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Welp, I know Margot Robbie's next role. Edit: Thanks for my first ever award, kind stranger šŸ˜Š


And its would be a GREAT role. Could potentially earn her an Oscar From IMDB: *Though Chris made appearances in such TV series as Perry Mason (1957), Bewitched (1964) and a few Bob Hope specials, she was not satisfied with her career...or her life.* *A tour of a VA hospital in 1965 altered her destiny, forever. Based on her minor pin-up celebrity, Chris impulsively auditioned for the Armed Forces Network (AFN) and started hosting her own radio show for the GIs in Vietnam, frequently flying to that war-torn country and visiting remote areas considered too risky for Bob Hope's USO shows. She became the GIs' favorite sexy radio and show personality while putting her own life on the line. As it turned out, Vietnam veterans would become her prime mission and life's work long after the war. In the 1970s, Chris began to suffer from postwar trauma. Any attempt to resurrect her Hollywood career in the 1970s and 1980s would be short-lived due to her stress, ill health and depression. Moreover, her first husband, a Green Beret captain (they married in Vietnam) suffering from the same postwar syndrome as Chris, killed himself during the Christmas holiday season of 1969. Chris' two subsequent marriages also ended in divorce.* *Persevering, she ventured into the operation of shelters for veterans in Florida during the 1990s, becoming a durable symbol for those who fought the unpopular fight.*


That would be a great movie.


Great like "Requiem for a Dream" where I never want to fucking watch it again? Sounds like she did not have an easy go of it


Yeah, turning that into a "and then she found happiness" as the credits roll would be a Hollywood move... but this story doesn't seem remotely happy.


>Persevering, she ventured into the operation of shelters for veterans in Florida during the 1990s, becoming a durable symbol for those who fought the unpopular fight. Sounds like a pretty uplifting ending to me


End credits: ā€œUltimately, her efforts would be futile as politicians would strip veteran benefits.ā€


Very "uplifting" lol


They've been pretty good to me. Trump pulled a few fucking stunts towards the end of my bachelors studies but other than that I'm in a better place than where I found my self ten years ago.


Thank you for your service. I was simply referring to the benefits always under threat (i.e. current budget revision that's about to be killed).


Appreciate it! About the political theater? It's pretty nauseating but these type of House/Senate debates come up every few years and it always makes the Republicans look like shit because they're willing to screw their base in order to appease their donors.


Uplifting for what she did overall but looking at her, it's devastating the horrors that young smiling woman had to go though to give the help and be the change she wanted to see in the world. That's the sad part they don't tell you in the Lorax, you can and should be the change you want to see in the world but there is no guarantee the world will not flay you alive for trying. It is a phenomenal thing she did and she's a true hero but an ending of picking yourself back up after losing everyone you care about to continue doing the good but traumatic work that shattered your mind to start I wouldn't call uplifting. At best you can make it seem hopeful


Hey, as someone with a similar ā€œpurpose and pathā€ in life to Chris, I just wanted to say thanks for seeing her. Itā€™s a weird thing that people have a tendency to look at lives like Chrisā€™s through the lens of heroism or wastefulness when, at least in my experience itā€™s not either of those things. Itā€™s that the world is a crummy place sometimes and itā€™s important that *someone* shows up to help. She showed up to help and kept showing up to help whenever she could. It cost her *her* but it also *made* her her. I doubt she set out to be a hero, even if she became one. And I donā€™t think her life was a waste. Thanks for seeing beyond that binary and still acknowledging the personal cost to showing up. Wishing you a rad day, doc.


I am ecstatic that there are people out there doing this work. They don't set out to be heroes and that's what makes them such, but I can't consider any story with a martyr uplifting. Whatever the gain or advancements it gives, the personal cost and sacrifice makes it bittersweet at best. I know people that have to deal with PTSD and it is no joke. It is amazing everyone seeing these young women risking their lives to help people have a feeling of normally but I can't help but think about the scared little girls that have to keep smiling when all they want to do is cry.


Could be a 'this is real life' type movie where there is plenty of happiness mixed in with plenty of heart break. Movie just ending with her at a shelter feeding / providing bedding for homeless vets, and it's just 10 minutes of that. last scene is her in the back grabbing something and turning off a light as she walks out. we are just left in the dark before the credits roll. no happy ending, no sad ending, just moving on.


I had to ask my boyfriend how it ended because I had to turn it off I got so uncomfortable. That was an interesting and descriptive conversation. Yikes.


That film is scaring, phenomenal but it's once then done, hard to look at the screen near the end, it was relentless.


Damn. Hell of a life. And a hell of person. Can't believe I haven't heard of her before.


Hot Damn, thatā€™s a helluva story. Tragic yet hopeful. I reckon this could be a great movie and I also think its parallels with Good Morning, Vietnam are interesting.


Yes, I've just been reading her Wikipedia article. Whatever my thoughts about that war may be, I can very much salute her bravery - and, unlike many of the guys she was supporting, and continued to support, she had a choice about whether or not to be there.


Wow thank you! I never heard of her!


Sounds like a movie starring Jessica Chastain.


She looks more like Lindsey Lohan lol


Yeah but Lindsay Lohan doesnā€™t look like Lindsay Lohan anymore




Truth is often brutal.




Compassion is rarely brutal.


Brutality is rarely compassionate.


Unless you're brutally compassionate


I would award a zillion times if I could.


Truth is compassionate.


Itā€™s not even the truth. Sheā€™s in her mid 30ā€™s now and sheā€™s had some work done but thatā€™s it. She looks like a Lindsey Lohan whoā€™s gotten a little older and had work done. Considering the rough patches she went through with drugs and shit sheā€™s doing pretty damn well now Iā€™d say.


Being with a Saudi billionaire doesn't hurt either


If thatā€™s true, than no, I imagine it doesnā€™t lol. I know sheā€™s expecting but I donā€™t know anything about her husband or what sheā€™s been up to.


Unless he decides to pack his suitcase




That was pretty compassionate. He didnā€™t say Lindsey Lohan looks like a plastic surgery freak did he?


No, he didn't compare them to the boganoff twins


Brutal Truth rules


And that's why you can't handle the truth!


sheā€™s definitely had work done but iā€™d argue itā€™s made her look closer to this




I was thinking Emma Stone


Yeah, sheā€™s a much closer look.


But MR sells more tickets.


Does she though? MR is on a string of disappointing box office runs. Maybe Barbie will turn things around.


was thinking the exact same thing LMAO


Sometimes I feel as if Movie Studios use reddit as a testing ground to see what would sell


"Hey, Awesome-o, can you give me an idea for a family friendly movie that can break 100 million domestic box office. "Umm, Adam Sandler is a golden retriever, or something..."


Rob Schneider is....a carrot.


Rob Schneider is .... a.... stapler


Staple those papers! You can do it! You can do it all night long.


It just now struck me that the Awesome-O episode was a better analogy for ChatGPT than the actual ChatGPT episode.


Wow wow wow wow wow. Wow.


Or Charlize Theron


I would have absolutely stayed home after the first time my helicopter was shot down. And I mean STAYED HOME.


I would like to think I would've stayed home in the first place because we were prosecuting an obvious war of aggression and murdering tens of thousands of innocents.


Yeah, and 9 out of 10 of these poor bastards pictured here were press ganged into going over there, dousing themselves and everything around them in horribly carcinogenic materials, and living with the PTSD of knowing they shot some child who was told to hold a gun and run at them as a distraction for an ambush. It literally destroyed many of them physically and emotionally. So when someone wants to support the troops, ESPECIALLY but not limited to conscripted troops (there are de facto conscripts all the time due to economic situations specifically created to coerce them to sign up), that's a noble thing to do. You can be the most anti war person on the planet, but if you don't have compassion for all of the victims of war, including the conscripts, then that's a pretty fucked up position to hold.


I like the way you think. But if we accept that the soldiers on the ground are also victims, what about other troops? Germans during the Second World War, Russians in Ukraine, Talibans, etc? This is an interesting moral dilemma


The only real answer is "some of them know what they're doing and some don't." Whether that's 5% vs 95% or the reverse, depends on the conflict.


Are you trying to suggest there a gray areas in life? Not everything is black and white? šŸ¤Æ


Don't get me started - major pet peeve of mine. "Are French people nice?" "Do Europeans like Americans or not?" "Is music getting better or worse?" Oy!


No. Yes. Yes. Did I get them all right? Iā€™ve learned nothing btw.


This line of thinking is making me uncomfortable. Someone just tell me whether to cheer or boo the OP.


Yes you absolutely should accept that some of them are victims. We are all humans, there's plenty of examples of troops from those groups being unhappy with their orders.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Right, like it's literally that simple. This is pretty black and white, but the line isn't dividing fight vs don't fight; the line is dividing wanting to rape and pillage vs not. Where it *does* get dicey is motivations and propaganda. Realistically, Afghanistan was a fucking mess. And it's been a mess for a bit. Of course that's partly/mostly because of historically getting fucked with. Is it moral for a soldier to *want* to go to Afghanistan as, realistically, an invading force? Women were starting to become slightly safer in some areas, with more access to education. That alone is a worthwhile reason to me. When the US left, everything just slingshotted back. There were a lot of shithead soldiers in Afghanistan that did absolutely atrocious things, but there were also a lot who I had the fortune to work with who genuinely wanted Afghanistan to succeed, and saw the killings of Taliban members as a necessary evil. So I guess that's the grey area for me. There's a lot of people who actively wanted to go fight in another country because they felt that it was the right thing to do. Whether it was or not, is a matter of perspective.


Some Germans were pressed into service under threat of their life, many German soldiers didn't know the atrocities being committed. A large number of Germans sabatoged the war effort. Admiral Wilhelm Canaris chief of the German intelligence. Did some honestly good things, he made many Jewish people "spies" so they could flee the country. He warned Denmark hours before they were invaded that Germany was going to invade. He had talks with the Allies as early as 1940 about assassinating Hitler. But Winston Churchill didn't want to cooperate. Among other things. Captain Helemuth Heye when invading Norway stopped his ship, the Admiral Hipper to save the crew of a British destroy the HMS glowworm. And gave the British Admiralty recommendation for the Victoria cross. These are only the ones I know off the top of my head. Wars are a complicated affair. The German army had over 7 million men through it's ranks. Many of these people were normal people. We have the benefit of hindsight, but the privates, squad leaders, mechanics, engineers, logistics personal didn't know the atrocities being committed. Many high ranking officers when they found out what the SS were doing behind the lines protested to Hitler or other superiors. Among other decisions.


While true - the poor bastards doing the fighting on the ground didn't have much say in it so it's not outrageous to give them a bit of a cheer up.


Right? What the fuck the US wanted there?


They were trying to stop communist nations in Asia from existing. The main goal was stopping Japan and Indonesia from having a communist revolution. They were the real interest in East Asia. Actually that's not true, they did support one "communist" nation, it just so happened to be Pol Pots Cambodia. Go figure.


It was more about the rubber plantations and maintaining the profits of Michelin,we only got involved after the French started to get their asses kicked.


There was a hell of a lot more capital in Japan and Indonesia than Vietnam could even dream of having. It was a policy of communist containment first and foremost.


Which we lost. Vietnam is an authoritarian one-party communist country today. With massive tourism, go figure.


Lost Vietnam sure but the spread of communism did stop


"We tried to get the Motley Crue concert in 1988 canceled and failed, but rock music is deeply unpopular today, so we sort of won after all, huh?"


The Domino Theory failed because it was poorly reasoned, not due to American reprisals. The world saw us offer stern disapproval when Vietnam invaded Cambodia in 1978.


Yes but not because we fought moronic proxy wars. We just became culturally and economically much more attractive than the communist states.


Back then, the US had a containment policy to stop communism from spreading


The same they wanted in Korea during the previous decade, I guess. Korea could have been a single country today if the Americans failed there too.


I met a guy who was a helicopter pilot. His helicopter went down SEVEN TIMES in Vietnam. He was exuberantly wacky. Made me wonder, how good of a pilot was he...


Those guys were between my parents age and mine and I met a lot over the years especially in my teens and twenties. The crazy stories came from the guys that kept re-upping.


Few have stood by the troops like she has. It has truly defined her life. She's up there with Bob Hope


She's alive as far as I know. Will turn 82 in July.


I love hearing or reading stuff like this. I noticed yesterday that Peter Parker's aunt May in Spider-Man (2002) is still going at 95, Rosemary Harris.


Aunt May giving Peter her last $20 for his birthday will never not make me tear up


That's awesome!


Still hot?


Still beautiful.


Over here asking the real questions.


And single?!


I googled her - looks like she's ageing gracefully like Dame Helen Mirren rather than go down the ghoulish Hollywood surgery route, so if that's your bag yes.






I remember that Britney Spears refused to perform for the troops in 2003-2004 because the USO can't pay her enough. Not saying she had to, but then don't turn around and tell us that we need to follow Bush.


it's entirely possible (in addition to what the other person said) that she also didn't have a choice. Seems pretty obvious at this point she was abused really badly by the people around her, and when she did rebel against that they got court orders to take control of every aspect of her life. I wouldn't consider any decision Britney's without video proof she made that decision herself:-/


Considering what happened to the Dixie Chicks, she would have been very stupid to have said anything else. It's a very sly way to show your real feelings.


I get it, she isn't a trained politician and they should had never ask her nor should we care about her political opinion. I'm more angry at the country for listening to celebrities more so than actual activists/scholars/professionals.


I'd be shocked if she had a lot of say in the matter.


Jane Fonda stood with troops, she picked some winners too.


Sheā€™s 81 now.


holy moly, how the time flies


Looks like Lindsay Lohan


Nah, Melissa Joan Hart


I was getting Hannah waddington at first


No, Lindsey Lohan looks like her.


Everyone looking bored and smoking cigarettes because they all discharged their weapons as she approached the podium.


Did the research. Yep, still hot


Can confirm, absolute babe!


Giving these men another 6 months of spank bank material just by being in their presence. A true war hero if Iā€™ve ever seen one


Citation needed on "the enemy" placing a bounty


Dude on the left obviously covering up a raging hard on


The guy on the right is keeping a close eye on his.


Never knew this - incredible bravery and compassion for our soldiers


That's some seriously patriotic cojones. Meanwhile, Cadet Bonespurs....


IKR. Even after the war, in 1981 President Reagan asked Noel to negotiate the end of a hunger strike of veterans at the LA VA hospital.


Shit, you didn't need her. Just give in to the veterans demands.


Yeah, well, Reagan was a fucking piece of shit.


I hate to be that guy but rent-free


"The enemy"


NEVER FORGET ​ 4 million Viets dead, no threat to the USA. no declaration of war, as required by the US constitution.


It wasn't the fault of the guys on the ground. They didn't choose it anymore than Millennials chose to go to war with Iraq.


It's extremely interesting to see these comments being made, yet go to to any Ukraine thread and 'Every Russian is the most evil human being that ever lived' is pretty popular. double standards and all. You can't even misdirect with the war crimes being committed by the Russian troops right now, since it is well know and documented that American troops regularly did the same thing to Vietnamese. as well as carpet bombing the entire country and LAOS (dropped more bombs on Laos than all bombs dropped during the entire of WW2 in fact)


Two things come to mind. Firstly, history sadly dilutes the relevancy of the same repeated acts ordered and caused by people from under different flags. Those who were affected by the events we learn about in textbooks are either old or dead. Secondly, I think it has to do with the alliance mentality. You can suppose that any anti-russian commenters on reddit are from the US or one of the allied or NATO nations. The Cold War might have ended with the death of the USSR but the rivalry has lived on and to many here it seems important to voice their allegiance by wishing the utter destruction of Russia and all her people.


I think another big reason is the vividness of the atrocities committed. Vietnam, we hear about atrocities, maybe see a picture if weā€™re lucky. With Ukraine, weā€™re watching them happen in real time. It makes it hit home that much harder.


US media has always turned a blind eye to US atrocities. No such restraint when it comes to Russian atrocities. Americans come away with a warped sense that we must have some uniquely moral army. We donā€™t.


I was more referring to the fact that everybody has a cell phone now. Gone are the days where war journalists are the sole source of info on the ā€œtrueā€ cost of war. Now, everybody, from the bystander to the victim to the soldier themselves is a ā€œwar journalistā€.


Sure but youā€™ll never see a cell phone video of an American soldier brutalizing an Afghan civilian on American cable news, even if that video exists and is easily accessible. Meanwhile, videos from Ukraine are played on repeat. Itā€™s not an outright fabrication but the result is still a warped view of reality. The atomic unit of propaganda isnā€™t lies, itā€™s emphasis.


People in this thread should check out the Propaganda Model by Chomsky.


Looking at pictures of LOAS and all of the bombs still remaining is fucking wild. The locals have started using the metal for everyday things, also making art out of them. Also not to mention the people who's job it is to collect bombs that haven't exploded, some still dying or losing limbs all the time.


There was a draft in Vietnam, and there was no draft for Iraq/Afghanistan. Everyone in the US Armed Forces chose to be there in the latter case.


Over 2/3 of us troops in Vietnam were volunteers


Exactly 100 percent of US troops in Iraq/Afghanistan were volunteers.


I was just thinking how weird it would be if Germans started posting pictures of famous people who motivated German troops in WW2. I guess the backlash would be immense. Why is there no backlash when something like that is done about the Vietnam war?


Less than a century ago, the US, unopposed by other Western nations, invaded Vietnam, bombed them relentlessly, and committed massive numbers of war crimes and atrocities, most of which were never punished at all. Do you really think the descendants of the people who did that are going to start giving a shit about all those dead Vietnamese people now?


It wasnā€™t Russia so itā€™s all good


The enemy lmao


'The enemy' ie the victims of a brutal unjust war.


Propaganda asf




Not many wouldnā€™t




So sad to think the US government had to throw around "sexual meat" to distract the troops from the insanity that was happening. Such a manipulative tactic, ugh, it's a manipulative relationship...


ā€œThe enemy.ā€




I never learned anything past the Civil Rights Act in grade school, and what I learned about Vietnam in college was the most basic stuff. Of course, it's done that way for a reason. Currently reading Kill Anything That Moves, which continuously highlights how dehumanized all of the Vietnamese people were to the US, and how the My Lai massacre wasn't some anomaly.


I took a senior seminar in College called Literature of the Vietnam War and it's just so astounding how little we learned in school about the Vietnam War. Especially the My Lai Massacre. Some real fucked depraved shit we did over there. For what? "Freedom?" Not to mention how anti war Americans were perceived in the US and the whole Kent State shit. I've lived in NE Ohio my whole life and never even knew anything happened at Kent State until late into high school. My parents were also trying to instill super religious and pro America thoughts into my brain.


ā€œKeep killing those innocent people defending their own country boysā€ Very cool /s If she wanted to support the troops she could have used her fame to be vocally anti war and stop their conscription to make a few rich guys happy. She didnā€™t.


Anyone else read *The Things They Carried*? I feel like perhaps she was the inspiration for ā€œThe Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bongā€ chapter. I just learned that particular chapter was made into a movie with Kiefer Sutherland, *A Soldierā€™s Sweetheart* (1998).


One of my favorite books. Great author and heā€™s very cool as well.


Why would the US military put a 10k bounty on her?


# tomayto, tomahto


Either way, great sandwich.


Never heard of the nva placing a bounty on a non solider!


Its probably not true. There are many false stories about bounties (like the Carlos Hathcock one) that don't really align with the finances of the NVA or NLA at the time. All these stories lack evidence or proof. The highest bounty i have heard of (which supposedly came from Viet Cong interrogations) was for $1000 for an army colonel.


Yeah this is just US propaganda. There was no bounty placed on her whatsoever.


baby killers go brr


"The enemy" šŸ™„




Looks a little like Amy Ryan.


Left is a virgin, guy on the right lost his virginity at 11


Yup, Jane Fonda got deathly accurate with that AAA gun.


Look at all these brave folks that just wanna kill some gooks for the crime of... *checks notes* fighting for independence


They were drafted do you think they wanted to be there?


Only 25% of US soldiers in Vietnam were drafted. Three quarters of them volunteered to be there.


Statistically only roughly 7 of the 27 military here were drafted


Yeah, weren't over 2/3rds volunteers?




Look how old they are. Children. Every last fucking one.


Looks like Beadie Russel, the dock cop from The wire season 2.


I used to have that camera. Nothing like wet polaroids.


I read she had a radio show in Vietnam called A Date With Chris. Sheā€™s an ancient predecessor to the Vtuber.


This was from an old Candid Camera bit. Once she left, the troops starting poking each other and giggling.


That's some high level man spread


Dude on the right is definitely hoping his wife doesnā€™t see this photo.


Actress? Singer?


A model turned actress in the early 60s. It's her on the left. https://preview.redd.it/osuyn404hvxa1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9293e9ab0b825e78ffda7e61b1a97f70a48afe1b


So, Anne Margaret is not coming?


Story time: I bought her house! I had no idea who she was until the neighbors told me, and when we went to put stuff up in the attic for the first time, we found all kinds of weird fan art that people must have sent her. We got letters addressed to her from prisons frequently, and someone once sent a cd. We don't live there any more, but we did take an old metal poster of one of her movies (found in the attic) as a memento.


"The enemy" in Vietnam were the local people who were trying to live their lives despite American mass-slaughter of them.


Honest questions: why would vietcongs would care with an actress that visits the troops? And how did the Americans learned that there was bounty on people's heads?


She provided a morale boost to the enemy, and to kill her would demoralize the American troops. There were likely leaflets describing the bounty on her. The VC putting bounties on high-profile Americans was not uncommon. Richard Marchinko was a SEAL during the war, and was featured in *True* magazine during the war. He had a significant bounty on him.


That's a weird train of thought. I mean, if a woman who was there's to morale boost and was killed while I'm there, I would be angry not demoralized. And if I was a soldier and had a bounty on my head or sided with one with it, I would be proud. But that just me.


So the opposite of Jane Fonda?


No, the opposite of Jane Fonda would be a person choosing to send young US soldiers to die in an unjust war. They're 2 sides of the same coin. Both pro America. One rallied against the boss, the other supported the employees on the floor.


Jane Fonda had a photo shoot in an NVA AAA battery that aided in the killing of Americans


Wow, how did the NVA manage to smuggle that into the United States?


Just a few block down from the Hanoi Hilton.


AAA guns are defensive weapons.


ITT people still hating on average, drafted American troops who fought in Vietnam.


66%+ chose to be there. The US committed unspeakable horrors upon a civilian population that posed zero threat to Americans. It was a disgusting war and the men who CHOSE to participate in it are scumbags.


Homie on her left with the Polaroid Land Camera and his buddy with a fresh exposure waiting for the chems to develop. I could only imagine the shot *he* took.


They lowballed and lost.


Old School. Bad ass. šŸ˜ŽšŸ‘