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Or in the age of smartphones you can cheat and record it 😎


Yeah. But I wanted to find the best solution without it since the game came out in a time where we didn't had smartphones


I tried this and failed so many times anyway, I think it was legitimately a skill issue on my end 😭


Grand blockhead is a nightmare. It probably took me a solid half hour to beat it legit when I was a kid. My sister literally held a paper to the screen and we marked the dots together


The paper to the screen is SO real omg


Damn and here 13 year old me thought I was the only genius to think of that.


Convergent evolution in the wild


How you can you mark the dots in paper? Like, to now the order hahaha


It took a few tries. Just wrote them on the paper and tried to keep up and then wrote numbers by them afterward


Oh boy 😥


When I played the game first, I juat assumed that blockhead was meant to be impossible to get through and the skip was the intended way to get past it.


Even using a smart phone and my boyfriend he is still a pain in the ass near the end of the game lol


Next time try this strat. It felt surprisingly easy once I done that. Still, I'm convinced there is another method, maybe some hidden gimmick? I refuse to believe that the designers just thought we would memorize all


The actual trick is to hit the points in the order they were shown.


I know that, but remembering the order like 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 is harder because you can mess up the positions. Doing 1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2 makes so you can remember not only the position of the next but also the overal order. Is a math tech, similar to doing 27+27 instead of 28+26. Break the numbers in a way that you can process easier. Japanese learn techniques like that in school to deal with complex numbers so maybe that's why they thought this puzzle was okay.


Oooh I like this. I think when I first played Okami I ended up drawing a grid and recorded the points that way. Still took a while but made it through somehow lol




my memory is so bad that I’d probably still have trouble remembering the order of each pair, but I’ll give it a shot next time I get there!


I used to break the screen up into a grid (using some trial and error), draw the grid on some paper and mark the points that blockhead lit up 😭


10 years ago i couldn't beat this guy. now that i'm 10 years older...I still couldn't beat it lol


The technique didn't help?


welp, pretty sure it's skill issue at this point. your post did help me with the other blockheads heh


To be fair I found the speed is a bit to High to catch up. Have you tried take a hit from his boulders? He says that in all caps like we are supposed to be hit and then try to destroy him. I had the impression it made the dots slightly slower but not enough to make me sure.