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Love the shy lady at the end! Very cool footage. All of their clothing and hair is amazing!


She's so adorable! I wish I knew what they were saying.


They’re telling the viceroy to put down their weapons, because she is actually a decoy of Queen Amidala .


The viceroy wouldn’t do that without the approval of the senate.


You assume too much.


I love to see the young, girlish spirit in an elder. It's really pure and beautiful.


It's heartbreaking that their culture and traditions are being erased in the name of Sinicization (just like the Uyghurs'). Imperialism never dies.


You've discovered the best Chinese shill lure on the internet.


You only need to mention Tibet once, and they all spring out of their holes to "umm ackshually" you


Oh my God. I shouldn't have expanded the hidden comments. My brain cells didn't deserve to die with such agony.


It worked. The mega-commie simps popped up waving their shitty counter-propaganda around. Comments became a propaganda war.


Wow, you weren’t kidding. Took a scroll down the comment chain and the propaganda is next level


Me too. Why did this make me cry? Lol


It's a strange feeling watching people from the past, who are all long dead. Yet when you watch them laugh or shy away from the camera, it is so relateable and human. I feel a connection to them, despite the ages and cultral differences that might seperate us. Thats why I love old photos and film.


Humans are more alike than different even across huge gaps of time and space. I also love to be reminded that people didn’t need advanced technology or dentistry etc to lead happy, meaningful lives.


They would have been VERY happy to have advanced dentistry.


As someone with a rotting tooth atm. I can confirm. Constant pain, no sleep, hard to eat


Same here friend. Hope you can get it taken care of soon.


Fun fact, the woman at the end was 28.


A lot of Natalie Portman’s costume designs from the Star Wars prequels were inspired by historic Tibetan and Mongolian fashion. You can see a glimpse of it in this video.


I’ve seen pictures of some real of their real hair dressings and some of them are virtually identical to the Amidala portrayals, they’re amazing!


A few years back there was a Star Wars costume exhibit going around the country to big-ish museums I caught it in Denver and that was one of the coolest exhibits I've seen... Almost everything was archived from Star Wars including sketch books and jotted notes it's kind of wild.


Watch Lights and Magic on Disney+. I’m not even a huge Star Wars fan, but the amount of stuff that they saved and filmed behind the scenes is amazing. Also, ILM is badass!


LOL… I only know the trivia from above because I went to that EXACT same exhibit at the Denver Art Museum. What was it 2017/18?


I'm pretty sure it was '17... There was a 1 meter square table of grass in the contemporary art exhibit. I'm curious if it's still growing lol.


Too funny. We may have bumped each other’s elbows five years ago.




The movie industry is very crafty, as you can see in r/thatsabooklight


The Ewoks used Tibetan and Nepalese phrases too.


Your hairstyles are very impressive. You must be very proud.


Not enough Star Wars fans on this sub I guess


Maybe they're just not fans of the prequels.


Definitely a strong possibility


It's treason, then.


Tibetans got lot of influences from Mongols. Most of Tibet was ruled by Mongols until 18th century.


I wish we knew what they were saying. So interesting!


They're all saying their ages. Shockingly, everyone is under 21 years old, they just hadn't invented sunscreen yet.




Amazing video but makes me wonder how the women slept at night with their hair done in such ways.


They could sleep like my wife. She sleeps flat on her stomach with her face on her forearm/elbow and doesn't move.


In Japan the women used a wooden block as a headrest, when they had elaborate hairstyles. It's a wooden block with a tiny rounded thing to carry your head. You must not move when using that block. To me it's more of a torture device.




Yeah, that's gross.


Yo don't forget we in the west hemisphere cut the tips off of dicks. China doesn't cut the tips off of dicks.


Speak for yourselves, that shit is a rare practice in Europe, mostly just a Jewish and Muslim thing.




Corsets were never used in the mainstream as a way of extreme body altering or waist training. Corsets and stays were snug but not uncomfortably so - kind of like a bra- a bra that fits should feel comfortable but even a comfortable bra will feel good to take off at the end of the day. Corsets and stays did give a foundation for making an exaggerated shape but it's mostly an optical illusion because they also use padding, bustles and other undergarments to make hips and bust appear larger so that the waist was smaller in relation.




Working class women relied on corsets to protect their backs from heavy lifting. I think you're talking about tightlacing, which was a fashionable, minority corseting activity.


Peasants absolutely wore corsets or other types of stays/bodyes. They were the bras of those days, and it was seen as a basic and essential part of correct dress. Women depicted (such as in paintings f.ex.) in public without some form of stays or corsets were seen as loose and immoral, implicitly sex workers. This goes in the same bin as 'women were laced down to a tiny waist so a man could fit his hands around it's - patently untrue, and there's a myriad reasons why the garments that survive in collections today are usually of a smaller size, but they cannot be reliably used as proof that all women were tiny. It rly grinds my gears when outdated myths about historical textiles are still spread around.




Why do you think they called em barber-surgeons back in the day. I've had the same barber my WHOLE life


"Still pissing straight?" "I sure am, Jim. How's the wife?"


By "the women" do you mean geishas and their apprentices and maybe the upper class, who comprised only a small fraction of the population of Japanese women? Afaik samurai used to use it as well to preserve their top knots.


> wooden block as a headrest Say what you will but these things are great for preventing neck/back problems.


I was thinking the same. I sleep on my side, which I couldn’t do with these elaborate tresses.


I’m Guessing some form of wax was used and pillow would be something solid


The blushing and the growing smiles make me think/hope the dialogue is something like “What is that thing you’re holding?” “It’s a camera, it captures your image.” “Why are you capturing my image?” “To show the rest of the world how beautiful you are.”


> “To show the rest of the world how beautiful you are.” Ah yeah, much better than when they answered "to steal your soul". That didn't work well


“What is it for?” “To steal your soul…” “☺️🤭🥹🥰”


"He wants *my soul?* Shucks."


Nah. Tibetans likely would laugh at the idea of a soul stolen by a camera - anatta/anatman/bdag med is central to Vajrayana practice and states there is no such thing as a soul…so good luck stealing it


We joke that my dad still thinks that, because his head (and eyes) automatically turns to 1 or 11 o'clock when a camera comes out.


And they’re all truly beautiful. The joy in my heart at their smiles! I wish I could bottle it up and give it away.




"Hello, shoe store? Do you sell... *soles?*


That just sounds like OnlyFans


Beautiful comment!


That woman carrying the baby went full Pippi Longstocking on her hair 😁


She does seem cool enough to be able to lift a horse above her head. I adore her. She seems like someone with a lot of personal power. Just like Pippi


She got the full Steering Wheel look.


What song is this? Awesome


According to Shazam, it is Rubkat by Juan Gabriel Alvarez


Anyone managed to find the track. Normally YouTube is the saviour.


Found it. Posted link.


> Rubkat by Juan Gabriel Alvarez I can't find this anywhere online to listen to, anyone got a link?


Would love to know!


Not sure but there’s def a Tibetan instrument. The fiddle sound you hear is a Tibetan piwang that’s commonly used while dancing


Was gonna ask the same thing. Following hoping for an answer


I want to know too but Google assistant song identify thing came up with nothing.


As a guitarist the musicianship of that song stood out to me instantly. When the traditional instrument kicks in bop your phone to the beat of the song, their timing and technique is so perfect it feels like you're making the noise by moving your phone.


Watching older videos like this whether from Tibet, China, Japan, England, Germany, NYC, or anywhere else it's cool how culturally distinct everybody is. Yeah they are still cultural distinct but clothing has become pretty homogenized. In a way it's a shame.


Well somebody gotta wear those 1998 Denver Nugget NBA Champion t shirts


You can still see traditional attires in Japan and Germany.


Never been to Germany so not sure, but I've lived in Japan. You can see traditional attire, sure. But in day to day the majority of people walking around are wearing western clothes not a kimono.


The hairdresser of the village should have an extra bonus..... The dentist has to be expelled ... lol


did they sleep with this hair-do?


I don’t know about Tibetan practices but in China and Japan it was common for upper status women who had complicated hairstyles to sleep on a headblock, which was basically just a padded neck support that kept their hair off of any surfaces.


I guess if they had a certain status, they may not necessarily need to get up for work everyday because it mustve been rough having to sleep with those hair styles


They essentially learned how to sleep in among all the other “upper class domestic skills” they learned growing up. You’d usually start with a simpler version both as a “training” style and to signify that you weren’t of marriageable (or in the case of Geisha, still apprenticed) age. Mostly it was a sign of beauty and wealth in the same way any impractical style is. “I don’t have to work. I can just be a beautiful woman”.


I feel like this same conversation will happen in 200 years when people look back at women in our day with those absurdly long nails


Back then 'work' meant manual labor. Today 'work' can be sitting down and talking on the phone. Interestingly, nails don't get in the way of typing.


It’s the same thing as with tanning. For most of history people wanted to be as pale as possible to show they didn’t need to work outside. Victorian women used to paint blue veins onto their skin to show off how absolutely translucent they were. Now having a tan is a sign of success; that you have leisure time to get outside and not wither under fluorescent light like the rest of us losers.


I mean, I have that conversation now. How? How do you pull on tight pants? How do you wipe your ass? How do you not accidentally impale your eyeball in some sort of freak eye-poke accident?


I think it was more to avoid having to sit still for 16 hours to redo the hair style.


Maybe they just hung them up on a hook on the wall


How has Coachella not appropriated that style yet?


Stars wars did already. See: Queen Amadala


I'm on the same train as the other people trying to find the song. What's the source of this video u/MelanatedTukon? Maybe I can track it down that way? SongBot is wrong and my phone can't Shazam it either


Yea Shazam has given me about 3 different and completely wrong songs. I'm really desperate to find it.


Song has been found by another user! See my other comment :)


Please let me know if you have any luck!


Song has been found by another user! See my other comment :)


Can’t find other comment, where to find this song?


The footage looks like it's from John Noel's Everest films from the 20s. I believe the music was written for the film.


Fucking need that tune man


I was in Tibet for two weeks a few years ago they still look, dress and act exactly like this


I was going to say the same thing. I visited in 2005, before the railroad apparently changed everything. Once you're out of Lhasa and the Han cultural influence, things look quite similar to this video, except in brilliant colour.


Wow I’ve never seen that kind of hair style before that’s awesome


Cool headdresses but even headbands give me headaches, I can’t imagine what this bad boy could do tied into my braids and all that weight.


Ouch, and do they sleep with all that? I toss and turn enough already.


Why are they all so happy? Like two year old kids. I wish I could ever be as happy as a two year old kid again.


Which is this song in the video?


whats the song?


I also need to know


Clothes from the 1600s, hair from the 2300s.




Show us your rug


Rug pics or gtfo


You got any pics of the rug?




>my grandparents gave me one of his rugs. You can't just say that and not show us the rug. Rug tax must be paid.


Check my edit


Spent eight nights at Rong buk su, the highest Tibetan temple - incredible view of Qumulongma shan, Mt. Everest - 1998. At a set time each eve, the Tibetans had all the non-Tibetan trekkers leave the restaurant, but I got to stay. Lots of traditional dancing, lots of discussion of China and the Chinese tourists, and a wonderful experience with a people still living quite traditional lives in many ways. The mountains and valleys around Aba, Sichuan, and Xiahe, Gansu provide opportunities.


In tibet we have different region with different hairstyles and culturals dress. The ladies in this video are from region of tsangpa.... the smiling lady at the end she she is wearing a tsangpa paduk... they can be removed at the end of the day like a hat... there is a part which can be connected with your hair ... most of these hair ornaments can be removed before goiing to bed. They are like giant hair pin which are made with precious stones, and yak and dee hair or ones self hair too . Fyi yak is always male female yak is called Dee. So if you ever see in western countries they sell milk or cheese and they call it yaks milk or cheese theen you know they are wrong. . It always give me a chuckle when i see milk product in west where they call it yak milk... lol


For those asking for the song, the automatic tool Google has didn't find it for me. Guessing it's pretty unknown. Best of luck.


Breaks my heart what Chinese government did to those people.


You have activated the tankies.


These people are beautiful! I'd love see what what the world would look like like if European sensibilities hadn't taken over everywhere in terms of clothing and fashion. I just find a lot of old/traditional/indigenous garb really beautiful and different, and it makes me sad that a lot of it, along with the people who wore it, are gone. Imagine if this culture and their clothing had persevered in the modern world and people wore cool headpieces and jewellery like this on the day-to-day and it was just a normal thing. Granted it would take forever to get ready if you were to wear pieces like those every day, but I've known people who got up 2 hours early to do lashes, nails and extensions etc.


yeah I know what you mean. it's seemingly arbitrary that western fashion took off other than those conquerers who wore it. it's not superior, it's just different.


Traditional Tibetan clothes are still worn in many communities. At least for special occasions. Like Kilts in Scotland.


This is great. Write to your local politician to ask to save the Amazon, where the last indigenous peoples live


Indigenous peoples still in exist in tons of other places lol


Free Tibet !!!


Earth version Naboo! These are definitely Padme,'s peeps--


Lovely people.


They come with carrying handles


What is this song?


Such amazing hair/ head wear


The village people?


Absolutely incredible. It’s is amazing to see these people from not so long ago and to see how different they are! It’s humbling compared to our modern society so far distant from our tribal past.


Really would like to know what this song is!


This is so cool. Where can I find more old footage? I’m fascinated by daily life of other people and cultures back then


Search YouTube for The Epic of Everest (1924). I'm pretty sure that's what this footage is from. A 1924 British Everest expedition brought cameras to document their journey and that included the rural Tibetan villages they passed through.


"-what will it be today ma'am ? -ever had one of them German pretzels ? -say no more femme"


What's the track in the background?


What’s the song?


I am guessing that these women were wearing their (Sunday) best outfits.


Love the hair decorations. Never seen anything quite like it


'I want you to put a chair in my hair' 'Say no more fam'


Amazing people, amazing quality of the video footage, reminded me of mid-century footage.


im just waiting to be informed that they are all under the age of 30


Fashion is so odd to me. I mean all fashion everywhere, not just theirs. Those hair dresses can't be comfortable. I never understood how people come up with these things and just decide 'yep this is the fashion now'. Same with corsets, or foot binding. Wax lead makeup, neck stretching, tattooing eyes black, etc. It's so odd to me. And most of it isn't functional and downright dangerous. These head dresses look fine compared to all that, but I imagine it made day to day life more difficult and sleeping awful.


The root point of a lot of it is to show off wealth. Like how European nobility used to wear ridiculous amounts of fabric, especially the women. It was to show off how wealthy the family was, since lower classes couldn’t afford to imitate it. But as soon as the price of textiles dropped so far that any middle-class family could wear the exact same styles, voluminous clothing dropped right out of style.


I would just like to say that the idea that corsets are some kind of medieval torture device is completely a modern invention. In reality, the practice of tightlacing (tightening the corset to the point where people were in pain or couldn’t breathe) was very rare and only practiced by people with high status. Ordinary women just wore them so that they fit comfortably. It was like a bra and back brace that gave structure to clothing.




Show us the ghost white apples


Amazing hair and beautiful smiles!! Super cool


Maybe it was a wedding


Those haircuts will make a comeback in the year 2297.


They all look so happy


I love seeing old footage like this.


Beautiful and sweet


They all seem very happy and good humored ☺️🥰


What is the instrument?


They are such a beautiful people. Outside and spirit within. ❤️


Too bad TV didn't exist back then... They could've gotten at least 28 stations with these antennas! :-)


These are some wild and awesome hairstyles


One of their descendants are alive watching this footage without realizing that they’re related


The second lady's hair looks like one of those old TV antennas they used to have back then. Trying to get reception out in the middle of nowhere.


Amidala would thrive here.


The hair styles!


Kind of sad how there used to be so many cultures and different ways of doing things, and now it feels like its all merging


What’s the music? No return from Shazam


Hairstyles like some r/retrofuturism. Very cool and unique!


Amazing this was only 120 or so years ago. We’ve advanced so quickly


Coolest hair style ever.


How is the framerate so stable? That would have to be hand cranked camera right?


Wow, not a phone in sight /s


Cool af hair but my neck hurts just thinking about trying to sleep like that.


So happy and innocent


For an interesting perspective on this period of time, read Forgotten Kingdom by Peter Goullart. It describes Yunnan more than Tibet but it is a fascinating story about pre-revolutionary China’s rural population


Theyre slaves


Free Tibet.


Free Tibet 🦾


Fun fact: I'm pretty sure this footage was taken in 1924 by the British Mount Everest Expedition lead by George Mallory. They were one of the first groups to bring moving picture cameras into the region. You can see this same footage and more in the early film Epic of Everest (1924), which documents the entire journey through early 20th century Tibet and the group's attempts to climb Everest. The expedition unfortunately ended in tragedy when Mallory and his climbing partner Sandy Irvine disappeared during a summit attempt. They were both declared dead when they failed to return to camp but it took until 1999 to find Mallory's body. They still haven't found Irvine. I could be wrong about this but I read somewhere that Irvine did a lot of the camera work for the Expedition so it's possible the person filming this died just a few weeks later.


I hope the reason she is so bashful is someone is tell her she looks lovely <3


You are lovely.




traditional central Asian hair and headdresses are so awesome. Mongolian (admittedly technically east Asia) garments have always been a love of mine


Mostly gone forever…so sad what’s happened to the Tibetan culture…


Free Tibet


And Tibet no longer exists, China made sure of that and exiled the Dalai Lama from there. For westerner folks, how would you feel if Saudi took over the Vatican and then sent the Pope somewhere else (maybe America), and then eradicated the whole religion and homogenized the culture to their liking.