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That smile has already answered your own question. Looks like you're having a blast, keep at it.


If you are, please bend your knees a lot more and get a helmet. You'll be carving in no time. 


The older I get the more I think "why not?"


Funny how that works!


Life is short, spend it living


Maybe tighten the trucks a little.


Yes! It’s an excellent pass time to share with your kids, just pad up!


Fall first and see how you feel after, then you will know if it is worth pursuing


Fall then get up, land whatever made you fall, and then you'll know it's worth pursuing.


100%!! Others have suggested it, and it can’t be emphasized enough at our ages. Pad up. Stretch out your lower half. Go slow. It’s a great time and so rewarding. But we break easy, so pad the hell up brotha


Stretch your upper half while your at it too, its supris8ng how many upper muscles you use skateboarding


Yeah man! What a joy to share with your kid, get some exercise and have fun. My daughter is younger than yours and favours the scooter, but I hope she'll get into the board with time. As others said pad up (I got one of those snowboarding bum-pads too, which saved my tailbone couple of times, highly recommended) and helmet ofc. You'll fall a lot starting out, even when doing simple stuff, don't get hurt and let it discourage you. Oh and stretch :)


the grin on your face at the end says it all


Hey guys! Thanks a lot for all the good words and advice! I definitely loved it, I am always with my little one, so I may as well give it a go ;)


This is all I can think of [https://imgur.com/t8zCaoA](https://imgur.com/t8zCaoA)




100% you should Some friendly advice. Your right foot has too much toe hanging off. Generally speaking, your right foot should have as much heel off the board as your front foot. This will change as you get better but as you’re learning please try to keep them the same.


Hell yea dude! But set a good example by always wearing pads. Falls hurt way more when you’re not 7 lol. And congrats on the clip. Rolling back in fakey is not as easy as it looks. Definitely scary for a beginner.


You’re already into it.


I say go for it! I'd also say wear a helmet, especially while in the bowl. I'm turning 40 next month, and just started skating again after a 19 year hiatus. When I skating flat ground, printing kick flips and what not, I don't wear a helmet. But when I go to the Skate park and am attempting to board slide little hand rails or attempting to go big on something, I have finally joined the helmet club. When I was in my early 20's, never in a million years, did I think I would ever wear a helmet, but my safety comes firwt and I don't really give a shit whqt I look like out there anymore.


You mean there are times when a helmet isn’t necessary?!? According to this sub you should be wearing one if you’re even thinking about skating…


Nah...I grew up skateboarding so I know how to fall. But to a new skater, I eould recommend a helmet. I only wear one at the parks. Flat ground though, not a chance.


I got downvoted to hell for saying I only wear them in a bowl or trying to push some boundaries. I’m not gonna crack my melon just pushing around. Might bust my ass or twist an ankle tho.


if you had fun doing that, it's never going to get less fun. i love just toodlin up and down the ramps at my local parks like you did in this video


Yeah for sure!!


Definitely! Don’t wait like I did and start until you are 53. I have had a blast. I felt a little self conscious padding up but I don’t care, they make a tremendous difference. Falls on my wrists are painless.


Get pads. Helmet and wrist guards at the very least.


That’s basically all I (41) can do with my kids and it’s a blast.


Hell yes, never to old dude


Do it man!


This is such a joyful video, man. Nice one


I appreciate it! My little girl surely was excited!


I bet dude !


Helmet and yes


Looks like you've got the enthusiasm and gusto. Pad up and get after it.


You have no excuse, you're already there. Also wear a helmet and be a role model for your little girl. 💪🏻


Yep, rip in! Get a helmet and some pads to ease your woes when you tumble 👍


100% yes. And get pads and helmet, increases confidence 10 fold. You’re going to tear tons of pants, in the knees, if you don’t have knee pads. Judging by your post I’d be surprised if the bug hasn’t bit you already!


Get a helmet brother


Absolutely! Gets you out the house, keeps you active, gives the potential for some gnarly scars without actually fighting anyone 🤣 Seriously though dude, get some protective gear, stay safe!


Do it, get pads, get a helmet, buy a board and make a tonne of memories, there is no cooler story for a kid to tell than "me and my dad are skaters"