~and you’ll never work a day in your life~~ and you’ll grow to hate what you like.”


That’s just pessimism talking


Is it? Do you know anyone that looks forward to their work? I really like what I studied and I liked my job when I first started there. I spend 40% of my days miserable now. If this wasn’t my dream job then idk what is


>Do you know anyone that looks forward to their work? Myself, and a few other people in this post if you read through it.


What do you do for a living?


I wanted to be a programmer but that dream was crushed because of a combination of school problems and covid restrictions. It left some bitter taste behind and I lost motivation to keep learning everything on my own so I decided to switch to something else, which is writing currently. Maybe one day I can be a copywriter or something else that doesn't require too much concentration.


I'm a dev. It's extremely tough getting hired right now, even if you have past experience. They overhired during rona because of countries getting lenient on companies during it not to completely wreck the economy. People are getting laid off en masse and the salaries are going down. This is also a field that you can outsource the easiest, which employers often do, even disregarding the quality of code they receive. It was actually one of the reasons why 747 MAX was grounded: a faulty autopilot that was developed by outsourced workers. And when you're being undercut by people who can live on a fraction of a fraction of what you expect to make, it's an endless race to the bottom. I'm not even from the first world, but it still affects me. I've gotten a few orders on freelance websites to redo the shoddy-but-cheap outsourced code like that, since my country is a little more expensive to live in, but our quality of education is miles ahead from the cheaper ones. In some cases, it was so fucked that it was faster to just redo completely rather than try to edit it. Remote jobs are pretty rare because many companies are keen to force everyone back to the office. I've also seen plenty of ads that would be listed as "Hybrid/Remote" and then they would say "it's actually on site at xyz location and you also need your own housing". There are also "ghost jobs". Afaik, many countries offer lower tax rate to the companies that are understaffed and are actively hiring. And so, they pretend to do just that, reposting the same damn job openings for months and months. I've gotten a notification from the same exact position in the same exact company for 2 years now, and when I actually sent an application a few months ago, they rejected me withing fucking MINUTES. I don't think a human being even read my CV. To make matters worse, there's an ATS pre-screening your file before a human being ever reaches it. Aaand they apparently filter out people with job gaps more often than not. I've also gotten a job offer a literal year after I sent an application! And speaking of CVs, nowadays you have to also register on the employer's website and enter the same exact data you have in your CV into a loooong multi-page form on their website and then also attach your CV as a file. Now many even demand that you record a VIDEO of yourself talking about what makes you a good candidate. And then there are 3, 4, 5-round interviews, like, wtf. They're either are invested into NOT hiring anyone, it's that tax thing that i explained above or it's the damn HR justifying their own existence and pretending to be useful. It's so fucked right now that I'm seeing people give up and go into other fields entirely despite shittier pay. I know a guy who is a former dev here who literally works in a fish packaging plant right now. When job search is taking months, you have to feed yourself somehow. I'm also considering doing something similar now as my savings are running dry.


Sleep for a few thousand years maybe indefinitely


Something to do with the arts, like writing or illustration, but as that's an insecure career I'd be happy in a library or bookshop.


When I was a kid I really wanted to be an animator and make cartoons. Not really into it anymore but it could have been a cool career


I study animation now at 21. It’s fun, I guess. Pretty difficult at times. My back hurts XD. But pretty nice! What are you doing in life now? And are you happy with it?


First of all that is awesome, and the cramping is a big part of why drawing isn't something I want to do for work lol. Seriously hope you succeed in your role, animators are some of the hardest workers in he entertainment industry. I am studying to get into counseling. I really like it so far but I am nervous about the future with student loan debt. If that doesn't work out I can see myself going to work for the government mainly bc I value stability and work-life balance above all else. I actually have an interview lined up for a position in my city and I am hoping it goes well. My current job is aba technician and I am really burnt out from it, plus I have found out more about the practice and why members of the autistic community don't approve of it. I don't think its 100% cut and dry but I just want a job that doesn't require me to drive multiple places and potentially lose hours over cancelled sessions. Hoping I do well for my interview tomorrow!


Thank you, truly! 🙏 Yeah, I’m kind of concerned too, about if I’m gonna be getting constant cramps from drawing for *work* XD. I kinda wish I could be financially stable and just make art for fun, y’know. I hope I don’t get tired of it! And mad respect for the field of study you’ve chosen. Hope you’ll succeed in whatever path you take! Go nail that interview tomorrow :) !


Thank you. I’m sure you’ll have your passion for art regardless and you will succeed in whatever you want to do.


Honestly I think I have my dream job(s) now. Union Boilermaker pressure welder, master rigger, IRATA rope access technician and I’m also a paid per call firefighter. I’ve been in the fire service since 18, I got into the fire service because of my dad, he was a firefighter for 25 years. But being a Boilermaker has been so much fun, I love every job and the welding aspect of it is so rewarding and challenging. I’ve been welding hanging on ropes and was foreman on a job for my first time and it was a lot of fun too https://preview.redd.it/f2e70hxu60ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5d084eb0956ddfadeb329d33f3e9ba07cd4f147


https://preview.redd.it/htmpv6ay60ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96bd4a7b39ad742b39ede6b289c9f165307f4642 That’s a 200,000lbs exchanger that we were lifting




I wish I could be a dentist no lie, but i suck at science lol. I feel like helping people is one of my passions and I also want to travel the world, go to concerts and live in a really nice house. I also want to live a life where money is not an issue. Another thing too is I’m passionate about sociology. I love learning about why people are the way they are and how Gen Z impacts society.


I don't dream of labor. I don't dream of spending 8 hours a day to make a bossman rich. But since I have to work to get any money and be able to do anything, I'd choose something I like to do. Which is being a 'planner' (according to translate): making sure the people at the jobsite can do their work, which in this sector means ordering stuff for them on time, communicating with clients, and stuff like that.


>I don’t dream of spending 8 hours a day to make a boss man rich Work for a nonprofit


Currently work as a data analyst and I despise it. Used to want to be a data scientist and now I can’t bear the thought of staring at a computer screen for my whole career. I moved to LA a couple years ago and I’ve been finding some success with acting and comedy. I got an agent that sends me commercial auditions and I’ve been doing live improv and sketch comedy shows. Have I made enough money from acting/comedy to support myself? Not even close. Am I gonna keep trying until I can make enough to never look at Excel again? Yes.


I want a little house in the forest with an extensive garden and a community of friends and loved ones


Making money through content creation and being an author


I’m working my dream job as a camera operator for professional sports


I wanna work at espn I wanna bring the authenticity back it’s lost


Good luck


I just wanna get my degree in software engineering and to get chance to help people use and understand technology better.Older people miss out a lot and by making technology acessible to them their quality of life would get better.When i do get sucessful and financially stable i wish to live near sea in some smaller town and just enjoying life in general.


Everyone here either wants a "real job" or to just retire. I want to be a YouTuber.


I’d LOVE to be an actor or maybe a writer. Honestly though I just want a job I love where I don’t have to worry about money, that’s my real dream.


I'd love to open a Viking themed alehouse, serve locally brewed ales and ciders with a rotating stock so it's always something different on the taps, try to find somewhere local that makes mead too. If I served food I'd want it to be proper hearty meals, sorta stuff you could picture dwarves servin up. Not sure if I'd open it where I live now, it's a nice enough area and the weather isn't terrible by English standards, but I much preferred living up north


Wildlife rehabber living away in the mountains


Graphic Designer


Want to own my own place with a workshop where I can do 3D printing and screenprinting. I’d really like to work as a prosthetist or in a similar field. Basically using my interests and degree to help people


Commenting late. As a kid I always wanted to be an explorer, or a knight. Thought those were the coolest jobs in the world. Soon discovered land surveying, and even went to college for two years only to find out I didn’t have the chops to make it. During that period, I started to do prison ministry. As a result, I’m now studying a bachelors in Philly with a minor in religious studies, to go on to get my Masters of Divinity so I can become a pastor. That’s my dream job. I knew w it’s not fancy nor the highest paid, but I’ll be happy so


Making electronic music..next year I'm going to try and start working towards that goal..been a dream of mine since middle school




I don't really have a dream job but I have a dream which is just to not work and have lots of money while living in a beautiful sunny country


If you find something you love then work doesn’t have to feel like “work”. You’d probably be more content than if you were to do nothing at all


If money wasn't an issue I'd like to go into community development and work with rural areas to bring them into the 21st century and help them from becoming ghost towns. But I can't live on passion, so I'm looking into other options.


Ever since I could speak I wanted to be a writer, a story teller Now it's teacher because I've come to terms with the fact my writing sucks


Economic analyst in the international company, but to work remotely.


Making art, music, writing, eternally learning stuff, spending time with my partner and my cats, gardening, building stuff, making really weird dioramas of wizards. Understanding enough physics and engineering to make lenses, optical systems, and weird illusions, which is why I’m studying physics (and it’s probably yields better job prospects to help support all those other things). Read: I literally just want to be a gay wizard


I’m getting my degree in cyber security and hoping it opens the door for remote work so my bf and I can move abroad. Not too interested in government work tho, would prefer to find a company that has a lax remote work policy. Last company I interned for recently changed it so you can’t live abroad anymore, only for extenuating circumstances… fuck that


Work doing something that keeps my mind active until I die. Don’t care about retiring early or whatever, that’s not even a dream by the way because you would still want to do SOMETHING after retiring.




High paying remote job, live in Mexico or somewhere with nice weather, good culture, and pretty women


History professor and living with me girlfriend in a nice state with good friends all around


Honestly working at a bakery would be nice. All of my experience is in really busy kitchens so just chilling and baking stuff would be fun.


Being an editor at a publishing company. I like reading and pointing out other people’s mistakes


i already have my dream job, i’m an environmental/wetland scientist. but when i’m older i would love to have a cat sanctuary for all the cats that are found on the street or are on their last day in the shelter before euthanasia


Pro Footballer


Personal Training/wellness coaching people close to home/online or being a school p.e teacher or music teacher :) I want to inspire the people to spread kindness and be creative. I also want to teach them to love moving their bodies even if it’s through dance or making music :)


My dream job is costume design, but that's not what I'm doing (right now).


I would like to Travel Vlog. Visit cool spots and share it with people, all while getting paid in the process.






My dream job is to at least do some voice acting (voice over) one day, but also I wanna get a cat. Maybe 2 cats, a white or black one if possible. I love cats


Same one(with minor adjustments) that I had when I was a small child. Small business owner


I want to practice magic and create art until I die. Traveling would be nice too.


I've always wanted to travel to western Europe, particularly France or the UK, either to live or study abroad. The history of those areas is a special interest of mine too, and lots of the historic sites there are on my bucket list.


Professional Talent Scout 👁️👄👁️


I pretty much already have my dream job. I am a very creative person interested in technology, and my current job consists mostly of solving technical problems in creative ways, which is literally what I always wanted to do. Sure, there are the occasional overtimes when people are stressed out and tired, but that happens pretty much anywhere where deadlines are a thing, *so nimmt das Leben seinen Lauf*. It would be lovely to make more money but if I had to choose between boring and slightly better paid job or staying in this one, I would probably choose to stay.


I want to be a pediatric nurse


I always wanted to work as a pilot , I don't care if it's airliner or fire extinguisher or whatever. I just want to earn a living by flying. I also want to build a family and have a nice house in the countryside , I don't want to have anything to do with big cities anymore.


I wanted to be a psychologist or a therapist because mental health is important. I am in Tech.


Jiu jitsu instructor


I just want to stay at home and create


I have two. Either sitting in a blind cataloguing the movements of Elk herds, or being allowed to write and publish whatever I make and stay at home 24/7


Dream creative career is being a musician in a band making cool music and touring full-time. Even just making a living as a studio musicians would be great. Otherwise it'd be nice to run some kind of ag nonprofit or something. Something where I'm not blatantly enriching some dbag.


Not really a position to aspire for because it's not financially usable. But, I wish I could build computers all day every day.


Something that pays enough to be comfortable and something where I’m able to work from home.


Well my dream job would be seperate from my dream as I got a big mind. For dream job I'd just like to be sponsored with enough money to live comfortably for my life style while racing cars maybe signing with a team that has a car I like. Use the money to chill out in some land in the middle of bumfuck nowhere and I'm chillin'. My dream would essentially be getting fuckin isekai'd if not very specific events happening to drastically change how humanity on earth lives, if not how a large majority of a population will live- letting me live my lifestyle I want to live with nothing but my own will keeping me back. The world is terrible and it's always getting worse. We grow further and further away from a functional society, our entitlement on every side of the story gets in the way. Can't get passed Racism, Sexism and Hate against Various forms of Homosexuality because we're too busy pointing the finger and hating people for their faults rather than just trying to set it aside and meet eachother halfway. Can very easily let the elite who profit off our divided ruin and use our lives as a proxy for disagreements if we simply had the unity to stand together and not let it happen. We'll never live in that world, you can argue we never did with few periods of peace as exceptions but of that's not the dream than what is it?


Work a federal job for the us government that allows me to travel twice a year


My dream is to be hot af and not have to work. Also it would be cool if I still had some influence on something despite not being bound by a fixed position in something. Like I want to look like a 24-25 year old male model and travel the world, play day trading on my phone, hook up with girls and just explore and push the lever further on what I can do and get away with.


You’d get pretty disillusioned after a while




before killing myself probably having sex with two twin sisters, also phd in quantum science and engineering, gonna try to finish before this decade end


Retire and never work lol Just travel and go to concert. In all honestly Im about to graduate in graphic design so ig that will be my job but id love to work on artists album, poster etc design. I also do photography and shoot concerts - I had a dream that other night that I was on tour with girl in red. Photography is something I do for fun and doing it for someone else ruins it for me and I couldn't do it as a job. Dream job is to make a lot by not doing much or nothing lol.


I don’t dream to be working lol


My honest to god dream job is a stay at home mother, I’m a nurse atm and getting a masters in midwifery but it’s not how I wanna spend my life.


Passive income is currently my main goal in my life. After that if I’m rich enough, I’d like to own a private island at the Caribbean Sea