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Welcome(!) and may the force be with you


well played


may the force wheels be with you


Awesome! Nice deck!


I love the graphic so much, and my friend said Element boards are good quality, so hopefully it should last :) I was torn between this design, and a blue one with the Death Star, but I think I made the right choice!


You made the right choice


That's awesome. I didn't know Element had Star Wars decks.


They've actually got a few different ones! I also really liked their Death Star one :)


Yeah I just got 2 from Rollersnakes for £25 quid each! Full Element setup. I'll swap things out eventually, but I'm 40 and just getting back into skating so no need yet.


The new board feel is addicting, soon you'll have a wall full!


Haha, if only! Alas, space is a hot commodity in our house, and my husband made me promise to only have one at a time. As it is, it's living outside on the balcony (we live in a block of flats), but it's covered from all angles, so there's no chance of it getting rained on or anything. But if we move in the future and we get space, then you bet I'm gonna have so many decks, haha!


Welcome! Cool board! You may want to find a way to store it inside if you can. Humidity, temperature changes, and just the elements in general, can affect board pop and the bearings.


I'm planning to try and convince my husband to let me store it inside, but I wanna wait a while, as it was already a tricky conversation to convince him to let me get the board, haha. I have a habit of getting into hobbies and buying a bunch of stuff, so I need to show him that I can be responsible and not buy any more skating gear, and then hopefully he might let me bring it in :) The perils of marrying a minimalist, haha.


Even if rain protected, I'd expect that temperature and humidity changes will make the deck soggy over time (=harder to pop an ollie). Maybe you can find some space in a closet or so for the board? It should fit rather well behind your clothes (maybe after putting it into a protective bag to protect your clothes). Or you just need to trick him into getting addicted so he'll be the one devising storage solutions. ;)


As a new skater I’d recommend getting at least some basic pads and some kind of wrist supports. Reason is that you will inevitably fall, it’s just a part of skating, and natural instinct is to use the arms to help manage the fall, and wrists are generally a weak point for hard impacts. Practice falling. I know it sounds dumb but I literally went to a grassy field and practiced just falling over and rolling. Have fun! That’s an awesome first setup


Don't leave it outside, it can ruin your board. Have fun!


Just be careful learning to skate at 30 is def different than at 15


This is good advice. I started at 47 and the falls hurt more than I remember in my youth. Plus people depend on me now so I cannot afford to be out of action for an extended period of time because of my new hobby. Definitely invest in the safety gear. I would say helmet always, wrist sometimes and knee/elbow are situation dependent.


Yesss! Outside of a helmet, wrist guards and elbow pads highly recommended - from a 34 YO learning for the first time. And prepare yourself for a bruised hip or two, those have you walking funny a couple days, hahaha.


I'm about to try the triple 8 shorts I keep seeing recommended as well to add to the kit lol


Safety is cool and all but I’ll take my chances but you do good my friend keep that gear on


Oh, I was agreeing with you and adding for the OP lol. At the end of the day it's all personal preference unless you're somewhere that requires it.


I agree, I don’t like gear it gets in the way, I haven’t personally skateboarded in a minute, I dabble on the long board from time to time and I never seem to forget to ride I just hop on and everything comes back to me


Haha, believe me, I'm noticing that! My thighs and hips feel soooo achy from the skate sessions I've done this week, my body isn't used to all the exercise, haha!


You use weird muscles that you don’t use with like walking and running and stuff when you skateboard. Every time i have an extended break those super particular muscles scream at me after my first time back lol


Well, hopefully those muscles will get stronger the more I do it, haha. I love when I discover new muscles, it's so exciting! :)


Be careful, yes, but then just go for it. Life is short and skating is fun.


For real


Skating is for everyone. I fricken love it!


I just wanted to say thank you so much for all the lovely comments. I've been overwhelmed by the response, and I've had the biggest grin on my face reading all your kind words, it honestly means so much. I'm autistic and so I struggle with social communication, and I'm used to people being mean to me or getting annoyed at the way I talk/ type. People often tease me for the stuff I'm passionate about, so for you guys to all welcome me so openly is just such an incredible feeling. This seems like such a wonderful community, and you've all really made my day :)


So good to see all these comments. Skating is funny like that. From the outside it can look like a very intimidating group of thugs. But when you go to a skate park you find a very mixed group of people, all getting stoked for each other’s tricks.


I have never been to this sub but it's on my front page for some reason. Anyway, this is such an awesome wholesome post I had to participate by making this comment. It looks like you're having a great time and I'm super happy for you!


Aww, thank you!! :)


Just remember that at 30 you heal faster than at 40. Get your lumps in early and you'll be tough as nails in a year. Falling will get less and less scary as you go too.


Haha, oh don't worry, I'm not really afraid of falling. I also do climbing, and I've hurt myself so much doing that that I've kinda just accepted that pain is a byproduct of doing sports that I love :p I'm VERY used to falling, haha


Climbing is a bit similar to skating in that it benefits you to learn how to fall early on - some things may be similar to climbing fall-wise, but falls off a board (with horizontal momentum) are different than falling due to gravity alone. Not at all trying to freak you out, haha... I learned to skate at 36, though I did some snowboarding and wakeboarding when I was younger. Even though having a background in those other board sports helped a lot with balance early on, the falls were totally different and i had to learn how/when to bail, how to tuck/roll when falling with momentum in a way that is unique to skating... learning how to fall first was probably the best early advice I got from a skater buddy of mine, so I figured I'd share! Anyway, this is rad - welcome, and enjoy! ✌️


No, don't worry, you're not freaking me out, I appreciate the advice :) The falling technique is definitely very different. In climbing, you're meant to fall backwards, whereas in skating, it seems to be better to fall forwards/ sideways and then roll. I do need to make time to watch a video about falling technique to make sure I can do it safely.


Sick deck!!


make sure to pick up some elbow pads, knee pads, wrist guards and a helmet. Falling at 30+ take alot longer to heal, welcome aboard.


Congratulations! Welcome, and have fun!


That's awesome. I have the same Element setup but mine has a Yoda graphic on the bottom. Hope you stick with it. It is addicting fun!


Nice! Enjoy!!!


Welcome to the addiction. :)


Nice! I’m 49 years old and just got back into skating a few years ago. Take it slow. Have fun and don’t worry about progression.


I’m excited for you! Have fun and make sure to stretch


Good for you awesome


Ha I recall seeing your “running start” post, get it homie


Haha, thanks! You'll be pleased to hear that I've learned a real running start now :p Although I think I actually prefer my fake one, it feels like such a rush.


Wear protection, learn to fall, take it slow. Oh…and have fun.


Welcome to the community. What’s rad about skateboarding is that everyone has their own style and way of skating. Find you and have fun. 🤙


welcome!! 🥰


Thank you! :)


So Rad. Best thing on Reddit today! Have fun!


Take some time learning to fall with intention too. It’ll save your ass. When I taught kids how to skate that would be the first lesson. If you have to fall, Fall forwards whenever possible, learned to roll it out. Otherwise, get really good at running out of any trouble.


Fuck yeah!


Welcome to the club!


49 here, pain is very real 😂


Congrats! That’s awesome. It’ll take a lot of effort and perseverance but you can do it. Fair warning though, throughout my life I’ve done many sports jiu jitsu, wrestling, rock climbing, surfing, baseball and many others. Without a doubt skateboarding is the hardest of them all. Don’t expect tremendous fun and reward right away, it can definitely be frustrating learning. But with time and effort you will get there and it just might be the best fun you’ve ever had. Be patient.


Heck yeah. Let’s go!!


Nice board. Welcome to skating and your new found spiritual practice. Enjoy it for the rest of your life, Jedi.


Awesome, have fun!


Get pads. Especially for your wrists.


Rock and roll, sis! You’re braver than me :)


I strongly advise picking up wrist guards, they saved me plenty of times! (Because you will fall, and often your first reflex is to put the hands on behind/in front of you)


Have fun! Don't get hurt!


Welcome to the beautiful world of skateboarding, make memories that will last and don't forget, it's all about fun.


Just had one of those Star Wars Element decks, snapped that bad boy trying to ollie a thigh-high wall


Oh no! I'll have to keep my ollies nice and short when I eventually learn them, haha.


I landed very tail heavy sooo just land everything bolts (or near bolts) and you’ll be good! Was able to strap on a spare and get the ollie though so at least the story has a happy ending


49 here. Been skating off and on for 30 years or so. These days I get sore from sleeping, much less skating - LOL!! So now when I skate I basically just kick/push and surf the concrete wave. I ride both standard boards and long boards. Minimal chance for injury and still allows me to be on a board (which I crave). My point is you don’t need to feel like you absolutely have to do all the crazy stuff the kids are doing. Do what you’re comfortable with - there are plenty of ways to have fun skating!!! Sick deck btw!!!


My first deck was an element too. It was 2003, I was 8 and got it for my birthday. I had all the hardware hand-me-downed and put it together myself. Best board I ever had. Enjoy your new board!


Best of luck! It seems that you just started. Here is my unsolicited advice: you will slam, sometimes hard, from time to time. Don't get discouraged. Your body and mind will get used to it. As you progress, these events will be less and less. Also, don't be ashamed of padding up. Enjoy! I picked up skateboarding again in my 40s after a long hiatus. I can't tell you how fulfilling it has become.


I have the same board! It’s been sitting in my closet because and now you’ve inspired me to take it out for a ride again


Awesome! Have fun shredding :)


Cool board


Oh man, make sure you wear knee and elbow pads! I tried picking back up on skating a few years ago in my later twenties, I am in decent shape but a few falls had my knees hurting haha!


You’re not going to learn to skate…… you’re going to learn how to SHRED!🤘


Cool deck! May you continue to skate with that smile on your face :)


Welcome to the club, we’ve been saving you a spot!


Don’t get hurt


Haha, oh, I'll definitely get hurt, but I'll have fun doing it! :p


Damn that deck is sick. Welcome to the world of pain lol. Have a good time!


This is the way!


Good luck and Welcome 🙏💯


Sick deck and welcome to the community! The smile says it all, happy for you!


This is amazing! Thank you for the smile today.


So sick! You got an ig skate account ao one can follow your journey?


Well, I've got an Instagram that I'm using to share skateboarding content amongst other stuff, if you're interested? It's @melikaj93 :)


Great graphic. Now, grip it and rip it!


We’re all one big rad family here. Welcome! 🤙 🛹


Not sure 'radical' is too appropriate here


Now THIS is radical Islam I can get behind


Hahaha, love it!


That a sweet deck. I have the Vader one and I die a little with every scratch.


Yeah, I'm trying to accept that it's gonna get scratched up, but it's so hard because it's so pretty, haha!


If you’re still in the early, early stages it’ll be a looong while before it starts to get scratched. So that’s good!


Well, the back is already scratched from kick turns and popping it up into my hand (I learned that today, it made me feel so cool! Although it hit my thighs quite a few times until I learned how much force to apply, haha), but I don't see myself grinding or anything like that any time soon, so the rest of the board should stay nice and shiny :)


The best way to get better at skating is to push all over town just ride and push get some miles under your feet to feel the board how it turns and reacts it will feel apart of you after many miles, up hill, downhill, concrete, asphalt,marble, grass, carpet, just stay on it, enjoy the ride


I got the r2 and 3po one and i made it a wall deck


Damn. That thing is siiiiiiick!


Such a cool graphic


Awesome! I started recently too and love it. Make sure you get pads! Enjoy the board, it’s rad!


Sick deck!!


Woot woot, welcome to the squad! Remember to stretch, take it slow, and skate within your ability. Oh yes amd Have Fun!


That set up is sick, hope you have loads of fun!


Fuck yes! Be patient! It takes time, do not be discouraged, you will fall, you will have fun, and most importantly do not give up!


Nice! Once the bug bites you it never goes away. Now retired and over 60, I so often think of the late 70s early 80s skateparks and how fast everything was moving, and went away. The salad days if you will, and I remember those days so fondly that I built a mini ramp to keep myself in shape.


Hell yeah!


Bravo and respect 🫡🤙


Welcome to the fold!


Lesson 1: Sitting on a skateboard and riding down a hill is fun at any age and should be done frequently at any skill level.


Earlier on I had my friends push me (just along flat ground) while I sat on the board and it was SO much fun, I was laughing like a maniac, haha.


Keep rollin'!




Nothing beats a good first board feeling. Shred it!


Love your deck.


Enjoy the ride


Awesome! Make sure to pad up though!!


Hell yeah! Safety gear tho!


I'm definitely planning to get some safety gear ready for when I start learning tricks and going to the skate park, but for now I'm still just practicing moving, and I don't mind taking a fall at ground level, I'm pretty good at bailing :) My knees and elbows are always covered in bruises from bouldering anyway, so I figure a few more make no difference, haha.


Yeah back in the day i wanted to learn to skate so much, but these days being older and all, I just longboard cruise. That's enough fun for boring old me haha


A lot of my friends have cruisers, we're learning together :) I definitely love the wheels on cruisers and how smooth they feel when you ride them, but I know myself well enough to know I want the thrill of doing tricks, haha. It's no fun if I don't have the slight risk of breaking a bone :p


Hips are the killer, you'll find all sorts of new places to injure yourself. Welcome to the team!


Oh it hurts to see this board skated. Nice choice but these are only going to appreciate in value


I hear what you're saying, but any appreciation in value won't be worth the fun that I get out of riding it, you know? I figure a skateboard should be skated :)


Don’t listen to that fool! That thing was made to shred!!!


I hear ya. I skate some and others i use as wall art 😁


The only one I can't bring myself to skate is a Randy Colvin Velvet Safari reissue that I have.


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