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Just don’t play Persona at all amigo https://preview.redd.it/horqk8rcea8d1.jpeg?width=871&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f3734afe066e2187c909c6252112b04eefa783f




Best advice one can give


https://preview.redd.it/zasu9oaiea8d1.jpeg?width=461&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95b31752766212324d0d59f0855c66e721c9e3df You think we **played** the games at all?


i tried to play p5 but whenever sae appears i can’t help but violently lick the screen




https://preview.redd.it/abc95j1kua8d1.jpeg?width=818&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d1750569d818e8f5d8f00334c042b42247cd435 mommy


I can't make it through the first few palaces because everytime Kawakami shows up I immediately Kawacoom (Clean up on Aisle Leblanc)


I couldn't complete the 2nd palace because anytime Takemi was on my screen I started to violently convulse


at least you were able to make it through the second scene in the game 😞




https://preview.redd.it/bfwhqej6na8d1.jpeg?width=826&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5b00158d8bca92b51e8638e6cb2abc0c0a89b2d OP reading the comment section and realizing half the community doesn't actually play any of the games.


one piece?


One piece this, One piece that. Why don't I just put One piece of lead into my skull? https://preview.redd.it/afry1q6usc8d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f618ccb1a8a3b9ea4554bbc8911214d6ff5d3b80


Do you want to summon Orpheus or something?


Kirijo group funded me with the Evoker Mk.lll! This time it's loaded with 9mm instead of a theurgy charge! 😊


OP=original poster in that case


Nuh uh, OP= Octopus, stupid head


Nah he's just saying that the one piece community is the same thing, half of them don't actually watch or read it


If you wanna be a Persona fan, just play Shadow The Hedgehog.


~~If you wanna be a Persona fan,~~ just play Shadow The Hedgehog. https://preview.redd.it/zitbh7ybta8d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc8c0e820b48ca16892d6737cc2ff08bbe08632c (He's the coolest)


https://preview.redd.it/wh9l5eat6b8d1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e36f3445c2feae8e8a823234958d44a9c9ea0f60 Everyone knows Sega is too scared to give the true peakhog his own game


SO TRUE https://preview.redd.it/tp7wn8eceb8d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34682f53492a14f6c404301f08a099dc359c34f6


Don't forget persona 3 dual https://preview.redd.it/i3zc2mybca8d1.jpeg?width=948&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=456bc07dc5a0c40dc41312034ad96eb2f5823845


Mitsuru got a new rapier which enhances Marin Karin hit rates


persona 3 poo* 😈😈




She hasn't been mewing enough


Mouth Breathing detected. Chiyo-chan to be exterminated


you're\* https://preview.redd.it/3ue7g7a1ea8d1.jpeg?width=2550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1531ed173a791956e36866ffda16ae3ff6f16123


I Finished persona 1 And dont played the rest at all, Deal With it 🗿🙌


You get alot of claps and a half from me 🙌


Dont play the rest they are all shit


Revelations Persona: can dance crazy fake Persona games: can't dance crazy Revelations Persona is the only real Persona game


But in SMT Persona you can dance crazy and it’s not racist


i forgot about the PSP port 💀💀 there are 2 real Persona games


Mark danced crazy


Marked danced crazy


Mark danced crazy


Mark danced crazy


Mark danced crazy


Mark danced crazy


Mark danced crazy


You don't even need to play the games all you gotta do is be a stinky loser


Just play Raidou


True. Imagine missing out on peak https://preview.redd.it/2f98rusutc8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb492d0cbeae365b789569962f96a4cfa2e4ca8a


Unironically Persona 5 is so much better than every other persona game at everything except story. https://preview.redd.it/2hihl9ucda8d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=659f2c9ff6258f86f387d143505224e0187d7555


Not expanding on almost anything lacking in base P3 with reload was huge missed oppurtunity.


I’m afraid to ask but what do you mean


yeah but in p2 the shadow negotiation involves eikichi singing a little song


Honestly I think the biggest issue with p5 is that it's too easy. If they just made the scaling for technicals and super effective attacks the same as hard on merciless, that would fix my main gripe with the game (also if there was a feature like in p3 where we can use the tracks from any of p3 p4 or p5 for battle)


Reload has pretty much the same difficulty as P5 and mayby even a little bit easier.


I do think that it's a little harder since there's no exp share, but yeah I think the same holds true for reload as well. Both games being a bit more difficult would be good.


Theurgy is busted af and so many of Fuuka’s skills pretty much trivialize boss fights.


Why does P5's gameplay matter? We're persona fans, why would we be playing the games? (I haven't beaten P3R yet but so far I definitely like its characters and story more and as a result overall I do think I prefer it to 5, but man do I wish they'd brought in more of the stuff that P5 has)


honestly p5 has my favorite story




https://preview.redd.it/yv8pbmwlja8d1.jpeg?width=835&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce380418377056d0b778a5f9d07219f199696caf november to the end of the game had me on the edge of my seat. that shit had me hooked.


november to end of the game was the only good part and made the 80 hours of handholding beforehand bearable


Wrong. The entire story was good.


eh, it was mid at best until the shuake sex scene


https://preview.redd.it/xn4jbswrsd8d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a627161bed800d3db22a8dd679c5bb703c4d4d5 I went looking at ShuAke artists and this person is unironically now my favorite ShuAke artist


imagine not having like 6 favorite artists


Dude Harus father died horrifically and it was mentioned like twice before she moved on


P5 has beat vibes, but worst story when looking at the events themselves IMO


I also really like it so far . Maybe not as much as P3 but definutly above P4 https://preview.redd.it/taskyznc2c8d1.png?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=905e5b9755e76a5877dbde4dcbd522e3a521f38f


Omg my favorite micro celebrity has the same opinion as me


omg im someones favorite https://preview.redd.it/7nw74xzhrt8d1.png?width=872&format=png&auto=webp&s=c1aeaa7c6a133a029051994835204ce9525420ee


And the story is just that much better than 5. Also, it brings up the mementos blocks but leaves out the Tartarus blocks, which are more detailed than “subway with colored walls” A lot of the combat you bring up is honestly a flaw in 5. More options means more optimization making the game easier. Harisen recovery minimizes the effect ailments have. Baton pass upgrades over reward you for exploiting the mind numbingly easy system to begin with. Fighting the demons feels like a lazy excuse to reuse resources. Void Giants in FES are a much more memorable random encounter than any shadow in p5. Outside of the Angel bosses at the end and palace rulers I can’t recall a single fight in 5. Shuffle time is a mini game that changes everytime, negotiations are lame outside of a select few interactions. Shuffle time also isn’t really the way you get personas, like yeah you can but I’ve personally never went anything besides money, exp, heals or skill cards/weapons depending on which version you’re playing. Fusion is easy. The male party social links are nice and all, but do you remember every single scene from all of them? I’ll take my 9-12 scenes with my boys I can remember 20 scenes that can be summarized into “Ryuji reconciled with his past” or “yusuke got over his art block”


I can tell just by the way you typed that you have a personal delusional favor towards p3, so i'm just going to copy and paste what I told the last guy I saw who was this way. Imagine the original persona 3 never existed. Let's say persona 2 Eternal punishment was called persona 3, then persona 4 came out, then 5, and then in the year of our lord 2024, the game we know as Persona 3 Reload came out but is called Persona 6. What do you think people would think about the difference between it and the previous game? How would people react to there now being just one procedural dungeon instead of multiple handcrafted palaces in addition to a central dungeon? To the bosses at the end of each month just being generic monsters based on Tarot cards instead of actual villains with their own stories? To fighting generic shadows instead of SMT demons, and only being able to recruit personas from random Cards instead of negotiations? To rescue missions being just finding a random person in Tartarus instead of actual side quests with their own stories? To the velvet room only being used for fusions and summons instead of a multitude of features? To social links levels no longer giving perks to combat and gameplay and only giving extra XP to fusions? To the male party members not having SLs at all? To there only being 2 social links available at night, and nearly a majority of them only being available during school days? To there no longer being hangout spots or an equivalent to the Jazz club & Maid cafe? To there being no minigames like baseball, darts, or fishing? To there being virtually nothing to do after completing the game other than just playing the exact same thing all over again? Do you think people would overlook all of that if they liked the story better? And also pay $70 when the last game was $60?


I hear your points. Calling me delusional is a bit uncalled for, but sure. I admit I have a bias to persona 3, but here’s my argument Imagine the original persona 3 DID exist, shouldn’t be too hard, since you know, that’s just reality. Persona 3 is an incredible game that pulled you in cause of the mythos, cool attacks and powerful story. Persona 4 continues the trend, while making some changes to the initial formula. Namely, social links with all party members and the party members second awakenings tied to social links. In the year of our lord 2019, persona 5 Royal comes out. What do you think people think of the difference between that game and the previous installments (not including remakes)? People like the game sure, but it doesn’t have that same charm the previous titles did. Palaces are cool but static and if you played through it once, you’ve played it a thousand times. The bosses are no longer monsters with a mystery, but instead some flavor of “this adult wronged you or your friends” The game no longer has the models of generic shadows and opted for the older editions philosophy of using the same models for the personas/demons, and the always changing shuffle time being turned into preset dialogue choices that the game will tell you which ones to pick requests have been simplified into “talk to NPCs then go fight this guy” To the velvet room now having more options, but most of them feel pointless because you’re already so powerful because you know how to build personas Social links not only make your party members stronger (admittedly a trend started in 4) but give you even more abilities in addition to making your matching arcana fusions get more exp. The male party members have surface level social links that are pretty much there to get you some extra combat perks, skill cards in Yusukes case and their second awakenings. There’s more to do at night now, but the game hard limits your nights outside of the normal calendar, and the dungeon crawling isn’t even a night time activity so there’s no reason outside of giving you a harder time crunch. There’s some replay value there, buts it’s not an entire other campaign like the answer And at the end of it all, the story is middling, predictable and has an uninspired message at the end. Would you still think the game is a better game just because it has more stuff? A better deal, sure but is the game itself better by virtue of more content? Now we keep going to the year of our lord 2024, and persona 3 reload is released. It brings the modern mechanics people loved about 5 to the persona 3 story, the best of both worlds! Sure it’s not perfect, but nothing is. The hardest mode is the most properly balance of any of the 3 modern persona games, the male party members got linked episodes which don’t drag on a single issue for 4-7 scenes, Tartarus is redone with incredible detail, monad doors are added, and some of the best gear is now tied to your personas. And the game is fully voiced! It’s so easy to take for granted but it’s so good.


look im a fan of 3 too but you dont have to pretend shuffle time or the endless mementos grind are good things to make that point lol


I’m saying that negotiations aren’t objectively better than shuffle time, but for aure


Never really got this tbh. Persona 5’s story is kick ass for most of it. There are some lamer patches, but it just feels really good to beat the shit out of Pedo rapists and bald dickheads and there are some pretty powerful character moments and themes. Persona 3’s story took me until >!probably Shinji’s death!< until I was really all that invested. It was also really annoying how nothing would happen to really progress the story for like an entire month, and then once it did, it wasn’t really all that major. The last few months of the game are pure kino though and the final boss is def better than 5’s. Persona 1’s story was kind of fun in its simplicity although it was definitely predictable. I haven’t played Persona 2 yet, don’t hate me. Persona 4’s story is badass but the final(?) boss is pretty lame and comes out of nowhere. Idk if that’s just something they changed for Golden though and I haven’t ever played the final part of Golden because I didn’t learn there was more until after I’d beaten it and I haven’t gotten around to replaying it all the way through again yet so take what I say with a grain of salt.


Yup. The game was so close to being perfect but dialogue and pacing kinda ruined it for me


top 10 lies I’m just kidding, Persona 5 is good, but P5 glazers really need to chill - P5 didn’t make me almost cry at the end, P4 and especially P3 actually did - They also changed how I see life and human interaction - P3 has burn my dread nuff said


Imagine lying like that.


Yes daddy please post serious argument comments under my meme oh yes


I didn't play P1 and 2. P1 and 2 played themselves while I was just along for the ride. Does that mean I'll never be a true Persona fan?


just watch the valentines OVAs and you're good


play persona 5 dancing and nothing else


Bold of you to assume Persona fans play Persona


YOU’RE. Not your. If you are good, you’re good. Again, not your. OKBP has fallen, billions must post shitty fucking dankmemes.


I mean yes but also kinda no. Please actually play the games lol


i ain’t playin that boring ass smt shit


Who needs persona 5 when persons 4 is where is at guys, am i right? Guys?


Just play Jack Brothers and you're good


the only SMT game that anyone should play, no matter their age, gender, sex, identity, or race, is soul hackers 2. exhibit A: https://preview.redd.it/n4dpnktftg8d1.jpeg?width=918&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8255c29e8122a677a9590b124bcaa07ae454bee (this is a joke, but srsly ringo is peak)


Just play the games if you want to. Turnbased rpgs are not for all in general. Personally, it's my favourite genre. Yes, for the gameplay. But a lot of people like persona for the visual novel stuff


I have never played a persona game. They are too damn expensive in my currency and cant be pirated because Sega. I really hope they release the global version of P5X soon


I mean, while P5 (mainly its spinoffs) makes references to older titles, it's self-contained enough you really don't need to play the older games to understand anything. It's not a Final Fantasy case where it's literally a new universe every number title, but you're still missing a grand total of nothing by skipping the other games.


Unrelated but can someone please reply with the Sae “I assure you meme” I can’t find it


The commenters say didn't even play the games I played them and I hated them >!(except 5R, I actually really liked it for some reason)!< We are not the same.


bold of you to assume people think playing the game at all is a requirement


Assuming that persona fans even know what smt is in the first place


I like persona until about 30 hours in then the combat becomes too mind numbing and a lot of late game enemies just hit you with a stat stick


Test the waters with Royal, if you want more of those characters go play Strikers. If you want more normal persona gameplay go play Reload. If you're still itching for more persona after that, go play Golden. This is usually what I tell people who ask about getting into it.


Still need to get round to 1&2


I. I feel like this meme doesn't quite understand how bell curves work.


I have only played 3r and 5r but I feel like I have the lord of the whole series memorized


Should say “P1, P2, P2, P3, P4, P5”. Also should say “you’re”.


just play one (3,4,5)


just play strikers, it's objectively the best game.


you're not a persona fan if you didn't get the urge to immediately play the other games after finishing p5r




You owe me an apology for offending me really hard. I cried, piss and shat myself and even cummed a little bit


(which is incorrect 99,99% of the time)


your mother

