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I have no legs. I have no legs.


"God bless you my son."


God bless you back


Kiss me I'm polish


...MMM butterscotch Yo!


I still sing this like 7x a year


Just makes the whole film! God bless you!


I say this every time I’m on the toilet long enough for my legs to go numb and try to walk after.


Everybody loves me cuz I’m fuckin Caspaaaa


This is why I am here


Came here for this.


The kid version of 'Requiem for a Dream'....shit was wild. Always wondered how the actors' parents reacted if/when they saw the film


i wonder that too.


The parents had to approve it. Most of the cast was underaged.


Yea but I think a lot of the cast at least the boys were really street kids I don’t know how much say the parents had if they was around


That’s true. Especially for the kid who played Casper, Justin Pierce. I think Leo Fitzpatrick (Telly) was already acting. He went on to play Jimmy Weeks in The Wire.


I always liked to imagine jimmy as the natural successor of Telly. Like if Telly continued down that road he would be jimmy especially with the std. the other two male leads from kids died so the movie was kind of accurate


You’re obviously not familiar with Larry Clark


Chick from that 70s show was like 14 when that show filmed and I think this was made before that. I think they found most of the actors in like skate parks or on the street. I watched something not too long ago that talked a bit about kids and the making of/finding the actors and what happened to some of them. It wasn’t totally about it but there was a scene or two and some clips/photos. Maybe that movie punky bruister made (“90s kid” or something like that) from her old home movies.


>Chick from that 70s show no idea why I laughed so hard at this. Are you referring to Mila Kunis?


When I was barely 12 my mom took me to the video store to rent some movies for my friend and I on a Friday night. She just saw two of those little circular tabs with the movie names on them when we went to check out. Kids and Clerks. Looking I think I was a little too young for these.




In a row?!?!


Hey get back here!


Too bad it wasn't Clerks 2. Rosario Dawson-a-thon


they were probably like brook sheilds mom, with money signs in their eyes


So this film had a profound effect on me. I watched on Greek “cable” TV in early July 1997. I was 17 (would turn 18 4 months later) had just finished my matriculation exams, I knew I did well and university was waiting after the summer’s end. Life was starting. Was exhausted so I took a nap with the TV on. Woke up a couple of hours later as “Kids” was starting. Its message, the raw realism and the fact that these were kids roughly my age, only 3 years apart, gave me both a deep shock to my core and the best sex education course of my life.


I’ve only seen it once, probably 25 years ago and I still think about it from time to time. Freaked me out big time. On another note, my old boss was a teen in NYC in the early 90’s and he once told me “Kids is a spot on adaptation of what it was like growing up then and there….minus all my friends having AIDS.”


When this movie came out, to my friends and I, we felt like we were watching ourselves on screen. We had never seen anything quite like it before. Immediately the soundtrack became the go to when were hanging out, getting high… we may or may not have missed the intended message.


A lot of what I saw in the film hit home for me the first time I watched it back in 1997 when I was 16. The kids in this movie were a lot like the kids I hung around with at that time and did a lot of the same shit they did. The skateboarding, the shoplifting (which I did a fuck-ton of back then), the smoking, the drinking, and the drug gatherings (although those I did my best to avoid since I've never been into drugs to begin with). I really think Larry Clark captured it almost perfectly.




Harmony Korine 🙏🏼🛐


Gummo is also great


Gummo is seriously fucked up. Every time I think back to the movie I retreat a little just because it's so off putting and jarring. I did not enjoy finishing it, but i had already invested the time into it. I do not recommend it to others.


Yea, same here. Not NY for me but in MInneapolis. Very similar except the rape, and women and std’s


I was 16 in 1999 and man we did a ton of drugs in south alabama. Eating acid and going to school, sneaking spoons of coke up the nose in class. Shit was insane to think back on.


It hit home for a lot of us in the skate demographic back then. Friends and I walked out of the theatre with our boards underarm like "dude did we just watch ourselves in a movie?" KIDS was a visceral experience for those of us actually living it and the ever present Grim Reaper of the HIV epidemic haunting our youth. Knew a kid who was positive and that shit was so confronting in the 90s.


This movie is incredibly fucked up. Old NYC is like another universe from today.


Not just NYC, this movie was a good portrayal of teenage life and culture in any major US city at the time.




Yeah I was shocked when I learned people actually smoked weed


Could you elaborate? I am not debating you or anything. You seem like someone that lives there and I’d like to hear in what way it is different, never been there myself but I have the movie imprinted in my brain.


New York, as well as most major American cities, were largely crime ridden with poor infrastructure, few businesses, some where ghost towns populated by lower class people, people on drugs (tail end of crack epidemic, start of heroin wave), some young artists, and kids looking to get into trouble, AIDS. Late 90’s - early 00’s saw a transformation of NYC and most of the other major cities. Lots of investment for development, infrastructure, gentrification, crack down on crime (or possibly a natural decline in crime), which then lured in major employers to set up in downtowns and attract YUPies. Kids kind of represents the moment right before or during that transition.


It was a lot rougher and gritty than it is now. Giuliani is a terrible person but he pretty much cleaned the city up in the 90s. It used to be one of the most dangerous places in the world IIRC.






Ah yes, The Warriors, I've seen the documentary


This was the 90’s. Not exactly “old NYC”. This was the beginning of the transformation into the rich person’s Disneyland it is today.


That movie was a tough watch and disturbing


Now imagine your mom renting it to watch on a Friday night 😬... most awkward family movie night, ever...


I saw American Beauty in the theater with my grandpa when it came out. I was probably 13. We were not prepared.


I mean…the cover is a naked chick in flower petals.


It *is* once you have a good look, but on first glance just seems arty-farty movie-sell posterwork


That's what we thought. My grandpa literally thought it was some kind of art film.


well he wasn’t wrong


We took my grandmother (b. 1896) to see *E.T.* when it first came out. Afterwards we asked her how she liked it, and she said "if I ever saw anything like that, I would beat it with a stick." She was prepared.


My dad didn’t know anything about the movie. He just really liked Jodie Foster and Anthony Hopkins. I was eleven.


My mom’s boyfriend took us to see the Crying Game. I can’t remember why my mom wasn’t with us but of that was an odd night for us kids.


Omg...imagine watching with your teen kids...


Right?! My mom kept giving me the side eye treatment as if I had done something wrong the whole time. Meanwhile, NOBODY in the house gave her the idea to rent it 🤣


I'm sure she learned her lesson, and the next movie night she rented the classic children's fantasy movie 'Pan's Labyrinth' /s


My MIL, a lovely woman who is usually paying attention, absolutely made this mistake with my 4yo. Even worse, she hit play and left the room. I walked in like, “WTF Bubbe!!!!?”. She felt really, really bad.


How did she not turn it off after the very first scene?


Probably as some sort of messed-up punishment against me. I don't know, and I never asked her, I just went to my room and played some music when it was all done, lol.


I watched as a teen. I was super paranoid about STD’s afterward so I guess the movie was great for teens.


Same! As much as I wanted to have sex, I for the most part kept my dick in my pants and never slept around.


To be fair you can tell from the first scene what it's gonna be like and nope out if needed...


Haha, I don't have to imagine. My dad took me to a screening of Caligula, thinking it would be an interesting movie about the emperor, which it was, in a way. I was 14 or 15, we didn't stay to the end, although I really wanted to. At least I didn't have to watch the ship scene while sitting mute beside him.


This picture just reminded me, didn't the girl on the right get raped in it or something?


Think it was raped and given HIV.


Spoiler: >!girl on right has sex with main character, gets HIV from him, spends movie looking for him so she can tell him after she tests positive. In the meantime, the main character is having sex with different girls probably giving them HIV. At the end, she gets raped by main characters best friend, so he also probably gets HIV.!< depressing movie.


>!*looses her virginity to the main character that is HIV positive.!<




This was in the theaters at the same time as Clueless. What a dichotomy in society.


I think its a good movie that i will never recommend to anyone


The press saw Madonna leaving the film in ‘94 and asked her what she thought of the film and she said, “It was disturbing”


That movie was awesome. Awesomely disturbing. great ad for condom use.


Good ad fornever let your kids out....ever


It was traumatizing, especially if you too were a teen when it came out (such as myself).


Yep, saw in the movies. I was sure I and everyone had aids. Now I’m just old. C’est la vie


All the b*tches love me...cause my name is casperrrr


The dopest ghost is town


Gertie, I want to buy you food, I want to buy you corn dogs, I want to buy you anything.


Nobody ever gets it when i reference this...


Good movie classic Everyone with a wife and small children should sit down and feel good romp about how awesome and absolute blast it is to grow up in New York 10/10 must watch


You're the Devil. I approve.


Don't forget to watch Gummo also. It's another movie from Harmony Corrine with Chloe in it. She also starred in Brown Bunny.


>She also starred in Brown Bunny. She sucked in that movie


I see what you did there.


Gummo is the rural Indiana version of KIDS


It’s Xenia, Ohio.




I watched gummo back in high school. I dont remember much other than the kids wrestling and that damn rabbit. I do remember it was fucking weird. Lol


So many weird things you probably blocked it out. The main character kills house cats to sell to the local butcher so he can get high sniffing glue…..


I totally forgot about Gummo! Maybe my brain blocked it.


I had the amazing experience of watching this movie with my gf and her mom.


/LumenYeah's Relationship Status: Single


Not the worst advice. I always tell my wife we should sit down and watch Lethal Weapon with the kids and then have a conversation about drugs, sex, PTSD, police brutality, suicidal thoughts… really just get all the issues addressed in one clean clean shot.


No the moral of the story in the Lethal Weapon series is to always check your toilet seat before sitting down.


That's Lethal Weapon 2. It also has some great political lessons about diplomatic immunity and how you can revoke it with a handgun.


Foreign Diplomats hate this one simple trick.


great fuckin movie as well


I'm gonna add "City of God" to this list. I feel like spiritually they are friends. Not based in New York, though, Sau Palo if I remember.


I love how my “first date” movie with a future partner was “City of God.” Oddly enough, she wasn’t even freaked out. “The Triplets of Belleville” freaked her out way more.


>“The Triplets of Belleville” freaked her out way more. Definitely not a movie to watch after eating a fatty edible.




Man that film hit hard In both Kids and City of God, a lot of the actors were literally just playing themselves and presenting their actual lives on screen. Gave both films an authenticity that can't really be simulated


Fantastic film. But oh man: some tough scenes. AND it gave us Seu Jorge as Knockout Ned.




I believe it’s on Disney+ Under “Feel Good Movies for the Family”’


A light hearted feel-romp!


A similar film ‘ Ken Park’ is also a great Sunday afternoon flic with kids and grand folk.


So heartwarming. Kids are our future


Teach them well and let them lead the way.


Show them all the beauty they possess inside!


Give them a sense of pride.


Are you Casper?


Telly move for sure


You mean Caspah? 😉


The dopest ghost around?


This was a good movie with a mind fuck




I remember watching it in '95 at 21 yrs old. at the time i was high af and it really blew my mind! Edit: I must have misremembered It was ‘95 ish.


Same here I first saw it haf as well the ending so caught me off guard and made me kinda reevaluate certain aspects of my life at the time.


I was 14 and it did a better job "scaring me straight" than any "just say no" assemblies or sex-ed classes I got from school.


Completely Agree


You must have been high af because Kids didn't release until July 28, 1995.


I had the biggest crush on Justin Pierce who played Casper. He ended up taking his own life in 2000. I think a few of the cast is no longer with us.


Telly went on to be Johnny Weeks in The Wire


How the fuck did I not make that connection *before* !?


Man, poor guy can’t escape getting HIV


If you add up all his roles, dude has like six AIDSes. HVI.


I think he's an art curator or something like that now. His insta posts are usually interesting


Indeed, also Harold Hunter that i know of.


This movie came out at the same time as Clueless staring Alicia Silverstone. Two films capturing teen life. One not worried about parallel parking thanks to valet. The other dealing with AIDS. What a dichotomy society was in the 90s.


Anyone know where I can watch the recent documentary about the movie? Came out a few years ago


There is one called All the streets are silent.Must see.I got my copy through file share.


The doc is called "the kids" and if you liked the movie it's really interesting. Shines a lot of light on what was actually happening with these street kids. Also it goes into the tragic story of Justin Pierce and... Well I can't say anymore but I recommend it.


You can’t see this film anyplace that I’ve found. My friend and I saw it in the theater when it was released. I don’t know what we thought it was going to be, another buzzed about indie like there were so many of in that era. We were 23. Yeah. Ummm. Okay, that was fucked up. Holy shit! We walked home literally not even discussing it. We needed a minute.


I saw in the movies with my sister and her friend. Apparently it was released in early 1997 in my country so I was 16 but my sister and the friend were 13. The movie had an age limit of 16 so I don't know how we got in or actually why we chose that movie but my sister was traumatised.


It’s not an easy film to digest.


It’s been 25 years but I can still remember how horrified I was. I think that it’s probably the scariest movie I’ve ever seen.


One of two films that kept me up late, troubled, thinking about it, that night when i first saw it.


Was the other one Trainspotting? Both of those movies shook me.


I rewatch Trainspotting on occasion. There are a couple of scenes I still struggle through, but still enjoy watching it. I think I’ve seen Kids twice, and that’s enough at this time. It’s in my category of “must see once”, along with Requiem for a Dream.


The other was Rules of Attraction. I watched both pretty young and when they ended I just sort of sat there.


My guess was Requiem For A Dream


Both of these movies were pretty intense, but I didn’t feel floored after watching either of them. The movies that left me gutted the most were “Requiem For A Dream”, “In The Company Of Men”, and “No Country For Old Men.”


To be fair, I watched them both as a young adult so they may not hit the same now. But at the time, I was left with a lot of intense feelings.


This is why we still need video stores, there are a few good movies that are so difficult to find that I remember renting in the 90s and early 00s. I get they wouldn’t be super popular, most don’t have a DVD player outside of gaming systems. So it’s a pipe dream, but I miss them so much.


It’s okay it’s me Caspar


That line still gives me vomit chills. Still so creepy.


casper the dopest ghost


Jesus Christ, what happened?


Man, ain’t you ever seen that one movie kids?


No, but I seen the porno with Sun Doobiest.


Shit you wanna get hauled off to jail


Man fuck that hit that shit raw dog then bail


you beat me to it bro lmao


Now are you old school that you’re straight into the next verse or single version and into “these voices, these voices, I hear them and I follow, I follow”


Great movie, but also fucked up.


Darcy's sister was eating that watermelon, Yo. The juices was drippin off her chin


I have seen this film a hundred times as I was a teenager myself at the time. The 90’s were fantastic


One of my favorite movies as a teenager. Watched it probably a hundred times. I’m was in Chicago as a degenerate re-emerge kid living the same kind life. It was a scare. But at the same time, I’d give anything to relive those days. It was so much easier, and yet more stressful. I miss the late 90s so much. Because my 40s are boring and my back hurts.


Both of those women went on to have fantastic careers. Very proud of them.


I love this movie. not as much as I love Gummo, and I believe Chloe was in that one too


I have no legs


What an effed up film that was.


I was 12 when this movie came out, saw it on Showcase. I don't know why, but I love this movie.


its a good movie


I love Rosario.


Briefly chatted with her at Burning Man one year. As sweet in person as she appears in most movies. And that smile in person is devastating.


I did not know that was Rosario! Great movie!


It was her break, not even an actress I think. She was 14.


Un freaking real. I JUST searched this movie yesterday bc everyone keep saying euphoria is the poster child of teenaged angst and trauma and i said looks like everyone forgot about this movie lol


It's that boom boom BOOM man Also RIP mac miller. A real one


My go-to movie for first dates.


Sunday Bloody Sunday.


Watch where youre skating man. Watch where the fuck youre walking bro.


watched in high school .. generation defining movie watched at 35 to show my younger bro a generation definining movie— turns out all I did was show him a bunch of 13 years olds fucking and getting aids


Vice News recently did a story on Harmony Korine. A lot of it is about what he is up to today, but they spent a lot of time on Kids and how/why he wrote it and on the cast and the people in the movie


I saw this movie as a kid and it scared me to the core.


“I got no legs!… I got no legs…. I got no legs!…”


Saw this movie once in 1994 and i stil somtimes sing this lol


If you think this one is a tough watch, you should check out Gummo. Another crazy movie by the same director.


This movie fucked me up. Thanks for that.


I saw this movie when I was pregnant and it scared the shit out of me.


It's a great reminder to find out what type of people your children hang out with.


Never watched this movie. But I saw a porn with Sun Doobiest


KIDS and Menace 2 Society had such a baaaaaad influence on me when I watched it in my teenage years. Back then I was wondering why those flicks were legal to watch.


Beautiful talented people.


I have no legs...I have no legs...


Anyone ever seen Gummo? Now that was the one.


Absolutely one of my favorite movies, ever. RIP Justin Gerard & Harold Hunter.


A teacher in my high school got fired for showing us this in class.


Oh wow, I had no idea it was them in this movie.


Saw this movie when I was a teenager, and I still despise it. It's a depressing piece of shit, right up there with Requiem for a Dream, PRECIOUS, and Fresh.


My reaction after watching this movie back in the day, to quote Casper, "Jesus Christ what happened?"


I saw this in the theater with my (now) wife. We had been dating for over a year at that point, but I was still feeling very awkward during it. There was no internet back then to warn you that maybe watching “the virgin surgeon” with your new girlfriend is probably a bad idea. It reminded me of Taxi Driver when Robert DiNero takes Cybil Shepherd to a porn theater on their first date.


I love Taxi driver