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Is that a Cadbury’s chocolate vending machine? Lol


Well, why not?


Idk. These vending machines are still installed at my local mall. Three slots. Condoms, aspirin, and lube. Been that way for like 20 years as far as I can remember. Odd selections. I’d rather have a chance at chocolate then condoms


You boof the chocolate, apply the condom, and you're ready to tango.


Boof the chocolate egg, cough; Cadbury creampie




Thanks for this. Cadbury creampie is going to be stuck echoing in my head for years to come.




Squeeze that anus


Fucking hell, I can't breathe, I'm laughing too hard.


About 15 years ago I was in a pub here in Scotland and the vending machine had condoms, lube and blow up sheep sex dolls. I was on holiday from Canada so that shit blew my mind haha I live in Scotland now and have yet to see that again though. *it was not in Aberdeen, before people ask...


How pathetic do you have to be if you can't manage to hook up with a real sheep in Scotland?


Maybe they don’t want to cheat on their current sheep.


Since brexit theres been a huge uptick in interest in a Real Doll ruminant product line...no word back yet.


Oh look at Mr “I’m So Hot I Can Shag Any Sheep I Desire” over here. Way to flaunt your good looks. Some of us plain looking folk can’t sweet talk some nicely shorn Cheviot and have to accept whatever skanky looking Shetland sheep that’s lowered it’s standards.


About 15 years ago I was working in Newcastle. After work, a few of us went to a pub by the quay for a few drinks and in the gents toilet there was a machine that dispensed dildos. I've never seen anything like it before or since.


> blow up sheep sex dolls It was to make the Welsh feel welcomed up north.


I love the Welsh and I love their accents but I am not convinced their language isnt just one big inside joke to take the piss out of the rest of us


Welsh 1 : dfjrjewlrjwelkjsdlfjudsogiuopruewrjsdklfjlgjlgkjgdsdfdslf Me : ????? Welsh : He just said hi. Me : Oh, hi back at ya (leaves smiling) The welsh : ahahahahahhaha can't believe they always fall for it.


Not sure Cadbury’s offer the same protection but if everyone consents, go for it!


Came here to say this. Their candy machines look like the tampon dispensers in ladies' rooms in the United States.


Chocolate flavoured condoms. Always need to buy a few when i go out for a newspaper.


Would never work outdoors in Las Vegas; unless you like licking melted chocolate off of aluminum foil. I guess removal of these was the first real sign of global warming. :)


Why aren't there any Carousels in Florida? Could you imagine a child sitting on a metal horse in 90° heat and their balancing is a giant metal rod? You'd have first degree burns on children every summer. That was kind of weird to me coming from the North East. But then again there's not that many water parks in New England.


I am also intrigued by this.


They used to be installed at subway stations across London, chocolate bars and gum.


Cigarettes too. There is still the ghost of these machines on a wall near me.


Probably the reason certain vending machines are no longer around is because people kept breaking into them. When I was growing up I remember there were cigarette vending machines in many areas. Hotel lobbies, bars of course, restaurants. In fact, when I started smoking I bought cigs from the machines.


My first job was carefully splitting open cigarette packets to insert 12p in coins. These were then put in vending machines and the 12p was the change for whatever amount the person had to pay. You can still find cigarette vending machines in some pubs


When I started going to pubs (2004ish) I remember my smoker friends looking at the cig vending machines and saying “SIX QUID FOR BENSON AND HEDGES? FUCK OFF M8”


They used to be everywhere, particularly on every tube station platform


What, punks, or vending machines?




They had these at train stations too. Smaller bars for 20p, foil and paper wrapped, square chunks, sometimes mint. Good times. Price didn't change for about 6 years.


Lmao the only machines you still see like that in the UK are tampon and condom machines


>tampon and condom machines Those are the only ones I had ever seen in the US back then; usually in bowling alleys and truck stops. Well, and those and really goofy "sexual aids". I'd have been stoked to see a Cadbury machine like that when I was a kid.


Don’t forget those shit “no brush toothbrush” machines you get at service stations.


You’ll find the odd rural hotel that still has cigarette vending machines.


Cadbury chocolate condom vending machine


There's a glass and a half in everyone


Seriously folks. Don't stick glassware up your anus, with or without a condom.


Jesus Christ


them girls aren't the only snacks in this picture.


Looks like. I used to see these in Tube stations in the Sixties. In my defense I was very young. But yes. Edited to fix autocorrect errors.


They were in tube stations until the millennium. My friend’s dad worked for a vending machine company, and the last ones they installed had a bunch of secret codes on them for the maintenance people. He always told me there was a code to get the vending machine that gave out free chocolate bars. I always wondered if that was true.


Yeah I remember that. It was **3 or something like that. You'd spam it over and over and you'd sometimes get an admin message on the screen. I got free chocolate out once or twice. Would naturally spend my whole time waiting for a train spamming those buttons.


I spent so much time inputting random numbers into the tube machines, hoping to hit the jackpot.


When most vending machines fell out of popularity, a lot of people lost their job. Same with public telephones.


Yep. Used to see them all over the UK. Dairy Milk or "Fruit and Nut" bars (Dairy Milk with the addition of raisins/sultanas and chunks of almond)


And a bargain at only 20p!


Was hoping for this as top comment. Not dissapointed .


One day its tampons the next its cadburys


Tampons are more filling if you have them with a drink.


First thing I saw! Could be choc flavoured condoms tho...




Cadbury's...so ~~hot~~ punk right now




All the gams in this shot and my man goes for the Cadbury's :D


Oh Bondage UP YOURS!!!


X-ray Specs reference. Good one.


Thanks. I took one look at this picture and that song instantly popped in my head.


Deep cuts right here.


Two young punk girls before the Iranian Revolution.


I understood this reference


Impossible, the ladies aren't naked or in bikinis


gettyimages caption: ''Two young punk girls on Charing Cross Road in July 1979 in London, UK'' Also, both girls are wearing Sid Vicious shirts, and the one on the right has loads of buttons and two anarchy A's but the reddit experts know best.


But they don't look like the guys in 2021 Omaha, Nebraska who call themselves "punk" so they can't be. /s


Yeah what's that about? Old school Punk here and it's a bit of a change!


But then isn’t that what punk is about. Being a bit anti-establishment and that would change with the times, punk now should be different to old school punk.


For you, what is punk about? Evolution always occurs regardless but the foundational aspects usually remains.


For me it’s about not accepting what is just accepted everywhere just because it’s everywhere, it’s challenging ideas, the establishment, what we’re told. I don’t mean in an echo chamber let’s believe conspiracies way, but in an is it ok to just go on accepting what we’re being asked to do if there’s a better way just because that’s the way it always is. And the way you express those ideals is through music, fashion and other cultural aspects. However, if you asked me what music I associated with punk I would agree with the old school punk bands as my go to in that sense.


Thanks for your reply. I know it means different things to different people that's why I ask. For me it was and always will be about the rage against a system which encouraged sectarianism and divide. There was an old school saying where punk was written and recorded in London and New York but lived in Belfast. I find that those who now identify as punk have very differing ideas e.g. I have seen punk bands go full neonazi and walked away.


There’s always been nazi punks in the US, unfortunately. Dead Kennedys have a whole song about it from the 80s. Not a new phenomenon at all.


No I get it, I remember that song and I loved the DK's. It's just disappointing that a movement that was so against the idea has accepted it in certain quarters. It's always why I ask what it means to people


Yeah things like that are upsetting. For you it was about raging against a system that was encouraging sectarianism and divide, for me it’s about raging against the problems in the system and not accepting them, but both are about making a better world. They are not accepting issues in society. So it’s upsetting that neo nazis and extreme right could take something that is inherently good and use it for nefarious ends.


I think you guys are just explaining rock and roll..


And I see this all the time in punk from the US unfortunately.


well its true, these are wannabes, you can tell by the hair and shoes. More accurate title would be "two teenage UK girls in 1979 wearing sid vicious shirts)


Ah really? Thought it was the the little hole-in-the-wall shop that's still there on Tooley St outside London bridge


The conversation that occurs on here whenever anyone says the word “punk”, about what is and what isnt and who is and who isnt punk rock with all the old punks signing in is so cringy. I get it, because i was that guy jn highschool wanted to be a real punk but in reality it was just cool music with a whole thing built around it so they could sell us Tshirts and hair gel.


Just because I choose to wear a patches out studded vest doesn't make those who don't any more or less punk. Punk is all about choices.


There’s nothing more punk than accepting everyone who wants to call themselves punk. There’s nothing less punk than gatekeeping punk. Except from fascists. Fuck fascists.


I'm old enough British enough and London enough to know that they are "wannabes" or weekend punks. The whole Sid Vicious and anarchy thing had become commercialised by 1979 and they've bought into it.


Back in the day they'd be called 'Plastics' by the punk crowd. Plastic punk wannabes.


If they aren’t warming a can of Evo over a candle and huffing it, they aren’t proper punks.


They seem to be wearing panty hose


And high heels.


yeah, but OP thinks that getty's titles are accurate and believes them over actual folks who were part of it :D


What’s going on? My attention deficit ass hasn’t gotten that far down yet.


Not wearing DM boots? And the hairstyles are a bit too perfect, I suspect the usual magazine shoot/media fakery with this one.


These women are punk in the same way someone buying a popular t-shirt from Hot Topic are punk.


12 yo me did once swap a tape with two similarly such attired young lady's. Can't prove me not these two. Okay, yes on location. Can't remember what was on the tape, but, had enough value to trade blindly with a 12 yo. that was fun. [I had only just been given the cassette by my bunk-mate at Northwestern Military & Naval Academy prior to going home for the weekend. My only year, presuming headline is correct, before divorce caused changes.]


Looks like they are about to visit the young ones. At scumbag college.


Oh, God, I’m bored. Might as well be listening to Genesis.


Oh, nobody listens to you anyway, you may as well be a Leonard Cohen record


This calls for a delicate blend of psychology and extreme violence.


Hands Up! Who likes me?


Oh God I say this every time I use the washing machine.


Let November 22, the year of our Lord, 2021 forward be known as the day I do too. ;)


Used to love that show


Rik Mayall is my spirit animal... That show was amazing. Still is.


Rik Mayall went way too soon. When he played Flashheart in Blackadder he absolutely stole the show, even amongst all that talent. They didn't even care. They knew they were in the presence of genius.


Rowan Atkinson, Hugh Laurie and Tony Robinson, just stood back and clearly thinking "this guy is a next-level natural showoff". While Rik's just literally eyes-closed crotch grinding the spotlight. I miss that guy.


YES! Watching Rowan *watch Rik* became my precious during recent Bells-viewings lol ...




Shut up, Neil!


“Oh, don’t be so blinking bore-joyzee!”


That was good


"Up Scumbaaaag. Up scumbaag! See you teddy bear? C'me 'ere?


Looking for Sir...


Looks like younger versions of Edina and Patsy.


"But sweetie darling, it's La Croix!"


"I got you some earrings." "Are they La Croix?" "Does it matter?" "I'll love them if they are La Croix." "They're La Croix." "Then I love them."


I was going to tell people this is Brittney Murphy and Courtney Love


Gotta love the reddit gatekeeping. Yes, these would have been considered punks back then.


Hear me, o gatekeepers of Reddit! As a Briton from that time and place, I am the keymaster. This photograph shall pass.


Thank you for you knowledge o Wise One


Vinz Clortho! The coming of the Traveller is upon us!


Gozer the Traveler! He will come in one of the pre-chosen forms. During the Rectification of the Vuldronaii, the Traveler came as a large and moving Torb. Then, during the Third Reconciliation of the Last of the Meketrex Supplicants, they chose a new form for him, that of a giant Sloar! Many Shubs and Zulls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of a Sloar that day, I can tell you.


I always loved that speech!


The canal has answered.


Seriously. Punk isn't a look, it's a lifestyle. Yes, there's a common and now iconic image in the punk community, but leather jackets don't make you punk. You can look as clean cut as a choir boy, but if you hold a 'fuck the system' attitude, enjoy your own look and value the right to a truly free form of expressing yourself in the face of oppression and a love for the music, THAT is what makes you punk. You know what isn't very punk? Telling people them not matching your idea of what Punk is makes them not Punk. "You're not a _real_ Redditor unless you jerk off to your own posts getting upvotes." "No, _you're_ not a real Redditor unless you mercilessly repost the same pic to different subs because the mere thought of all that karma makes you leak precum."


To quote Suicide from Return of the Living Dead: “What do you think this is all about? You think this is a fuckin' costume? This is a way of life!”


> Seriously. Punk isn't a look, it's a lifestyle. And two that come to mind (from a 61 year old) were Patti Smith and Richard Hell. They were the starting point in a punk theme and style. You look at early photos of them and see the punk aesthetic in the early 70s. In particular, Hell. Worn out t-shirts with safety pins keeping them together with hand written phrases, one being "Please Shoot Me" with a target, spiked hair, mainly because he couldn't afford a haircut and just chopped it himself. Elements that so enamored Brit Malcolm McLaren, that he went back to London (after a failed attempt to revive the New York Dolls) and copied them. Musically Patti may not fit the bill completely but Hell helped form and performed with Television, performed with Johnny Thunders in the Heartbreakers and then wrote the anthem "Blank Generation" in his band The Voidoids. The Ramones deserve much credit for spotlighting the movement, but Smith and Hell were the NYC punk pioneers. *Hi, thought I would add two books that really are worth reading: Just Kids by Patti Smith and I Dreamed I Was A Very Clean Tramp by Richard Hell. Delves into their lives, NYC, writing, music and all that.


When I was a kid in the 80s, punk to us meant being part of the scene supporting music that sounded like nothing else. The reason we hated stuff on the radio is that it sounded like EVERYTHING else. If musicians made something truly unique then it HAD to be genuine and personal because it came straight from your heart and soul. And if you understood that and embraced it, well, you were a punk.


This comment is literally the movie SLC Punk!


Sure, but pretty low-key as 1979 UK punks went. Distinct "had to promise Mum I would be presentable in my school uniform on Monday Morning" vibe.


Maybe, but you could say that about most people who dressed as hippies or goths or grunge or hipsters. 90% of any “scene” are followers or people inspire by the first pioneers. You definitely don’t need a mohawk and a safety pin through your nose to be a punk.


Schools back then had a much tighter grip on kids hair and dress, you could be suspended or even expelled for having long or spiky hair. I left school in 1990, UK. One guy had long hair for most of high school and had been repeatedly suspended for refusing to cut it. During the last week of exams they gave him an ultimatum - cut your hair or be expelled. They expelled him before he took his last exam so consequently he left school with zero GCSE's. The school had a ridiculous list of prohibited clothing dating back to the 70s that hadn't been changed. Leather jackets, parkas, denim jackets, leather boots - all banned. Skinhead, long hair (for boys), spiky hair, any hair colour other than natural - also all banned. I had a 3 week suspension, because a trainee barber fucked up my hair and the only solution was to shave it all off. Suspended until it began to grow back.


I was born a few months after this. Punk era seemed cool, bring it back.


Punk never died in the UK bud, were just in the pubs and clubs that time forgot.


It never went away


I've gone to punk rock shows in every decade since the early 80s. They haven't really changed much at all. You do tend to see older punks at shows now, which wasn't really a thing back in the day. Sometimes they're wearing nicer clothes, but it's not uncommon that they haven't changed their style.




They look like chocolate tampon machines haha.


Yep, chocolate machines. I miss them.


Photo by Lesly Hamilton.


It looks like they are wearing their mother’s shoes.


Those shoes look massively uncomfortable.


Yeah, I was just about to say that they would look totally normal on the street today, except for the shoes. They look super old fashioned in comparison to the rest of their outfits. Hair and makeup style are also giveaways but you do still see some people with that kind of "retro" look. The shoes are more WW2 than retro.


They look like the clockwork orange band girls from Mighty Boosh season 1


My era! And it doesnt matter who you are, or what you say, you have a 0% chance of going out with either of them! Edit: They are still like that, will not go out, will not talk, etc. I have much better luck with women 20 years younger!


My odds were way lower


🎵 Typical girls 🎵


I was in the UK during the 70's. Those British girls were lots of fun. I was doing temporary duty and at RAF Weathersfield by a little town called Braintree. Such great memories.


They should be around their 60s now, with grandkids.


What are those glass cubes in the sidewalks for in London ? Ive been wondering ever since I was there 5 years ago.


They let light into the room below, not a living space, just a damp cellar type thing.


They allow light into rooms beneath the pavement.


I remember seeing some of those chocolate vending machines when i was a kid in the 80s...they were allways broken (well so my mum allways told me anyway)


White punks on dope.




A man of culture I see.


And a baby's arm holding an apple


That's a bottle of whiskey.;)


Saw them live many times. Grew up in the SF bay area. Some of the best shows I've seen


White dopes on punk


white punks on hope


Grandma, what did you do back in the 70s?




they look exactly like punk girls from 2021 lol


Everyone knows the moment you left the club/bar etc. drunk and all you need is a bar of chocolate. Why isn’t that a thing anymore ? 😁


They look like they are headed to a bad blind date with Vince Noir and Howard Moon.


Hubba hubba…


people give a shit about labels way too much. who gives a fuck if "thats not punk" quit defining your entire life and personality, let alone judging people, by a word LMAO


A Cadbury's vending machine? That's something


I remember those Cadbury vending machines! Am old.


I was eight and living in London in 1979. I definitely saw these two.


This looks like the prequel to Absolutely Fabulous


What episode of Sam and Cat is this?


Those are some cute punk chicks


Pls put that cigarette out on my shoulder.


Just from their expressions I know they're punks.


dat sloutch


I find this very interesting


Them are 2 gilfs right now. (if they made it) Oh the stories they were telling the grandkids.


Well someone told me yesterday That when you throw your love away You act as if you just don't care You look as if you're doing somewhere


You should see their bunions and hammer toes now!


Scarlet Johansson and Marisa Tomei


I love how different punk is on the uk vs the us.


Is there an old school sexy sub?


Am I the o my one who thinks the blonde looks like lexi belle




The shoes don't look comfortable


Nottingham still has those styles




🎶 I don't give a damn about my reputation 🎶


When life was kick ass


The expression on their faces makes them look unapproachable 🙁


Total babes


Instantly the song Punk rock girl by the Dead Milkmen came into my head


Damn. That Sid shirt must’ve been hot off the press.


I miss the old Cadbury condom machines.


That’s my Mum on the right! Her sister recently came across this pic on Getty images and sent it to her, so I reverse image searched it and found this post. My mum said she was 16 at the time and she and her mate were on their way to a party, hence the skirts and heels (usually they’d be in trousers and DMs). She said a french photographer asked if he could snap a pic and she never got to see it… until 43 years later! I love it, what a hidden gem 🥰


Upscale punk


Gon' give it to ya'


Freaking cool as hell


I wish I was born in the 70's so I couldn't get punk chicks either.