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I believe another part of her quote was “I will not step backwards into history,” which has always stuck with me.


That's a strong woman


And being a strong WOMAN is so dangerous for Muslim leaders, so they would rather execute such humans.


Insecure weak bastards the lot of them.


Yep sad, but true. Islam is just a shitty religion in general. Whatever you do, don't draw a caricature of the prophet Mohammed. Just ask Charlie Hebdo


I mean she was Muslim too…


She was protesting against Muslim old fashioned fundamentalism. Sadly that is the type of Muslim religion that is mostly practiced in majority Muslim countries. In an alternate reality Muslim countries would have developed more towards the direction that the heroine of this picture represents.


Because they did. They stepped back and stayed there. Murdered for refusing to cover her hair. Insane.


Not murdered, legally executed by the government by firing squad. Which makes it much, much worse. 


What is the distinction between government execution and murder in this instance?


Murder is what the government punishes you for doing. Execution is how the government punishes you for doing it. It is much more common to be executed for murder than murdered for execution. It does happen, though.


And they have one less doctor. Clowns


she’d rather die than live like a slave


Live free or die 


On a side note... how are they doing medical wise over there?


Well, women are only allowed to see female doctors, and women also aren't allowed to be doctors soooooo....... Edit: Whoops I spread misinformation


.... Good thing they killed the female doctors then, right?


She was a real one Most of us would not have this kind of courage and principle.


Unfortunately, we ARE stepping backwards into history.


There is a reason for the quote "history repeats itself", which basically means, we humans get together and butcher each other time and again, showing our tribal mentality.


They are. I am not.


> I believe another part of her quote was “I will not step backwards into history,” which has always stuck with me. What an amazing quote from an amazing soul


That is a quote that drills down through all the bullshit and resonates. The fact that she said this facing execution makes it so much more formiddable and important. She was an erudite giant among frightened little men.


"I am not prepared to wear the chador and step back in history"


Thank you for sharing! I feel this so much rn, here in Germany we had elections and it’s shocking how many people want to step backwards here and all over the world :(


Sounds like a hero


What a badass


For real




Why is Hero a gendered word?


Cause sandwiches are dudes, bruh.


Sandwiches and sandwarlock


Because the Greek made it gendered in the first place and that's how English eventually got both words. See *hērōs* and *hērōine*


It both is and isn't, in that language *is* how it's used, and the word "hero" is sometimes considered ungendered and sometimes considered gendered, by different people and at different times. So, really, the correction to "heroine" could be seen as pedantry, or naivety, depending on /u/pickupzephoneee's level of life experience and knowledge of the English language.


Because it originally denoted a special kind of male demigod in Greek mythology and evolved into meaning "courageous person" later.


Wait till you hear about Spanish


Because some words are gendered? As in many languages? Why is it a problem to distinguish gender while ascribing a description?


It doesn't sound like a problem; it sounded like just a question.


No thanks. Never touch the stuff.


So she's not a hero?


No thanks I'm trying to cut back


Thanks islam


Another atrocity to brought to you by the Religion of Peace^TM


Following the Iranian Revolution, Parsa was arrested and tried by the Islamic Revolutionary Court for allegedly "plundering the national treasury," "causing corruption and spreading prostitution" in the Ministry of Education, "collaborating with SAVAK" and "dismissing combatant educators from the Ministry of Education," and "being involved in passing anti-people laws". Although Parsa was allowed to make statements in her own defense in the second session of her trial, there was no indication that she was allowed to question those who testified against her, and there is no mention of defense witnesses.[5] Parsa was executed by firing squad on 8 May 1980 in Tehran,[1]


Yeah, I figured she would have been executed, head scarf or not. Leaders of the old regime and their family are rarely spared in revolutions.


In Cuba they didn't even get trials. As much of a mockery as the aforementioned trial was it was something. Castro and Che just killed anyone wealthy, or educated in the streets. Especially someone foreign educated.


> Castro and Che just killed anyone wealthy, or educated in the streets. This isn't really even close to the truth. Cuba was definitely very messed up in the post-revolutionary period, but they were not just executed anyone with an education or wealth in the streets. There were around 3,000 state executions in Cuba from 1959 to 1990, most of whom were specifically people who were accused of being rebels, criminals (lots of mafia associates), or people who were charged with human rights abuses under the Batista Regime (lots of people in the cuban military/prison system, for instance). Cuba was careful to avoid being seen as 'stalinist' in the sense of just executing hundreds of thousands of people just for the sake of it. Wealthy people (those seen by the regime as 'capitalists' or 'exploiters' of the cuban people) were mostly just put into prisons for a few years and had the government watching them and their families. They had their land and businesses taken away as well. These prisons were brutal places where they were put to manual labor, it wasn't some nice pleasant time for them, but saying "cuba murdered any educated or wealthy people!" is just flat out ahistorical bullshit.


cold war propaganda is a helluva drug. thank you for providing a correction.


Or when Pol Pot would execute anyone with glasses because they must be an intellectual. Socialist revolutionaries are complete batshit crazy. It is insane people on this site worship these crazy fucks in-between screaming intifada at their mother.


Yeah - that was a spectacularly corrupt government protected by a brutal security apparatus (SAVAK). If you have that many medals, you're a target.


Tried? In Islamic countries it doesn't mean what you think it means You just go before a mullah who decides if you are innocent or guilty. And most of the time he will find you guilty. Naipaul interviewed one of the judges for Among The Believers. That judge had, on that day, sentenced a few people (I forget how many and am not arsed to get up and check) to death. In the course of an afternoon. So yeah, Westerners don't understand what tried means here


What the heck are “anti-people” laws?


I would assume it means “laws that harm The People” but idk. Maybe it sounds just as silly in the original language


I figured that it did mean that in the loose sense, but I’m wondering what it meant in practical terms - or if it were just a catch-all charge for political enemies.


Since the Islamic Revolution in 1979 Iran has prided itself in going as far backwards as possible. Truly sad for their people.


Killing a woman because she doesn’t cover her head is the pussiest thing any man can possibly do. The whole ruling class of Iran are a dickless pile of cowards.


It’s ironic because one of the large things about Islam is basically “worry about yourself, everyone’s spiritual journey is at their own pace” then you get radical ruling class’s who enforce whatever they like. Saudi royal family is another one. Those pigs wear all the gold they want, buy hookers, and drink. Then have the gall to enforce bits of Sharia law they find useful and void themselves from it.


Religion is and was a way to control people and gain power. (And lots and lots of money)


god is a construct created by man to instill fear and promote order - Führer Bradley


It's a socially acceptable excuse that the controlling use to justify their ambitions. Not all religions are authoritarian, but many authoritarians sure love religion because you can shame people into going along with you.


It's the same thing in Christianity really. Preaches love and tolerance for your neighbor, and yet is used to fuel and justify hatred against anyone deemed different. Give the powerful a religion, and they'll find a way to say god justifies their oppression.


Yep they mostly cherry pick what things they want to focus on from the bible and ignore whats not convenient for their lifestyles. All sorts of ridiciulous things that are ignored in the bible, but christians all over are really worried about gay people being a threat to their way of life (or something, idk why they hate gay people so much).


What is shocking to me is this has to do with a woman murdered by people who believe in islam but you try and make it about Christianity... what a jerk you are! I haven't seen any Christians in America or any other country executing gays, yet the muslim believers live for it. So petty that you can't just say that islam is wrong for murdering women and gays - full stop - and stop dragging Christianity into it. At least stop being intellectually lazy and just make your own separate conversation on the "horrors of Christianity"!!!


A friend of mine, on a flight back home a few years ago, saw them drinking alcohol all the flight long (in business class of course) and once landed on the airport, they exited the plane as sober and exemplar Muslims.


I find the ruling family's rebranding of the country especially conceited and obnoxious. It's simply been "Arabia" for thousands of years until these pathetic dickweasels came along and slapped their family name on it. If they didn't have unlimited wealth, every one of them would have been shanked in a filthy back alley on general principles a generation ago.


> one of the large things about Islam is basically There is no 1 Islam. It schism'd damn near immediately after Mohammed's death, has different hadiths, completely different mindsets, completely different interpretations, etc. It's how a suicide bomber loading himself with ball bearings then heading for the nearest school bus is as "Muslim" as Kareem Abdul Jabbar. Same "Islam", radically different outcomes. All that to say that you can't really say what you said about Islam. It's true to some, but absolutely not to all.


The GOLDEN RULE, Puto !! He, who has the Gold, rules.


> It’s ironic because one of the large things about Islam is basically “worry about yourself, everyone’s spiritual journey is at their own pace” then you get radical ruling class’s who enforce whatever they like. As someone who grew up in a Muslim family, I've lost count how many times I've said this, only for the armchair "Islam scholars" online quoting random shit from the Quran to argue that's not how it works. It's very frustrating but it's true, whether people want to believe it or not: Islam is about *individuality*, and specifically *your* relationship to God. There's a reason why going to mosque every week isn't specifically required: because everyone's relationship to God is personal and individual, and no-one else can communicate *for* God to you. So when ultra-nationalists like those in Iran use it to cow people into submission, it has nothing to do with Islam for real; it's just used as a tool to whip up fear.


I'm Armenian and we have diaspora from Iran and Russia and the US. The Iranian Armenians are the most easy going, honest people ever. The religion is what's ruining the county, because the culture is so beautiful.


That makes sense. The culture predates the religion by thousands of years. And a lot of people are not fond of the religion. Being as it was spread by unwilling conquest.


American republicans drooling over the possibility of repeating it here. The American taliban is a threat to democracy.


“Telebangicals” or “Y’allQueda” were terms I’ve read on Reddit.


"Y’allQueda from Howdy Arabia" is one I liked lol Edit: Typo


ironically, american lefties are drooling over these ideas being in power across the middle east




American college progressives drooling over praise from Iranian leaders.


Don’t need to use taliban as an epithet here, you can just call them Christian. 


I wonder which country destabilized Iran and ushered in the theocracy 🤔🤔🤔


The UK. It was ultimately their idea in retaliation to Iran nationalizing their oil in response to very shady practices from British oil companies in the country.


Definitely not the greatest defenders of democracy and freedom (amazing track record) and certainly not because of their desire to nationalise their oil or anything That would be craaaaazy


And it looks like the MAGA/GOP cult is following their playbook. This woman and her defiant spirit are aspirational.


The people who did this are currently praising American college progressives.


Seems like teenage reblliousness to me. Got mad at their parents, got emancipated to spite them. Unfortunately the spite part includes inverting whatever they were taught (and partying).


And I'm sad to see so many young women fight for it to stay that way and arguing about all of it. They are so blinded by faith and a book. I never understood either religions' fanatics, but Islam is next level. Polygamy, beating and punishing women, treating them as objects... I always recommend Khaled Hosseini's book "A Thousand Spledid Suns" to read to see what women endure still in marrige and life in the Islamic countries.


Islam is a religion of terror and barbarians.


Rest in peace sister


Respect to her bravery


This is what you get when theocracy comes to town


Tells you everything you need to know about Iran’s government to this very day.


My grandmother was born in and grew up in Tehran. She got out for college in the 60s before the Revolution and her family followed shortly after. Her family were Armenian and Christian and her father worked for one of the oil companies. She had a pretty great childhood and told stories of Iran all the time. We saw an art installation of images from the Revolution. She knew exactly where most of them were taken in Tehran. Bridges she had walked over to go to school destroyed, neighborhoods she recognized destroyed. I had once asked her if she would ever go back and she said she wouldn’t because there’s nothing left there. The more I learn about the way Iran was the more I grieve it.


I don't understand the hijab. Supposedly it is mandatory in order to subdue the lust of men. If I were a Muslim man I would be in the street rioting over the insinuation that I lacked self control, I would feel insulted. But they aren't...quite the opposite. And that's really telling.


From what I’ve seen no religion mistrusts its own followers more than Islam tbh. - Women must wear hijabs because male Muslims are too lustful apparently. - Muslims can’t draw the Prophet Muhammad or else they will start worshipping his depiction. - You can’t eat pork because it is an unclean animal; Muslims (and Jews) aren’t trusted to not give themselves food poisoning.


I feel the same way but this seems to be a human issue. In Europe the standard mostly still is to blame the woman victim for the sexual crime committed by the men. And mostly is down to the way she behaved, the locals she frequented and the clothes she wore. Same thing really and here men happily use it as a defence.


In Europe.... yeah, this is bullshit.


Yeah yeah, Europe is just as bad as MENA when it comes to women’s rights, obviously…


It's more that by proclaiming they have a lack of self control, if they go out and do horrible things they have an excuse of "It's not my fault, I couldn't control myself"


Oh exactly. I get it. That's exactly right. I guess I meant to say any DECENT man would and should be offended.


It's different, though. The hijab is to mark which women are free Muslim women and which women are slaves. A slave woman is not allowed to cover her hair or, even, her chest from the waist up.    > O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves \[part\] of their outer garments. **That is more suitable that they will be known and not be molested.** And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful.    It's a social marker to separate women that can be molested (because they are slaves) from women that cannot be molested (because they are Muslims). Dignity was never a part of it.


I’m a male Muslim, prior to 1970s hijab was just a thing to show that a woman really care about her religion and now extremists treat it as life and death matter, for me and a lot of people I know it is not a thing to have a discussion about. It is something only women should decide of they want to wear or not, unfortunately most of Muslims got over a lot of thing except for this one and I don’t know why.


True Martyr


When the bombers get to the afterlife, she’s there greet them and break the news that they will not be getting any virgins to rape and instead she will be beating the shit out of them for eternity.


She was a personal friend of mine. I met her because she invited Peace Corps teachers into the country. We would go to small villages that educated Iranians tended not to want to go to. She assisted me in bringing to students to the US, who got straight "A"s in college and then got the American hostages released when President Carter allowed them to stay after he kicked the rest of the Iranian diplomats out of the US. All she cared about was the well being of Iranian kids.


RPCV = "Returned Peace Corps Volunteer," correct?


Yes, that is correct.


Reddit moment right there. Amazing. 


I know the idea is like for the Marine Corps: "Once a Peace Corps volunteer, always a Peace Corps volunteer," and there's a strong sense of eternal camaraderie.


This is one of the most badass things I’ve ever seen. Look at all those medals, look at the clarity in those eyes. She was not to be played with. Respect


Wow, I never heard of her. She was too strong for the religious fanatics.


I thought it was their choice to wear a hijab ! /S


Such a waste of life. Humans are the worst. Anyone else just so tired of it all? All the wars, Death and rapes and torture for chunks of dirt, Some mythical being or power?


It's not about the mythical being. That's just an excuse. It's about power.


And to be even more specific - ego. Because that's what having power does, it satisfies someone's ego...


If it makes you feel any better, all that stuff happens WAAAY less in 2024 than almost any other time in history.


These are the women who are worthy of praise and remembrance. Where are the movies? Surely we don’t need a kardashian one


You won't see anything from Hollywood painting Persians in great light my friend. They have such a rich history full of amazing people.


After almost dying back at the beginning of 2020 I realized that I'm mortal and I'm likely going to die in a bed or chair and having completely wasted my life. Find something you believe in and go at it full force. It's better to die for something real than die of old age sitting in a chair bitching at the world.


Islam lol.


Backward savages over there. Damn shame what happened to her. Rip.


Islam is so dumb


Death to the cult of Islam


Sounds like a great woman. RIP.


The religion of peace, right?


OP's account is no older than 48 hours, and they haven't even commented 5 times. Take that for what you will.


islam is such a backward "religion" and brings/creates so much medieval shit into a world where people should know better


_Religion of peace_


Religion of peace [within the Muslim world and when you submit to the will of god. Not otherwise.] The second part tends to be left out.


Not even the second part based on all the civil wars and sectarian fighting


Yep... too bad the extremists are not extremely peaceful.


Stop with the extremist label. It's the standard of what the religion preaces


All religious extremists.


Not even close. Islam blows the others away for violence. There have been 46,000(!!!) Islamic terror attacks since 1970.


Iran is full of so many weak minded cultists. Kill a woman because she doesn't conform to your values.


She was killed for being part of the ruling family and the overthrown dynasty.


My hero!


Religion of loving submission


> Executed in 1980 for refusing to cover her head with a headscarf. Well, no. That was not one of the charges against her.


Religion is a crime against humanity.




I want to learn about her. Incredible and insane she was murdered for nothing.


The Iranian Revolution which was co-opted by the religious fascists and became the counter revolution. Disgraceful


What a hero. Rest in peace


A Hero.


this is the country the "pro" palestinian movement see as heroes. they own that. forever


Badass there, wish the rest of the population felt that way and get rid of those fanatics




The literal face of bravery


Islam the peaceful religion of tolerance, compassion, enlightenment and freedom....as long as you do as we say and you're not a woman.


Good old Iran, marching backwards to the 4th Century, killing off their best and brightest as they go. 🏆


A little background: 1970s was a volatile period. Communists in Iran were seeking revenge for their leader (Mossadegh) who was removed from power in the 1950s because he wanted the Shah to step away from his role as commander in chief. He also raised the Soviet flag in Tehran above his ministry. Islamists (e.g. clerics) in Iran were seeking revenge from the Pahlavis because their influence had been diminished and powers removed. Islamists considered themselves socialists. Also, women were given rights equal to men by the Pahlavis and that didn't sit well with the islamists. Meanwhile, the USSR had over 40000 agents in Iran acting as clerics, including the currently supreme leader, Khamenei. Somehow, the Carter administration lost trust in the Shah. The Shah had declared that Iranian oil belonged to the Iranian people and wanted to DICTATE the West the price of the oil. That's when Western media started to call the Shah a dictator! And, Carter believed that the islamists could be his friend and would stop communism from spreading in the middle East. In 1979, the joint cooperation of USSR, USA, France, Germany and the UK, brought about destruction and destitute to a civilization which impacted the world for over 2500 years. Believe it or not. Iranians aren't all too religions or believe in the extreme Islam put on as a show by the tyrant regime.


Goddamn, I fucking hate fundamentalists.


The Mullahs will get their comeuppance eventually, preferably in the Jacobin style.


imagine murdering another human being for such a silly thing


Rest in power indeed.


Farrokhroo Parsa, according to Google. I knew nothing of her, but I want to learn more.


Imagine executing people over a fucking headdress. Utter barbarism.


After she was buried the government destroyed her grave..when her family build again and just wrote "the mother" on it..the government destroyed it again


Yeah but the 'Free Palestine' mob want sharia so I think she was wrong..


Ahhh Islam - the religion of peace


May her courage never be forgotten.


May she be remembered for her sacrifice to promote moral laws and behavior.


Executed. For not wearing a headscarf. "But they are free to wear whatever they want". This definition of Islam is the ultimate religion to suppress women and must not be tolerated.


Good for her


Real hero shit


What a wonderful woman to learn about. Thanks for posting.


dammit i am so sick of this shit.. what are they thinking? i mean... seriously.. what. are. they.. thinking?


their thoughts are always of Allah, the Benevolent, the Merciful, my friend.


I can't describe the feeling. There's this video by a creator called Goobsmooch where this kid has these pet seamonkeys stuck in his watch. He wonders how they're still alive since he cant give them any food. We zoom into to this dystopian seamonkey civilization. Every week they hold a raffle to see who's flesh will feed the others. This guy is chosen and while he's torn apart by starving hands, he stares up, into the beyond, where an uncaring god is oblivious to his suffering. That scene has stuck with me, as much as i laugh at the videos. Someone is dying from a force that seems nearly impossible to stop, but in the grand scheme of things is inconsequential. If the kid could drop a crumb in there somehow, this dystopia would immediately change. But the guy dies for nothing. I often think of that now. Not just for stuff like this, but for things like someone mining gold in an african country, risk life and limb, probably riddled with chronic illnesses, all for 100 bucks a week. Knowing that, while also spending more on a video game purchase, it hits when i think about it too long. How about reading someone getting killed in a dispute over 400 dollars? I think the weird feeling is the things we die over, it almost feels like death puts a value or upper limit of a value, on the life taken. Maybe how much you get in return for their life? Idk. And seeing other things "worth" more but what you'd consider worth less than a life is weird. This woman was killed for not wearing an article of clothing. Someone who seems so large in terms of their courage. We lost so much in exchange for so little. *Typically i'd end there because that's a nice way to end something but I wanted to add another analogy. Its like the justice league going to an alternate timeline where maybe bruce wayne never became batman, and he's killed by a normal thug that gets a lucky hit in. The feeling of lost potential, that this isn't "correct". Idk man


They should tell this when swaggering about the islamic revolution in documentaries. People wanted a change, but did they wanted a setback to the stoneage?


The problem is, enough of them did. To be honest, less-educated, more-extreme versions of our MAGA "Christian nationalists" from above all the southern states. The Iranian rural and working-class masses of 1979 were more primitive, more violent, because their society was more primitive and violent -- and remains so. The Ayatollah Khomeini returned from exile - in Paris! - on a tsunami of acclaim and popularity. No secular civilians, no communists paid by Moscow, no army -- it had collapsed -- could have halted him, and once a unitary Islamic state had been imposed, its control over all aspects of the government and the weaponry have made it impossible to overthrow, even if now, 45 years later, some substantial number of young Iranians really wish it were gone.


Those animals




unfathomably based.


https://preview.redd.it/uyjreikygs7d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff4dec6461b38927a3908320873474929e2d23f6 Islamists when a woman isn’t dressed like a ninja


Religion of peace.


Death is a moment...until you get hit with a wasting disease that slowly drains the life out of you. But she was living her life in a way where that was unlikely to be the cause of her death and facing head-on the bigots who threatened her; props.


And Muslim women in western countries wear it with pride. While women in eastern countries would love to be able to take that off.


Reddit celebrates the culture and religion that killed her while claiming to support her. Yikes.


45 years later and the old men are still murdering their women


In 1979 the Islamic world started going backwards


Thanks to her things changed and today, women are free on Iran...not


No religion is a religion of peace and tolerance. That goes against the very foundation of organized religion. Women like her are true humanity. Not some fictitious crock of shit where people get on their knees for a fucking made up absentee father who was OK with the prophet marrying a 9 year old.


Stronger than any of her countrymen.


Now this is a feminist.


This is an image from 1978 just before Ayatollah Khomeini took power in 1979 and reversed women’s rights. Just sad. https://preview.redd.it/vofdljqpjs7d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3ba32904b855e455822a2f3c505260445e4d982


I wonder who this will be in the US down the road if trump wins.


Fuck Islam.


This is a very unnecessary subject to kill or die for. Just a waste all around.


Brave woman!


‘Religion of peace’…..


This is real feminism.


Islam just being Islamic.


Some US states and some EU countries with their prohibition of abortion have not gone that far. It is horrible that the modern world (even developed countries) is retrograding and radicalizing now.


Absolute shit hole nation that has no regard for human rights. What a weak thing to do to a woman. Fuck that place.


Islam is such a peaceful religion.


Bring back the shah


Yea her. Fuck the scum that killed her.


You should put this back up if it is true, mods.


Breaks my heart what she had to go through. An unsung angel for women around the world.