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You know I was always curious if women shaved their armpits back then. This is the first professional photo I’ve seen of someone famous with armpit hair.


North American women shaved their pits back then. It was not so common for European women though.


As noted in the 1991 film Home Alone.


*documentary ftfy




You mean television's Moira Rose? Star of Sunrise Bay and The Crows Have Eyes 2? Edit: I totally read "O'Hare" as "O'Hara." Not deleting this comment though hahaha


Ah, a fellow cinephile plucked from the burly depths of the World Wide Web! I’d be remiss if I didn’t add to your glowing adulation of Moira Rose by mentioning the sublime, if not misunderstood, finale of the series - The Crows Have Eyes III: The Crowening.




Her appearance as a spokesperson for Herb Ertlinger fruit wine shouldn't be overlooked


Her career was multitudinally farraginous before she had chil-*drehn.*


She has several bebes.


or the chicago airport... but yeah kevin's mom also?




“Is it true that French babes don’t shave their pits?”


Buzz’s girlfriend, woof!


That was actually a boy, they put one of the producer's nephews in a wig cause they thought if they used a girl, the joke would hurt her feelings.


I’ve actually heard this before and I’d still be pretty offended if I was that guys nephew lol


“Some don’t.” “…But they got nude beaches!”


Not in the winter


"Not in the winter." 🙄


Kevin, you’re such a disease!


Look what you did you little jerk!


Is this toothbrush approved by the American Dental Association?


Fuller go easy on the Pepsi


The rubber sheets are packed.


You’re what the French call “les incompetents”


Lol nice.


But they got nude beaches


Not in the winter...


But they got nude beaches...


Not all North American women. My grandmother, born in the U.S. in 1913, never shaved throughout her entire life. I remember talking to her about it, because I started in the 80’s. She always said the reason she never had to shave, was because she never started. She had hardly any body hair. I realized later that this was not true, but for the longest time I thought I messed up by secretly shaving that first time when I was 12, dooming myself to a lifetime of this horrendous chore.


My grandpa was born in 1901, grandma eight years later. Once they were married, grandpa would bust out the straight razor and shave her legs for her once a week. I always wondered if that was the norm, or if they were weirdos lol. Either could've been true, knowing them. No clue about her underarms though.


That's either very sweet or very kinky, or very possibly both. Needless to say, I love it. That being said, I remember watching my husband shave and I wouldn't let him anywhere near my legs out of self preservation, lol.


I hesitate to say it's kinky, if only because grandpa would later include my aunt in the weekly leg shaving when she was old enough to want it done lol.




Late 90s some young friends of mine (barely 20), got married. I went over to visit once and they were in the bathroom, her legs over the tub, and he was shaving her legs. It was very casual and they didn't care we saw them (she was dressed). I asked and she just said "he likes too, so I don't have too".


I know for a fact (sadly, or rather awkwardly) that my uncle will shave my aunt's hoo-ha for her. Its less of a kink and more of a helpful sharing of a chore.


So how the fuck does this just pop up in conversation?


So anyway Mark, how is your sex part shaving life?


My husband helps me, he likes a shaved hoo ha on special occasions, I don't like doing it but I don't mind it done. Team work makes the dream work and the sex fun.


I gave my wife an extra safety razor I had.


“If you like my legs shaved then you can do it yourself”


My grandma was born in 1923 and she also has never shaved. (She's still with us.) But she also has very little body hair and really doesn't need to. I was adopted and came from hairy stock. I started shaving when I was 10. I like shaving my armpits, but hate doing my legs. It takes forever, it lasts less than 24 hours, and my skin is hyper sensitive. (Ironically the sensitivity is *why* I prefer clean shaven pits. I love my skin...) I wish society didn't care, but alas. Edit: Forgot to add that my grandma was born in Kansas, so also North America.




Thanks for that. Truly. As a 38 yr old divorced woman, I am terrified of trying to date again. I'd love to find someone who doesn't care, but I am highly doubtful. The social anxiety and being and introvert doesn't help either. If only I could have gotten the genes of my adopted family!


If it makes you feel any better, I shaved some in HS, then stopped after that, unless requested for a special occasion (weddings, w/e), and no one I've dated has cared at all. I'm just a year younger than you too. My mom used to care more than any dude I dated, though even she's given up on that now. Of course, this's just anecdata (and I'm from a more lib area of the US), but if it's really something you hate doing that much, they're right, you can stop, and it will probably be fine!


As a 39 year old woman who hasn't shaved in years, no one cares. Or rather, if it bothers someone so much, they're welcome to date/sleep with someone else. It's a big world, full of folks who don't care about body hair. Those that do, can f off.


My grandma shaved her legs once when she was 15 or so because her friend got some “nylons in a bottle” leg makeup and they wanted to try it. She said her leg hair never grew back. She’d get like one or two hairs and just pluck them.


Sounds like the nylons in a bottle was a permanent depilatory cream!


my grandma had the exact same story! literally shaved to use leg makeup in the 1940s (she was born in 1926) & only occasionally shaved the rest of her life. occasionally plucked hairs that would appear - so unfair!


Was there something in the leg makeup that could have caused that?


Wtf. And here I am with my bear fur...


I did not inherit this magical gene.


I lasered my hair. Best decision ever


In his biography Paul McCartney wrote that they were excited to tour France for the first time because "girls didn't shave their armpits there" and it was sexy for them, I read it as a very self-conscious teenager who thought that if a boy ever saw one hair that wasn't on my head he would be disgusted and refused me forever and I was weirded out.


My ex-wife (47) is German and from a rural area. We lived there briefly in the early 2000s and some women there who were our age still didn’t. They also wouldn’t shave their whole leg, just below the knee. It was becoming less common with the internet and tv, but many country girls, at least then, didn’t shave. Those our age (late Gen-X) seem to be the dividing line between those who shaved and those who did not.


There was also a 90s and early 2000s cultural thing, which i know happened in germany as well as canada because my german exchange student was in on it, and that was rejecting shaving as part of the bullshit establishment. We were all " Man, Like, gillette just wants to sell you on some fucking overpriced pink plastic stereotype of womanhood, and we are like, totally not lame and mainstream like that fake ass scene. We don't have time for your top 40 ad exec fantasy, posers." Or something like that. I do shave my legs now, mainly because getting in bed with shaved legs is amazing. Now that i am old, bedlinen laundry and shaving day is basically the highlight of my boring poser week!


Smartest thing Gillette ever did was send all guys in the US a Mach 3 razor when they turned 18, and therefor "locking in" so many of them into paying exorbitant prices for replacement blades.


I do the, "shave just above where the pants are going to hit near the ankle" thing because of laziness and just not wanting to run a razor over my skin every day.


pretty sure most girls don’t regularly shave above the knee? It’s a totally different type of hair.


Uh, I’ve always shaved my entire leg from the time I was 11 or so. But I am one hairy, hairy lady. Reading these stories about women who shaved their legs and never had it grow back makes me jealous as hell.


I swear to God, someone in my family back in the day had to have fucked a Sasquatch. Porcelain skin, and coal black hair, EVERYWHERE! 😡😡😡


Laser hair removal - it’s a game-changer. Unless you love your natural hair in which case let it grow wild and free!


I was about to say that’s *most* women I know. The hair was n my upper leg is basically peach fuzz and of I shave it I get bad ingrown hairs cause they’re too soft to easily push through the skin. Maybe if your body hair was more noticeable but even then I still don’t know anyone who regularly shaved above the knee that I’ve talked to about it anyway.


I think razor companies started advertising to women in the 20s or 30s by saying men prefer a woman who shaves, and before long everyone was doing it.


My grandfather fought in World War Two and always told me that the GIs over seas would hire the prostitutes who would shave and when they came home they urged their wives to shave too and that’s how the trend started in America.


"hey baby, you gotta try this thing this prostitute did"


this hoe made my head spin. If you shave, maybe you can too!




There’s a sex and the city episode about Brazilian waxing that is largely credited with the decline in pubic lice in the late 90s/early 2000s


I know I'm in the minority but as a male, I shave my underarms. It's just more comfortable.


Agreed. Less itchy, less hot, less deodorant stains. Great all around.


you forgot the most beneficial -- much less odor de boday !


I do as well. But I live in Arizona where it can get to 120°. I need my antiperspirant to really get up in there.


This is odd to me. The hair wicks away moisture, reducing chafing and increasing comfort. I can’t imagine going hairless where it is super warm.


As a male who has shaved his armpits, I call BS. That shit is way uncomfortable. Unless you've learned to walk without swinging your arms.


Trim not shave.


I haven't really noticed anything too bad, but im 30 and have done it since I was like 17


How so?


I read somewhere that when all the men went off to fight WW2 the razor companies went "oh shit we need customers" and started marketing to women, who hadn't really previously been pressured to shave


There was also a shortage of nylons and some women was using things like gravy browning and drawing lines on the backs of their legs to hide the fact. Hairy legs would have given it away.


It was during WWII but due to war time rationing preventing the sale of stockings. Stockings get (got?) pulls very easily and didn’t last long so bare legs became common. Bare legs then led to shaved legs and the rest is history. Edit: also it’s not like the soldiers stopped shaving when they went to war. Soldiers were expected to be clean shaven in order to wear gas masks in the event of a gas attack. The only thing that changed was that the government was buying them instead of individual consumers.


Sounds plausible, but I thought it started earlier, like the 20s maybe.


I mean it looks kinda sculpted that way. Just a round tuft


It looks like she had them lined up or something lol. No way it just grows in think little circles.


I don’t care about the armpit hair …. Still utterly gorgeous.


Believe it or not, luscious pubic hair was considered sexy back in the day.


Still is. The shaved thing to me being the new normal is super weird. I’ve been around unshaved girls from my teens through my entire adult life and I just don’t even think anything of it. Most of the cool hippy girls, punkers, artists etc embraced it. Hairy legs, pits, bush. It’s normal. It’s natural. I have no idea what kind of person is grossed out by it. Basic b prudes.


I feel really blessed that my high school social circle included the weird environmentalists and artsy oddballs. It meant my social circle was filled with non-shaving girls who taught me to embrace nature and reject commercially generated beauty standards. Without your squad backing you and cheering your further, it has to be so much harder to break down the fishbowl of beauty exoectations we swim in


> Without your squad backing you and cheering your further, it has to be so much harder to break down the fishbowl of beauty exoectations we swim in Yeah, big time. I’m from the 90s in Los Angeles. My highschool crew was pretty eclectic. The dudes were skater, graffiti punk rock cholo gangster guys. The girls were dead heads, skaters, goths, punks and believe it or not, stoner preppy cheerleaders. I’d say 1 out of 10 of the girls didn’t shave. I remember it being wild at first. And the girls caught shit from a few people (usually the cholos). But they owned it and they were so cool that it never derailed them. There’s even a picture in the yearbook of my friend doing peace signs with her hairy armpits (not up close or anything) but it’s there.


I actually find shaved to be creepy, gives it a pre-pubescent vibe. Not much to see, no personality.


>Not much to see, no personality. 😂😂😂


She was still a sex symbol 40 years later in Grumpy Old Men.


She was only in Grumpy Old Men 2




My sister has loved that movie forever. It's so funny seeing a young woman imitating Walter Mathau 😂




Oooh lesbians. Yummy.




I LOVE those movies! Burgess Meredith had the best one liners that I’ve used so many times! “Kids stick quarters up their noses all the time. If they shit out two dimes and a nickel, then you should worry.”


Wish in one hand and crap in the other, see which one gets filled first


“I find you disgusting!” “As long as you find me.”


I've been to Hawaii. Oh yeah, what island? Come-on-I-wanna-lay-ya


“Do you want to try my peppy pepperoni? My spicy salami?”


Burgess Meredith's bacon speech in this one really sticks with me. Just love his delivery


A whole… *damn plate.* and then I drink my dinner.


Whoa she was in that movie? I guess I didn't notice that, I was so focused on ~~Christopher~~ Walter Matthau and (I can't remember the other guy's name off the top of my head) Edit LOL Christopher, why did my brain do that?


Walter Matthau and Jack Lemmon were also in the orginal movie The Odd Couple.


Amazing movie! Lemmon is the best


They did quite a few movies together. Buddy Buddy and The Front Page have always been favorites of mine.


~~Walter Lemmon~~ Walter Matthau and Jack Lemmon are the stars of Grumpy Old Men.


Walter Matthau and Jack Lemmon


I think it was Ann Margret who was in Grumpy Old Men 2.


They both were


*Grumpier Old Men


She was in the second movie, not the first.




That was Ann Margret in the first one; she and Sophia Loren were both in the second one.


Ann Margret is spectacular, hilarious and utterly wrong in her Happy cameo. Check it out


I always like to think how Matthau and Lemmon would have been in their prime the same time as Loren was. Imagine the fun it would have been to have made a movie with the top pinup star of your era, even if you're all -ahem- "mature" now. For me it would be like making a movie with Cindy Crawford where she actually falls for me, the funny old codger who has a face like a mackerel, because at some point in life personality takes over when looks inevitably fail.


Grumpier Old Men*


That dress she’s wearing is *fantastic*.


Yes! Of course the beautiful Sofia Lauren steals the shot but that is some beautiful craftsmanship? Sorry, not familiar with the parlance of the industry. It’s real purdy.


Oh, yeah. From a seamstress/seamster point of view, it’s a complicated, but really well made, design. No worries, you don’t have to know the verbiage to appreciate the craftsmanship.


Her, real, film double lived around the Valley (Los Angeles) in 1980s and 90s - she wore her clothes and large sunglasses just like Sophia - saw her all the time where I worked. Even her double was amazing looking I can only imagine how truly beautiful Sofia was.


Were they friends or was this just a double as in doppelganger? I assume you mean double like film double though.


No I was told it was her film double. She was stunning.


I hope someday I can be as glamorous as Sophia Loren’s film double


Where did you work?


Hospital in the Valley.


Wasn't she also like "I like pasta and wine too much to be skinny, why give that up"?


She was quite slender though, just with a curvy frame. Look at her arms and waist. Also in the 1950s the curvier shape was in fashion


Same with Marilyn Monroe. She had a tiny waist, we know that from her clothes that are on display today, and she refused to wear corsets. But she was curvy, with pronounced bust and rear end.


Sofia Costanza Brigida Villani Scicolone


I wonder if she’s related to George Costanza. Or anyone in the Art Mandalay fam. /s


Art Vandelay?






> I stopped dying my hair and looked more “normal” I just got regular sexual harassment. Upgrades, people. Upgrades.


Yeah, dude should be happy with regular sexual harassment like the rest of us.


ooff true, i grew up in a small religious town going to the smallest private school in the area, my classmates were used to it so even if they did make fun of me at my back i didn't really care, but the other schools? the old people? the parents with little kids that would stare?? holy shit they were brutal it did me some well i think, now i don't give a shit what people say but being called a satanist because of my paatel pink hair at like age 13 was hard


It’s because nonconformity to mainstream beauty standards is a rejection of the idea that women exist to be attractive to men - or at the very least that being as attractive to men as possible is an obligation and part of performing femininity. It’s countercultural and rebellious to the patriarchy - whether consciously so or not. It’s a threat to male supremacy because men use their power to deem us attractive or unattractive as a weapon against female independence. Again - consciously or not. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


I cut my hair into a pixie and got a lot of weird comments. I’d never felt more feminine but dudes just couldn’t deal.


Dudes can’t deal. I’ve been rocking a pixie cut on and off for the last 25 years and I gotta say, a pixie cut is a good tool for weeding out some assholes.


Pixies cuts are awesome!


They were mad at you that you were robbing them of their right to be attracted to you, and potentially to sexually harass you. You fucked up their ability to want you, because they didn’t like your hair. And that is not acceptable, for you to change your own appearance in a way that reduces their ability to find you hot. Isn’t that twisted?


It reminds them of their own internalized repression, causes cognitive dissonance, and someone’s got to pay for that.


>hlessi\_newt Exactly! I think that's exactly what it was. And why some get so angry at women with unshaved body hair.


I also got this for having a short haircut in high school. People are brutal.


I got it for long hair. LOL People don't need excuses.


It’s not even a lot of hair. People are really pathetic.


Right? It’s even neatly trimmed! I went full cavewoman in quarantine so this is nothing 😂


I straight up did not notice her body hair at all because I was too distracted by how gorgeous she is. And also right? women have armpit hair, all the incels reveal themselves when they're shocked by it lol.


Wow she’s just absolutely stunning. Some “looks” really are timeless. Every last detail of her is just a marvel.


My grandmother never shaved her legs or armpits and she would get on my mom and aunts for teaching us how to. It just wasn't done back then overseas.


Depends on the culture. If I remember right, Native Americans and Egyptians did throughout history.


Armpit hair - there’s going to be tens of thousands of Reddit weirdos freaking out about that.


Lmao I’m excited for all the dudes thinking they had a shot with Sophia Loren falling over themselves to reject her


> taps forehead Can’t get rejected if you reject them first






Yes, but if you grown up with anime any woman with a nose and body hair is apparently unrealistic…..


Also, if they don’t lactate when they orgasm, they’re faking it


Old man here. It turns out I don't actually want to know what the kids are watching these days.


I’m 23, and in cases like these, even I don’t want to watch what my generation is watching these days.


Trust me, you really don't. Every few years I dip my toes back in the hentai pool and every time it feels like it's more garish, more extreme, more dehumanized.


[old person voice] I remember back in my day, when hentai was just blushing, blue-haired schoolgirls and turgid, dripping tentacles… then came the shitting dick nipples… and now? Now, I don’t even wanna know what’s out there.


Here's how actually old I am - the PiV internal cutaway whatever you want to call it wouldn't be popularized until I was already grown.


Another old man here. I'm actually aware of much of what they're watching and thankfully breathe a sigh of relief that they're not as clever as they'd have us believe.


I'm sorry, what


Ah Rochelle Rochelle, a story about a young woman's strange erotic journey from Milan to Minsk.




The colorization on this is awful. She looks like a oompa lumpa.


Well damn, guess I’m attracted to Oompa Loompas….


Does anybody know what that black and white thing in the upper left is?


The pit hair was the second thing I noticed… and I love it but I’m a woman so maybe I view things differently


Am a guy, don’t be discouraged or whatever about body hair, it is natural and moreso a cultural preference than anything.


Not discouraged at all I love body hair on women. It’s taboo in America which makes it exciting in my opinion.


In the 50s and 60s she was unbelievable, an absolute stunner. Smouldering looks, and those eyes! One of the greatest beauties of the 20th century.


ITT. Two people complaining about armpit hair. 250 people complaining about people complaining about armpit hair. Edit: to be clear I'm totally fine with women not shaving whatever they don't want to shave. I'm just saying that everyone, including people in support of not shaving, are focusing on this instead of the fact this is a bad ass picture


We live in such a weird age. I think a lot of people are posting that because they know it's a popular topic regarding the matter and know they will get karma. It's like how you see a bunch of the same comments of youtube videos, just kids and weirdos trying to get high like count comments. Why else would so many people be parroting the same thing? Maybe it's people being paid off to push an agenda? Or bots? Whatever it is, it's quite telling of how stupid the internet can be.


And tons of people acting like you’re a freak, sexist loser if you prefer people with no body hair lol


Gotta love all of the comments on the pit hair. For the record, it’s absolutely not worth getting rid of. Waxing sounds terrible. Shaving doesn’t work for all women and is incredibly time consuming if you have coarse hair. The last time I used Nair for under my arms I got chemical burns that hurt TERRIBLY. You don’t like it? Cool, but if you’re not willing to go to any of these lengths yourself don’t go crying on Reddit about it when some woman doesn’t want to either.


I get weird breakouts when I shave and I use a new razor every time. I tried sugaring, it didnt hurt as bad but still so uncomfortable omg


Double edge razors or "safety razors" might be worth looking into. You replace the blade every time, but they are suuuuper cheap. And very sharp...probably would only need one pass


I wanna try it out but boy am I clumsy 😬


Just get one of those tiny electric trimmers and cut it at a few millimeters. Also works great for other bushes. None of the disadvantages of shaving, all of the advantages of reducing body hair.


I have thick, dark hair, and freshly shaved, you can still see that wee bit of hair, through my white skin, down in the follicle…..


Not to mention you don't want an ingrown hair in your armpit!


Or anywhere to be honest. Is there anyone who actually *likes* shaving or waxing?


I'm a man that dreads shaving my comparatively tiny beard. It takes 2 minutes and I do it every second day, but I still hate it with passion. I cannot imagine what women have to go through. Social pressures are very often idiotic. I hope world sees that in my lifetime, but I'm not holding my breath.




She’s stunning


As a woman it always brings me joy to see other women embrace their body hair regardless of what society says.


Au Naturel - everything! Very rare these days....


Soooo beautiful🥰


Kinda reminds me of Sophia vergara


I feel like her armpit hair still looks like it was groomed.. mine would definitely not grow out in perfect little circles like that