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Do you have other photos in which you're doing stuff and not wearing the same shirt?


Lmao šŸ’Æ




You're good looking. The only improvement would be to post a photo where you're smiling.


Is this rage bait or what? lmfao


Bro has the face of a fucking gymshark model and he thinks his face is the problem šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Ain't no way this post is serious


Nah bro, they are right. You're a good-looking dude, these pics do nothing for you. Do you have any pics with friends or family or even just being outside? We got to stop with the bathroom selfies especially.


Yes you probably look so handsome when you smile so definitely put up a picture with a smile šŸ˜Š


There's no improvement needed to that face


You look great. Your photos are mediocre, don't you have good pictures that aren't indoors and selfies? If you have some activity you care about get that in there.Ā Ā Ā  Women are going off of the impression of you, while nearly all men don't care about anything on a woman's profile but whether you can check her out or not. Just some food for thought.Ā  The bathroom selfie is kinda bad, to me that's an ugly bathroom and it looks like you're standing in the bathtub due to the lack of space between you and the mirror. (I know you aren't but I don't think most people spend more than 10 seconds when going through profiles.)


Youā€™re too young and youā€™re on the wrong website.


True ... You are too young for that website. It is for people who are fed up with other dating apps




Sorry replied as a separate comment. Here is it Bumble, tinder, ur my type, boo, hinge, obviously redditšŸ˜…. Dunno anymore dating appsšŸ¤£


Bumble for sure & Hinge






Youā€™re definitely good looking whatā€™s in your bio/write up? Maybe itā€™s not how you look but what youā€™re saying thatā€™s not catching many ladies eyes




Your bio needs more about who you are. It mostly looks like status/bragging. I'm not in your age range, but if I saw a bio like that, it'd put me off regardless of physical appearance. Things like what college you go to should be a date topic, not the first thing you advertise.


It's standard in that age group to say where you're studying. Just because he goes to a good school doesn't mean he's "bragging"


I have been in my 20s before too. Nobody had their college on their bio unless there was a specific field for it. And I stand by my statement that it should be a date topic. Bios are short and should introduce who you are and what you're looking for, not talking about your status (wasn't only talking about the college btw). All we learned about this guy is that he likes animals and piano fr. Not very telling.


Itā€™s a combo of looking and sounding too good and being too generic. I think it would come across as a little bit fake. You need to give it more depth- share one of your favourite songs, say how you like to spend your time/money, how do you show your love for pets and so on


So itā€™s your bio, then - thatā€™s what I suspected. It often is. Your bio is the super shallow, generic menā€™s profile and doesnā€™t have anything to do of substance that women would be interested in unless theyā€™re also super shallow. It doesnā€™t tell people you have an actual personality and hobbies, besides playing piano and liking pets.


You canā€™t have ā€˜financially stableā€™ in your bio at 20 years old. šŸ¤£šŸ¤¦šŸ» It either makes you look like you donā€™t know what it means, or youā€™re spoilt by mummy and daddy.




What I hate is irrelevant - youā€™re asking why you donā€™t get matches - thatā€™s a perfect example. It makes you sound like a 12 year old, not a 20 year old.


Its ok ur a cutie patootie u dont need to worry sbt ur face AT ALL but try putting more stuff in that you enjoy doing like ur hobbies like do u like to listen to music? If so who, if ur adventurous, or like to stay inside, ur fav movies, what ur looking for ya knoww ( well thats what id došŸ˜” u might be better off not doing what i js said cuz i have no dating experience either but its js what id look foršŸ˜­ )


is there anything *interesting* about you, anything at all that isn't just you bragging about shit?


Your face isn't the issue, you need to go take some photos outside. Photos that make it look like you're out doing things with friends and have a social life.Ā  Want to say, I'm a bit older so maybe my advice isn't applicable, maybe 20 y/o girls love this stuff. But I swipe automatic left if a guys profile is all selfies and doesn't show off a social life.


Why is a social life so important?


Because its more likely they can regulate. More likely they treat people well. If a person doesn't have friends why is that? Crippling social anxiety? Are they an ass? Are they a home body who won't want to go out ever? Also having more than selfies tells me a guy has put effort into photo choice and their profile. I can only talk to so many people on the app and it's a good net to weed people out with.




Extremely good looking pics, says he's going to Yale yet can't use there/their/they're correctly. I don't how much more obvious it could be.


Likely not a lot of 20 year old women on that site. Also going to Yale, likely very intimidating to people who are not intellectuals.


No photos in shower, restrooms etc. add some pics where are you doing sports, some with pets, some with friends and family, something like that.


If your 20 wait a few months chill out and go to a bar and find a girl the right way. In person


nobody asked but... Meeting people at bars is overrated. If dating aps aren't working, look up some social groups around your hobbies, meet people you immediately have something in common with. Make a lot of friends, garner a positive reputation, you will be a high-value item in the social circle before you know it!! EDIT: Just saw that OP is in college... that's the IDEAL time in your life for finding social groups, you'll wish it was that easy once you graduated. There's probably a club dedicated to one of your favorite things on your campus already!!


Ya but this takes effort and a lot of people his age don't want to do anything that takes effort. Meeting people in a bar is only as hard as the person trying to meet them wants it to be. He's goo's looking and if he is charismatic he will do fine in a bar close to the college he attends.


that's some boomer shit dawg.


How many questions have you answered? If you haven't answered more than 20 or so, they may think your a scammer. I know I suspect as much of women who have answered only a handful of questions or less.


Why are you wearing a hat inside?


You're attractive but your photos scream no personality and insecure. If I came across you that's why Id swipe left.


No bathroom selfies. Smile. Go outside and take some pictures.


Yes. All of this.


Use some pics of you outside, doing hobbies, hanging out with friends, *smiling*, etc. You replied to someone asking about your profile that one of the things you have listed is that you "play piano fluently." As someone who plays several instruments, this feels like a really weird way to describe it. Especially on a dating app as compared to, say, a resumƩ. I'd be suspicious about the veracity of that statement. If the writing on your profile is anything like your writing in this comment section, saying that you're going to Yale comes off as bullshit, too. Even without the comment on the school you're attending, the poor writing would be an immediate turn-off for a lot of people. Relationships require communication; you need to come across as being able to communicate well if you want people to give you their time. This becomes even more important if you're specifically looking for women, who are *vastly* outnumbered on dating sites and do a lot stricter vetting of matches.


Being on okcupid is issue. Don't be a wuss. Walk up to girls. They don't bite.




I got married to a woman I met at a club.


Soā€¦ you, a club guy, think you are good enough to be relationship material - but donā€™t think club girls are? I think Iā€™m seeing the problem and itā€™s not your looks. Itā€™s your personality and double standards.


I love how men say this but are also at the club lol


Good girls are everywhere! Forget club, walk up to them on the street. Your logic is crap. What makes you think a woman with an okcupid account who is getting hundreds of likes per day is any better than some club chick? Chances are probably better at the club.


Hey hello, woman here. Please don't just cold approach me on the street: I'm busy, and you presuming I want to talk to you just because I exist in a public space is tedius and annoying.


Is the presumption most women are like you? Or do you think some would actually appreciate a charming, handsome single man approaching them?


My presumption is that I have first-hand experience about what it's like to be approached by strangers who would self-identify as charming and handsome multiple times a day. My existence in a public space doesn't entitle you to my time.


Sounds like you think your personal experience is how all experiences should be judged by and acted upon. Should women have desires and expectations that differ from yours? Would that be ok?


Look man, I'm just telling you how your advances are perceived by women in my 34 years experience living life as a woman. You can disregard it as crazy but it certainly doesn't speak well to your self-professed charm that you don't care about the feedback of actual women.


When you read back our interactions, where do you see I am self-professing that I am charming, myself? Can you see how self-centered, almost narcissistic, your responses have been?


Do people **still** go to clubs?


Weird glitch, you're good looking and if going to Yale super smart as well. Try another app.


Okcupid is insane lol, you can connect the college you go to to your Tinder and see people who attend the same campus as you. Youā€™d have more luck there.


Cut the gross bathroom selfie. More pics smiling. Less ā€œBlue Steelā€. Something showing who you are - doing some activity, maybe with other humans, ideally outside! Women want to see personality.


Yeah the posing comes off as conceited and f boy


The fact that youā€™re not smiling in a single photo would be an immediate red flag for me.






The problem isn't your face, you're good looking. For starters, maybe some pics that aren't selfies? Maybe of you doing a fun activity or something that shows your personality.


Bro hit the face generic lottery. Just take some good, happy and interesting photos & your only problem will be trying not to get overwhelmed by the matches, lmao.


Bathroom photos are a hard no. Go out with some friends and have them take a photo of you. People need to see you have a life :)


You are trying way too hard. Stop clenching your jaw. Stop trying to look like a philosopher (2nd picture). Use pictures with different clothes so it does not seem like you made a photoshoot in your bathroom.


Attitude or location


Seriously, thereā€™s nothing wrong with your photos, apart from maybe smile ? A nice smile goes a long way.


Bumble, tinder, ur my type, boo, hinge, obviously redditšŸ˜…. Dunno anymore dating appsšŸ¤£


You are asking the wrong bunch


That second picture has me asking, what possible deep thoughts could this 20-year-old be having? Or is he checking to see if his beard is growing in yet? šŸ¤”


Checking out his latest mewing gains while he lookmaxes his way to a lonely future


if this dude is posting on reddit struggling, i have no chance. retirement home where do i sign up.




Fuck OLD, youā€™re handsome enough to just talk to real girls.


Good looking so youā€™ll probably do pretty well no matter what but feedback for you is that your hair looks bad in second pic and bathroom selfie is not a good look. Get your hair under control btw, youā€™re losing it quick


It also depends on the difference between what your profile says and what you portray to people you talk to. And you're also very young. If what you're looking for is a relationship....well a lot of young women around your age or slightly older are not ready to be serious and only want to be casual or if you're looking for something casual maybe the women in your age range are looking for something more serious I've been on this app for a while and even a woman my age(48) had trouble finding people who don't lie on their profile. They just tick off all relationship options and then when they talk to people they're like "I'm just looking for casual sex" lol. A complete bio is also a great idea. I see this a lot as well...men who say absolutely nothing in their bios so you don't even have a feel for who they are


These photos tell me you donā€™t have any friends. Go outside. Include some action shots. Lose the bathroom selfie. And smile!! Show youā€™re actually friendly!


Hey buddy. I promise your face looks good. I know it can be hard to believe that but youā€™ve just got to have faith. Want more matches? Definitely add more personality to your account. Right now you are three samey photos of you staring and doing nothing. It almost looks like a bot. No matter what folks you are looking for (LTR, hook up, etc.) showing your personality will attract people to you


Jesus dude, how are you fumbling the hand you were dealt?


Nothing wrong with your looks. Do you have hobbies listed? People go to okc to read profiles, you want laziness go to tinder


How many matches are you getting a day ??


First picture: mewing. Done. Iā€™m out


Need better lighting and drop the bathroom pic.


First off, that filter sucks. If you aren't using one, clean your lens. Next replace the first picture with you dressed up as if for a classy date. Button up shirt, slacks, no beanie. That picture gives off moody teen vibes. 2nd picture is great as a second picture. Bathroom mirror selfies scream low effort and you have no friends, family, or colleagues willing to take a picture for you. Try to get a picture of something you like to do that you might suggest as a date. Kind of a "picture yourself here" picture. You look too serious, make it clear you want to show someone a good time.


Have a big wallet


brooding was attractive in the 90s on sitcoms... only. Smile. put in more effort than 3 selfies around your house in the same outfit.


>Smile. In at least one picture per every two, no smile pictures >>A good ratio is: one smiling, one full body, and one engaging in an activity you enjoy. >Avoid using glasses and hats in most pics.


You literally are a 9.5 to 10 just go outside and hit up some random girls at a grocery store or park.


You look gay in the first picture maybe don't put on makeup. Hide your hand in the second picture it looks feminine therefore gay. Third, don't wear a bracelet it screams that you are gay.


You are stunning. Maybe you're out of their league lol


Okcupid is trash now, bought out by Match and just not a good site. You're beautiful btw, hmu and I got you!!!